This study answers these questions and more:
Did the first century believers have any issues with brotherly love?
What does it mean to “entertain strangers?”
How important is it that we ...
This study answers these questions and more:
What does it mean for the Messiah to become “surety for a better covenant?”
Why is the new covenant called a “better covenant?”
Why does ...
This study answers these questions and more:
What does the book of Hebrews teach us about repentance and faith in the grace of Elohim?
Who are the ones who cannot be “renewed again unto repen... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Was Yahushua an apostle?
What does it mean to “exhort?”
Why is it so important for us to be willing to exhort one another?
What does it me...
This study answers these questions and more:
What is the background and historical context of the book of Philemon?
What do we have to learn from the book of Philemon, which only has one chapte... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Did ancient Gentile cultures have issues with substance abuse?
What does scripture say about how young men should conduct themselves in such a corru... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Who is Titus and what is the historical background of the book of Titus?
What is meant by “to the pure all things are pure, but to those who are ... Read More...
Why did Yahushua say that only few find the way to eternal life? We examine the true depth and meaning of "You shall have no elohim before me." One of the most important studies on this site!... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
What can we learn from Paul’s personal commands and admonitions to Timothy?
What are some characteristics of people living in the last days?
This study addresses the following questions:
What is the historical context of 2nd Timothy?
How can we know that Paul was imprisoned twice?
How is it a form of persecution for a believer to... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
What is the Biblical definition of “doctrine?”
What does it mean to “rebuke an older man” and why is it forbidden?
What does it mean to ...
This study addresses the following questions:
What exactly is a bishop?
Is the idea of appointing bishops a just a “New Testament” concept?
Does the “husband of one wife” requirement...
This study addresses the following questions:
What are two reasons why Paul, a former murderer of Yahushua’s disciples, given mercy?
Can someone be “too far gone” to be saved?
What sho...
This study addresses the following questions:
What does it take to “make disciples” of all nations?
What is the purpose of the law?
What does it mean to have “A pure heart, a good cons... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Will the wicked be destroyed or will they be tormented forever and ever?
Is the one “sitting in the temple of Elohim, showing himself he is Elohi... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
1. What is the biblical and historical context of the Thessalonians?2. What is an effective counter-measure to false accusations?3. What can we learn f... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
What should we remember when we tell our children to honor and obey their parents?
What specific kinds of actions specifically “provoke your chil... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Does “submit to one another” mean a husband should always submit to his wife?
Should a woman submit to her husband if he tells her to disobey t... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
What kind of actions “grieve the Holy Spirit?”
Is it a sin to make an obscene gesture?
Is it a sin to use “cuss words” (profanity)?
This study addresses the following questions:
How can we prove that Galatians clearly supports observing Yahweh’s law?
Are modern pharmaceuticals/drugs really called “sorcery” in the Bibl... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Why did Paul suffer so much in his ministry?
Was there a third letter from Paul to the Corinthians, and if so when was it written?
What should a...
This study addresses the following questions:
Why does the KJV in 1st Corinthians 13 say that love “thinketh no evil” when the Bible itself contains stories of people doing evil?
If love ...
This study addresses the following questions:
How can we know “those who are approved” among us?
How can a person be charitable, give His life for the faith and yet still not have love?
This study addresses the following questions:
Why is it important for us to surround ourselves with people whose Yahushua-like example will challenge us spiritually?
Why did Paul praise the Cor...
This study addresses the following questions:
When Scripture says, “no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man,” is it talking only about temptations to sin, or could it a... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
What is the danger of receiving knowledge of the truth?
Can a person have perfect understanding of truth, yet not have salvation?
Why does it se...
This study addresses the following questions:
Is divorce ever permissible?
Are there differences between the Old Testament and New Testament teachings on Divorce and Remarriage?
What should ...
This study addresses the following questions:
What is the meaning of “extortioner” and what do other Scriptures say about it?
If we are in sales, what kind of sales practices would the Fath... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
1st Corinthians 5:11 says not to keep company with “a reviler.” What does this actually mean?
What are some Hebraic definitions of verbal abuse...
This study addresses the following questions:
How can we know that Yahushua is qualified to give us new commandments?
Sadly, there are some people claiming the torah never forbids fornication. ... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
In 1st Corinthians 3, what does it mean to “take heed” how one builds on someone’s foundation?
