What the Scriptures REALLY Teach about Health

We’ve all heard from the Doctors, Nutritionists and Herbalists. But what does the Creator of our bodies say about health?

I never charge for teachings, so I will send the DVD set for FREE to anyone who asks.

It’s long overdue.

As a culture we have been inundated with information on health. News outlets have entire sections dedicated to it. Entire magazines are devoted to it. Trillions of dollars are spent on it every year. No one wants to get sick and die.

But the very Author of life has a message on health for us. In one sense, the entire bible is actually a message on health. It may not be a popular message and it may be uncomfortable for us to hear it, but it’s true… and it’s the most important message in the world.

Journey with me into the scriptures and discover that science is just now learning what scripture has been declaring for thousands of years!

Order the 6 DVD set, “What the Scriptures Really Teach About Health”

Click the button below to order the 6 DVD set: All 12 teachings on “What the Scriptures REALLY Teach about Health”.

I never charge for teachings, so I will send them for FREE to anyone who asks. If you are able to afford the $10, a donation would be appreciated, or donate extra if you want to help someone else who is unable to afford it.

(These DVD’s cost the ministry $6 per case, plus $4 shipping/packaging.)

If you can, please use this button to donate:

(You will still need to use the online request form)

You can also mail in a donation and/or request at:

EliYah.com DVD Request
P.O. Box 1255
Ava, MO 65608

Or, use the online request form to receive the DVD’s at no cost to you.