Resolving FEAR and ANXIETY

10/21/17 (08/01) Video Broadcast

Resolving FEAR and ANXIETY - Study
Anyway we're gonna move forward with our study portion for today's broadcast, and our study topic today is resolving fear and anxiety.
A lot of us are struggling with this very thing and I
see it happening, it's more and more common that even those of us who are believers are having this kind of difficulty with fear and anxiety. I know of a man he was an elder and in fact there
were two elders who had this very issue fear and
anxiety, and one elder in particular it just came and just suddenly it was there and then about as quickly as it came, it went away and so it seems that it was some kind of an attack, you know, to try to discourage a very sincere and very strong believer in Yahweh. And, so it can happen to any of us and we have to be careful that we are understanding well after this brother went through this, he really had a great appreciation and understanding for those who struggle with the anxieties and fears and so, but I want to talk about this and how to resolve it. I do have a more in-depth study that I'm going to be sharing today, but shall give you a link to and in the broadcast this comes at it with a little bit different angle and some of you might need this one, so you might need the other one or all 3 studies it's up to how Yahweh leads you. But, fear is not a state of mind that Yahweh wants us to live in,. But, oftentimes our past experiences, the things we have gone through in life even as simple as you know, you can have two different dogs one you reach out your hand and he's cowering or afraid or he snaps and then another one, he's ready to come and be petted. A lot has to do with the experiences that dog has been through. It is not that much different with humans, I mean we've been through some really difficult and painful situations and experiences backing impact on how much problems we may have with fear or anxiety. You know, someone could be doing something totally innocent and we are questioning their motives and always afraid that we going to be hurt again. But fear, if we understand this, is not something Yahweh wants us to live in continually. Now, if you're walking through the woods and then you come across a spider web, it's all over your face, you're like this kind of... trying to get it out of your face because you're afraid you're going a bit by a spider. I mean that's just a normal response, that's fight or flight reflex, you know I understand that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about living in an ongoing state of fear and anxiety. Now I would say that fear is the number one enemy to our faith, the number one enemy is not some crazy person, wanting to go shoot up a shopping mall or some kind of venue. That's not what you've to be worried about, just the very thing that centered around all of it is fear, some people feel the United States government or government of the country you live in the biggest enemy to your faith, it's fear, it's not man, it's fear. Others might feel the false doctrines in mainstream religion, is the great enemy to our faith or maybe Satan's a great enemy to our faith, which he is, but the greatest enemy to our faith, ultimately is fear and anxiety. A lot of people are playing with it and so we want to talk about this. In fact, you know we need to understand what the
conditions Yahweh wants us to live in, and there's a
difference between a healthy fear and unhealthy fear. An unhealthy fear is not based on any factual information, it's only based on what might happen one day, it might happen. Not healthy fear would be based on things that cannot be proven, a healthy fear is based on truth, now if I am... if a Mack truck is coming at me, a healthy fear is I get out the way. An unhealthy fear is much too afraid to drive, or I'm gripped with anxiety because I think one day a Mack truck might come at me and I'll die. Its based on what may happen, it's not based on any kind of fact, it's based on what may happen. Both fear and faith project into the future,
fear says doom and gloom and I'm gonna be hurting,
I'm going to be in pain, I'm going to suffer. Faith says Yahweh has my back no matter what happens to me I know it's for my good, I have nothing to fear. Years ago people used to particularly men big pickup trucks, used to put a little sticker on the back of windows that says NO FEAR, I used to kind of
chuckle with that little bit and say, so if you're
not afraid, then why do you feel like you have a sticker in the window to show that you're not afraid of anybody. You're gonna advertise it, maybe you're thinking that, if they see that, that you won't be afraid and they'll leave you alone and so you put the sticker back there to make people think that you're rough and tough and you're not afraid of anybody, and so you put the sticker there to keep people away, because deep down you really are afraid. It's amazing little psyche going on in the human mind but there's innumerable number of things that can cause us to fear and Elohim has not given us a spirit of fear, we do not have a spirit of fear, we have the spirit of Yahweh, we don't have the spirit of fear. We have power, love, sound mind, power, love, sound mind. We have no reason to walk in a spirit of fear, so who is giving us a spirit of fear? It is a spirit, if it's not from Elohim then where is it from, it's from the enemy and the enemy wants
us to fear everything, he wants us to always be
afraid and not walk in faith, because if you're walking in fear continually you lack power, you're not receiving Yahweh's love and your mind is not where it needs to be. It's not sound, it's not solid, you are continually walking in fear.
Now scripture says...let me cover this first,
There's innumerable things that people can fear, here's a list of different phobias I found and one of them is fear pain, appear one day you will be experiencing pain, fear of disease, get a disease and die, fear of death, that's the biggest one, fear of death, fear of animals, fear snakes, fear of spiders Arachnophobia, fear of failure, don't even try you just gonna fail, fear of rejection, fear poverty, fear abandonment, fear of responsibility, you don't want to take on responsibility, you might fail and therefore, fear of the unknown, this one right here is what a lot of people deal with, it is the unknown, the future is unknown and really a lot of fears are cantered around that, you don't know the future, It's unknown.
Fear of being robbed, fear of being unsaved, afraid
that even though I've done the thing Yahweh told me, he still doesn't accept me. Fear of a relative dying, fear of being alone, it's related to the fear of abandonment, fear from superstitions, step on a crack, don't walk under a ladder the list goes on. Alright fear of house fires, fear of suffocation, a lot of times its fear of supplication is from someone who has suffocated you one way or another trying to drown you or some childhood experience we could breathe.
Fear of bad news, fear shame, fear of allergies,
fear of the dark, fear of evil, fear of change, fear of criticism, fear of the future.
I think if we let Satan have his way we'd be
afraid of a pop can, I'm serious, I mean he would just fear a pop can pocket. But these kinds of fears can literally drive a person mad, there's always something that can give us cause the fear, but Yahweh did not give us a spirit of fear, he gave us power, love so much, so how can we receive that and reject the other, because Yahweh did not give us these extreme phobias.
