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Author Topic:   THE STAR OF DAVID

Posts: 25

posted 08-23-1998 02:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MOUNTAINS   Click Here to Email MOUNTAINS     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

As mentioned in a follow up post, the Star of David that Flies over Israel has it's roots in Satanism and witchcraft dating back to the Babylonian Empire of Hammarubi and Nimrod.

However, history has attempted to record the Star as being the shield that David had when he slew Goliath.

My research contradicts this. The "STAR" or hexagram is one of the most powerful symbols in "WITCHCRAFT" when practicing WARLOCKRY. When Witches gathered to cast spells or conjure up demons, they gathered by the number 13 only. That number which is the most powerful number in witchcraft, would then stand together in the middle of a Pentagon "the five pointed star" often resembling a goats head. They would then call on familar spirits and demons would appear in the center of the HEXAGRAM the six pointed star,"So Called Star Of David" and do the bidding of their requests.

The STAR appears to be a symbol of Satanism and nothing else. Look at these items as well on the US dollar:

13 Leaves
13 Berries
13 Stripes
13 Stars
13 Arrows

When 12 STARS are connected you get the Hexagram "The So Called Star Of David". In addition, the 13th STAR left out is suppose to symbolize SATAN who sits in the MIDDLE of the HEXAGRAM.

The HEXAGRAM is the most powerful symbol in "Witchcraft" according to "THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MAGAZINE" July 1982 p. 45.

The all seeing eye is a WITCHCRAFT INSIGNIA which was found amongst the ancient MASONS.

The Eagle formerly known as the Phoenix has its identity attached to the ancients, such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, etc. Now steming from Rome to The Great AMERICA, home of the Brave and the FREE.


It appears that the AMERICAN dollar has a lot of SATANIC roots, and the developers and Founding Fathers are even more interesting. I was surprise to see how many of our GREAT country's Fathers where into witchcraft and SATANIC worship, but called themselves CHRISTIANS amongst other things. Topic for another day.

It is Satan who is the KING of this system and it is he who has established these goverments. The United states is marked with Satans Name and So are other Countries.

I am not for sure, but I really do believe, that Amos 5:26-27 spoke of the HEXAGRAM that flies in Israel. I mean why not? As of right now SATAN is ruler of this system, did he not tell Yahshua that he would give him ALL the kingdoms of the EARTH for one act of worship.

If anyone has more information to substanuate this or rebutt it, please do so. For we provide this information for our knowldge, wisdom, and understanding.


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Posts: 789

posted 08-25-1998 10:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lou   Click Here to Email Lou     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I received an email inquiring about the "star of David" on the Great Seal of the United States. This is the seal engraved in the one dollar bill note that you carry in your pocketbook. MOUNTAINS is touching on this subject, however, I'd like to be a little bit more redundant in order to make the point.

The "star of David" is in the 13 stars over the head of the eagle seen on the reverse side of the one dollar bill. If you draw a straight line uniting all the rows having 4 stars in the same row (there are 6 such rows) you will see clearly the "star of David."


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Registered: Aug 98

posted 08-26-1998 07:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frank75   Click Here to Email frank75     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
The Star of David is the flower of the pommegranite. If you look down on the pommegranite you will see the star. Many cultures used the pommegranite flower as a symbol of authority. Only Yisrael used the six-pointed star. Others used seven, nine and so forth. The US unfortunately uses the five pointed star. The star of hasatan us upside down and not right side up. There is no witchcraft or satinism in this symbol.

Shalom, frank75

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Registered: Aug 98

posted 08-26-1998 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rachel   Click Here to Email Rachel     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Mountains is right. Occult organizations have used two triangles when a novice, one pointed up and the other down. The are placed over each other resulting in the "star of David" when a certain degree is reached. It is one of the most POWERFUL occult symbols there is.

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Posts: 25

posted 08-26-1998 10:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MOUNTAINS   Click Here to Email MOUNTAINS     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Shalom All,

The fruit theory is truly interesting, one that I have never seen or heard of before.

Tell me, IF this star is pure, why is it embodied in SATANIC rituals and demonic numerals #13 and Lucerferic symbols.

The number 13 is associated with WITCHES and WARLOCKS. The PHOENIX is associated with SATAN from ancient Babylon. The all seeing eye is another SATANIC symbol associated with the Masons of antiquity steaming from the Egyptian empire.

In addition to all of this, WHY would our founding Fathers {SPIT} place an EDOMITE symbol on the back of their currency?

What association did our founding Fathers have with EDOM in 1776 that would motivate them to place this star on their bill SECRETIVELY?

