Should we Call Him GOD?

11/25/17 (09/06) Video Broadcast

Should we Call Him GOD? - Study
We are ready to begin our study portion for today's broadcast. I want to begin this study by asking you a question. What would you think if, in about say 100 years from now, everyone had become so steeped in the literal worship of demons, that Yahweh the creator of all things, the one who love us enough to give his only begotten son for us, that he was treated just like one of the many idols available to worship? And what do you think if I told you that, people's bibles that they are literally called Yahweh,
Satan; how would you feel about that?

How do you feel they call him Lucifer or Zeus?
How would you feel about everyone calling him Zeus? Would that bother you at all, would you say hey wait, wait, wait, wait, wait his name not Zeus, don't call him Zeus, wouldn't you say that? In other words the people, the bibles they read from actually had the names of idols instead of the name Yahweh in the text, they had Zeus in the text or Apollonian or some other kind of Greek God or Pagan God or whatever. How would you feel about that? Most importantly how do you think Yahweh would feel about that? It's so important that we don't have a man centered faith, it's so important that love Yahweh and the way he defines love rather than the way we define it. And I'm going to share with you a truth that very much concerns me. I'm very concerned about it because it's so very common and particularly one of the things you will notice about me is I do not call Yahweh, God. I don't call him God, you never hear me call him God and there's a reason I don't call him God.
And that's because what God is in Hebrew and in

English if you trace it back is actually the name
an idol, that's one reason that's not the only reason. I'm one of few ministries that don't call him God, I mean you get a whole lot more popularity if you call on God, I use Elohim which is the Hebrew word or I call him Mighty One. Now, so please bear with me here, I know that there are some so called sacred namers who don't understand this correctly. So I ask if you've heard this before, hear me out, if you've heard it before at least hear me out about this and see if we can reason together about whether or not he is honored by this term God. And so my question for today's study is should we call him God? That's my question for today's study; we're going to examine that. Again we want to be sure that we are not following a centered faith, that we love Yahweh and the way he defines love rather the way we might define love. We want to be men and women after his own heart, we wanna understand how he views things rather than the way we might view things. You probably, many of you call him God your entire life, and so that's what you're used to. But what if I told you that God was a name of a demon and it was used in place of, as a direct replacement for the name Yahweh in your present bibles over 300 times?
And what would you think if I told you this demon's
name and he is actually in the Hebrew but most translations choose to hide that from us? Any red flags popping up so far? I hope that, you don't think I'm condemning you, I'm not. I'm just stating something that's happened that I personally find disturbing. Are you appalled, early red flags coming, any alarm bells going off, could there be ever be any kind of a justification for this?
I want to point out first of all what first
Corinthians 10:18, other verses agree where it says, observe Israel after the flesh: are not those
who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?
What am I saying then? That an idol is anything or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather that the things which the gentiles sacrificed, they sacrificed to demons, and
not to Elohim: so they are sacrificing to demons.

That's what they're doing with the idolatrous
worship. They are offering it to Satan and his demons and not to Elohim and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of Yahweh and the cup of demons, you cannot partake of Yahweh's table and of the table of demons. He has explained this to the Corinthians here. So idolatry is simply this, it's Satanism. All Paganism is actually Satanism. All idolatry is actually just the worship of Satan the devil and various doctrines and concepts found in those religions are actually the doctrines of demons cleverly disguised.