Actually they come from an unclean spirit who's
trying to tempt us and speak words to us that we never realize it's going on, that the enemies speaking words to us thoughts of what may happen. Now there are two kingdoms that are presently at war and the war is over ground and who's going to take it? We are created from the dust of the ground and we are the ground that both kingdoms seek to own. The enemy wants to own you and Yahweh who created you already owns you, but he wants you to recognize his ownership. We have a choice as who we're going to be slaves of, which kingdom we're going to submit ourselves to, who's going to have our soil, whose words will be planted in our soil and bear fruit? The words of the enemy or the words of Yahweh? The words of the enemy bring fear, doubt, dread, torment. The words of Yahweh bring goodness, faith, hope
that's how we can tell a difference between the two
kingdoms. What does it bring? Sometimes our interpretation of the word of Yahweh, something the scripture says can result in us having a fear, not because the scripture itself is necessarily bringing on unholy fear, but the enemy is coming along, taking that scripture and making you think it's saying something it never intended to say. Often times a thought went into the mind, fear this and fear that and after, and after that thought most of the time an unhealthy fear comes out, not based on reality, not based on anything factual, it's an unclean spirit trying to get you to live in anxiety and fear, because Satan hates you, he hates Yahweh and everything he's about, and because he hates everything that Yahweh is about, he hates you. And because we're created in the image of Elohim, Satan is trying to destroy us because of who we are. If you ever think you're unworthy of something or you feel like you're not loved for some reason, think about this, Elohim created you to be in his image. By nature that makes you important, by nature naturally that causes you to be significant not because of your own doing, not because anything that you've done, but because Yahweh took the time to create you in his image,
he doesn't make junk, the image of the most powerful
being in the universe and that significant right there, so automatically by this matter of the fact that we've been created by Yahweh, we automatically have value and worth. Not because we earned it, but because Yahweh created us. Now the enemy knows we're valuable to him and precious to him and he wants to take you down a place were believe something different. The enemy also wants to express himself and the demons want to express themselves on the earth and the only way they can do that is through their words in your head, then get you to do the things that they want you to do, express their purpose, their ideology here on the earth. If they had men willing to express their ideology, their theology then we become their medium through which they express themselves. They want us to conform to their ideas, abide by their laws, their doctrines of demons. They seek to bring Yahweh to shame, they seek to bring us to fear them rather than Elohim. That's why we got this big Halloween thing going on, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear demons, fear them. They want to be in the place of Elohim and the only one you need to fear is Elohim, but he makes them feel like they're in the place of Elohim, if they can present themselves in a way that brings fear. Do you understand that? That's why they present themselves as ugly reptilian creatures, with claws and all kinds of demonic looking, the reason why the demonic looking or the scary looking is because they want to bring us to fear them, rather than Elohim. That which we fear, we give power to in our minds and thereby we allow them to be in the place of Elohim, he's the one we need to fear and so we can't listen to them because they want to be one with us, we don't want to be one with them, so if we're not learned in the ways of Yahweh, if we do not understand the doctrines of Yahweh then we find ourselves walking in the rules and doctrines and beliefs, in creeds, in theologies of his enemy. And even to do so in such a way that seems normal to us, certainly quite normal in the culture we live in, we have to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and not conformed to this world. Some say you gotta go do spiritual warfare to cast out the enemy and... fine do that but if you've got to renew your mind or they have an open door to come right back in when we accept thoughts that are not from Yahweh's kingdom
then we can actually begin to have physical
manifestations even diseases because the emotions we have and those emotions are based on lies and the fears we have because they come from the Father of lies, fears that are based on things that never happened. But Yahweh wants his law, his principles, his spirit to become a part of us so that our physical manifestation and motion is based on eternal truth and not the lies of the enemy. And so in our hearts, in our minds we're either thinking like a son of Elohim or we're heeding and listening to the words of his enemy. In fact everything we think and say, come out of our mouth usually, everything we do will establish one Kingdom or another both fear and faith have one thing in common. They both project into the future, faith says no matter what happens Yahweh's with us and we're gonna be okay, he's in charge, he's in the lead, he's the most powerful being in the universe, I have no reason to be afraid. Fear says oh, look at the things that may happen you don't want that to happen to you, you don't want this... You don't want to suffer, do you? Faith says I'm willing to suffer. I'm willing to undergo pain, I'm willing to undergo discomfort because my Savior did that for me
and look where he is.
Certainly Yahweh wants to do work in us, he did it
work in our Savior he says we're called to do some
suffering, we have to be willing to suffer what we signed up for, guess what you're gonna suffer no matter what, whether you follow the enemy or you follow Yahushua you're going to suffer either way. Will suffer for righteousness sake, he might as well suffer maybe even die for righteousness sake to show forth your love for him and inherit eternal life. So we got to start from the right paradigm, the right foundation and there is no foundation anyone can lay but that is Yahushua him crucified and our crucifixion participation in that crucifixion with him. So we're gonna start the right foundation no matter what the enemy throws at us to fear, we're working off the foundation rooted in the soil, it's owned by Elohim that we're in his hands, we're in his hands. But like if you knew you had a broken bone, you knew the doctor was very good at setting a bone, you know that you're going to have to go through some pain to set that bone so the bone can be put in place, it's gonna hurt but you also know that you can't go around your arm broken the rest your life and so you decide you want to take the pain, suffering, acceptance and say alright doctor move the bones, it's gonna hurt but the stitches on my arm it's gonna hurt but I know you take that bone and set it where it needs to be. You take the stitches, you put them needles in my body and that's was gonna hurt, something is gonna happen but I tell you what, my goal is to have full use of my arm, it's worth it.
Yahushua is a doctor and we are a broken body
brothers and sisters, we are a broken body of... and there are parts of our body that cannot be put to proper use may be to hand, the arm, maybe the foot that needs to be set and fixed by the doctor, but in order to do that it's gonna hurt. But the end result is healing, the end result is better for us, and we know ahead of time, we know going in, we know what may happen yeah okay we're gonna have some suffering because parts of my body, the knee is broken I need to be fixed spiritually. And so whatever happens to me it's for my good because doctor Yahushua knows what he's doing,
he's very good at it, yeah it's not fun to go through
the pain and suffering but in the end I have healing and I'll be useful. And that part of me will be useful for Yahweh's service again, in the end this body of mine will be used for his glory, this body of Messiah we are now members of his body. And so it takes faith to accept, to acknowledge, the alternative is always worrying about what's going to happen next. If we're not in his care yeah, you got a reason to fear. If he's not your doctor, Yahushua is not your doctor, he can use humans to set bones, put things in place to move things around, give them that knowledge, ultimately our healer, our doctor. We can choose faith instead of fear and not only will we have more peace, but generally speaking people will marvel at the peace you have. Let's say how is it in all your circumstances, in all the confusion that surrounds you just, you have this shalom about you, we have peace, how can you do that? It's because the Elohim of peace is with us and we can trust him. That's why I'm in his care, the most powerful being in the universe, I am in his care. What do I have to be worried about? I have to go through some negative thing, simply because my shepherd let me through the valley of the shadow of death, but in it I fear no evil.
Can we do that?