Loets look at our so called founding Fathers who had a hand in it's design:

Benjamin Franklin
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Francis Hopkinson
Charles Thomson
William Barton

These people where "SO CALLED MASONS OF THE OLD ORDER" or "ROSICRUCIANS" who where practioners of the ESOTERIC SCIENCES {THE OCCULT}. So, it is not terribly difficult to see WHY these SATANIC symbols are on the back of SATAN'S dollar.

To add to all of this, believe it or not, the FEDERAL RESERVE itself, is comprised of 12 member banks and one Federal Reserve Board making 13 in all.

As mentioned earlier, this is no coincidence that you have witch craft all over the dollar bill and a "HEXAGRAM" the two triangles that a conjured SPIRIT stands in on the back of the dollar.

More than 50 of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence practiced "ESOTERIC SCIENCES" and was apart of the "Rosicrucian" "OCCULTIST"

1). A member of an international organization, especially the ANCIENT MYSTIC ORDER ROSAE CRUIS and the ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, devoted to the study of ANCIENT MYSTICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, and RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES and concerned with the application of these
doctrines to modern life.

2). A member of any of SEVERAL SECRET ORGANIZATIONS or orders of the 17th and 18th centuries concerned with the study of RELIGIOUS MYSTICISM and PROFESSING ESOTERIC RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

1). Mystic, transcendentalist, supernaturalist, ESOTERIC, cabbalist, reincarnationist, theosophist, yogi, spiritualist, believer in spiritualism, alchemist, sorcerer, astrologer, fortune-teller, spaewife or man, crystal-gazer, palmist, diviner, ROSICRUCIAN.

Look at Lev: 19:31, Deut: 18: 9-14 1Tim: 4:1-2 and the rewards found in Exodus: 22:18 and Rev: 21:8.

Believe it or not but AMERICA'S fathers where prationers of WARLOCKERY and WITCHCRAFT, and they left the most powerful sign of WitchCraft and SATANISM to prove it. The "HEXAGRAM" the SIX POINTED STAR that DEMONS are CONJURED IN the so called "STAR of DAVID"


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Eben Abram

Posts: 27
Registered: Aug 98

posted 08-31-1998 02:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eben Abram   Click Here to Email Eben Abram     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Shalom alecheim

A Module in scientific anlysis is that which we say we have a Premise and create a Module to fit.

If there is Fact that disavows a line of the reasoning in the module, the construct falls apart.

Computers operate much in the same way. Extra facts are n't extra the Computer won't function with that code, or if one is deleted.

Lets call it a Puzzle with pieces missing or an extra Piece.

I want to introduce to you a Interesting missing piece in your logic.

The premise is David caught a falling star and put it in his pocket and saved it for a rainy day......

Ok, but to call the magen of david the shield of ha shem is ahhhh interesting.

Missing piece: The Mogen interlocks amd overlaps.

Now I see manuy of you don't study ancient civilizations enough or assume all external sources from your ideas are suspect.

The Poster who listed Pomegranettes only whettted your appetitie, apparently A study of Tabernacle should be called for and you should try this one on for a Concept to Know.

Why Were the "acceptable images" spoken by G-d to create on Mishkan?

Those two are more deptual that you might assume, and if you use altavista web search and a gopher, you might surprise yourself How Much Really is Known and posiibly find Arcahelogical evidences and even "Photos" lol.

Go slow on Jumpin on the devil in every corner Scam, certain imagery in America is as Rome which Infused cultures, and incoporated a "melting pot" or Assimialtion factor.

Sadly, the mindsets show that Assimilation when it wants to find rather than researches to find accuracy.

Alecheim Shalom

Eben Abram

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Posts: 729

posted 08-31-1998 06:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for uriah7   Click Here to Email uriah7     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
If this star has been with Israel since earliest times, it is because they brought it with them out of Ur of Chaldees, remember Rachel and Leah stole Labans Idols, so not all Israel is of a pure heart, or all that wise.

And speaking of the Mishkan, where did Yahuh instruct Moshe to design a six pointed star? (In the written Torah only)

By the law and the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isaiah 8:19

Ba shem ha Yahshua,

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Eben Abram

Posts: 27
Registered: Aug 98

posted 08-31-1998 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eben Abram   Click Here to Email Eben Abram     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Shalom alecheim

Where di he say to draw What?

A magen is interlaced

Where did he say to draw Angels? Warning, your answer woll show who in his heart had the pattern and the design and might be uncomfortable for established ideas about Stars.

Ps. Why no references to all the Literature on the Net Showing the actual Caananite symbols G-ds, stars etc, as well as babylonian.

Let the reader be aware, the pictures, accurate arcahealogical evidences are on the web.

