Commands Of The Apostles – Part 14

10/08/22 Video Broadcast

This study answers these questions and more:

  1. What is an “identity statement” and how important is it that we use them when referring to ourselves and to others?
  2. What does it mean to be an apostle, and is it wrong for anyone other than the original twelve to be called an apostle?
  3. How important is it that we give thanks for other believers?
  4. Is it necessary for us to give thanks for people who may not be believers?
  5. What is it about giving thanks for others that moves Yahweh to work in their lives?
  6. Is it wrong to thank someone for doing what is good, or is the act of thanking them a failure to acknowledge it is Yahweh doing the good in them?
  7. Is it wrong for us to give thanks to Yahweh for someone who has major sin issues?
  8. How important is it that we pray for one another?
  9. How a failure to pray for each other a failure to love one another?
  10. Can we find a scripture where Yahushua actually prayed for future believers who had not yet been born?
  11. In what scenarios does Yahushua actually pray for us today?
  12. Should we pray for people who do evil to us and hate us?

Commands Of The Apostles - Part 13

Commands Of The Apostles - Part 13

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast

Video Transcript

This is a direct transcript of a teaching that was presented via video. Due to the fact that we often speak differently than we write, the written text may not flow and/or sound strange in some places. There may also be grammatical errors and unintended mistakes. It is encouraged that you to watch the video to complement this written transcript.

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