What are some of things that take away from our
faith, what are some of things that build our faith? Scripture says faith comes by hearing, in hearing by
the word of Elohim, the more we set our minds on
the word of Yahweh, the more we focus and put our emphasis, our thoughts, our hearts on the word of Yahweh, the more Yahweh will open our ears to the truth and the more faith we're going to have
because the spirit of fear is all about lies.

Faith comes by hearing you know, that's how faith
comes, how do we get proper hearing? You got to get that from the word of Elohim the word of Elohim opens our ears to the truth and as we hear that word of Elohim, then we will have faith and the more faith we have the less fear we're going to have and that's how it works. So the word of Elohim is key, we need the word of Elohim, we need it. And so that's our relationships,
relationships consist of communication there is
Elohim's communication to us, the spirit of Elohim is communicating to us, the spirit of Elohim riding on our hearts the words of his Torah, his law and then there is going to be a taking root in our hearts in growth thereby and because we accept those words as being truth by faith, we being fed by it and we are delivered from fear and we begin to walk in faith. Faith is the opposite of fear what are some of the things that people tend to fear? We've already covered some of them it seems to me, they can be placed under four categories and that would cover pretty much all the fears people have. So we're gonna look at, and try to bring the word of Yahweh into those four categories of fear and let the word of Yahweh cast out fear as we hear his words. The first thing I'm going to talk about a certain category of fear is the fear of rejection by Yahweh, how many times I've heard this in my years of ministry, I can't tell you how many times from believers. People are afraid that Yahweh does not accept them, but it's been numerous times where someone felt like they were not accepted by Yahweh even though they actually were and doing the things that Yahweh has told us to do in order to be saved they still don't feel like it's for them, they feel that salvation is for other people, but they're not worthy of it and that's where the fear of not being saved, the fear responsibility, a fear of not measuring up to expectations, a fear that reflects, affects our emotions, affects our peace and the spirit of fear is it will have success. Now there's a good kind of fear, the fear of Elohim, undergarment of fear, that says if I was to turn away from Yahweh I would have a reason to be afraid. Now fear that comes my fear of Yahweh is a
healthy fear, it keeps us on the straight and
narrow, it's from the holy spirit. Scripture says Isaiah 11 verse 1 Yahushua who's speaking of here is because speaking of here, there shall come forth a rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The spirit of the Yahweh will rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh. His delight is in the fear of Yahweh, And he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes nor decide by the hearing of his ears. So prophecy of Yahushua here. And there is a good kind of spirit of the fear of Yahweh, we need that. So the fear of Yahweh is based on truth that if we were to turn away from the most high and choose to walk in willful rebellion to him, we have a reason to fear. That's based on the truth but then there's the fear of Yahweh based on lies, a fear of Yahweh based on lies says even though you are repentant believer in the Messiah Yahushua, even though Yahweh declares he has compassion and mercy somehow for some reason that doesn't apply to you, you believe it easily for somebody else, almost anybody don't believe it, but someone else they think it's more worthy. They won't believe it for themselves so this is based on a lie that Yahweh is a respecter of persons, that he shows partiality, his grace really isn't sufficient for us, it's based on a lie that Yahweh holds grudges like men do.
Yahweh does not hold grudges, now those who
have had condemning, unforgiving, distant or abusive parents or maybe even a spouse who's that will be most susceptible to this kind of a lie, especially if we're little children and we're told that we're not going to amount to anything, and we're unworthy and we're very negative, abusive environment, the condemnation all the time in that kind of environment our minds get hard-wired into the pattern of thinking that it is totally unbiblical. And so the enemy takes advantage of that and tries his best to hardwire people that way so they will not believe the word of Elohim so that he can condemn them, and torment them through fear of condemnation and the lack of peace. And even though we've been hardwired the wrong way, we still can let ya we renew our minds. The way we let our minds be renewed is by the word of Elohim, Messiah has given us a new identity whatever you were growing up, that's not us, we have a new identity Yahushua the Messiah, he's now living in the us. It's the longer we who live, we are a different person, we are a new creation, do we understand that? And Yahweh is not like our earthly father, if our earthly father was abusive and wrong in how he treated us. Yahweh meets us right where we are, he meets right there, he's very patient with us as we seek to overcome as we seek to live as Yahushua did. Now, can I ask you a question? Let's suppose you had a child, wasn't the most perfect child, but he really wanted to be, he really wanted to please you, he came to you in repentance in tears and told you what he done wrong and asked for help to live and do the right thing. Would you say to him, get away from me, I don't forgive you? Is that what you will tell him? Of course not, when a child comes to you sobbing in sincere repentance and says Mommy, Daddy I did a bad thing, I should not have done it and I'm really, really sorry will you forgive me. Which one of you would say to that dear son or daughter, no son I won't forgive you? I'm going to bear a grudge against you, I'm gonna hold it over you the rest of your life. I hope none of you will do that. So when it comes to our heavenly father, we think that we're more righteous and more merciful than he is. Do you think you could ever exceed his mercy? If we come to him in tears in repentance for the wickedness that we have done, do we think you gonna forgive us or do we think he's going to hold a grudge over us and say no, I don't forgive you?
If you think he would not forgive you, what you're
saying is your righteousness and your mercy exceeds his. That's not going to happen. Your compassion and grace exceeds his in the sense that when someone's really repented he doesn't forgive them, he doesn't extend grace. That's not what I read in the scriptures I read in the scriptures that Yahushua was sent to us, so that we, that we repent and we see that, we can be cleansed of all unrighteousness. So we have to have faith in the promises of Yahweh whether you feel it or not maybe depending upon your life experiences, not based on anything that's really factual. You can't go by the way you feel, you need to learn to forgive yourself. If we don't have faith that Yahweh's word and his promises are true, we're gonna have a hard time overcoming the spirit of fear. Scripture says that we have known and believed the love, that Elohim has for us. Can you do this with me, can you choose to know and believe the love that Elohim has for you in fact he is love, he is a personification of love, he cannot be anything other than love, that's all he can be, because that's what he is. He who abides love abides in Elohim, and Elohim in him. Love has been perfected among us in this that we actually may have boldness in the day of judgment, boldness, no fear whatsoever of condemnation, rather boldness because as he is, so are we in this world. Because we are now restored to the image of Elohim. Why are we restored to the image of Elohim? Because Yahushua the Messiah now lives in us, he has expressed image of his person, the brightness of his glory and we have been restored to his image as he is, so are we through Yahushua, HaMashiach, Messiah.
There is no fear in love, don't be afraid in the day
of judgment, perfect love if you're willing to receive Yahweh's perfect love it will cast out every fear you have, and you'll no longer be tormented, he who fears has not been made perfect in love, we love him because he first loved us. It is his love for us that empowers us to love him in return, can we receive this?