Needless to say, preaching is preaching when it has no facts to back it up.

Go do a search on Baal, caaninite, early eastern religions, Stars, mogen, and stick with facts.

The difference is one says a reference the other lists it.

Anyone care to call me on the carpet or are facts neglected here?

Readership should recognize you weigh facts of your faith against what messiah said, and do not "take on faith" waht is always written as persoanl ideas here.

Messiah said:
He entrusted Himself to no man for he knew what was in the heart of man.

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Posts: 21
Registered: Sep 98

posted 09-02-1998 03:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zealot   Click Here to Email Zealot     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Hello to all,
I am new to this forum, and this is my first post "Reply".
And to start I would like to say, my reading of all the posts in this forum has been both educational and enjoyable.
All the posts I have read so far have been written by both educated and respectable people.
I agree with alot of what is being said.
But I also disagree.
As for the post at hand, all the readings are great and highly informative, but I think the big picture is being missed.
All this talk about signs and symbols has got me thinking.
It realy doesn't matter what symbol there is or why it is in a certain place.
The reason I say this is, in Lev:26:1.
and that is final.
Any sign, synbol, idol, or image is forbidden by YAH, (G-D).
So in my eyes and my understanding of scripture I beleive that any and all symbols belong to Satan.
That includes the dollar bill, and the pyramid.
If you or the people of your nation or congragation want to make the LORD YAH happy with you, than keep a good distance between you and any form of idol, symbol, medal, or image.
As for the dollar bill, no matter how many you own none of them rightfully belong to you, YAHSHA said (Mathew:22:21)"Give it to Caesar if it is his, and give to YAH everything that belongs to YAH".
Caesar gives worth to what is his, and Caesar can take away the worth of such at any given moment.
One day the dollar will be worth nothing, and then the green idol worshiped by alot will be gone.
Thank you all for listening to my opinion.
and I welcome any responces, and hope for some.
May YAH be with you all during your times of trouble as well as your times of triump.

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Eben Abram

Posts: 27
Registered: Aug 98

posted 09-02-1998 03:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eben Abram   Click Here to Email Eben Abram     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Shalom alecheim

Heres your dilema folks:

You started with an assumption.

Then tried to build torah restrictions to fit the assumption.


First take the Torah.

No graven Images correct? or is there more there than meets the eye.

The Mishkan, Tabernacle is full of graven Images, declared Holy by G-d, whoppps, Did we forget something or is thier a contradiction?

No just hasty.

Read the passuk and you see the "graven images" to bow down and worship are expressily forbidden, but Folks if you do the Word correctly, youre all in violation because the hebrew would have your computer banned.

Now maybe you worship your Pc but I have a Mac and its fine to use but I have never bowed down to it or Bill gates, (Sorry little Mac Humor)

As to Magen Dovids vs stars, I will Post all the links I guess for you to go look up but why you don'y know I don't know with all the material on the Web.

Witchcraft and pagan Players not devotees aren't into more than a passing fancy of bored wiccuns because if you do your homework at all, or Know in fact the carnal arts vs supernal wisdom you would find two opposite Stars, One the Morning Star hw who rises with healin in his Wings(messiah) vs he who falls like the night on the day, the fallen Star, (the evil one)

Why get led astray?

Research is easy and opinionated around here sure makes it hard on people who do thier Homework, study and apply the facts.

Look it up. And well look up, You will see a star one day and it won't be satanic.

Alecheim Shalom
Eben Abram

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Posts: 21
Registered: Sep 98

posted 09-02-1998 04:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zealot   Click Here to Email Zealot     Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
Eban Abram,
I agree with you that the Mishkan Tabenacle is full of symbols and such, but I do beleive that they where only to remind us of surtain things. Not unlike the wholy bible does.
but I was refering to symbols and idols that one would worship and bow down to.
And that doesn't only mean idols of people.
The American flag for example, now noone bows down to it but if the govt. would have it their way we all would.
But we do salute it.
Isn't saluting something just about the same as bowing down to it?
I also do not see my PC as a problem.
Bowing to a PC is obserd, it would be like bowing down to the farmers plow.
the PC is a tool only, a tool used for communication like the telephone.
If your going to bow to Mr. Gates, well you might just as well bow to Mr. Bell.
Don't get me wrong some symbols are fine, if they are used to remind one of something important, but not fine if they are used to represent something/somone important.
Would it not be wrong to try to paint an image of the LORD, and worship it?
than it is wrong to make a symbol that represents a beleif in that same LORD.
I realise that this is a touchy situation, but I guess that is why we all come here, to post our oppinions and to concider others.
May YAH keep you safe and holy.

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