If one builds on a foundation with temporary t... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Did the Messiah really die on a “cross?”
If He did die on a “cross,” is it appropriate for us to use crosses as jewelry, icons for our fait... Read More...
Shared during the last Day of Unleavened Bread in 2023, we discuss the dangers in our media-driven culture, the negative impact it can have on our spiritual walk, and how/where to set boundaries when ... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
How can we “note those who cause divisions and offenses?”
If we “note those who cause divisions and offenses” are we being judgmental?
There are many things in the world today that one could fear. But there is only one fear that will lead you to the true Unleavened Bread of Yahweh's word. Learn more by watching this video, shared dur... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
We know that should not cause weak believers to stumble, but what should we be doing instead?
What did Yahushua do that demonstrated our need to do... Read More...
This study addresses the following questions:
Why was polygamy ever permitted at all?
Does the Torah teach against a man taking a second wife against the will of his first wife?
Does the Bib...
This study addresses the following questions:
With all the talk in Scripture of darkness vs. light, how can one be sure what darkness and light actually are?
What does it mean to be “drunk”...
This study answers these questions and more:
Why is it so important that we show love instead of “evil for evil?”
What’s the difference between loving and/or blessing those who hate us an... Read More...
This Passover season, take a journey with us and explore the spiritual lessons and meaning of the Feast Dates and Exodus of Israel from Egypt. Passover is a time of reflection and hope; it is an oppor... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
What does it mean to be “diligent” and “fervent in spirit?”
Can we find specific examples of men in the Bible who are said to possess these ... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Why is it so important that we recognize and appreciate those who have different gifts than we have rather than seeing ourselves as superior?
What a...
This study answers these questions and more:
Why is it important that we don’t withdraw from the world every time they do things that we find offensive?
How can we increase and build up our f... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Why did so many Gentiles receive the Messiah, but so many Jewish people didn’t?
What does it mean when it says the Messiah is the “end of the la... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Do we really have free will or does Yahweh simply harden our hearts if He doesn’t want us to be a believer?
Is it prideful to believe that we can ... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Are our lives already predestined to the point that we really don’t have any free will to choose life?
Once a person’s name is written in heaven...
This study answers these questions and more:
What is the biggest enemy to faith?
What is a normal fear vs. an unclean spirit of fear and what can we do if we aren’t sure?
What is one commo...
This study answers these questions and more:
Is obedience necessary for us to enter into a new covenant relationship with Yahweh?
Did the law produce “evil desire?”
Why did the Torah, wh...
This study answers these questions and more:
How can we know that there is no sin that is too hard for us to overpower, and that we are not enslaved to any sinful addiction?
If we have enough...
This study answers these questions and more:
What does it really mean to be “under the law?”
Have those who strive to observe the law “fallen from grace?”
If we are not under the law...
This study answers these questions and more:
Where in Scripture can we easily prove that Yahweh’s law given through Moses always demonstrated our Heavenly Father’s will for both Jews and Genti... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Where is the first mention of verbal abuse in Scripture, and what did Yahweh do about it?
Why is it so spiritually dangerous for men to only compare... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
There are 24 potential attributes of those who are given over to a “debased mind.” What does the final attribute tell us about such a person’s co... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
What is one of the greatest character flaws that can hinder a person from sharing their faith?
What is the one great tool the enemy uses to try and ... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
What is an “identity statement” and how important is it that we use them when referring to ourselves and to others?
What does it mean to be an a...
This study answers these questions and more:
Did they have lawyers to present legal cases in the first century?
Was Paul the ringleader of a sect?
What was about Felix’s lifestyle that cau...
This study answers these questions and more:
Did they have lawyers to present legal cases in the first century?
Was Paul the ringleader of a sect?
What was about Felix’s lifestyle that cau...
This study answers these questions and more:
If Paul was told through the Spirit not to go to Jerusalem, why did he go anyway?
What is one philosophy in relation to pain and suffering that some... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
What can we learn from Acts 19 in terms of there being a time to speak, and a time to refrain from speaking?
How was Paul, in spite of the fact that... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
When we are living in a very immoral city or country, does this reduce our opportunities for evangelism?
Did Paul always work to provide for himself...
This study answers these questions and more:
In what manner did Paul speak to the deep thinkers in Athens, Greece to convince them that Yahushua was the Messiah?
The philosophers called Paul a ...