He's offering it to us grace it's the reason why
it's called amazing grace, because it is amazing.
Do you believe the love he has for you?
I ask you, do you believe are you willing to believe the love he has for men.
We are so valuable. We are his special treasure. So,
there's an unholy fear of judgment that we need to avoid as believers in Yahushua. Those who are not believers in Messiah have a reason to fear judgment, but we are not that. If you haven't received love of Yahweh you may have a hard time giving it to others because you have not completely received it. Receive it, he loves you and cares about you, receive it and don't receive the lies of the enemy to fear torment based on lies. If you have a desire to change, you cry out for change saying Yahweh created me a clean heart
you can put your faith and trust in Yahushua, he will
cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Unrighteous fear says oh, I'm only valuable to Yahweh if I never sin again the rest my life, no. Faith recognizes that apart from Messiah we are dust and we have the ability to fail. Faith says we are sons of Elohim and we have the strength to change these failures into success stories, the testimony in victory. Fear denies all those things, fear denies the truth of this scripture. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, we all have something that Yahweh is trying to get us to overcome, some we may not know about, we may not realize we're even doing it, but we all have something, we're not all perfected yet. If we confess our sins, it means to acknowledge that we have sinned against him with the understanding that we are turning our hearts away from sin, guess what, scripture says Yahweh, he is faithful,
he's just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness, all unrighteousness. Can you buy that? Can you believe it? If you believe Elohim created heavens and the earth you can believe this too. All, that means if you're cleansed from all unrighteousness that means you're every bit as righteous as Yahushua himself because Yahushua had no unrighteousness in him and because he loves you he cleanses you from all unrighteousness don't
say, part of righteousness, this sin is not cleansed,
he says if you confess it. He's faithful and just, the enemy will say no, Yahweh is not faithful, no, Yahweh is not just, no, he's not cleansed you from all unrighteousness and make Yahweh to be the liar. Well he convinces you he's telling you the truth and it will lead you only one place, hopelessness, despair because you've done everything you know to do and you're still afraid.
You know what fear, and condemnation is a terrible
motivator it's just a terrible motivator for obedience, it just leaves ultimately to greater areas of disobedience and because we don't believe Yahweh we figure him, well you know what, I'm condemned no matter what I do so I might as well just give up and just do this. We end up finding ourselves in condemnation if we have that kind of attitude because we're no longer repentant; we are saying we're not going to bother to try anymore. I want to point you back to a place in the book of
Numbers says Caleb quieted the people before Moshe

saying let's go up at once and take possession, for
are able to overcome it. This is when the spies were sent out to spy the land, but the men who had gone up with him says we're not able to go against thee people for they are stronger than we. And they gave the children of Israel, a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying the land through which we're going to spy is the land that devours its inhabitants, all the people whom we saw in it are man of great stature. There we saw the giants, the descendants of Anak, came from the giants: and we were like grasshoppers, in their own sight, so were we in their right. A bunch of liars, what happened in the
congregation lifted up their voice, they wept all
night long in fear, they couldn't sleep lifting up their voices and crying out all we went through, all this trouble and now these people are too great for us.
That was their fears that led them to murmur and
complain and not believe the good word of Yahweh when Yahweh said he would bring the men, they felt either one Yahweh wasn't strong enough to defeat the giants or they didn't believe there worthy enough, for Yahweh to be willing to give in the victory. Either way, it was a fear based on lies that was driving them. Now Yahweh is strong enough. He's full of mercy, compassion, loving and kindness it'll only keep our hearts tender, humble and willing to be molded by him. Then we don't have to fear we can be like Joshua and Caleb, are able to possess it? The enemies breath for us and the more we meditate on the word and believe it's promises, the more it reminds we are going to be molded and retrained and rewired. So by nature we just believe the truth, we believe what Yahweh has said, now the enemy has put in his servants trying to bring condemnation, guilt and things to try to make us disbelieve Yahweh, just like those spies. hey came and sought to bring fear, not based on truth and so if we're fearing the rejection of Yahweh, we need to go to the scripture because faith will come by hearing. If we confess our sins 1 John 1:9 he is faithful, he is just, to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness, memorize that scripture and defeat the enemy with the truth of the word.
So look at the scriptures and let him define
himself, don't let other people define him for you, not your parents, not your authority figures, not people in your life. Don't let them define who you are or define who Yahweh is, let Yahweh tell you who he is and let him tell you who you are.
Let him define himself, don't let other people do
that for you and that comes through the study of who he is. He's gracious, full of compassion and mercy toward those who are willing to repent, that means you are willing to turn away from unrighteousness and turn toward righteousness. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect tomorrow, it means that you just desperately want to be and you're looking, you're hunger and thirst for righteousness, and by that you will be filled. Another category, fear of rejection of men, you know the world we live in is minded in mad about man's opinions, man's thoughts, man's ideas about what's right, but what's nice, what's good, what's bad, what's cool, what's in, what's out? All kinds of things that man has an opinion about, but when you turn on the news, read newspapers, opinion columns whatever, it's all about man's opinion. The culture we live in, we grew up in, it's all about what man thinks. We choose Yahweh to be our source of truth, the one to him we can look to for an opinion as actually correct, a creator, a doctor and it's actually based on truth not lies, that has our best interests at heart, we begin to value his opinion far, far more than the opinions of men to the extent that we only accept the opinions of men when they are in agreement with the opinion and its factual truth of Yahweh. Now what the enemy does is try to use our fear of rejection to keep us from coming out of our shell and really doing damage to the kingdom that the enemy has set up on the earth. And the enemy wants us to be intimidated and scare us and to be in submissive to his will or at least being ineffective and completely complacent about what he's doing, so that we will take no ground for Yahweh, we will be just like a bunch of queue warmers who don't take dominion and don't go there for and make disciples of all nations. And so when we go into a congregation we go there to receive rather than to give, we're supposed to give and receive. But a lot of times the fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of inadequacies, whatever that will keep us from really stepping out and walking in the calling Yahweh puts in our life and we become unfruitful, dry in our walk and our cup is not overflowing. And the enemy has all these alternative ways, to waste our time, we got this little time frame on earth, a window of time we're called to live in, and the enemy has all kinds of things to get us distracted and wasting our time, so we're not effective in doing damage to the things that he's doing. Yahweh wants us to take dominion and subdue the earth. Let me tell you, the body of Messiah needs you, the world needs you. Yahweh wants to use, you can't let the fear rejection and what people will say about you because your opinion really doesn't count in the end, does it? I mean Yahweh on the final day is gonna go, okay, I'm trying to judge a situation here, help me out here, joker Joe down the street, no, no it
doesn't matter what people think, only matter what
Yahweh says, he's got the final word.