Deuteronomy 32 verse 16 says; they provoked him to
jealousy with strange gods, with abominations they provoked him to anger. They sacrificed to demons, not to Elohim; to Elohim they did not know, to new Elohim new arrivals, that your fathers did not fear. Of the Rock who begat you, you are unmindful, and has forgotten the Elohim who fathered you. So they are sacrificing to demons not to Elohim, and
therefore all idolatry is simply Satanism; and I'm

pretty sure that when you understand that a little
bit better, that you would, sensitivity level I hope will go up a little bit here, you would have a heightened sensitivity to the possibility of any remnants of Satanism being in your worship toward the father. And that's one reason why I don't observe Christmas or Halloween or Easter, it's because it has some left over elements of Satanism in those practices and my heavenly father is not honored with those practices. Scripture says that the 144,000 were not defiled with women; I believe it's talking about the harlotry of Babylon the mother of harlots. We don't want nothing, no remnants of the mother of harlots in our worship, we don't know Babylonian, Satanistic, hedonistic things in our worship toward the father. You want to be pure and holy as he is holy. That's why scripture says in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 14; therefore my beloved, flee from idolatry. Now the idols had different names, there was Molech, there was Baal, Dagon, or others that were... just names of different idols of nations surrounding Israel. And so could we agree that since the nations surrounding Israel were actually worshiping demons that the name that they applied to the demon they were worshiping was actually the name of an idol or vice versa. So what you're saying it's either and idol or name of the demon doesn't matter. In other words, the name that the nations around them had given demons they're worshiping Molech, Dagon, Baal, they were actually worshipping demons. Now there is one idols name that I want to draw your attention to, it's in Isaiah 65 verse 11; but the King James Version and many other versions choose not to carry the name of those idols into the English language. Here is what they do, here is the King James version, you are they that forsake Yahweh, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and furnish the drink offering unto that number. The King James Version here never transliterated the name of the idol mentioned here in the Hebrew, neither does the NIV, neither does the New American Standard, The Revised Standard Version, the young literals translations just carried over and the New King James does carry it over into our language. Here's how it reads, Isaiah 65:11; you were those who forsake Yahweh, who forget my holy mountain, you prepared a table for Gad, furnish a drink offering for many. And we see also here Gad as well in the young's literal translation. Some of you may be familiar with this, now both of these translations carry over the name of the idols here in the text. But this is interesting, this word Gad and I think that there is quite possibly and I'm not going to try to accuse anybody but it would appear to me, at least the possibility the translators did not like the idea of carrying this name over into the English language. They avoided it on several occasions, most translations avoid the use and when they do actually carry it over to our language they don't pronounce it correctly, all right. So here is strong lexicon has Gad there Gaudy version of 1409 fortune of Babylonian, a Babylonian deity. And here in the Brown Driver Briggs says Gad, God of fortune, a Babylonian deity, all right. But I want you to notice something here and for those of you who can read Hebrew you probably already know this, but this little subtle line
underneath there has the pronunciation of all.
And this is the first letter giving us the G sound, here's a second letter giving us the Da sound, the sound and so it's actually pronounced with the tal underneath, it's pronounced God. That is how the word is supposed to be pronounced. Now does that concern you at all that there would be an actual idol, an actual demon named in scripture that is called God? It does concern me, now I'm going to start right off, rope the bat here; I'm going to acknowledge that one of the 12 tribes of Israel also is named God. But this is long before there was a Babylon, long before there was a Babylonian deity. And so in the context of what happened to be a
man's name simply mean troop, later became the
name of an idol that was worshipped in Israel. And in concerning to me, now I think there's a difference between, okay so some guy's name for instance there was an early Apostle by the name of Apollos okay, doesn't know no record of him ever changing his name. But Apollos was a pagan deity but the word Apollo also had a meaning to it. And so I see that as being different than taking the name of an idol and actually calling Yahweh our Heavenly Father by the name of an idol.
The term God is actually one of the words that is
used in place of the name Yahweh in over 300 places
in the bible, okay.
And here's one example please hear me out, I know you're, got objections already, but please hear me out. I will sanctify my great name as he closed 36:23, which is being profaned among the nations which you have profaned in their midst and the nation shall know that, I am (and this is what the King James) the Lord, it should be Yahweh here, says the Lord god. And this is from 306:9 notice that God is isn't all capital letters here, but LORD is in all capital letters here, Lord is capital L but then lowercase letters there and the reason why they do that is, wherever all capital letters are that their little sign from translator saying the sacred name Yahweh exists here in the text in Hebrew. They're actually, this is their thinking, this is their sign. If you read the preface of most bibles, they tell you this but most people don't read them. So there is an all capital letters, capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D, the name Yahweh what's intended there, that's what is in the original, but they replaced it with the generic title known as the Lord. In this case they have little problem because the Hebrew reads, Adonai Yahweh, Master Yahweh
that's what it reads and so if they put the Lord
there it would be the Lord Lord. The Lord, the Lord, it wouldn't make any sense so what they did is they put God there instead. So the Lord God, so the term God in this instance is directly replacing the name Yahweh, think about that. Take the name, most holy name of our heavenly father out of his own book.... and put the name of an idol in its place. And yes it's true in English also, the English word also comes from idolatry which I'll get to in a minute. But think about that, he said he's going to sanctify his great name which has been profaned among the nations and then he profane his great name by putting the name of an idol in place of his great name in the very text where he said he's going to sanctify it because it's been profaned.
