The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 2
04/23/16 (2/15) Video Broadcast

StudyThe Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - Part 2 - Study

Part 2 - Comments and Questions

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - Part 3 - Study01:15:40

Part 3 - Comments and Questions01:47:18

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - Part 4 - Study01:10:27

Part 4 - Comments and Questions01:20:42

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - Part 5 - Study01:28:14

Part 5 - Comments and Questions01:26:04

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - Part 6 - Study01:21:26

Part 6 - Comments and Questions01:21:58

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 7 - Study01:33:37

Part 7 - Comments and Questions01:15:02

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse - part 8 - study01:30:39

Part 8 - Comments and Questions01:36:18

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 9 - Study01:43:15

Part 9 - Comments and Questions01:39:06

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 10 - Study01:43:19

Part 10 - Comments and Questions01:59:03

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 11 - Study01:48:08

Part 11 - Comments and Questions02:41:41

The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 12 - Study01:35:34

Part 12 - Comments and Questions01:44:35
So we are now on our
second part, as we examine
the Book of Romans
verse by verse.
And our desire is to gain
a full understanding of
everything being taught,
squeeze everything we can
out of the Book of Romans,
without adding a bunch of
things to the Word, of
course, but try to get
everything that we
can out of that.
We suggested last week
that I offer a summary of
each teaching as I
complete each one and I
think we're gonna go ahead
and do that, and I wanna
start with actually
last week's message, the
previous segment,
part one.
In part one, we examine
the following points as we
begin our journey into
the Book of Romans.
First of all, Paul wrote
to the Romans after the
Jews had been given
permission to return to
They had been kicked
out of Rome for various
reasons, but they were
permitted to come to back
to Rome.
And so, this is written
after that time and a
had developed.
Within 10 years after he
wrote the Letter to the
Romans, believers of
Messiah were blamed for a
fire that burned three
quarters of the city.
And as a result, many were
tortured and many were
Perhaps, Paul was one
of them, I don't know.
And Paul considered
himself to be a bond
servant or a slave, and
an apostle, that means one
who is sent.
And we learned that we are
either slaves to sin or
slaves to righteousness.
Messiah bought us so
that we could be adopted
Also, the prophets
predicted the Messiah
would be from the seed of
David, would be killed,
then resurrected within
three days and would sit
at Yahweh's right hand
to rule over the nations.
We are the called of
Yahushua, the saints, the
holy ones, recipients of
grace, beloved of Elohim.
That's our identity
in Messiah.
It's important we express
thanksgiving to Yahweh for
one another and pray
for one another.
Paul had not yet been
to Rome, but hoped to be
there soon, which we found
out later, he actually
After being tried in
Judea, he would appeal to
Caesar and eventually
lived in Rome on house
arrest while
awaiting trial.
And that's how The Book
of Acts actually ends.
And finally, we should
not be ashamed of the good
news of Messiah.
We must be very active
in proclaiming it, not be
Through the Messiah, we
become the righteousness
of Elohim and only
by faith, are we made
righteous, not by our
own works or effort.
Also, creation itself
proves that there is a
Rejection of the Creator
leads to the worship of
the creature instead
including the worship of
Worship of the creature
leads to a debased mind
that gets involved in all
manner of sin, much of
which we see in
our culture today.
Very much so.
So that is a summary of
our teaching last week,
and we're gonna go ahead
and pick up from there.
Romans 1, and it says:
"Since the creation of the
world, His invisible
attributes are clearly
seen, being understood by
the things that are made."
It means that we do
understand that we are
"Down deep, we all truly
actually do understand
that, but some are just
hearting their heart
against it for
various reasons.
Even His eternal power and divinity so that they are without excuse because although they knew Elohim, they did not glorify Him as Elohim nor were thankful but became feudal in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into an image made like corruptible man," that's today. "And the birds and four-footed animals and creeping things," that was the things we saw more commonly in former times. "Wherefore, Elohim also gave them up to unclean-ness and the lust of their hearts. To dishonor their bodies among themselves who had stained the truth of Elohim for the lie and worship this other creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever, Amen. For this reason, Elohim gave them up to vile passions, for even their women exchange the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise, also, the man leaving the natural use of the woman, burn in lust for one another, with man committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim of their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, callousness, maliciousness, fool of envy, murders, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, their whisperers, backbiters, haters of Elohim, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, who, knowing their righteous judgement of Elohim that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those who practiced them." So, a pretty good picture actually of our modern era, our modern generation being described here in the book of Romans 1, the tail end there. So it's a natural result, when you worship the creature rather than the creator, the creature becomes the deity, the one that's revered and valued. The creature, therefore, rules the hearts of men. And men can form their own image of Elohim, what they want Elohim to be like. One that is more willing to be overlooking all
their sins, and they can continue to live as they want. Or they say, "There is no Elohim," and by that, something is going to have to take its place. In this case, self. Humanism, secularism takes its place. Which is a religion, it's just the worship of self. So in saying all these things, our commentary on the culture that we live in, it's very important that while these things are certainly the case, that we do not become hypocritical or self righteous by allowing the influence of the world to be a part of who we are. And this is the thing that Paul himself, in the very next chapter, begins to warn us about. He says, "Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself, for you who judge practice the same things. But we know that the judgement of Elohim is according to truth, against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same, that you will escape the judgement of Elohim?" And so, there's a danger in being judgmental, particularly if you yourself are still struggling with the exact same sins. Yahushua himself spoke of this matter, in Matthew 7, He said, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged. And with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank that's in your own eye?" So we need to consider any planks that happen to be in our life and otherwise, we're in danger of falling
into judgment. Scripture says, "There's one lawgiver who was able to save and to destroy, who are you to judge another? Let Yahweh do the judging." Now, the difference here, I think, that Paul is speaking about in Romans chapter two is Paul is addressing a sort of a mystery person, just whoever you are who judge. It's unclear whether Paul had heard of somebody doing this or if he was presenting a hypothetical person who, like the ones Yahushua spoke of, were judging another but guilty themselves of ongoing planks in their own eyes. It could be the Jews he's speaking of here. It could even be Gentiles he's speaking of here, or it could be both. But whoever it is, we're looking at a unrepentant person who judges others, and as a result, they are
in a heap of trouble. Yahushua had a real problem with the hypocrites, who sought to appear righteous outwardly, but inwardly, they were not righteous at all, according to their conduct. Now Yahushua said in Matthew 23:27, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like white-washed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Even so, you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside, you are full of hypocrisy and torahlessness or lawlessness." Scribes and Pharisees really set the example of Judaism in that generation. And those who were involved with their kind of mentality, were very susceptible to hypocrisy as well. But the same was true also of Gentiles, because some of the sins that are mentioned here, such as
violence and parental rebellion and what else do
we see here? Murder. These kinds of things are things that most Gentiles, even in that era, felt were not virtuous things to be practicing [chuckle] They were condemned. And so, even Gentiles are just as guilty as Jews of having this hypocritical mindset of judging those