So let's say you're gonna read something in the
scriptures and you're thinking, no maybe you're going to keep the commandments of the Torah and the feasts and you know that, that's really what the scriptures teach but you got these friends relatives and people at church and competing voices, hey don't go that way, you try and become some cult member, join some kind of those crazy religion, you're gonna be an outcast. Well but you see the word of Yahweh says you're supposed to do this, and you're like what do you do. Are you gonna fear Yahweh or men?
Who's words are more important?
Are you willing to be mistreated and hated for his name's sake? And so we share with people truths that we learn from the scriptures that the law of Yahweh has not been abolished in fear of man, it ends up taking a hold of people or keep us from being able to share because we're afraid what people think of us. And so the fear of rejection by men, we'll find some verse, it's not really meaning anything but they'll find something to say that oh, I don't have to do it, that part anymore. Listen we're not the disciples of the enemy, we're disciples of Yahushua HaMashiach, we have to be willing to face the rejection of men and accept it, accept it. Yahushua says, Matthew 10:24 the disciples is not above his teacher, nor servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his master, the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household? So we are going to be called names and as the
scriptures say I don't have a most of your post
anyway. love this verse it speaks such truth, if the world hates you, no he hated me before he hated you, if
you were of the world, the world would love its own
yet because you are not of the world, I chose you out of the world, I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you. They hate me first, saying it's what you signed up for, it's part of the program here fellows, ladies, don't expect to be loved by the world, gain
territory, go to war for the king, wake up in the
morning and say reporting for duty, take ground, get
off your easy chair, put down your toys, pick up
the armor of Yahweh and be willing to endure hardship as a good soldier of Yahushua Hamashiach.
No one engaged in warfare entangled in himself with
the affairs of this, he may please him who he listened to him as a soldier. Even enlisted men and women, they've all been enlisted when the army was taunting, the fears of the world, be willing to endure hardship. It's not you, they're rejecting, it's Yahushua in you they're rejecting, really.
Now if you're not acting like Yahushua of course we
gonna reject something like that, it's not loving, listen the reason they hate us is bigger than this. Don't take it so personal, they don't like us because of who we're about and the enemy wants to inspire them to hate us, to discourage us, but again Elohim has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our master, that is the ultimate context of this verse, nor me is prisoner. Don't be ashamed of those who are suffering for righteousness sake but share with them the sufferings for the good news according to the power of Elohim, power, love, a sound mind. Who has saved us and called us with the holy calling, not according to our works. But according to his own purpose and grace which was given to us in Messiah, Yahushua before time again. He already calls it the good works before time even begin, don't be ashamed in fact you can glory in it. For living the way Yahushua did we keeping the Torah the way he did, we can glory in it, nothing to be ashamed of, we're living like Yahushua, don't be prideful and arrogant, peer down your nose at people that's not acting like Yahushua. He was meek, humble of heart, so don't be ashamed of testimony of Yahushua HaMashiach, he called us with a holy calling. Yahweh chose you before time began and it's given you opportunity for grace because Yahweh knew he who would choose you, who will choose him and therefore he chose you because he knew you choose him.
Psalm 119 verse 44 So shall I keep your law
continually for ever and ever. And I will walk at liberty: for I seek your precepts. I will speak of your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed. do not be ashamed, by the time the feast, share with
me a really good scripture.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that
I may learn your statutes.
ven in our affliction, if we're willing to stand
firm Yahweh will continue to teach us his statutes, and a law of his mouth is better than thousands of coins of gold and silver. If we treasure it he will instruct us in his ways and we will know the way in which Yahushua walked and we will walk as he did.
Isaiah 51 verse 7 listen to me you who know
righteousness, you people in whose heart is my law; do not fear the reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults. For the moth will eat them up like a garment, and the worm will eat them like wool: but my righteousness will be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation. They're all temporary, their opinions will perish with them, don't be afraid of what they say, don't be afraid. Early apostles faced they were beaten and we
commanded them not to speak in naming Yahushua
and let him go and they departed from the presence of the counsel rejoicing that they were counted worthy, counted worthy to suffer shame.
You have to be counted worthy to suffer shame for
his name, Yahushua, halleluYah I think this
person is worthy enough to suffer a little shame for
Yahushua's name, so we'll allow them to go through some suffering of shame because I think they are worthy of it, that's what Yahweh in heaven is saying, he's allowing you to suffer shame and that is an honor, a badge of honor that you can wear, because Yahweh counted you worthy to experience it.
He was really like you a lot, he must find
something of value in you, he wants to reward you, so he looks us as an opportunity to be rewarded not something to complain about or moan about or whine about or wishing it had never happened or whatever, instead look at something that the disciples went through, Yahushua went through and they rejoice to be counted worthy, you can say halleluYah for that and they kept right on going, so they kept right on going and they didn't stop. They obeyed Yahweh rather than men, never stopped.
Scripture says if you're reproached for the name of
Messiah, blessed are you, for the spirit of glory and of Elohim rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed but on your part He is glorified so it takes faith to believe Yahweh is pleased with our willingness to be rejected by men, it takes faith, it takes faith.
The fear of man brings a snare, who he trust in
Yahweh will be made safe. Ezekiel 2:6 You, son of man, do not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with you, and you dwell among scorpions: do not be afraid of their words, or even dismayed by their looks, though they be a rebellious house. Don't be afraid of them people they are just agents of the enemy, they don't know where they are, they may not recognize what they're doing but they are, Yahweh is on my side. I will not fear what can man do to me anyway, really, kill the body alright then what? That's the more they can do, that's it. Yahweh can destroy both body and soul. Psalms 27, Yahweh is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? Yahweh is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked came against to eat up, meaning to eat up my flesh, my enemy and my foes, they stumbled and fell. Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though should rise up against me, in this I will be confident. One thing I have desired of Yahweh, that will I seek ; that I may dwell in the house of Yahweh all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of Yahweh and to inquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his suca (that's the Hebrew word suca): in the secret
of his tabernacle he shall hide me; he shall set me
high upon a rock.
The Psalmist here is putting his hope in Elohim
and realizing we have a refuge, Yahweh is a strong tower, so Proverbs 18 the righteous run to it and safe. Romans 8:31 What shall we say to these things? If Elohim is for us, who can be against us?