This study answers these questions and more:
What can we learn about the disagreement that Paul and Barnabas had over taking Mark with them on their missionary journey in Acts 15?
How can Yahwe...
This study answers these questions and more:
1. What did the apostles do when sinister people “poisoned their minds against the brethren” and what should we do?2. Should there ever be a time th... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Why does the KJV contain the word “Easter” in Acts 12:4
How can we quickly refute the “KJV only” doctrine?
When we are given a vision fro...
This study answers these questions and more:
1. What did the early disciples call themselves and what does that teach us about how we should relate to the Father, and how we should treat each other... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
1. What is one very common choice people make that can totally quench the Holy Spirit from being active in their lives?2. Why were the disciples so happ... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
How did the early apostles invoke a holy fear of Yahweh in the multitude?
What does it mean to “break bread?” Is it really tied into the Christi... Read More...
This study answers these questions and more:
Do the commands of the Apostles hold the same weight as the commands of the Old Testament and of the Messiah?
Where did Paul get his doctrines if he...
Why did Yahushua say it was possible to be an ardent studier of the scripture, yet not have salvation in the end? Why are there so many denominations and different understandings of scripture today? H... Read More...
What does it really mean to be "born again? Many today take this to mean that we must have a conversion experience, but few have explored the true depth of our Savior's words.
Learn also what it tr...
What can we learn from the 10 lepers who were healed? Should we ever pray for Yahweh to bring vengeance to others? Is there such a thing as a prideful prayer? If so, what are some examples? Yahushua o... Read More...
We discover 3 additional commandments in the book of Mark related to sharing the gospel, the need for ministers to find respite at times, and the pursuit of righteousness instead of earthly things. We... Read More...
In Luke, Yahushua said, "he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one," but in Matthew He told Peter, "Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword." H... Read More...
If Messiah came in our lifetimes, what should we be doing when He comes? In this study, we examine 5 additional commandments of Messiah in this area. Commands 94 to 98.... Read More...
Many who observe the Torah are missing Yahushua's ministry in their lives. Yahweh's Spirit moved many hearts during this meeting at the 2018 Feast of Tabernacles, and it may be one of the most importa... Read More...
In this segment we address the true meaning of holiness as it relates to bodily uncleanness. Is it wrong to touch a woman if she is in her monthly cycle? Do these laws apply to believers today?... Read More...
Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement should actually be Yom Kippurim/Day of Atonements. Learn the important spiritual and practical applications of this observance which is very relevant today.... Read More...
Learn what Yahushua meant when He said, "Come to me all you who are…heavy laden. Take My yoke upon you." We learn Yahushua's leadership style and the dangers of men's traditions.... Read More...
Also known as "Rosh Hashanah" or "Yom Teruah" we examine the Hebrew Roots of "Teruah," and share a deep connection between this feast, the conquering of ancient Jericho, and the return of Yahushua.... Read More...
In this segment we examine Yahushua's commandments regarding how one ought to operate a ministry, the importance of loyalty, taking up our stake and following Him.... Read More...
Is it wrong to like our neighbor's house or car? Where do we draw the line? Learn what "covetousness" truly is and how that may affect our finances.... Read More...
Who are the dogs/swine we are not supposed to give pearls/holy things to? How can we tell who is bearing good/bad fruit? To whom will Yahushua say "Depart from Me?"... Read More...
Learn the connection between lying and stealing, what it really means to bear false witness, how false teachers steal and how one can actually steal from Yahweh.... Read More...
How can we "judge not, that you be not judged," yet still judge whether someone is bearing good fruit or bad fruit? Learn more in this informative examination into Matthew 7.... Read More...
Broadcasted LIVE from the Ava TrueView Family Theater, we will be examining the 5th commandment uttered from the voice of Yahweh at Mt. Sinai. What does it mean to honor our parents, and how do we app... Read More...
Broadcasted LIVE from the Ava TrueView Family Theater, we examined the 4th commandment uttered from the voice of Yahweh at Mt. Sinai, to remember the Sabbath day.... Read More...
We continue to examine the commandments of Yahushua, covering three major topics: A religious spirit without relationship, Anger and Lust.... Read More...
In this session we examine the 2nd commandment. Is it wrong to make any kind of graven image? How would the belief in macro Evolution be a violation of this commandment, along with allowing pagan-root... Read More...