The nerve of these people, they don't realize that
maybe they don't... I don't know, would that...I mean I can't, this is not man centered religion. How do you think Yahweh would feel about that? I think he would be quite upset, how would you like
it if someone was quoting you, let's say your wife
was quoting you and they use her ex-boyfriend's name or her, the one she's committing adultery with and cheating on you with, used his name in place of your name, and I mean you get what I'm saying here? We've got to try to think the thoughts of our Elohim and be after his own heart. Now, what I notice here most times you see the
word Jehovah instead of Jehovi and the reason why
is because it took the vowels for Elohim and made it interposed with Yahweh's name so that people will say Elohim instead of Yahweh. And, so, that the Christians who did this practice of putting God there, are actually following a Jewish tradition. It says it's acquainted with the vowels of number 430 which is Elohim and its translated God, 304
locations where they took the name Yahweh out and
put God in its place.
Now if you were to ask the average American, what do
you call the one you worship most people would just say I worship God.
Now they may not be referring to the
Babylonian deity name God, but to me that underscores my point, we shouldn't be taking the name Yahweh out of the bible in the first place, much less put it in the an idol or a demon in its place, in my mind we should be appalled at these things in the spiritual realm perhaps the enemy is just making a big mockery of Yahweh over the whole thing, laughing his head off over what he has inspired men to do, to dishonor our father in heaven. Because the enemy is always looking for ways to take the glory for himself to be like the most high.
And the enemy has historically inspired men
to follow after idolatrous practices rather than the practices Yahweh ordained, he inspired men to set aside a day of rest that Yahweh sanctified a creation, the Sabbath, the Shabbat and most of the Christian world are keeping the first day week instead a day that Constantine called the venerable day of the sun. He inspired men to step aside Yahweh's true holy days and festivals and keep days that are rooted in demon worship, that's has been his way to get men to turn away from the true original faith and get the glory for himself in some way that maybe only in many cases he and Yahweh know about. And he's laughing and so he inspired men to take Yahweh's holy name out of the scriptures and through a roundabout way get men to refer to Yahweh by the name of an idol that scripture specifically names in Isaiah 65:11 an idol by the name of God.
Now I realize the term God may not actually be rooted
on English language, the term God in English may not be specifically rooted in the Hebrew word God. However from what I've researched the English term God doesn't have rosy origins either.
Now I'm not a historian but I have to admit I was
very disturbed when I read the following quote from the 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It says this God, the common Teutonic word for a personal objects of worship the word God German goat from guth which was related to Torres the Bowl on the conversion of Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one supreme being; the creator of the universe. And so when a Teutonic people converted to Christianity they decided to go ahead and let them continue using this term in relation to Yahweh our heavenly father and say that's his name.
Does that bother you at all? I mean it bothers me.
Years ago I talked to a Missionary and he worked for New Tribes Mission and I asked him I said when the people translate bibles into the language of various people and different tribes that you discover. What do you do with the sacred name, Yahweh? He goes, what they do is they try to figure out whether or not the particular deity that they're worshipping in that tribe wherever it may be, it is actually compatible with the name of our heavenly, with the bible, with the God of the bible. And what they'll do is let's say that worship some deity called Zolo or something, they'll actually put Zolo where ever the name Yahweh existed originally no joke and so rather than putting
Yahweh they put Zolo.
If they felt that that particular deity to their worshipping was somehow compatible with the true Mighty One Yahweh, I was appalled. I try to get a hold of that New Tribes Mission I can't get a hold of them, but he worked for them he was the maintenance guy that worked there, so he saw a lot he worked at their building.