You have a whole army come against you, if they
killed your flesh then what? That's it you get to see Yahweh and be with him forever, not a bad deal. Who is he who will harm you, if you become followers of what's good, but if you should suffer for righteousness sake you are blessed. He's quoting that scripture, do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled 1 Peter 3:13-18. Sanctify Yahweh, Elohim in your hearts always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope it's in you with meekness, with meekness and fear of Elohim. Having a good conscience; that when they define you, as of evildoers, those who we value of good conduct in Messiah,may be ashamed.
Because they'll say you're not an evildoer.

For it is better, if it's the will of Elohim, to
suffer for doing good, than for doing evil. For Messiah also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to Elohim, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive by the Spirit. They may put your flesh to death, but your spirit will live. And I say to you my friends. do not be afraid of those who kill the body, after that no more they can do, Luke 12:4. I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him, who after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two cups of coins, and not one of them is forgotten before Elohim? How much so, you and I? The very hairs of your head are all numbered, (it's easier to count mine than somebody else's, I'm sure). Do not fear therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows. Also I say to you, Whoever confesses me before men, him the Son of man will also confess before the angels of Elohim. He who denies me before men shall be denied before the angels of Elohim. We cannot allow the fear of man, to cause to deny

Loving is gonna matter on that final day, it isn't
gonna be opinions of men, it's gonna be Yahweh's opinions, so we need to walk out and say you know what, I'm just gonna put Yahweh first of my life, I
want to turn away from unrighteousness, I'm gonna
turn toward righteousness, I wanna put my faith in Yahushua the Messiah and that his righteousness fill me, and I'm going to, not care, or worry about
what people say to me.
I'm just going to do the will of Elohim and people's opinions are people's opinions besides men's opinions are for fickle it will change, it happens. Alright, so our next fear of the future, it's a big one. Scripture says be anxious for nothing, you don't need any anxiety, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to Elohim and the peace of Elohim which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Messiah Yahushua.
But you have to be willing to do so with thanksgiving
start giving thanks for the things that Yahweh does for you every day. Fear of the future is where fear of abandonment, fear of losing a family member, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of poverty, fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of being alone, fear of coming up of superstitions, fear of fires, fear of bad news, fear of being robbed, fear of not being in control, all these things come out of fear of the future and could be. All will look at all the things that might happen, it's amazing imagination we can have on our own, not to mention the things that the enemy tries to plant in our minds. Fear suggests that you can really control everything and so you'll never suffer, that's a lie you can't control everything.
A worry is just a fancy word, for fear and it's
all the same, there's so many things you could worry about, but reality is fear comes along and he's in disguise he's acting like a friend to help you, and he's going to protect you from all kinds of bad things that can happen to, and so it's wearing this disguise as though he's your little buddy to help you along the way.
It's a wolf in sheep's clothing, it's an enemy,
craftily designed to destroy your faith, craftily designed to destroy your piece, craftily designed to destroy your joy, ultimately destroy your life. The reality is we have nothing to fear in the future, our future is so bright if you could look at it you die, because brightness of it. Because our future is that we are going to be seeing the face of Elohim and no one can see his face, right now I live unless we're incorruptible and we know the old saying, for future is so bright, you gotta wear shades or sunglasses, but our future is brighter than that and we don't have anything to fear about the future, everything that Yahweh has in store in our future is good for us ,not for our harm. Fear says Yahweh is not working fast enough, when you've learn to recognize fear statements, I can think of two or three occasions in my life where I was absolutely, utterly so miserable, so fearful I couldn't sleep and every single one of them was a lie. one of the other things I feared ever happened and I knew it was a spirit of fear and so, the way I
resolved it was I got my guitar out, I just started
singing songs of thanksgiving, songs of thanksgiving, you know what I put it in his hands, it was out my control, I let my requests be made known and I was able to resolve the fear
by being thankful for everything I've been given
by singing songs of praise to my father. If all he had ever done for me was save me from life in the lake of fire, if all he's ever done was
giving me grace, his grace is sufficient for you and
for me, that's all we need and this short little time
span of 60 years or whatever we have on the
earth, 70 years, 80 years whatever it is. What have you got left?
You know what, it's all worth it, because of the
grace that's promised to us. You know what in six trillion years who's gonna care what joke, Joe down the street says? Who's gonna care what John Smith says about you, no one going to...doesn't gonna matter, nothing to worry about. One man asked one time a lady why do you spend all your time worrying about everything? She goes, well, you know, it works because 99% of the things I worry about never happen. Well, it's true 99% of the things are never going to happen, you're worried anyway and you just made yourself miserable. But fear denies Yahweh's on the throne and that he's in control of everything or he's somehow on the throne but would not do the things you think he ought to do, what's that say that the spirit of fear, accusatory, toward Yahweh, accusatory as though he really doesn't have your best interests in mind. Look at the enemy that came to Eve, oh you know what Eve, Yahweh is withholding something from you and you don't really know, good and evil unless you partake of this tree and so how are you gonna know?
As of Yahweh is withholding something that
we really need, that was a deception. One of the nuances of deception that Eve fell into, we don't have any reason to fear the future if we just do one simple thing, one simple thing, choose to be anxious for nothing and give thanks, give thanks for whatever situation you're in, give thanks. You've made your request known it's in his hands, give thanks from that point on we don't have any reason to worry because what's the worst that could happen? We die and go see Yahweh in the kingdom and all that. All the what if scenarios pop up which may be okay let's say, what if he's gonna suffer in some way. Well just like any... okay is gonna set the bone alright he's gonna set the bone alright, after he sets that bone it's gonna be a lot better. The end result will be something for our good, that's alright. We don't have to be anxious whatever he allows, we make our prayers, it's out of our control, I don't have it, I don't have the reins because the anxiety in our hearts causes depression and we need the good word of Yahweh to make it glad.
Open the book read and read and read, faith comes
by hearing, walk in faith, hearing by the word of Elohim, Yahushua says therefore I said do not worry about your life, what you will eat, what you will drink or about what your body which will put on, is not life more not life one of food, the body more than clothing. Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap or gather you have or gather in the barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Absolutely you are. So, which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow, they neither toil nor spin. Yet I say to you, not even Solomon all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now, if Elohim so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, what shall we wear? (All these things the Gentiles seek:) your heavenly Father knows you need these things. But seek first (Seek first) the kingdom of
Elohim, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added to you. There are two things, when you seek righteousness you're seeking two things, you seeking, the Messiah's righteousness in you to cleanse you of all sin and the Messiah's example through you to empower you to walk the way in which you ought to walk that's what it's all about. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about certain things, sufficient for the day is its own trouble. You seek first the kingdom, establish it on the earth.
