Search results for "holy":

37. hagiazo hag-ee-ad'-zo from 40; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate; (mentally) to venerate:--hallow, be holy, sanctify.

39. hagion hag'-ee-on neuter of 40; a sacred thing (i.e. spot):--holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary.
40. hagios hag'-ee-os from hagos (an awful thing) (compare 53, 2282); sacred (physically, pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonially, consecrated):--(most) holy (one, thing), saint.
1124. graphe graf-ay' a document, i.e. holy Writ (or its contents or a statement in it):--scripture.
1342. dikaios dik'-ah-yos from 1349; equitable (in character or act); by implication, innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively):--just, meet, right(-eous).
2404. Hierapolis hee-er-ap'-ol-is from 2413 and 4172; holy city; Hierapolis, a place in Asia Minor:--Hierapolis.
2413. hieros hee-er-os' of uncertain affinity; sacred:--holy.
2665. katapetasma kat-ap-et'-as-mah from a compound of 2596 and a congener of 4072; something spread thoroughly, i.e. (specially) the door screen (to the Most Holy Place) in the Jewish Temple:--vail.
3741. hosios hos'-ee-os of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342, which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413, which denotes formal consecration; and from 40, which relates to purity from defilement), i.e. hallowed (pious, sacred, sure):--holy, mercy, shalt be. 342
4151. pneuma pnyoo'-mah from 4154; a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit:--ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. Compare 5590.
5545. chrisma khris'-mah from 5548; an unguent or smearing, i.e. (figuratively) the special endowment ("chrism") of the Holy Spirit:--anointing, unction.