Commands of the Apostles – Part 11

09/08/22 (05/06) Video Broadcast

This study answers these questions and more:

  1. If Paul was told through the Spirit not to go to Jerusalem, why did he go anyway?
  2. What is one philosophy in relation to pain and suffering that some people in the modern church have embraced, yet it is from a pagan philosopher?
  3. If someone makes a choice, and they end up finding themselves in a lot of trouble and suffering, does this always mean the person made a foolish decision?
  4. If sacrifices were done away with, why did Paul go to the temple with four other believers in Yahushua, and participate in animal sacrifices?
  5. Why is it so important that we study, and not just skim through the bible?
  6. Why does the KJV and NKJV say that the apostles commanded the Gentiles to not observe Yahweh’s law in Acts 21:25?
  7. If we are falsely accused, should we just be silent or should we try to defend ourselves?
  8. Why is it wrong for us to perform animal sacrifices today?
  9. What is the danger of assuming that popular opinion about an individual is always correct?
  10. If the NT was written in Hebrew or Aramaic, are our Greek manuscripts reliable?
  11. Why was there so much hatred and animosity between Jews and Gentiles in the first century?
  12. If we are experiencing trials that burden us beyond measure, where can we find encouragement?

Commands of the Apostles - part 11

Commands of the Apostles - part 11

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast

Video Transcript

This is a direct transcript of a teaching that was presented via video. Due to the fact that we often speak differently than we write, the written text may not flow and/or sound strange in some places. There may also be grammatical errors and unintended mistakes. It is encouraged that you to watch the video to complement this written transcript.

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