And some of you will say okay Tom I know these
scriptures I've read in thousand times, it's just not connecting, put all these things. f you can't stop thinking about it, I find it helpful do one thing, try to imagine the worst possible scenario of what might happen. Try to imagine and develop a plan of how you would respond in that worst possible scenario. Accept the possibility it may indeed happen and then after you've done that, step back and look at the big picture, means really all that significant in grand scheme of things I mean look at things spiritually. You are a son or daughter of Elohim in the earth, your time here is temporary and Yahweh is using all these circumstances whatever they might be to bring you to a higher place. He's just setting the bone, he wants you to be more like Messiah, to bring you to a greater blessing to fix the body, that's the big picture. If you look at things spiritually and determinable what impact it may have if it did happen a lot of times you realize you know what, looking at the big picture I see really it's all temporary life here on the earth everything around me is temporary. Everything I'm going to go through, the main purpose is to refine me and make me more like Yahushua so really it's for my good no matter what happens and no matter what ugly has happened to me or anybody, Yahweh will turn this thing around and cause good to come out of it anyway and you realize at times it's not worth worrying about it he'll just set you free, really from all the fears instead of what might happen, you should focus more and let's seek the refinement. Let's seek righteousness but seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and let that be our... what's consuming our thoughts.
That's the difference between Mary and Martha
happen as he enters a certain village a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary who also sat at Yahushua feet and heard his word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, as she approached, and said, Master, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me. Yahushua answered and said to her Martha, Martha you worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. She was seeking the word of Elohim coming from the lips of Yahushua, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of Elohim. The more we focus our minds on the word of Yahweh the more Yahweh opens our ears to the truth, the more he opens our ears the truth , the more faith we're going to have, and the less fear we're going to have, we're not going to have so much fear of the future, because our future is so bright, halleluYah. And our fourth area of fear, fear of rejection. The fear of rejection by Yahweh, fear of rejection of men. Fear of the future, and then fear of harm or death, this is fear of disease, fear of death, fear of evil, fear of animals, snakes, spiders, fear suffocation perhaps and scripture says we are in bondage if we have a fear of death. Bondage Hebrews 2:14 as the children have partaken
of flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared
the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. And release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
And today it's all over the news all the time, how
to stay alive just a few minutes longer or few years longer or you know anti-aging is a big keyword nowadays, anti-aging, that is anti-aging remedy over here.
I've never seen any cream that could reverse the
aging process nothing can work against your age you're gonna keep aging, nothing is going to stop you, you're gonna get year older next year, you can't stop time, for those who don't fear Elohim time is not their friend, really. If you don't have a relationship with Yahushua, time is not your friend and so yeah you could be... and what they really want to do is look younger than they really are, because they fear opinions of men. But for those who do have a holy fear of Elohim we walk with him, time is actually on our side, that's something we look forward to in the future, even as we age, even if we die it's just a pathway to life, something we don't fear, we don't tread a bad thing at all. Actually scripture says for me to live is Messiah, to die is gain, halleluYah. To live is Messiah, to die is gain, not a bad idea. I'm not saying go kill yourself that wouldn't bring you to eternal life. If I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor: yet what shall I choose I cannot tell. I'm hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Messiah, which is far better. But nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
So it's not wrong the desire to continue to live
that you might continue to bless and serve people. But then to the part to die is gain, why? Because you get to be with Yahushua who is far better. So you know, I would like to continue to live myself
I have so much more I'm hoping Yahweh will enable
me to accomplish before I die, areas, things I want to overcome, struggles I've had in my life and I have children who needed Daddy and the wife who needs a husband and so I want to continue to minister the way I do and we're working on accomplish.
So yeah I want to continue to live but if I was to
die actually it would be better for me because then my struggle is over and I'll be with Yahushua and I have no reason to be afraid because I'm a repented believer in Yahushua so I like to have more things to overcome. I'm not sitting here with fear of death all over me all the time because of Yahweh's grace, what he says, I'm not thinking condemnation, I'm thinking eternal life. So. if you see some area of weakness in you, look to overcome it and he will he will bless every new step you take. That's the way He is. That's the way he thinks. He's willing to be patient and give you grace as you learn and grow, because if he didn't act that way he would only accept those who are perfect into his kingdom and last I checked Yahushua died for the imperfect. He died so he can sanctify us and guide us toward perfection and that's why he is working in us continually and I think he wants us to have the attitude that we need to pursue righteousness, seek first his kingdom, his righteousness but ultimately we're not in fear of death, we're not in bondage, fear of death to consume us and steal away our joy, steal away our peace, if we fear death we try to... And then one day it will try to kill us because we believe in Yahushua, are we going to be able to be strong enough, really. I mean we have to be willing to die, men took up stones several times trying to kill Yahushua yes, he tried to escape nothing wrong with that.
One time he tried throwing him off a cliff, Paul was
in a deep in shipwrecked stoned 3 times different things happen, but he chose not to fear death he came on the earth, Yahushua came on the earth to die for our sins. He knew his time was not yet so their excesses earlier did not work. It's okay to flee from persecution scripture says persecution one city flee another, just lay there like a lame duck you're allowed to. Do what you need to do try to spare your life nothing wrong with that, but when they got you they got you
Matthew 8:23 says when he was entered into a boat,
the disciples followed him. And, suddenly, a great tempest arose in the sea, so the boat was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. Now, imagine a gigantic storm coming through and Yahushua is in there sleeping.
His boats were not very big I got to tell you,
they were not all that big. He's laying there sleeping, And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, save us: we are perishing. He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? What are you afraid of? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. He walked in faith, not in fear the word translated, fearful here is the word cowardly. We don't want to be cowardly in the face of danger, just got there and rebuked the winds in the sea. One time I had 4-inch hail stones coming down, police predicted they fell and they destroyed the skylights at Wal-Mart and we're watching this little radar thing in it. And things going right over top us. I don't knew what it was but that day I had faith. I walked outside look up the sky and I said you cannot do that to us I command you in Yahushua's name, you do not come down and harm us. A few minutes later, still same hail stones came down but when they came down they were mushy and melted like snowballs. Now I don't think that was a coincidence, but we
don't have a reason to fear and we don't have to
be afraid tornadoes, yes take cover, nothing wrong with taking cover, but don't walk in like tonight I'm going to die of a tornado our life is in Yahweh's hands it's okay to do things to maintain your personal safety, wear a seat belt or you buy a car with an air bag or whatever. Nothing wrong with that we're supposed to build the parapet around the roof of our house, right. Scripture says to maintain reasonable level of safety but we cannot be gripped by a fear of the future, fear of death. But Yahushua is in your boat he's living in you, he's there, he's in your sukkot right here. You think he didn't know there is a storm around you? So whether you're in a boat or in your house, in your car or wherever you are don't lose sight of the fact he's there with you, he lives and you, he does so don't be cowardly. The cowardly, the unbelieving, don't be unbelieving, don't be fearful, don't be unbelieving. Same word used here for cowardly was used for fear earlier. That's not the way to life that's the way become a self-fulfilling prophecy and you actually do end up in the lake of fire. You know, one time I read this book about a man named Smith Wiglesworth now as an adult, I don't know how much was true but he woke up in the middle
of night and he said he saw Satan right there next
to his bed looking at him and he goes, Oh, it's just you then rolled over and went back to sleep.