Today begins a journey into the 'New Testament' scriptures where we explore all of the Savior's commandments and how to apply them to our lives. We cover the first three commandments: Repent, Rejoice ... Read More...
In this first class, we examine the name of the Father, and the very first of the Ten Commandments, seeking to walk just as the Messiah walked.... Read More...
Moshe's final words of admonition in Deuteronomy is largely a review of the Torah, but contains some new commandments as well. We examine each of these.... Read More...
Learn how to count to Pentecost in 2021, and discover the amazing spiritual meanings of this feast day and how it very much relates to us today.... Read More...
The Torah doesn't just teach us statutes. There is important information about the kind of relationship Yahweh wants with us. The narrative in Numbers 11 will enlighten us in this area.... Read More...
Is it "Yahushua?" Others say Yeshua, Yahusha, Yahshua or Yehoshua. We examine each of these in light of scripture and the Hebrew language.... Read More...
While I understand why many do call Him "Jesus," in this study I share some important reasons and scriptures as to why I refuse to do so.... Read More...
Most admit Easter has pagan roots, but does it really? And would it matter if it did? Also Learn where the Bible itself actually commemorates the Messiah's resurrection, but without the added traditio... Read More...
Do we need to only keep Passover in Jerusalem? Can children participate? Should we partake of Yahushua on the 14th or 15th of the 1st month? Should we do washing of feet as part of the Passover servic... Read More...
Learn about the amazing and powerful spiritual meanings of Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread, and how it very much relates to us today. Another Exodus is in our future!... Read More...
In this segment, we discuss how to put on the full armor of Yahweh, that we night be able to stand. Very important information as we draw near toward the final days!... Read More...
It's important that we realize we are all at war, and it's the most important battle in the world, the battle over our soul. To win the war, we must know the enemy and his devices. This video series t... Read More...
This video is long, but a number of people have reported getting healing after hearing this message. The truths and principles examined in this video are important for everyone to grasp, not just abus... Read More...
Very few people realize how spiritually dangerous it is to engage in verbally abusive strife. This message holds nothing back; prepare to be challenged.... Read More...
Scripture says Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. There is probably no other relationship where this is more true than in parents toward their children. Learn the danger of word curses and... Read More...
The first part of a multi-part series on resolving abuse. We examine the Hebrew and seek to discover what abuse truly is, and how Yahweh expects us to resolve it.... Read More...
Learn what the scriptures have to say about beards, tattoos and the need to keep our daughters from being dressed in ways that invite visual harlotry.... Read More...
Is it a sin to eat GMO foods? Is it considered "mixed seed" that is forbidden to be eaten? What about the firstfruits of fruit trees? When is the fifth year?... Read More...
Learn why an otherwise righteous person can be endangered by neglecting this area. How do we handle freeloaders? Are there really poor and needy people in the USA?... Read More...
There is so much that needs to be said on this topic. And there are so few who really do what scripture teaches in this area. it is time for a major paradigm shift, a change in our worldview. Prepare ... Read More...
First recorded before it was called Covid-19, we examine what the scriptures have to say about the virus and it still rings true today.... Read More...
The way we approach life is determined by our attitude. We examine the scriptures which show us the blessings of a good attitude, and the dangers of carrying a bad attitude.... Read More...
How do we really know the books in the Bible are inspired while apocryphal books like Maccabees, Enoch and Jasher were not? Watch full video where we examine these questions and more.... Read More...
Does the Bible contradict itself? We examine some of the common reasons why people believe it does, and show the error of their judgments.... Read More...
Is the bible or the Author of the bible immoral? Some claim Yahweh and the teachings of scripture should be rejected on moral grounds. We examine their claims.... Read More...
According to surveys, only 3 out of 10 global citizens believe that human beings were created by an Intelligent Designer, 4 out of 10 give credit to evolution, and the rest "don't know what to believe... Read More...
Fatherlessness is an epidemic in America, while the sick & elderly are locked in nursing home prisons. What can we do to help resolve these problems?... Read More...
Many today like to tell us that the Messiah came to share some radical new ideas along with a new law that replaced the old. We go through the Sermon on the Mount and see why the Messiah was simply sh... Read More...
Many seek after knowledge in the "information age," but who will seek wisdom? Scripture tells us that the law of Yahweh IS our wisdom and our understanding. And His wisdom is within everyone's reach.... Read More...
We are not saved by works, but unless we have a faith that works, we have a dead faith that will not result in salvation. This study is an examination of various scriptures on this topic.... Read More...
One of the most important messages on this web site. Identity is the central issue behind so much of what we do and how we think. An examination of what our identity needs to be, and why a lack of bib... Read More...
Which parts of the law did the Messiah fulfill? Discussion of why that is the wrong question to ask, and how it reflects of misunderstanding of Scripture. According to the New Testament scripture, we ... Read More...
There are some things that Yahweh dislikes, but other things that He calls "an abomination." What He calls an abomination is not usually what most bible-believers think are abominable in our world tod... Read More...
Can we really find a biblical standard of modesty in the bible? And does it really matter? Discussion of exactly where the line is drawn in scripture, along with the reason why modest dress is very im... Read More...
Many, after hearing what we have learned regarding the Hebraic roots of our faith may wonder, "How can it be that so many people are deceived?" The real question is, "How can it be that so many people... Read More...
What do the scriptures say about diet, exercise, nutrition and the use of herbal medicines? Should a believer go to a doctor? What about drugs and the pharmaceutical industry? Is the use of drugs "pha... Read More...
Learn how to be set free from guilt, and the diseases it brings with it, by a proper understanding of the good news of Yahushua. Learn some practical steps for overcoming self-bitterness and guilt, an... Read More...
Did you know that a failure to love yourself is a failure to love the one that Yahweh Himself loves? It can also lead to major health problems. Learn about your identity in Messiah, and why it is so i... Read More...
Continuing our examination of bitterness against others, we see how it can also impact our doctrines and beliefs. We also explore bitterness in the family setting, and finish with 7 practical steps to... Read More...
Did you know that holding bitterness and unforgiveness against others can actually be the root cause of CANCER? This teaching proves it to be true, both medically and scripturally.... Read More...
Continuing our examination of fear and anxiety, we look into what the scriptures say about a fear of rejection. Some practical steps are offered at the conclusion of the study to help defeat the spiri... Read More...
Learn how 3 areas of bitterness, along with fear and anxiety actually can, according to both science and scripture, produce disease in our body.... Read More...
Learn how depression can lead directly to disease, both biblically and medically. Yahweh has the perfect solution for us, if we will lift up our eyes and see. The teachings that follow this study can ... Read More...
Continuing from our previous segment, we examine how improper leadership can result in sickness and disease. We also touch on how fear and anxiety can result in digestive problems.... Read More...
In this segment we build from the foundation established in the previous study and examine instances in scripture where a specific sin resulted in a specific health problem. We also examine the questi... Read More...
We often hear what Doctors, Nutritionists, Scientists and Herbalists say. But what does Yahweh say about health? He created the human body, knows exactly why we have disease, and wants to heal many. A... Read More...
An often misunderstood subject, we examine what all of scripture (Old testament and New Testament) has to say about holiness. An examination reveals a consistent message from Genesis to Revelation, so... Read More...
Why don't I celebrate Halloween? Because I don't celebrate morbidity, death, fear, terror, destruction, demons, tricks/deception, or suicide. My Savior taught me to celebrate and focus on the things t... Read More...
Live from our Feast site in Steelville, Missouri: We examine the consistent spiritual meaning of thorns, all throughout scripture. Faith building exercise that demonstrates the divine inspiration of s... Read More...
We examine various actions that the scriptures describe as Traps, Pits and Snares. Among these are various addictions. Yahweh can deliver us!... Read More...
We examine the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day and learn from the scriptures how each of them should be observed.... Read More...
Partly because of an awful translation by the NIV, many Christians are led to believe that the law has been abolished. But a closer examination of the text not only reveals the opposite, but also proc... Read More...
A close examination of the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, how and when to observe it, its spiritual application, and what Yahweh is teaching us through it.... Read More...
Did you know that the sun is EXACTLY 400 times larger than the earth, yet also 400 times further away? Did you know that the oldest biblical text dates to as old as 700BC? We examine a number of thing... Read More...
When you read various scriptures that speak against something that you have done, do you hear condemnation… or conviction? IMPORTANT question!... Read More...
The Feast of Weeks (Shavuot/Pentecost) is the 2nd major festival of the year. Learn how to observe this feast, & how it relates to believers in Yahushua the Messiah. Explore amazing & eye-open... Read More...