who were practicing these things within themselves doing the same things. And that they were being unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful. Those are not virtuous things even in the Gentile world. So could Paul be speaking to both Gentiles and Jews? Absolutely. They were murderers and violent men who could have been judged by Gentiles. Certainly, it was against the law to commit murder in the Gentile world and almost every culture on the earth, yet they were undoubtedly Gentiles who were just susceptible to hypocrisy. Any of us are susceptible to that. So looking at here Romans chapter 2, we're talking about unrepentant person who is practicing the very things they're condemning others for doing. And it goes on to say, this was an unrepentant person, we see this because he says in verse 4, "Or do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance, and long suffering not knowing that the goodness of Elohim leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you're treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath in revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim who will render to each one according to his works." And I noticed very strong words used there. Very strong words to describe the unrepentant. It says that they despised Yahweh's riches. What are Yahweh's riches? His goodness, his forbearance, and his long suffering. And a refusal to repent is an act of despising these beautiful elements of Yahweh's character in person. Interesting word, interesting choice of words here. We know that Yahweh is good, but did you know that Yahweh, in Yahweh's eyes, if you don't repent, you're actually despising his goodness. You want nothing to do with his goodness. That means that you don't treat his goodness with appreciation but rather with contempt. And the Greek word actually literally means to look down upon the riches of his goodness, forbearance and long suffering. To see yourself at a higher position above the need for repentance. And we know that Yahweh has a lot of forbearance but did you know that you're despising his forbearance if you don't repent of whatever sins you may be involved in? And we know that Yahweh is long suffering but did you know that you are despising his long suffering if you're not coming to repentance? And so, the good things being in your future, nothing but wrath is in the future.
That's what been treasured up, not the the good things are being treasured up in heaven but rather wrath, and the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim. And we cannot escape his judgment. Paul quotes a portion here of the Psalms, "Who will render to each one according to his deeds," it's from the Psalm 62 verse 11 and 12 Elohim has spoken twice, I've heard this, "That power belongs to Elohim, also to you oh master belongs mercy." So we have power we have mercy, for you render each one according to his work. The same thought is also seen in the book of Jeremiah 17:9-10, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? I, Yahweh search the heart, I test the mind even to give everyman according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doing." And so, repentance is absolutely a requirement for us. Now, repentance does not necessarily mean that you immediately become perfect and never making a single mistake at any kind in your entire life, the word repent is actually found here in this verse Ezekiel 14:6, it says, "Therefore, say to the house of Israel, thus says the master Yahweh, repent, turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations." Here, the word repent is actually found twice in this verse. It literally reads Shavoo m'hashevoo. Both times, Hebrew words that is used is found in the imperative and that means it's a command. And the second time, it's found in 'Hifil' which means to cause something. And so essentially, it means to turn and cause yourself to turn. And this word 'shuv' means to return or turn back. To turn back to Yahweh, turning back toward righteousness, that's the basic meaning of repentance. You gotta understand what that really means if we're going to make sure that we are qualified, to make sure that we are doing what the expects of us, so that we don't end up living in such a way that is not gonna lead us to salvation. We gotta have a good understanding of this. Now, the Greek word is 'metanoia' and a change of
mind as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or something he has done. So the basic meaning of repentance is that we would turn away from unrighteousness and following the way that Satan would have us to walk. To change our mind and have a desire to turn toward Yahweh and return back to him. We were created by him and if we turned away from him, we need to turn back to him. And we resolve to walk as Yahweh would have us to
walk rather than his enemy, the devil would have us to walk. Now believe it or not, I actually have in my inbox, my email inbox, emails from people who believe that this portion of Roman is only taking about the Jews. And really, only the Jews need to repent. And the thought is that the Gentiles just need to believe in Jesus Christ and faith in Christ alone will save them. That's the words I hear. And so, a person could be a practicing whoremonger or homosexual person and as long as they put their faith and trust in the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins, they have done what's needed and they are saved. I even have a Bible that has laid out the headings.
Anyone here knows that certain bibles have headings, certain sections? And some of those headings can be misleading. This is a New King James study bible and it starts off Romans chapter 2, it titles it as 'Jews are judged according to truth.' And then on down to verse, just above verse 6, 'Jews are judged by their works.' Jews are judged with impartiality, as if this is only to the Jews, even though he says here, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. So if you continue to read, it says, "In accordance with your hardness, your impenitent heart, you're treasuring enough for yourself, wrath and a day of wrath, in revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim render to each one according to his deeds. Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good, patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory, honor, immortality. But to those who are self-seeking and did not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath," tribulation in English, "on every soul of man who does evil." Every single soul. The truth first also of the Greek. And so, why in the world did they title this this way? It's mis-titled. And you gonna watch for that. You gonna watch those headings in those study bibles. They can be very misleading. And I hope that nobody was misled by those title, but I would eventually say that there's probably people who were. Yeah. So we need to be sure that we are not one who is
being deceived by these kinds of headings, right?
So moving on.
To the Jew first and also of the Greek. And, this is the thing that Paul seeks to demonstrate throughout Romans chapter 2. And he actually does so. Also, in other portions of Scriptures. We get it in Chapter three as well, that he judges every human being on the planet as, under sin, under the law. So Yahweh promises that he will put a new heart in us, a new spirit within us. He will take the stone out of our flesh and gives us a heart of flesh. He will put a spirit within us and causes us to walk in his statutes, keep his judgments and do them.
That's the opposite of having the hard and impenitent heart. Everything is centered here around what's going on in the heart. If we have a hardening of our heart, then we will not have a patient continuance. We will be self-seeking, we will not obey the truth, we will not want to listen to what the Word of Yahweh teaches us. However, if Yahweh gives us a new heart and he puts a new spirit within us and takes the heart of stone out of our flesh and give us a pliable heart a flesh and he puts his spirit within us, what's gonna happen? He's gonna cause us to walk in his statutes, keep his judgments and do them, talking about the law, the law of Yahweh. Now, I've actually seen a lot of preachers quote verse 26. They talk about that, verse 26. They'll address that but they won't talk about verse 27 for some reason. Verse 27 is a little too controversial for... But verse 27 is important, very important. And we need to make sure we're doing both 26 and 27, and as Yahweh who makes all of that possible, Yahweh Elohim. So it's only by his spirit that we are able to walk out his statutes and his judgments and we're able to do them. So it's all Yahweh who gets the glory. So we need this pliable heart with the spirit of Yahweh residing therein and when we have that, we won't have this hardness of heart. We'll have a pliable heart that's willing to change, willing to seek for glory and for honor and for immortality. Now, the word translated impenitent here comes from the Greek word 279 and meaning no change of mind, unrepented, impenitent. It's actually the negative particle, this 'a' at the beginning, is the negative particle. We have 'ametanoios,' I don't like this, I guess, you could say it. I don't know how you say it. It's all Greek to me [chuckle] But anyway, metanoia, we have here number 341, it is the opposite of that. It has the negative particle in front of it, the 'a,' or the negative part. And so, it means you're not repentant. You're not going to change your mind. You're not going to be repentant. And this word is translated repent, and so it basically means, you're willing to repent. That's what impenitent means; you're not willing to repent. But we need to be willing to repent. So Paul understood that we must, we must repent. This "once saved, always saved" mentality in a sense that after you've done your confession, you've believed in the Messiah, then you can go live how you want, it doesn't matter because you're always going to be saved. He will never turn you away. He will never stop forgiving you no matter how many times you do something wrong. That's not correct. That's simply not correct. He expects and demands repentance.