But here we have them doing this very thing
they're saying, well this is the name of your deity, you can continue calling him that, here's the one the Bible you know as if it's all on the same it doesn't matter.
Now another Wikipedia it's still up there, it says

under the word God in other words the animosity
here says the translation for the word to Deus of the Latin bible was influenced by the then current usage by the tribes for their highest deity namely, Walden by the Angles, Saxons and Frank's of North Central Western Europe and Golden or Goden are the long bar of the South Central Europe around Rome. There are many instances where the name Goden and Walden are contracted to God and what; I guess I don't know what. Either way this is under the origins of the English word God having their origins directly into Goden and this term Walden is where we get Wednesday, Wodan's day, the fourth day of the the week, all right. So interesting connection there, to me though its utterly abominable to take the name Yahweh out of the bible and put the name of an idol. I don't care how Bible friendly the idol may seem to be and that's was on the Teutonic tribe and very appalled and concerned about that. And if you're not, I just can't imagine why you wouldn't be, I am.
Now this is not a new thing they were doing a
lot of the same thing back in the days of Jeremiah. In Jeremiah chapter 23 he said how long will this be in the heart of prophets to prophesy lies? Indeed they're prophets of the deceit of their own heart. Who tried to make my people forget my name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name for Baal. So he's stating a fact that the people of Israel forgot Yahweh's name and instead chased after this deity known as Baal. And interestingly the Hebrew meaning of the word Baal is Lord and we see the same thing going on
And in certain cases Lord or in certain cases God.
Now I'm not trying to say if you use this term Lord
that you're referencing Baal directly, it just happens to be what the name Baal means in our language. You could just as easily say Master, Baal means Master but either way I just, this is too close for comfort for me. Hosea chapter 2:16; it shall be at that day, says Yahweh, thou shall call me Ishi; and no longer call me Baali. I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, they shall no longer be remembered by their name, he didn't like it. Now Baali in the Hebrew language is a literal and I mean it's common, its referencing husband, its referencing in one place in Jeremiah is actually called, it's somewhere it's called, Yahweh is called Baal as in the sense of Master. But eventually he didn't want to be called that anymore, as we can see. And we have some may mean God, what's it mean the supreme being, Lord, what's it mean, it means Master but we have these things being used in place of Yahweh's name just as Baal was used in place of Yahweh's name and forgot Yahweh's name for Lord we have today. People are forgetting Yahweh's name for Lord and for God. So, incidentally, there is actually a strange, instance here, Joshua chapter 11:16; Joshua took all this land, mountain country, all the south, land of Goshen, the lowland, and the Jordan plain-- the mountains of Israel and its lowlands, from Mount Halak and the ascent to Seir, even as far as Baal Gad, or Lord God. It's there also Joshua 12:7 and 13:5, I mean I'm not saying there is really anything doctrinal about this, but I thought that was kind of strange. Here we have Lord God in the text which I know is a kind of a mix of translation and transliteration but nevertheless.
I remember what I had said earlier about the things
which the gentiles sacrificed; they sacrificed to demons and not to Elohim.
I want to talk to you about a new discovery I
have found regarding this particular Isaiah 65:11 says what is this Septuagint? Septuagint is a Greek version of the Jewish scriptures redacted or edited in the third and second centuries BC; this is a couple hundred years before the Messiah was born on the earth.
So here's 2 or 300 years before Yahushua is even
born and we have this translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. And so when they came across this Isaiah 65:11 what they actually put here in place of God, they put this particular Greek word in its place. Now if you don't read Greek let me tell you what this word actually is, the same word is found here in
the plural form and the word means demon.

And so in the mind of a Jewish man 2 or 300 years
before Messiah was born when he saw that term God the thing he thought of was a demon, that's what he thought of. So even though the term God may be in use in reference to one of 12 tribes of Israel, Gad in this context it was thought of as the name of a demon. Does that disturb you at all? It disturbs me greatly and so what was Yahweh thinking of when he saw this? He's thinking of something contrary to him, when he
sees this term God and so these are to me some
reasons why I choose not to call my heavenly father, God. Now there are other reasons, now what I'm about to tell you takes a little bit of concentration to think about, it requires a little bit of understanding how language functions. But I want you to notice something here in this translation, It says in the beginning, it says here God created the heaven and the earth, that's genesis 1:1. Now the Hebrew word behind God here is actually the Hebrew word Elohim. In most cases Elohim is translated God in our
language, okay now the word God in the dictionary

means the one supreme being, the creator and
ruler of the universe, that's the English meaning of this word God according to Random House dictionary. And just to show you that the word God actually comes from the Hebrew word Elohim, here's Easton's bible dictionary it says the name of the divine being God, the name of the divine being, sorry but it's not his name, it's a title; it is the rendering of the Hebrew word El from a word meaning to be strong, plural Elohim, singular form Eloha is only used in poetry. Now this word El in this word Elohim are the 2 most commonly used Hebrew words that are translated God in our language. But what I want you to notice is the Hebrew word El doesn't even mean God it means to be strong, so the Hebrew word El does not mean God it means to be strong or to be mighty. So God is actually a mistranslation of the Hebrew word El or Elohim, because word God as we saw earlier that word means the supreme main creator and ruler of the universe, whereas in Hebrew it simply means to be strong or to be mighty. Now some evidences of this look at Genesis chapter 23 verses 5-6; and the sons of Heth answered Abraham, saying to him, hear us my Master, you are mighty, that word in Hebrew is Elohim, a mighty prince among us. Another example Genesis 30 verse 8; Rachel said, with great (or Elohim) wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister. Exodus 9:28; Entreat Yahweh that there be no more mighty thunderings and hail; the Hebrew word there is Elohim, its time, why don't they put God here if they're really accurate in their translations? They're not accurate in their translations because the word Elohim does not mean God, I'm sorry I didn't have the screen out there for you. And so the Hebrew word Elohim is translated great here is translated mighty here, is translated mighty in Genesis 23 verse 5 and so the word doesn't even
mean God to begin with.

Another example Exodus 21 verse 6; then his master
shall bring him to the judges; it's translated judges in this verse, it should be mighty ones, the man of mighty, the man of strength, the men who are judges, but it doesn't directly mean judges. Another example Exodus 22 verse 8; if the thief be
not found, then the master of the house should be
brought to the Elohim, to the judges, the mighty men, it's just what they call the judges Elohim, they call their judges Elohim. They didn't call our judges Gods, they didn't call thundering Gods, or wrestling Gods or Abraham
God, no it's just Elohim.
The word Elohim does not mean God. 1 Samuel 14:15 there was trembling in the camp, in the field, among all the people: the garrison, and the raiders, also trembled, the earthquake: so it was a very great trembling. Great meaning the word Hebrew word Elohim,
doesn't say God trembling there, does it or God city.
Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a god great city? See Elohim does not even mean God at all, it's a mistranslation.
There's another example of the word El, so do not
withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in the power or ill of your hand to do so. El as you recall is the singular form Elo is of Elohim shortened from Elowa.
Nehemiah 5 verse 5; now our flesh is as the flesh
of our brethren, our children as their children: and, did, we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have been brought into slavery: it is not in our power (the Hebrew word El) to redeem them; for other men have our lands and vineyards. I think there might be Elowa there if I remember correctly So here's my point, is we want to be able to accurately convey what our heavenly father was actually saying when he spoke the words that he spoke. That's the point of a translation is that we can be accurate and correct and being able to match the same thoughts, same thinking that he had when he inspired the words to be written.
Because the truth is the words of Yahweh are pure
words like stubble tried in the furnace of earth, purified 7 times and we are called to let our words be like his words pure and accurate. You shall keep them, O, Yahweh; you shall preserve them from this generation for ever. And if you look at the Hebrew its right there, it's just translation; men's translation has caused it to the misunderstood, mistranslated.
So I don't know about you but I want to stick with
what he originally inspired and not deviate to the right or to the left and according to the data I have the Hebrew words, El, Elowa and Elohim are found over 2600 times in the masarex text,
in fact 32 percent of all verses in the book of
Deuteronomy contained one of those words. And with such a common word, is it not very important that what is chosen to translate that word is as accurate as possible?
Absolutely, what's wrong with being accurate?
What's wrong with being correct? What's wrong with correcting something that's not correct? If God then is not an accurate translation of Elohim then this is probably the most mistranslated word in all of scripture.
And unlike the term God, the Hebrew word Elohim can
legitimately be applied to both men and our heavenly father, it's not an exclusive term belonging to the Supreme Being. So for example there are many who say heavenly
father is God, Jesus is God, Holy Spirit is God,
we must have a 3 in 1 God. But we also said Yahushua himself said, we're called Elohim so if you gonna believe eternity doctrine you can't use that reasoning as being a legitimate reason why he is equal to the father.
Yahushua said many good works I've shown you from
my father for which of these works do you stone me? The Jews answered him saying for a good work we did not stone you, but for blasphemy because you being a man make yourself Elohim. Yahushua answered them is it not written in your law I said you are Elohim? It was coming from a song, so the first thing
Yahushua did was correct their misconception of
what it means to be Elohim, even the Jews of the first century misunderstood, even man is called Elohim what's the big deal?
Now in that bible dictionary it was
mentioned that both El and Elohim, El is singular but Elohim is plural. Elohim is the most common title being used over 2200 times in the Hebrew, but is it really plural?
If so it would make no sense in many cases if
Elohim really was plural, I'll show you why.
It says; Yahweh said to Moshe, see I've made you
as Elohim to Pharaoh. Was there a multiple Moses? I mean, or is he... you see, it doesn't make sense. In Hebrew there is a concept you need to know about called plural intensive and that's where Hebrew will take a word and pluralize it to kind of intensify it or to sort of like putting in bold print or putting it in exclamation point after it. And so you may be familiar with the phrase time, time means, to life, even though the im on the end like the word Elohim is signifying that's a plural word. See an example in Genesis 27 verse 46 Rebekah said
to Isaac, I am weary of my time.
Now time, the im ending is signifying masculine plural just like we have Elohim giving us masculine plural but in this instance its translated singular life. I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. And yet it's translated and strangely the reason why is because all the other words I and my, are
all singular in their usages in Hebrew.
And so we know because these are all singular that this word time is not intended to be plural, it's intended to be intensive, they've intensified a word. It didn't say we are weary of our lives, it says I am weary of my time and actually the literal Hebrew there is meaning why to live. Now in Hebrew when you have a plural noun you
have to make everything else plural also but you
don't see that with the term Elohim, it says, Elohim said let there be light and there was light, In the beginning Elohim created heavens and the earth, Barawi have to be plural also and so if everything else..., but we don't find that in Hebrew everything else is singular and so the term Elohim while it can be plural and it's actually usage in the text its singular. Nowhere does Yahweh said "we are Elohim", he says "I am Elohim", I am the Elohim, never says anything like, Yahweh never refers to himself as in the plural, he says I or man always refers to him as singular, he never refer to him as plural and so that's how we know this term Elohim is not intended to actually be plural, it's intended plural intensive or intensifying of a word like putting it in bold print and so the term Elohim simply means Mighty One or might, strength, or power. Am I making sense? I hope I'm making sense. Well, suppose for a minute that some people say, well, Tom, why don't you say Lord? Suppose there was a husband who had a wife who refused to call him by his name, no matter how many times the husband tried to tell the wife my name John, why don't you call me John? She refuses to call him John instead she calls him hubby. She like the term hobby, but she used in place of his name John, he's like why don't you call me John? I'm calling you hubby. She ignored him and it was the term that she always called her first husband you previously died and so the second husband you know, you know got sick of it also but anyway my
point is the woman dies she remarries, the man
marries another woman do you think that he would want that woman to call him hubby? Now I'm just trying to get Yahweh's perspective here, everyone is calling him Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord in place of his name Yahweh. And God, God, God, God, God all this time in place of his name Yahweh. Now I'm not trying to pretend like I'm him okay, but trying to be after his own heart I think he's pretty sick of hearing it.
Even though, even the title itself maybe isn't,
you know, Lord means this regarding this, whatever. I think he would be sick of hearing it especially when people use that term in place of his actual personal name which he said praise my name, glorify my name, pray in my name, bless my name, lift up my name, proclaim my name among all the earth. They don't do it, they put this Lord, Lord, Lord, God, God, God in there and honestly it's gotten me to a point where I can't stand to hear it a lot of time, I put up with it. I know people are not trying to defend anybody, not trying to be bad people, I can look past that, he can too. But Yahweh's name is being forgotten for Lord and God and I don't think he particularly cares for that and so I don't call him Lord, I don't call him God.
So it seems much better to call him my Mighty One
instead of my God or my Elohim, instead of my God, my Master because the term Master hasn't really been used to replace Yahweh's name. So I'll say Master instead of Lord, I'm just trying to be after his own heart is that okay? Not claiming I know everything about him but hope you see where I'm coming from. So I wanna show you something else here Elohim, the term Elohim is unique. Imagine if instead of Elohim being in the text it had Creator, then Elohim said let there be light, then Creator said let there be light. Do you see how we are kind of missing this word THE in front of Creator, should be like THE, there pardon my poor drawing. I think this is a The Creator said, then The Master said, and then The Redeemer said, and The Savior said. But what this has done here is the term Elohim has become so intricately linked with our heavenly father that it functions in the language the same way a name functions, does not use THE in front of it
and so we're using a similar to how a name is
used rather than how a title is used because there's no definite article in front of Elohim there. Same is true about the word Messiah in the 1 Peter 4:1 says; therefore since Messiah suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind. He didn't put THE here... since the Messiah separate for us in the flesh because it became so intricately linked with his person Yahushua the Messiah that he did not put the definite article in front of it any longer. Saying the anointed ones suffered for us in the flesh and so when we're transliterating a word the reason why we transliterate is because it's function as similar to how I name functions, there's no definite article in front of it and so I think it's acceptable to use the term Elohim where ever that word is in the text because there's no definite article in front of it. That's the same reason say we don't say Yahushua the Anointed, the word Mashiach means anointed. We say Yahushua the Messiah, Yahushua Mashiach and the reason why we can say Mashiach suffer for us in the flesh or Messiah suffered for us in the flesh, is because it does not have a definite article in front of it therefore its functioning like a name functions in a language. And so therefore we transliterated that means carry the same sounds over into our language. I hope I'm making some sense here, I'm not trying to confuse anybody, but I hope I do make some kind of sense. I do think this matters, I do think it really is pretty important and we need to correct our language, to correct our speech.
Here's another reason I'm disturbed by this term
God, it has become this generic term that fails to identify the true Creator. There is a growing concept which is very alarming to me that we all worship the same God so to speak, or we all understand differently but we all worship the same God. For instance United States coinage has quote "in God we trust" end quote and the reason why the ACOU can't get rid of that is because you can identify which God you're talking about. If it says "in the Christian god we trust or in Yahweh we trust" the ACLU will be all over it, but you've generalized, you are accustomed to this generic deity you choose which God it is that you trust in. And, too, often is the coin itself or the money itself that's the one they're trusting. Which, interesting enough, the word many, I think, it's probably related to money for anyway because Isaiah 65:11, the second deity named in that verse, I'm not sure about that but I've heard that. But anyway this term God has become like whatever God it is, you know Christian God, Hindu God, Buddhists, Moslem, whatever you can say that you believe in God and doesn't matter which one and so everything's just sort of watered down. An you will be talking about any deity out of the sun. You could talk to a man who worshiped Satan as God and you ask him if he believed in God, he'd say yeah. I once heard a Christian preacher on the TV saying because God is God, okay God is God that makes no
Who is the God you worship? God, okay God is God, now that doesn't make sense to me because I understand what the man is trying to say, but you fail to identify the one you worship and listen Yahweh gave us his name so that we would distinguish him from all this worship in heaven and earth. It's used from the very beginning of the scripture Genesis chapter 2 verse 4; I think it's high time we start distinguishing him from all that's worshipped on the earth, he is holy, he should be holy in our
minds, set apart.
The word holy means to be set apart, he's not like the other deities, he is different than anything that's worshipped on the earth. He gave us his name so he would be distinguished from all that's worshipped and that his name would be great among all nations. And what do they do? They take his name right out of his own book and put God in there, some generic deity.
Yet he said in Malachi 1:11; from the rising of
the sun, even to its going down my name shall be great among the gentiles. In every place in incense should be offered to my name, a pure offering, my name should be great among the gentiles (among the nations). He wants his name to be great, not just in Israel but in all nations, he wants his name to be
praised, and we see that's his will.
Either way you're going to bring that to pass, you use it and you proclaim it. I want to be as far from syncretism and universalism as the East is from the West. When I say Yahweh is the Elohim, he didn't mean he sets apart from all that's worshipped. Those who hear the words Yahweh Elohim will neatly know, l'm not chipping in him, I'm not clopping in some other deity, there is no one like Yahweh, there is none besides you nor is there any rock like our Elohim, Our Mighty One. Talk no more so very proudly, that no error is going to come from the mouth of Yahweh as the Elohim of knowledge, the Mighty One of Knowledge. By him actions are weighed. 2 Samuel 7:20; therefore you are great O Yahweh Elohim, there is none like you nor is there any Elohim (Mighty One) besides you. Jeremiah 10 verse 6; Master there is none like you, O Yahweh; you are great, and your name is great in might. Who would not fear you, O King of nations? For this is rightful do: for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, there is none like you. Therefore, I say let's set him apart in our speech and not place him in the company of idols.
Our words are important as I shared here in recent
weeks that power in that danger of words.
Words according to Yahushua, John 6:63; his
words, he says my words are spirit and they are life. And our goal is that we convey with our words as exactly as Yahweh inspired them.
How we are conveying him is exactly how he intended
to be portrayed among us, that's why you don't
replace his name with anything it takes a lot of
gall to change the bible. Scripture says don't add to, don't take away and the term God is not accurate in its translation of the word Elohim, they are two different words, two different things and when they took the name Yahweh out and put Lord in there or God in there, they failed to accurately convey what Yahweh originally intended to be spoken. And it matters, death and life are in the power of a tongue, those who love it will eat its fruit, Proverbs 18:21. Proverbs 15:4; a wholesome tongue is a tree of life, perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Psalms 12 verse 6; the words of Yahweh are pure words like silver tried in a furnace of earth purified 7 times. Proverbs 10:20; the tongue of the righteous it's choice silver also. Is this your tongue? I want it to be my tongue; I want it to be my tongue to be like choice silver also as Yahweh's words silver tried in a furnace of earth. Exodus 23 verse 13 says in all that I've said to you,
be circumspect make an omission of the name of
other Elohim or Mighty Ones nor let it be heard from your mouth. He doesn't want us to even talk about those deities let alone take the name of an idol and we're going to call Yahweh by the name of an idol, replace Yahweh's name with an idol's name. If that doesn't bother you I don't know what would, I honestly don't know what would. I know this, 1 Peter 4:11 anyone who speaks let him speak as the oracles of Elohim. If you're going to open your mouth and use that tongue of yours, let it be according to his oracles just as he inspired. Let's pray, O, Father Yahweh forgive us if our
words have not been as your oracles.
If we have not honored your name as you have commanded us, we love your name, we love your word,
we love you, and we love everything about you.

Who is like you?
No one, among the nations, among the deities worshipped, we choose not to love and within idols
of the nations.
You are the Most High; you are Holy, set apart.
Father Yahweh we pray that any who are unaware of
this, who do not know that you would make it known
and they will call you by your name.
O, Father it seems so much more personal to call you
by your name, what an honor than just call you
some generic title or the name of some other deity, O, Father forgive, have mercy upon your people, help us to be accurate in conveying just what you wanted us to convey when we speak your words.
Open the eyes of the body of Messiah to see these
very things, for truly yours is the Kingdom and Power and Majesty, and all praise, honor and worship belongs to you, Yahweh Elohim, Yahweh Our Mighty One, forever and ever in Yahushua's great name, Amein.

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast