Commands of the Apostles – Part 56

12/16/23 Video Broadcast

This study addresses the following questions:

  1. What kind of actions “grieve the Holy Spirit?”
  2. Is it a sin to make an obscene gesture?
  3. Is it a sin to use “cuss words” (profanity)?
  4. Is it wrong to use humor or tell a joke?
  5. If it isn’t wrong to use humor or tell a joke, what are the appropriate boundaries?
  6. Since Ephesians 5 tells us no “unclean person” will inherit the kingdom, does this include those who eat pork and/or shellfish?
  7. Does the Torah forbid fornication, or is this only found in the “New Testament?”
  8. What does it mean to “walk circumspectly?”
  9. Is it legalism if someone is very careful to obey Yahweh perfectly?
  10. What does it mean to “redeem the time” and how can we do it?
  11. How can a person avoid foolishness and understand what the will of Yahweh truly is?
  12. Besides walking in love toward others, what is one key attribute of a thankful, Spirit filled person?


This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast

Video Transcript

This is a direct transcript of a teaching that was presented via video. Due to the fact that we often speak differently than we write, the written text may not flow and/or sound strange in some places. There may also be grammatical errors and unintended mistakes. It is encouraged that you to watch the video to complement this written transcript.

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