Fornication, living together before marriage, uncleanness, lust, the importance of truth seeking, sorcery, and the meaning of "dogs" are explored. Serious words!... Read More...
Learn why the NT scriptures condemn verbal abuse, effeminate behavior, viewing pornography, contentiousness in wives, marijuana smoking, sodomy, and greediness in preachers. Those who practice these b... Read More...
Peter said that Paul's writings are "hard to understand." We go over some difficult scriptures in Romans 7 & 8 and demonstrate that while the law of Moses does not save us, all believers in Messia... Read More...
Yahushua's commandments are the same as the commandments in the law of Moses. Learn why the law of liberty is actually the law of Moses.... Read More...
The scriptures actually teach that sectarianism and denominationalism is, in, and of itself, a heresy. Recorded at a conference in Illinois. Very important topic!... Read More...
It is commonly believed that the Messiah came to teach us a "new law" to replace the old one. This study will prove that most of what He taught was straight out of the law of Moses.... Read More...
This foundational study represents an inarguable conclusion that the very definition is sin is violation of the Torah. Why then wouldn't we obey The Law (Torah)? Failing to do so is the definition of ... Read More...
This foundational study represents an inarguable conclusion that the very definition is sin is violation of the Torah. Why then wouldn't we obey The Law (Torah)? Failing to do so is the definition of ... Read More...
Some men, particularly those in the Messianic movement, believe we should cover our heads during prayer. This is the exact opposite of what the scriptures teach.... Read More...
Yahweh wants us to hate the sin. If we have an sinful addiction, we will have great difficulty overcoming it until we hate it. We go over the scriptures on this important topic.... Read More...
Scripture says that those who practice strife will not inherit the kingdom. It is a serious sin that must be addressed in marriages, and in the body of Messiah.... Read More...
It is commonly believed that the Messiah abolished the Torah. We go over a number of scriptures in the "New Testament" that show why we need both Torah and Messiah.... Read More...
It is commonly believed that the Messiah abolished the Torah. We go over a number of scriptures in the "Old Testament" that show why we need both Torah and Messiah.... Read More...
The way we approach life is determined by our attitude. We examine the scriptures which show us the blessings of a good attitude, and the dangers of carrying a bad attitude.... Read More...
Judgment begins at the household of Yahweh. But it must be righteous judgment and done in the way Yahushua instructs us. Few people actually practice this today.... Read More...
Few things have been more damaging to the body of Messiah than bitterness. Learn about the danger of making judgments based on bitterness.... Read More...
A review of the amazing spiritual meanings of this blessed observance. A more thorough examination is found in last years studies on this topic (See 2/23 - 3/16/2013).... Read More...
An Introduction to the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread for beginners. A more thorough examination is found in last year's studies on this topic (See 2/23 - 3/16/2013).... Read More...
We live in a world that does not make a distinction between the clean and the unclean. Learn about some shocking areas where unclean things are found, and how we can find clean things in an unclean wo... Read More...
In relation to the book of Hebrews, who is the "prince" of various Ezekiel passages and how will the Messiah fulfill them in the age to come?... Read More...
What are the promises of the New Covenant? We examine various scriptures in Messianic prophecy that speak of the new covenant, and conclude that New Covenant believers are clearly expected to be Torah... Read More...
Does the Book of Hebrews teach that the Levitical Priesthood has been abolished? What does it mean when it says, "there is an annulling of the former commandment?... Read More...
Believe it or not, it is not Yahweh's words alone that we will be judged by on the final day. We will also be judged by our own words. A wake-up call for all of us.... Read More...
Love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit are discussed in this study on the importance of keeping the Yahweh's Torah with the Fruits.... Read More...
We go over a paper written by Christian apologist John MacArthur and demonstrate why his arguments against 7th day Sabbath observe are fundamentally flawed.... Read More...
We go over a paper written by Christian apologist John MacArthur and demonstrate why his arguments against 7th day Sabbath observe are fundamentally flawed.... Read More...
What was actually nailed to the cross (stake)? What did Paul mean when He said "Let no one judge you in meat, drink or regarding the sabbaths?" We address this chapter in detail.... Read More...
Would it bother you if I told you that man took our Heavenly Father's name out of the bible and put an idol/demon's name there instead? Learn the shocking truth of why we shouldn't call Him "God."... Read More...
What does it really mean to love Yahweh? We must love Him according to His "love language." Traditional Christianity is missing some important elements of it and it is high time that we return to lovi... Read More...
Is Sabbath and Feast Keeping the main evidence that we are His disciples? Not necessarily. If we don't have this mark, we are not His disciples.... Read More...
Millions are swayed by the unbiblical "once saved always saved" mentality. Yahushuas blood cleanses us from sin, but only if we truly repent.... Read More...
Learn the significance of the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh hashanah / Yom Teruah) and the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). How do we observe these festivals, and how do ... Read More...
Learn the significance of the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh hashanah / Yom Teruah) and the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). How do we observe these festivals, and how do ... Read More...
If Paul's writings confuse you, the Messianic prophecies should not. It cannot be refuted and Torah observance is clearly in the future of the new covenant world to come.... Read More...
A very important and foundational study. Learn the elements of a genuine and sincere faith. We must forsake religion and develop a genuine relationship with the Father.... Read More...
There are no laypeople in Yahweh's assembly. We are all called into the ministry and we need to discover and understand our spiritual gifts. This study will help us identify them.... Read More...
One of the most important studies on this web site. Understanding the Kingdom mandates can pull a person out of depression, revive a spiritually weak family and inspire us to live an adventurous and v... Read More...
The Feast of Weeks has much to teach us. We examine how to "count the Omer" and also the spiritual lessons Yahweh desires us to learn through observance of this festival.... Read More...
Various "new testament" Scriptures which are commonly used to justify eating the unclean are addressed in this study. Did the Messiah declare "All foods are clean?"... Read More...
In Gentile culture, what we eat "doesn't really matter". But Yahweh's word clearly says otherwise. Its time to hear our Fathers heart on this issue.... Read More...
Be assured, our life in Messiah is not about being coddled. We need to learn how to love as Messiah did, for we are recipients of this kind of love. The various scriptures on this are covered in this ... Read More...
One of the most important studies on this website. The scriptures actually teach that sectarianism and denominationalism is, in, and of itself, a heresy. Elements of this heresy exist among some of us... Read More...
One of the most controversial topics among us, I share my own perspective on how to observe Yahweh's calendar. Conjunction or sliver? Barley or Equinox? We cover this and much more.... Read More...
Topics include: Usury and Interest, Respecting those in authority, gossip/slander, loving enemies, why its wrong to sell Scripture teachings, and the meaning of the prohibition to utter the names of i... Read More...
Fatherlessness is an epidemic in America, while the sick & elderly are locked in nursing home prisons. What can we do to help resolve these problems? Exodus 22... Read More...
Why was the church blinded to the Hebrew Roots over the last 2,000 years? How should those who see the blessing of the Hebrew Roots treat Christians who are uninformed? Exodus 22... Read More...
Responsibility of men. Does the Torah command a woman to marry her rapist? Does a dowry or bride-price demean women? Find out why Disney and many Hollywood movies are inappropriate and/or abominable. ... Read More...
Gun Control is a hot topic in recently. What does Yahweh's word say about it? Should we practice non-resistance, or take up arms if necessary? Exodus 22... Read More...
With so many crimes in the bible punishable by death, is the law and the old testament all about death & destruction? Do the new testament teachings eliminate this element? What is a ransom and ho... Read More...
The high value Yahweh places on human life. Discussion about abortion, and why we are required to be safety-conscious as believers. In what instances is one person responsible for another's death? Doe... Read More...
Slavery is often cited by unbelievers as evidence that the law is immoral, and the bible outdated. But biblical slavery is far different than the slavery practiced in America's infancy. Find out why s... Read More...
The Levites replaced the Firstborn males in Israel. Why the second-born often gets the blessing. How the principle of firstborn status relates to Messiah and the Gentiles being grafted into Israel. Th... Read More...
Introduction to Precepts and Principles of the Torah series. Why we should not just look at the law as a mere list of regulations. The importance Yahweh places on His memorials and how most believers ... Read More...
Are there 2 different sets of requirements for Jews and Gentiles? Did Peter call the law a yoke that no one can bear? What was the real subject matter of the Jerusalem Council?... Read More...
Christmas is considered to be a popular observance, full of generosity and good cheer. But when one shines the light of Yahweh's Word (Scripture) on the practice, a very different picture emerges.... Read More...
Legalistic Pharisees" we are sometimes called. Majoring on the minors while minoring on the majors. But did you ever notice that our Savior said, "These you ought to have done WITHOUT leaving the othe... Read More...
We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom. If you are going through some trials, this study can be help you overcome and put things in perspective of the big picture.... Read More...
There are few subjects as important in scripture than repentance. Yet, it is often misunderstood. If we are once saved, are we always saved? Can we have assurance that we really are accepted by Yahweh... Read More...
Are we too caught up in worldly pursuits to really be ready for the Messiah to come right now? What does He expect us to be doing when He returns?... Read More...
Whether we are accepted by Yahweh or rejected by Him has everything to do with our heart condition. An examination of various scriptures that help us gain a perspective that the issue is not "which" c... Read More...
With so many things to divert our attention from what's really important, we need to be aware of distractions. What are some common pitfalls in the modern age that can keep us from focusing in on what... Read More...
Often a source of much disarray and confusion, we examine all of the pertinent scriptures on the issue and through examining the Hebrew we find that they all come together beautifully and in complete ... Read More...
Often a source of much disarray and confusion, we examine all of the pertinent scriptures on the issue and through examining the Hebrew we find that they all come together beautifully and in complete ... Read More...
Some say that the law was only for the Jews. Does Yahweh have a double standard? Does our lineage really determine what Yahwehs will is for our lives? One of the most popular studies on this web site.... Read More...
If you suffer from anxiety or phobias, Yahweh can set you free from the spirit of fear. Meditating on these scriptures and understanding the 3 categories of fear will help.... Read More...
The danger of covetousness and lust. Some important scriptures are examined to to assist brothers in overcoming issues with lust. We really can find freedom from this sin if we are equipped. The trapp... Read More...
Thou shalt not commit adultery" extends also to another form of adultery: friendship with the world, and worldliness. If we have this in our life, we make ourselves Yahweh's enemy. Beware of the "spir... Read More...
Thou shalt not murder" is a command that extends beyond what is seen on the surface. Hatred and talebearing/slander is inspired by the spirit of murder. We take a close look at this topic.... Read More...
An in-depth look at the commandment to observe the Sabbath. Modern "Sunday" observance is refuted, followed by examining the importance of honoring our parents--no matter how imperfect they might be.... Read More...
The beginning of an in-depth study on the Ten Commandments. We cover the first three commandments. The importance of putting Yahweh first, the merits of evolution, the dangers of syncretism and the im... Read More...
We all know Yahweh hates pride, yet most of us have some form of it in our heart. We discuss the various scriptures that speak against it, and also address a good kind of glorying.... Read More...
Many in traditional Christianity don't realize who we truly are in Messiah Yahushua. We need to latch onto the identity Yahweh has given us.... Read More...
Examples of forbidden marriages. Is Polygamy permissible today? How can an unmarried person produce a seed of Elohim in the world today?... Read More...
What is Yahweh wanting out of a marriage? Did Yahweh change His mind about divorce in the NT? Understanding the meaning of the "exception clause" in the book of Matthew.... Read More...
Learn about the biblical way to find a spouse and the dangers of the unbiblical boyfriend/girlfriend game. Did Yahweh ever really command a bill of divorcement? Is divorce ever His will for us?... Read More...
A continuation in our study on winning the battle against the flesh. Practical steps to overcoming temptation. The flesh will give up a lot as long as it never has to die. We must reckon ourselves as ... Read More...
What constitutes a marriage? Why divorce is never allowed between two believers. Understanding how to determine whether or not someone is a believer.... Read More...
Man is often his own worst enemy. We uncover the dangers of following "church fathers" and family members/friends rather than Yahweh. We also discuss the danger of BEING a stumbling block to others.... Read More...
We address the topic of spiritual warfare. Uncovering the roots of sickness/disease, understanding the kingdom mandate to destroy the works of the devil, confessing generational sins, binding principa... Read More...
Introduction to the 5 part study. We cover the major deceptions in the world today like humanistic evolution, and the belief that the law has been abolished. We also address how the enemy can inflict ... Read More...
Learn how Yahweh instructs us to overcome "self" by the power of the good news. We also discuss the relationship between the law, the flesh and the Messiah.... Read More...
Is Yahweh pleased with modern Christian music and the industry as a whole? Is it possible that rock music or certain modern instruments are displeasing to Him? We compare the CCM industry to the will ... Read More...
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