I'd have that boy that was awesome because the enemy
always wants us to fear him and thereby fear death and all these things. Look what happened to the disciples of Yahushua, they were on the fourth watchers of the night and Yahushua went to them walking on the sea when his disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, I see a ghost and they cried out for fear, meekly Yahushua spoke to them saying be good cheer, do not be afraid.
So Peter answered and says if it's you, command me
come to you on the water. And he said come, and when Peter come out come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Yahushua. And when Peter saw the wind was boisterous he was afraid, took his eyes off Yahushua. And he began to sink, he cried out loud saying Master, save me. Immediately Yahweh stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him, you of little faith, why did you doubt?
We need to keep our eyes on Yahushua not the wind
and waves around us. Look to the crown and the joy set before you, don't let your eyes be on the famine, the circumstances keep your eyes focused on the father and son Yahushua.
Otherwise sometimes our fears become
self-fulfilling prophecies, Job says the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, what I dreaded has happened, go open the door for the enemy to function in your life, don't do it, be like
this example of Job.
Though he slays me yet I will trust in him, so Yahweh may allow the enemy to do things but one thing's true he's ultimately in control. You don't have to fear the enemy sometimes I think those who are heavily involved in spiritual warfare spend so much time trying to figure out what the enemy is doing next you lose sight of what Yahweh is trying to do in our life.
Yahweh is ultimately in control and we can track
down serpents and scorpions and power of the enemy. The enemy is not the one we fear, death is not what we fear, suffering is not something we need to fear, we're called to it. That doesn't mean if you're sick you can't try to get healed, if you're a bad situation you can't escape, yeah you're allowed to try to escape, but listen Yahweh loves, he's got your best
interests at heart.
Everything he's allowing in your life is for your benefit, one way or the other I'm not saying don't try to escape abusive situations you should, but if there is no way pray for deliverance.
Leviticus 26:34 talks about what happens to the
people you know longer walk in faith and obedience. 36 And those who were left I will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; the sound of a shaken leaf shall cause them to flee; Get that? A leaf shakes and they are running off. This was after they had escaped, had been exiled. They shall flee as though fleeing from a sword, and they shall fall when no one pursues. They stumble over one another as it were before a sword when no one pursues, you shall have no power to stand before your enemies, see these are all curses from fear, disobedience, we don't have to do this and in scripture it says the wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Sometimes I think these conspiracy... cutting edge, conspiracy websites that's all they're selling--its fear.
And scripture says in the future Luke 21:25, there
will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. Men's hearts failing them for fear (got a heart
attack from all the fear), and expectation of those
things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. You don't have Yahweh as your shepherd, that when you walk the valley of the shadow of death you have no reason to fear evil, their place of refuge, of comfort. Yahweh is the Elohim of our life, he's in control let's allow his song to be with us in the night, one of the most powerful weapons against fear is music.
It drove the distressing spirit to solve the king
and drove his enemies of Joseph at out, when he was being attacked by the army. That can build up your faith, those who trust, we
go back here.
Yahweh of hosts is with us, Elohim of Jacob is our refuge, come behold the works of Yahweh who was us in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth, he breaks the bow and cast the spear in two, he burns a cherry of fire, be still and know that I am Elohim I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth, Yahweh of hosts is with us the Elohim of Jacob is our refuge. Why are you cast down, O my soul? Psalms 42 verse 5-6, why are you disquieted within me? Hope in Elohim: I shall praise him for the help of his countenance. O my Elohim, my soul is cast down within me: therefore I will remember you in the land of Jordan, and of the Hermonites, from the hill Mizar.
Deep calls into deep at the noise of your
waterfalls: all your waves and billows have gone over me. Yahweh will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer to the Mighty one of my life.
Psalms 125 those who trust in Yahweh are like mount
Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so Yahweh surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. For the sceptor of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous; lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity. Isiah 41 verse 9-10 you whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its furthest regions, and said to you, You are my servant; I have chosen you, and not cast you away. Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your Elohim: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Yahushua HaMashiach who sits at the right hand of Elohim. Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced: they shall be as nothing; and those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them, and not find them, those who contended with you: those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I Yahweh your Elohim will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not; I will help you. Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel; I will help you, says Yahweh, your Redeemer, and the Holy One of Israel. But now, thus says Yahweh who created you O Jacob and He who formed you, O Israel, fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name and you are mine. When you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you, when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you for I am Yahweh your Mighty One, the holy one of Israel your Savior. Deuteronomy 33:26 There is no one like the Elohim of Jeshurun (a bright one), who rides the heaven to help you, in his excellency on the clouds. The eternal Elohim is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms (this is what you need).
Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of
Elohim, do not fear little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. So what you have give alms provide yourselves money bags which cannot grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not feel were no thief approaches, no moth destroys.
Psalms 34 I will bless Yahweh at all times, his
praise shall continually be in my mouth, my soul shall make its boast in Yahweh, the humble shall hear of it and be glad.
I'll magnify Yahweh with and let us exalt his name
together I sought Yahweh and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears, Thank you father, your word is just awesome, your word is to me the rejoicing in joy in my heart.
Thank you for all your love, for the amazing way
you've carrried us so far, for watching over us, and keeping us in your everlasting arms our place, our place of refuge and father I pray you
would deliver all who are within the sound of my
voice from all of their fears as they seek you and
you hear their voice, and hear their cries out to
you, The Elohim of Jeshurun, we make our
boast in you, we long to hear the words do not fear
a little flock it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom, right upon the heavens to help us father Yahweh.
Be our place of refuge, call us by your name, be

with us when we pass through the waters, hold
our right hand, choose us to cast a stone away from
you, strengthen us, help us, uphold us with
Yahushua HaMashiach the righteous right hand.
Let the mountains that surround Jerusalem be our
sign that you surround us from this time forth, in
everything we praise you for truly yours is the

kingdom and power and glory forever, O Elohim of
Jeshurun and all praise, and honor, and worship and majesty belongs to you Yahweh Eloheinu, our Mighty One forever and ever only through Yahushua HaMashiach we pray, in his name we pray, Amein.

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast