Commands Of The Apostles – Part 24

01/12/23 (9/14) Video Broadcast

This study answers these questions and more:

  1. Do we really have free will or does Yahweh simply harden our hearts if He doesn’t want us to be a believer?
  2. Is it prideful to believe that we can actually make the choice ourselves to repent and believe in the Messiah Yahushua?
  3. Why would Scripture say we are predestined to eternal life or condemnation, yet also tell us to make a choice? 1:28:09
  4. If we are able to make a choice to be a believer, do we have anything to boast about?
  5. Can we know why Yahweh hardened Pharaoh’s heart? 01:30:26
  6. What is the great danger of shedding innocent blood?
  7. Are there reasons behind why Yahweh may have mercy on one person but not be merciful to another?
  8. Why should we not be particularly frustrated if others don’t want to hear the truths that Yahweh has revealed to us?
  9. If there are vessels of mercy and vessels of wrath, is there anything we can do to make sure we are a vessel of mercy?
  10. Why would Yahweh not just show Himself plainly to all of us, so that we all would see and believe there is an Elohim?
  11. Why would Yahweh send some people a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie, and how isn’t this a violation of free will?
  12. What should we always keep in mind whenever we make plans to do something?

Commands Of The Apostles - Part 24

Commands Of The Apostles - Part 24

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast

Video Transcript

This is a direct transcript of a teaching that was presented via video. Due to the fact that we often speak differently than we write, the written text may not flow and/or sound strange in some places. There may also be grammatical errors and unintended mistakes. It is encouraged that you to watch the video to complement this written transcript.

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