And yet people say, "Well, faith is primary. Repentance, well, you know, if you can get around to it. [chuckle] Not all that important." It seems to be minimized amongst some. But I don't think we should minimize it. I think we should recognize it, that it's demanded, it's expected. It's a part of what we must do to have eternal life. And we must understand what it means. Repentance doesn't mean that you instantly become perfect and never fail again. It means that if you happen to fail, then you turn away from it, and you recommit yourself to pursuing righteousness. Your heart is now resolved toward pursuit of righteousness and you're committed to practicing Yahweh's ways rather than practicing sin. And if you do sin, you come to Yahweh in confession. If we confess our sins, it says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." It's talking about a believer here. If we happen to fall under some kind of sin, if we confess it, he's faithful and just to forgive us. And we see a beautiful attitude of confession coming from David who, after he had sinned with Bathsheba, he says, "I acknowledge my transgressions," Psalm 51:3-4, "and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge." He goes on to say down in verse nine, he says, "Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities." And he wants that clean heart. He wants that new heart. "Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." We need both a new heart and we need a new spirit, both. I think we read about, saw there in Ezekiel, a new heart in his spirit. "Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me." Beautiful, beautiful words of repentance here by King David. And again, it does not mean you instantly become perfected. It simply means that you're now on a path. You've turned away from unrighteousness, you're turning toward righteousness and now we're on the path toward getting better and growing and changing and becoming more and more like Messiah everyday. And if we happen to fall, we don't just lay there like a pig wallowing in the mire, but we get back up again and we keep on walking. So here it is, some examples: Proverbs 24:16, "If a righteousness man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked falls by calamities." So if the righteous man falls, he rises up again. He doesn't just lay there wallowing in the mire like a pig bathing in the mud. "In the path of the just is just as like the shining sun that shines ever brighter until the perfect day." And so, we continue to get ever brighter in our walk, more and more like Messiah everyday. And so, that's the goal, that's the intent, that's the life of the righteous man who is seeking justice and holiness and truth. Very important attribute of a believer is repentance. So back to Romans chapter 2. It says, "Every soul of man who does evil, every soul of man who does evil," Jew and Gentile, no exceptions given. So let's make sure that we are not treasuring up for ourselves indignation and wrath, but rather that we are treasuring up for ourselves the good things that Yahushua spoke about. Matthew 16:26, "For what profit is to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the son of man will come in the glory of His Father, with His angels, and He will reward each according to his works." John 5:28-29, "Do not marvel with this for the hour is coming in which all who are in their graves will hear his voice, and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation." So continuing here in Romans chapter 2:11, "For there is no partiality with Elohim." You're Jew or Gentile, he's not gonna say, "Let's see here, you have a Gentile, you have a Jewish father going back 30 generations. And so, you're going to go to hell. But you Gentiles over here, you don't look like you have any Jews in your tree and you're gonna be
alright. So you can break those laws and live how you want. That's okay because the law doesn't apply to you." Why? Because you didn't happen to have one Jewish dad fall on your family tree. Does that really make any sense? As if, it's almost racist, right? It is racist that he would have two standards, one for Jew and one for Gentile. It would be unfair. But Scripture says, "There is no partiality with Elohim. For as many as have sinned without law, will also perish without law." You don't have a law. You're still gonna perish without law as many as have sinned in the law, that means you have a law, you'll be judged by the law. "For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of Elohim, but the doers of the law are justified." Now, if the law has no place in the life of a believer, then why is he even saying this? If the law has no place in the life of a believer, then why is he saying, "The doers of the law are justified." If the law is done away with, why would he say this? It doesn't make any sense. The law is done. What are we even talking about the words? It's over. It's abolished the cross, and it's all done away with. But the truth is, even the ones who sinned without law would be, these Gentiles who had not heard the law that Yahweh gave to Moshe. Those who have sinned in a lot of Jews who have known the law of Moses and have broken it, both Jews and Gentiles declare guilty. How can that be? How can both the Jews and Gentiles be judged? But Paul reaffirms the law has not been abolished. He says, "The doers of the law are justified." So it's important we understand that the law still stands as it is. Whether or not they condemn us, is dependent upon our relationship to it. Are we doers of the law? If so, we're justified. If we're just hearers, that's not enough. We need to be doers. He points that out. So now, it's important that we understand this that none of us have done the law. And so in reality, none of us can be justified by the law. But nevertheless, it is true that the doers of the law will be justified by Yahushua who did the law, and was justified or declared righteous because of his obedience. We on the other hand, can only be justified by faith in the Messiah Yahushua. The law will never declare us righteous because we haven't done it. But we have, if we even failed him at one point, the law cannot say, we are justified. But do not miss the important fact in all of this. That's what being said here is the law of Yahweh is still the standard. The one that was given to Jewish people, it's still the standard. It's still the place one can turn to if you're seeking to learn what Yahweh's will is for men.
And so, I see Paul is telling us, here even Gentiles, who sinned without the law will perish without the law. Now, why would they be judged? They haven't heard the law of Yahweh as given to Moshe. Let's continue to read, verse 14, "For when Gentiles who do not have the law, by nature do things contained in the law, these although not having a law are a law to themselves." They know, they have a certain inherent understanding since they show the work of the Law written on their hearts. Their conscience also bearing witness between themselves, their thoughts either accusing or else, excusing them, in the day when Elohim will judge the secrets of men by Yahushua Messiah according to my good news. Now, the truth is, even Gentiles have a sense of
morality. Those who were, who have never even heard of Yahweh or Yahweh's law. And people wonder what will happen to those ones who have never heard. Well, Yahweh's law has a work in the hearts of all of his creation, which was an inherent sense that it's wrong to do certain things, and right to do other things. It's an inherent sense of right and wrong within the hearts of men. It's by nature, by the way he created us. And so, the point here is, even though many Gentiles have the knowledge of Yahweh's law, the law still impacts them in the areas that they are aware
because in the heart of every person, there's the understanding of right and wrong to a degree, to a degree. And so, to the degree that there is that understanding of right and wrong, by that degree, they will either be accused or excused based on their willingness to cease from practicing the things they know are wrong. And so, in that way, all the world is ultimately guilty before Elohim. Because even though they did not necessarily hear about the law, Yahweh has placed in the heart of men the sense of right and wrong. And so, those areas of the law, if they are aware, they're accountable. The law is written in their hearts, their conscience is bearing them witness. And that's why it says...
"Whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped in all the world. All the world may become guilty before Elohim." And so, there is an inherent sense of law in the hearts of everyone, because that places every person on the planet under the law. It says, "All the world may become guilty before Elohim." Whether you are a Jew or Gentile, it doesn't matter. We're all guilty. And so, this way, the entire world's basically under the law. But we have a savior who can redeem us and cause us to come under grace.
But only if we repent. We have to repent. Have to turn away from the wrong things and turn toward what's, right things and good things. And the fact that we're under grace does not give us a license to do as we please, and does not cause the law to be null and void. Rather, the fact that we even sought grace, demonstrates that the law does stand.
Our repentance from sin, our turning away from breaking Yahweh's law, our faith in his grace actually causes the law to stand because it demonstrates it has power over a person's life, to the extent that unless one turns away from law-breaking and puts his faith in Yahushua for where he has transgressed the law, the law is still enforced to the extent it could condemn you. So it's still in place. It's still there. It hasn't gone anywhere. It's just, for a believer, it cannot condemn us, because we have the righteousness of Messiah and Yahweh dwelling in us. And so, that's further evidence that Yahweh's law as given through Moshe, is for both Jew and for Gentile. And further evidence that it is for Jew and Gentile is seen right here in Romans chapter 2, in verse 17. It says, "Indeed, you are called a Jew and rest on the law, and make your boast in Elohim and, know his will." How does a Jewish person know the will of Yahweh? "And approve the things that are excellent." How is he able to approve the things that are excellent? Being instructed out of the law. That's how he gets it. Paul is acknowledging that. That we know his will, when we are instructed out of the law. And are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind. You are a guide to the blind if you learn and practice what the law tells you to do.
A light to those who are in darkness. You are a light to those in darkness if you learn and practice what the law tells you to do. Instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having a form of knowledge of truth in the law. Where do you get this information? How are you able to instruct those who are foolish? How are you able to teach those who are babe? How are you able to be a guide to the blind and know Yahweh's will and approve the things that are excellent? You go that as you are instructed out of the Torah, the law. So unless Paul's lying to us here, we have to agree that the Jewish people in his day knew Yahweh's will, approved the things that are excellent, were a guide to the blind, a light to those in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, and teacher of babes, all because they had the form of knowledge and truth being instructed out of Yahweh's law. And as of Paul's letters to the Romans, the law's still the standard by which all men are judged. And we see the Jews are responsible for imparting all of these things to anyone who was blind or in darkness or foolish or babes. So just based on what we're reading here, how could anyone conclude that we don't have to concern ourselves with the law anymore? That would be like saying, "We don't have to concern ourselves with Yahweh's will anymore. We don't have to concern ourselves with things that are excellent anymore. We don't have to concern ourselves with being a seeing one rather than a blind one," Or "We don't have to concern ourselves with whether or not we happen to be foolish or wise," or "We don't have to concern ourselves about spiritual growth because we can stay babes. It's okay." That's what you're saying when you say, "The law is no longer for today, it has no place in a believer's life." It doesn't make any sense. And so, Paul continues to say, "You therefore, who
teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you not steal? You who say, 'Do not commit adultery,' do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor Elohim through breaking the law?" Now, so many people are quick to run to this and say, "Yeah, yeah, that's right.
You're a bunch of hypocrites, you law keepers." [chuckle] But lost in all of that sometimes, is the very fact that you do dishonor Elohim when you break Yahweh's law.
Okay, you make the boast of the law, but you dishonor Elohim when you break it. Now, whether you boast in Elohim, or not, or boast in the law, or not, you're still dishonoring Yahweh by breaking it. It's inherent. "For the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you, as it is written." He's talking to the Jewish people here. Now, some people say, "Well, see? He's only talking about 10 Commandments." Not true. We've already discussed this. There's a whole study on that that we shared a couple weeks ago. Do we only keep the 10 Commandments? You don't see a prohibition of homosexuality in the 10 Commandments, but is anybody gonna argue that you would honor Elohim by committing homosexuality? Of course not. Or whoredom, or whatever else. Of course not. It says, "For the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." It's a danger of hypocrisy: We dishonor Elohim by breaking Yahweh's law. And really, this is a warning for all of us.
We bear the name of Yahweh. Much of the world is just now being introduced to Yahweh's name. And so, if our conduct is not upright, if we are presenting Yahweh's word any way but a loving way, if we are living our lives in such a way that it's not in accordance with love, and righteousness and holiness, then those who are around us, friends, family members, people in general community, they will associate Yahweh's name with unrighteousness. And by that, the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles. That was the concern in Romans chapter 2: They were Jewish people in Rome, who were instructing people out of the law, and telling them, "This is way you're supposed to live." But they themselves were
not living it. They're putting their confidence in things like circumcision. But if you look here in tail end here, this is
actually a quote, as it is written, he says. And this is actually a quote from the book of deeds." This is because He judged Israel for their Ezekiel. Ezekiel 36:19 says, "So I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed throughout the countries. I judged them according to their ways and their
wickedness. He judged Israel. He says, "When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name. When they, the Gentiles, said of them, 'Well, these are the people of Yahweh.'" And yet, they have gone out of His land. And so, that caused the name of Yahweh to be blasphemed. So in verse 21, it says, "But I had concern for My holy name, which the House of Israel had profaned, profaned among the nations wherever they went." So what's He gonna do about it? He's concerned about His holy name. Verse 22: "Therefore, I say to the House of Israel, thus says the master Yahweh 'I do not do this for your sake, O House of Israel, but for My holy name's sake, which you have profaned among the nations, wherever you went. And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst, and the nations shall know, that I am Yahweh,' says the Master Yahweh... When I am hallowed in you, before their eyes." So not for their sake, but the sake of His holy name. To some people, Yahweh's name is no big deal. But even though Yahweh's name is not significant to most people, to Him, it's very significant, to the extent that He was going to sanctify it. And He's going to cause every nation to know He is Yahweh, when He hallows himself through Israel.
It says, "For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land." That's northern tribes here, tribes of Israel. Hasn't happened yet. "But I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will give you a new heart." That's the context of this whole thing. "And put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give your heart a flesh. I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to welcome my statutes, and you'll keep my judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, you shall be my people and I will be your mighty one." That's the context.
And so, this is very awesome, I think. He really behold this for a moment. All of this because of Yahweh's concern for His holy name, and what we're experiencing right now as believers in the messiah as a part of this promise. That the house of Israel is in exile, of which we're a part, through Messiah. And so, these promises where Yahweh would gather Israel out of all of the countries, we're still waiting for that fulfillment. We see the signs of that being near. We're still waiting for that fulfillment, but the Messiahs the one who made that possible. For that cleansing to take place. The cleansing from all of our filthiness and from all of our idols, the things that we revere, the sins that we practiced, out of concern for His holy name. It's messiah who will gather Israel and Judah and everyone who joins themselves with Israel and Judah. You may not see yourself as an Israelite, even though you're a believer in the Messiah. We're gonna be talking quite a bit about that. But we see here, the first clues in Romans chapter 2:25, that we are Israel, in Messiah Yahushua... Romans chapter 2:25 says, "For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law, but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision." Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? Talk about a Gentile here. If a Gentile man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, his uncircumcision is counted as circumcision in Yahweh's eyes, because his heart is circumcised. And will not the physically uncircumcised if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your written code of circumcision are a transgressor of the law. Very, very interesting words here.
Continue to read. "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly. Knowing circumcision that which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly. And circumcision, as that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter whose praise is not for men, but from Elohim." So one could outwardly be a Jew but not really be a Jew.
Not really a part of the remnant, not really physically descended from Jews, from the nation of Israel, but they're not a part of the remnant that Yahweh promises to save as he go, 36 and so, "They will not eternally be Israel. They will eventually be consumed and destroyed in like a fire." One can outwardly be uncircumcised, but inwardly, be circumcised and be considered an Israelite in the eyes of Elohim. And this is an important matter that has always been true. It's always been true. If one wanted to turn their heart to Yahweh, he would count them among the Israelite people. That's why we have a mix multitude coming out of Egypt. That's why we have verses like the one here in Isaiah 56, where he says, "Thus says Yahweh, 'Keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Do not let the son of the foreigner who is joined himself to Yahweh speak saying, 'Yahweh is utterly separated me from His people.'" Don't even say it. Don't say that you're separated from His people even though you're the son of a foreigner. Nor let the eunuchs say, "Here I am a dry tree." For thus says Yahweh, "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath, and choose what pleases me, and hold fast my covenant even to them, I will give in my house, and within my walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters. I will give them everlasting name that shall not be cut off." Also, the sons of the foreigner who joined themselves to Yahweh, to serve him. To love the name of Yahweh, to be his servants. Everyone, everyone, everyone who keeps from defiling what? The Sabbath, "And holds fast my covenant, even them, I will bring about to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted in my altar. From my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." All nations. That was Yahweh's will at all times. Join yourself to Yahweh, become a part of his people, the people of Israel. We see this also in the book of Esther chapter 8:15-17, "So Mordecai went out in the presence of the King, in royal apparel of blue and white, with a
great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple, in the city of Susa, and rejoiced and was glad. The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor. In every province of the city, wherever the King's command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Then many of the people of the land became Jews." Because the fear of the Jews fell upon them. And so, it's always been true that foreigners could join in with Israel.
And the same is true today. Galatians 3:29: "If you are Messiah's, then you are Abraham's seed." Who is Abraham's seed? There's Isaac, and then there's Israel. And through Jacob, who is Israel, we are essentially, we are Israelites. We're not just Abrahamites; we are Israelites, 'cause it's through Israel, through what Yahushua did for us, that we become Israel, because he is an Israelite. Yahushua is an Israelite, and he's the one that lives in us.
"Therefore remember," Ephesians chapter 2:11, "Remember that you, once Gentiles"... In other words, one time, you were a Gentile. At one time. Indicating that you're no longer a Gentile, but you were "once Gentiles in the flesh, who were called uncircumcision, by what's called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands." He points that out. You were called that, but that's not what you are, because you were circumcised in your heart. "At that time." What time? The time that you were Gentiles in the flesh, indicating that you're not that anymore. "You were without Messiah, being aliens." At that time, you were aliens, or strangers, from what? The commonwealth of Israel, at that time. At that time, when you were a Gentile in the flesh, and "strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope without Elohim in the world. But now in Messiah Yahushua, you who were once far off," when you were aliens, when you were strangers from the covenants of promise, when you were without Messiah, "you've now been brought near by the blood of Messiah." Brought near to what? Brought near to what? Right here. Commonwealth of Israel. What else could it be? That's the context. That's what he's saying. It couldn't be anything but that. And so, we who are joining themselves to Messiah, we are now joined with the Commonwealth of Israel. We are part of the nation of Israel. And that's why Paul is saying, what he's saying. In fact, the new covenant, Jeremiah 31:31: "Behold, the days are coming," says Yahweh, "When I will make a new covenant of the House of Israel and the House of Judah." If you are not part of Israel and Judah, you're not even a named party in the covenant here. This Messiah who causes you to become Israel, and therefore, you are a named party in this covenant. A lot of people think, "Well, that old covenant, that's with the Jews." The new covenant is with everybody. The new covenant is also with the Jews in Israel.
And so, on the basis that you reject the old covenant... "Oh, I'm not that. That's not me. That's the Jews." You must also, by extension and logic, have to reject the new covenant as well. That's with Israel. Say, "Well, I'm not part of the new covenant. That's the Israelite." You can't have one without the other. You can't speak out of both sides of your mouth.
"So this covenant is not according to the covenant he made with their fathers." Whose fathers?
Israel, Judah.
It's not according to that covenant that he made with their fathers and the day he took them by the hand
to lead them out of the land of Egypt. It's a different covenant, not according to that one.
"My covenant, which they broke, though I was a husband to them," says Yahweh.
"But this is the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after this day," says Yahweh. "I will put my law." What law was that? The only law he gave to Israel was the law he gave to Israel through Moshe. "'In their minds, and write in their hearts, that I will be their mighty one, and they shall be my people. And so, when the law of Yahweh is in your heart, the spirit of Yahweh empowers you by giving this new heart to walk in his statutes and judgments. All of this lines up together beautifully. It all makes perfect sense. "And the day will come," it's not here yet, but, "The day will come where everyone teach his neighbor, every man and his brother, saying the name Yahweh, for they shall all know me. The least of them to the greatest of them," says Yahweh, "for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more." That's one of the promises of the new covenant that he has not promised in the Old Covenant. And that's why the New Covenant is much more superior. But a lot of people think, "Well, this is only talking about... This is not talking about a future time, it's talking about now." Well, what's new about this? If you turn yourself to Yahweh, obviously you knew him, right? There wouldn't be any thing significant about that. But everybody will know Yahweh, whether you're in the Covenant or not, you'll know him. You'll know him. 'Cause this other scripture says, "The Earth will be filled with knowledge of Yahweh as the sea covers the earth," or something like that. But notice that the law is written on the hearts and minds of Israel, and so if a person separates themselves from the law of the Old Testament because they say, "Well, the Old Covenant's with the Jews." How is that they see themselves being part a of the New Covenant? It just doesn't work that way. The New Covenant is with Israel, with Judea. You can't have it both ways. And so. The law that's supposed to be in our heart is a law that was given through Moshe and thundered from Mount Sinai when Yahweh spoke directly. And so, those who join themselves to Messiah become a Jew who is one inwardly. Because of the circumcise, heart is there, the one that's in the spirit, not the one that's in the letter. The circumcision takes place by the spirit of the living Elohim. So one who's a Jew inwardly is the one who has a circumcised heart and that's where the emphasis needs to be, and for that reason, Paul wrote a lot of things regarding circumcision. Look at the versus just prior this. He says, "For circumcision is indeed profitable." He's not against it. He says it's profitable. Even though he's ministering to Gentiles here, circumcision though is not the first thing on his mind, okay?
It's only profitable if you keep the law.
So the first thing on his mind was that their hearts will be circumcised and he believed that circumcision was profitable if he did keep the law, but knew Gentiles had a lot of learning to do regarding Yahweh's law. And so, he did not believe outward circumcision was the main priority. They had to learn what Yahweh's law was and keep it before it was even profitable for them to be circumcised, and for that reason, he did circumcise Timothy himself in Acts 16. But he makes the point that the physically uncircumcised person who does what? Keeps the righteous requirements of the law. That uncircumcised person, that Gentile, who keeps their righteous requirements of the law is able to judge a circumcised person who is a transgressor of the law, because it is the law,
that is the standard of righteousness for people to live by, whether you're in... No matter when you live.
Period. It is a standard. What was supposed to have happened was the eighth day, when a child is a baby, the circumcision takes place, but some of the Jewish people in Paul's day placed such great amount of emphasis on circumcision they saw as their ticket to eternal life. So much so, they didn't even concern themselves with repentance, and for that reason, Galatians 6:13 talks about those who were, "Of the circumcisions, not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh." Now, that's what he wanted. They weren't trying to keep the law. They were just trying to get you circumcised so they can brag about, "Oh, look what I got," This Gentile over here became a Jewish person and bragged to their buddies back home or wherever. Now, I do have a full study on circumcision found on the full study on Galatians. And also, on the transcripts page, June and July 2014, it may be actually be 15. I believe it's 15. June and July of 2015, sorry for that note up there, but we did a five-part study on the book of Galatians. So again, 2015. It's on the transcripts page and you can find the transcripts page,, and also, it's linked from the very top here of, click archives link and it'll set you on the right course. Okay. So back to Romans chapter chapter 2. It says that while Paul's not against circumcision, his point is that circumcision's without profit unless you keep the law. Now, if a person doesn't believe they need to concern themselves with keeping a law at all, Paul's entire point would be useless.
Obviously, he is concerned that we would be ones who keep Yahweh's law. Because if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, he is able to judge the one who is a transgressor of it. Now, if the law wasn't in any way, Yahweh's will for us, that whole point would be useless. And so, well, Paul is not against it, 'cause he says it's profitable if you keep the law, it's not the main emphasis. So everything that we have read so far, there is yet to be a single hint anywhere that Yahweh's Law has been abolished, or has been set aside, or has been changed. And Paul is lifting up Yahweh's Law, the Law of Yahweh as the standard for men to live by. As a basis for judging one to be a sinner or a transgressor. As a basis upon which we determine whether someone is walking in light, or walking in darkness. As a basis for determining who is foolish, and who is wise. As a basis and a standard by which Yahweh will judge all men on that final day. Now, if you believe Yahweh's Law has been abolished, you need to answer those scriptures 'cause to me, they're as clear as a bell. I mean, it's that simple, nothing complicated. I don't know of any way to refute that. Now, taking me to another place in the Bible that you believe may indicate, there a whole lot to see over here, the law is abolished. That's not gonna cause these scriptures to go away. And that's one of the problems I see actually. Very important for us to remember this. Too often I see in discussions between two people who have opposite views on any topic, about whether you keep Yahweh's Law, don't keep Yahweh's Law. And they have a pointless game at scripture tossing. For instance, the anti-law people will toss the scripture to the pro-law people. And rather than really addressing their point, the pro-law people will toss a pro-law scripture over to the other side. And then the anti-law people rather than really addressing that scripture at hand, toss another scripture they think is supporting anti-law views. And everybody will just play a little fun game of toss across that doesn't go anywhere. Nobody ever wins. If that's all we're gonna do, discussion's not gonna go anywhere. But what's more effective is if both parties address all the scriptures, on any topic. And if there's even one scripture that conflicts with our point of view, then our point of view needs to change and conform itself to the one scripture. And so, I do believe I've addressed every scripture and the anti-law person's been sent my way. I mean, I've been hearing it for 21 years since the ministry's been online, and even before then when I first came to this understanding in 1989, 1990. But I've never seen anybody really address what Paul's saying here in Romans chapter 2. He's upholding the law as the standard, no question about it. But rather than addressing that, I'll say, "Well, look, see, circumcision doesn't matter." That's not what he said. He didn't say circumcision doesn't matter. He says, "It's only profitable if you keep the law." Well, I say, "Well, you can't keep the law."
Nobody can keep the law. If that's true, then every single one of us are uncircumcised. We are. I mean, look at what it says, refresh here. It says, "If an uncircumcised man keeps the right requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?" It says, "If you are a breaker of the law, your
circumcision has become uncircumcision." So if we are willing to, willfully, intentfully, break Yahweh's Law, you cannot claim you have a circumcised heart. I didn't say it, it's written right here. They say, "We can't keep the law." Do you know what the word "keep" really means? In Hebrew, it means to guard. That means something you value, something you cherish, something that you care about. Shamar has to do with observing, observation, looking to, attending to, caring about. It doesn't even mean perfect, complete, total, 100% obedience necessarily. It has to do with valuing it.
And so, what he's saying here is, the man who cherishes, and values, and loves Yahweh's Law, and seeks to, because he does care and value it, to observe it and to obey it, is the one who's justified. And the one who breaks that law is uncircumcised.
Even if you're circumcised physically, you become uncircumcised. How much more so if you're uncircumcised physically, you still can't get circumcised.
And so, fulfilling the law, breaking the law in all these things, this is all important.
And so, circumcision, yes, is of the heart, it's in the spirit. And the way we determine whether or not you have been circumcised, is whether you cease to become a breaker of Yahweh's Law. And so, how do you refute that one? I'd like to know how anybody could possibly say, "Oh, we don't have to keep the law." That's like saying, "You don't have to be circumcised in the spirit." It's all one and the same. It's all connected with repentance. What are we actually repenting of? We're repenting of breaking Yahweh's law. That's what we're repenting of. So now, we are... It's a very basic thing. It's almost as if we couldn't see the forest because the trees were in the way. It's that basic, and yet people have missed it over 2000 years of Christianity because pretty much, it's like status quo that, "Oh, you don't keep the law. Don't worry about the law." Alright. We'll continue to read here into chapter 3. It says, "What advantage then has a Jew? What's the proper circumcision?" Much in every way. Chiefly, because to them, were committed the oracles of Elohim. And so, they were given the task and the blessing of handling Yahweh's oracles and communicating those oracles to the people around them, to the nations around them. In the same way, we have been committed... Something has been committed to us. And that is we would proclaim the Messiah, and proclaim the law because we are part of Israel now, to all the world around us, the right way to live, the way of righteousness, the way of truth. And so, that particular task was originally given to the Jewish people. And so, that's the advantage that they have. They have the advantage of knowing Yahweh's will, having heard from him directly what that will actually is. And really, interesting word here is this word translated oracles. The word oracles is also found... It's only found in four places. Here's one place that says, "This is He who is in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, the one who received the living oracles to give to us." Talking about Moses there. And our fathers would not obey, but reject it, and in their hearts, they turned back to Egypt. And then we see the same word used in 1 Peter 4:11 that says, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of Elohim." Yahweh wants our speech to be Yahweh, like his speech, like his commandments, his words. And so, the same exact word talking about the oracles of Elohim here, and the oracles of Elohim here in Romans 3 and Acts 7:38-39, another verse to
demonstrate to us that we're supposed to be speaking according to the law of Yahweh, the one that was given to Moshe from Sinai, from and to him directly, and through him. And then he says, Hebrews 5:12, "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of Elohim. And you've come to need milk and not solid food." And so, the very first principles, we're talking about the oracles of Elohim, again talking about the law of Yahweh. The law of Yahweh was upheld by Paul, by the apostles.
And so, the very oracles that the Jews were told to uphold, and to guard, and to teach is still for today. And everything we see in this first part of Romans confirms that very thing, it's the very foundation he's starting from. The very foundation he's working of off in the book of Romans 1, chapter 2, and in the first part of chapter 3 so far, everything we've seen has confirmed it. And so, what have we gained so far in looking at Romans chapter chapter 2? First of all, we who uphold the law must be careful that we do not practice unrighteousness ourselves. Secondly, Jews are called to repentance. We see that. And Gentiles who have not heard of the law given through Moshe are still guilty of having an inherent sense the morality planted in them.
Also, Gentiles are also equally called to repentance and the whole world is guilty being under his law.
Also, "Yahweh will render to every man according to his deeds. Those who do not repent will perish facing Yahweh's divine wrath." Repentance means to change our mind, and turn away from breaking Yahweh's law, and turn toward keeping Yahweh's law. That's what repentance means. There is no other definition ever given to us in the Word at all, but that.
Repentance does not mean we instantly become perfect and never mess up again. It doesn't mean that. Yahweh's spirit leads us to what? Keeping the statutes of Yahweh, that's what it leads us to. Not breaking them, not saying that we can break them now, we can disobey the law now 'cause we have the spirit. It's not what it's leading us to do. Believers who break Yahweh's law cause Yahweh's name to be blasphemed because he doesn't want his name to be associated with unrighteousness and I think that's one reason why Psalm 23, Yahweh says, and it's written Psalm of David, "He'll lead me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake." He doesn't want his name to be associated with unrighteousness and so, he will lead us to the paths of righteousness and especially if we bare his name. Gentiles are joined with a commonwealth of Israel through repentance and faith in Messiah. The same was true in old testament times.
Circumcision is only profitable if one keeps Yahweh's law. Finally, Yahweh gave us Israel his oracles which he expected him them to teach all nations that they might be a guide to the blind, a light to those who are blind, a teacher of babes and instructor of foolishness, and so on, the things that we read about. And so, that would summarized Romans chapter 2. And so my brothers and sisters, we need to go... We need to seek to be that light of Yahushua to all nations, to be that guide to the blind, to lead them as a shepherd leads us without hypocrisy, with sincerity and truth, with repentance in our hearts, with love being the goal of it all. We will continue our journey into the book of Romans in our next segment, next week, Yahweh-willing. HalleluYah and I think the book of Romans has a lot to teach us. We're just getting really into the foundation and just the very beginnings of the basics. We're really under a lot of milk right now but we're going to be getting into some meat here real soon. But that's how the book of Romans is kinda constructed. He starts from the beginning and he gets extremely deep as we will be here in the coming weeks. So in the meantime, may Yahweh guide us, may Yahweh strengthen us, may Yahweh bless you, and may Yahweh truly have mercy on us all.
Even His eternal power and divinity so that they are without excuse because although they knew Elohim, they did not glorify Him as Elohim nor were thankful but became feudal in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into an image made like corruptible man," that's today. "And the birds and four-footed animals and creeping things," that was the things we saw more commonly in former times. "Wherefore, Elohim also gave them up to unclean-ness and the lust of their hearts. To dishonor their bodies among themselves who had stained the truth of Elohim for the lie and worship this other creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever, Amen. For this reason, Elohim gave them up to vile passions, for even their women exchange the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise, also, the man leaving the natural use of the woman, burn in lust for one another, with man committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim of their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, callousness, maliciousness, fool of envy, murders, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, their whisperers, backbiters, haters of Elohim, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, who, knowing their righteous judgement of Elohim that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those who practiced them." So, a pretty good picture actually of our modern era, our modern generation being described here in the book of Romans 1, the tail end there. So it's a natural result, when you worship the creature rather than the creator, the creature becomes the deity, the one that's revered and valued. The creature, therefore, rules the hearts of men. And men can form their own image of Elohim, what they want Elohim to be like. One that is more willing to be overlooking all
their sins, and they can continue to live as they want. Or they say, "There is no Elohim," and by that, something is going to have to take its place. In this case, self. Humanism, secularism takes its place. Which is a religion, it's just the worship of self. So in saying all these things, our commentary on the culture that we live in, it's very important that while these things are certainly the case, that we do not become hypocritical or self righteous by allowing the influence of the world to be a part of who we are. And this is the thing that Paul himself, in the very next chapter, begins to warn us about. He says, "Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another, you condemn yourself, for you who judge practice the same things. But we know that the judgement of Elohim is according to truth, against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same, that you will escape the judgement of Elohim?" And so, there's a danger in being judgmental, particularly if you yourself are still struggling with the exact same sins. Yahushua himself spoke of this matter, in Matthew 7, He said, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged. And with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank that's in your own eye?" So we need to consider any planks that happen to be in our life and otherwise, we're in danger of falling
into judgment. Scripture says, "There's one lawgiver who was able to save and to destroy, who are you to judge another? Let Yahweh do the judging." Now, the difference here, I think, that Paul is speaking about in Romans chapter two is Paul is addressing a sort of a mystery person, just whoever you are who judge. It's unclear whether Paul had heard of somebody doing this or if he was presenting a hypothetical person who, like the ones Yahushua spoke of, were judging another but guilty themselves of ongoing planks in their own eyes. It could be the Jews he's speaking of here. It could even be Gentiles he's speaking of here, or it could be both. But whoever it is, we're looking at a unrepentant person who judges others, and as a result, they are
in a heap of trouble. Yahushua had a real problem with the hypocrites, who sought to appear righteous outwardly, but inwardly, they were not righteous at all, according to their conduct. Now Yahushua said in Matthew 23:27, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like white-washed tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. Even so, you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside, you are full of hypocrisy and torahlessness or lawlessness." Scribes and Pharisees really set the example of Judaism in that generation. And those who were involved with their kind of mentality, were very susceptible to hypocrisy as well. But the same was true also of Gentiles, because some of the sins that are mentioned here, such as
violence and parental rebellion and what else do
we see here? Murder. These kinds of things are things that most Gentiles, even in that era, felt were not virtuous things to be practicing [chuckle] They were condemned. And so, even Gentiles are just as guilty as Jews of having this hypocritical mindset of judging those
who were practicing these things within themselves doing the same things. And that they were being unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful. Those are not virtuous things even in the Gentile world. So could Paul be speaking to both Gentiles and Jews? Absolutely. They were murderers and violent men who could have been judged by Gentiles. Certainly, it was against the law to commit murder in the Gentile world and almost every culture on the earth, yet they were undoubtedly Gentiles who were just susceptible to hypocrisy. Any of us are susceptible to that. So looking at here Romans chapter 2, we're talking about unrepentant person who is practicing the very things they're condemning others for doing. And it goes on to say, this was an unrepentant person, we see this because he says in verse 4, "Or do you despise the riches of his goodness, forbearance, and long suffering not knowing that the goodness of Elohim leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, you're treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath in revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim who will render to each one according to his works." And I noticed very strong words used there. Very strong words to describe the unrepentant. It says that they despised Yahweh's riches. What are Yahweh's riches? His goodness, his forbearance, and his long suffering. And a refusal to repent is an act of despising these beautiful elements of Yahweh's character in person. Interesting word, interesting choice of words here. We know that Yahweh is good, but did you know that Yahweh, in Yahweh's eyes, if you don't repent, you're actually despising his goodness. You want nothing to do with his goodness. That means that you don't treat his goodness with appreciation but rather with contempt. And the Greek word actually literally means to look down upon the riches of his goodness, forbearance and long suffering. To see yourself at a higher position above the need for repentance. And we know that Yahweh has a lot of forbearance but did you know that you're despising his forbearance if you don't repent of whatever sins you may be involved in? And we know that Yahweh is long suffering but did you know that you are despising his long suffering if you're not coming to repentance? And so, the good things being in your future, nothing but wrath is in the future.
That's what been treasured up, not the the good things are being treasured up in heaven but rather wrath, and the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim. And we cannot escape his judgment. Paul quotes a portion here of the Psalms, "Who will render to each one according to his deeds," it's from the Psalm 62 verse 11 and 12 Elohim has spoken twice, I've heard this, "That power belongs to Elohim, also to you oh master belongs mercy." So we have power we have mercy, for you render each one according to his work. The same thought is also seen in the book of Jeremiah 17:9-10, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it? I, Yahweh search the heart, I test the mind even to give everyman according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doing." And so, repentance is absolutely a requirement for us. Now, repentance does not necessarily mean that you immediately become perfect and never making a single mistake at any kind in your entire life, the word repent is actually found here in this verse Ezekiel 14:6, it says, "Therefore, say to the house of Israel, thus says the master Yahweh, repent, turn away from your idols and turn your faces away from all your abominations." Here, the word repent is actually found twice in this verse. It literally reads Shavoo m'hashevoo. Both times, Hebrew words that is used is found in the imperative and that means it's a command. And the second time, it's found in 'Hifil' which means to cause something. And so essentially, it means to turn and cause yourself to turn. And this word 'shuv' means to return or turn back. To turn back to Yahweh, turning back toward righteousness, that's the basic meaning of repentance. You gotta understand what that really means if we're going to make sure that we are qualified, to make sure that we are doing what the expects of us, so that we don't end up living in such a way that is not gonna lead us to salvation. We gotta have a good understanding of this. Now, the Greek word is 'metanoia' and a change of
mind as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or something he has done. So the basic meaning of repentance is that we would turn away from unrighteousness and following the way that Satan would have us to walk. To change our mind and have a desire to turn toward Yahweh and return back to him. We were created by him and if we turned away from him, we need to turn back to him. And we resolve to walk as Yahweh would have us to
walk rather than his enemy, the devil would have us to walk. Now believe it or not, I actually have in my inbox, my email inbox, emails from people who believe that this portion of Roman is only taking about the Jews. And really, only the Jews need to repent. And the thought is that the Gentiles just need to believe in Jesus Christ and faith in Christ alone will save them. That's the words I hear. And so, a person could be a practicing whoremonger or homosexual person and as long as they put their faith and trust in the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins, they have done what's needed and they are saved. I even have a Bible that has laid out the headings.
Anyone here knows that certain bibles have headings, certain sections? And some of those headings can be misleading. This is a New King James study bible and it starts off Romans chapter 2, it titles it as 'Jews are judged according to truth.' And then on down to verse, just above verse 6, 'Jews are judged by their works.' Jews are judged with impartiality, as if this is only to the Jews, even though he says here, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. So if you continue to read, it says, "In accordance with your hardness, your impenitent heart, you're treasuring enough for yourself, wrath and a day of wrath, in revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim render to each one according to his deeds. Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good, patient continuance in doing good, seek for glory, honor, immortality. But to those who are self-seeking and did not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath," tribulation in English, "on every soul of man who does evil." Every single soul. The truth first also of the Greek. And so, why in the world did they title this this way? It's mis-titled. And you gonna watch for that. You gonna watch those headings in those study bibles. They can be very misleading. And I hope that nobody was misled by those title, but I would eventually say that there's probably people who were. Yeah. So we need to be sure that we are not one who is
being deceived by these kinds of headings, right?
So moving on.
To the Jew first and also of the Greek. And, this is the thing that Paul seeks to demonstrate throughout Romans chapter 2. And he actually does so. Also, in other portions of Scriptures. We get it in Chapter three as well, that he judges every human being on the planet as, under sin, under the law. So Yahweh promises that he will put a new heart in us, a new spirit within us. He will take the stone out of our flesh and gives us a heart of flesh. He will put a spirit within us and causes us to walk in his statutes, keep his judgments and do them.
That's the opposite of having the hard and impenitent heart. Everything is centered here around what's going on in the heart. If we have a hardening of our heart, then we will not have a patient continuance. We will be self-seeking, we will not obey the truth, we will not want to listen to what the Word of Yahweh teaches us. However, if Yahweh gives us a new heart and he puts a new spirit within us and takes the heart of stone out of our flesh and give us a pliable heart a flesh and he puts his spirit within us, what's gonna happen? He's gonna cause us to walk in his statutes, keep his judgments and do them, talking about the law, the law of Yahweh. Now, I've actually seen a lot of preachers quote verse 26. They talk about that, verse 26. They'll address that but they won't talk about verse 27 for some reason. Verse 27 is a little too controversial for... But verse 27 is important, very important. And we need to make sure we're doing both 26 and 27, and as Yahweh who makes all of that possible, Yahweh Elohim. So it's only by his spirit that we are able to walk out his statutes and his judgments and we're able to do them. So it's all Yahweh who gets the glory. So we need this pliable heart with the spirit of Yahweh residing therein and when we have that, we won't have this hardness of heart. We'll have a pliable heart that's willing to change, willing to seek for glory and for honor and for immortality. Now, the word translated impenitent here comes from the Greek word 279 and meaning no change of mind, unrepented, impenitent. It's actually the negative particle, this 'a' at the beginning, is the negative particle. We have 'ametanoios,' I don't like this, I guess, you could say it. I don't know how you say it. It's all Greek to me [chuckle] But anyway, metanoia, we have here number 341, it is the opposite of that. It has the negative particle in front of it, the 'a,' or the negative part. And so, it means you're not repentant. You're not going to change your mind. You're not going to be repentant. And this word is translated repent, and so it basically means, you're willing to repent. That's what impenitent means; you're not willing to repent. But we need to be willing to repent. So Paul understood that we must, we must repent. This "once saved, always saved" mentality in a sense that after you've done your confession, you've believed in the Messiah, then you can go live how you want, it doesn't matter because you're always going to be saved. He will never turn you away. He will never stop forgiving you no matter how many times you do something wrong. That's not correct. That's simply not correct. He expects and demands repentance.
And yet people say, "Well, faith is primary. Repentance, well, you know, if you can get around to it. [chuckle] Not all that important." It seems to be minimized amongst some. But I don't think we should minimize it. I think we should recognize it, that it's demanded, it's expected. It's a part of what we must do to have eternal life. And we must understand what it means. Repentance doesn't mean that you instantly become perfect and never fail again. It means that if you happen to fail, then you turn away from it, and you recommit yourself to pursuing righteousness. Your heart is now resolved toward pursuit of righteousness and you're committed to practicing Yahweh's ways rather than practicing sin. And if you do sin, you come to Yahweh in confession. If we confess our sins, it says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." It's talking about a believer here. If we happen to fall under some kind of sin, if we confess it, he's faithful and just to forgive us. And we see a beautiful attitude of confession coming from David who, after he had sinned with Bathsheba, he says, "I acknowledge my transgressions," Psalm 51:3-4, "and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge." He goes on to say down in verse nine, he says, "Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities." And he wants that clean heart. He wants that new heart. "Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." We need both a new heart and we need a new spirit, both. I think we read about, saw there in Ezekiel, a new heart in his spirit. "Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me." Beautiful, beautiful words of repentance here by King David. And again, it does not mean you instantly become perfected. It simply means that you're now on a path. You've turned away from unrighteousness, you're turning toward righteousness and now we're on the path toward getting better and growing and changing and becoming more and more like Messiah everyday. And if we happen to fall, we don't just lay there like a pig wallowing in the mire, but we get back up again and we keep on walking. So here it is, some examples: Proverbs 24:16, "If a righteousness man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked falls by calamities." So if the righteous man falls, he rises up again. He doesn't just lay there wallowing in the mire like a pig bathing in the mud. "In the path of the just is just as like the shining sun that shines ever brighter until the perfect day." And so, we continue to get ever brighter in our walk, more and more like Messiah everyday. And so, that's the goal, that's the intent, that's the life of the righteous man who is seeking justice and holiness and truth. Very important attribute of a believer is repentance. So back to Romans chapter 2. It says, "Every soul of man who does evil, every soul of man who does evil," Jew and Gentile, no exceptions given. So let's make sure that we are not treasuring up for ourselves indignation and wrath, but rather that we are treasuring up for ourselves the good things that Yahushua spoke about. Matthew 16:26, "For what profit is to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the son of man will come in the glory of His Father, with His angels, and He will reward each according to his works." John 5:28-29, "Do not marvel with this for the hour is coming in which all who are in their graves will hear his voice, and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation." So continuing here in Romans chapter 2:11, "For there is no partiality with Elohim." You're Jew or Gentile, he's not gonna say, "Let's see here, you have a Gentile, you have a Jewish father going back 30 generations. And so, you're going to go to hell. But you Gentiles over here, you don't look like you have any Jews in your tree and you're gonna be
alright. So you can break those laws and live how you want. That's okay because the law doesn't apply to you." Why? Because you didn't happen to have one Jewish dad fall on your family tree. Does that really make any sense? As if, it's almost racist, right? It is racist that he would have two standards, one for Jew and one for Gentile. It would be unfair. But Scripture says, "There is no partiality with Elohim. For as many as have sinned without law, will also perish without law." You don't have a law. You're still gonna perish without law as many as have sinned in the law, that means you have a law, you'll be judged by the law. "For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of Elohim, but the doers of the law are justified." Now, if the law has no place in the life of a believer, then why is he even saying this? If the law has no place in the life of a believer, then why is he saying, "The doers of the law are justified." If the law is done away with, why would he say this? It doesn't make any sense. The law is done. What are we even talking about the words? It's over. It's abolished the cross, and it's all done away with. But the truth is, even the ones who sinned without law would be, these Gentiles who had not heard the law that Yahweh gave to Moshe. Those who have sinned in a lot of Jews who have known the law of Moses and have broken it, both Jews and Gentiles declare guilty. How can that be? How can both the Jews and Gentiles be judged? But Paul reaffirms the law has not been abolished. He says, "The doers of the law are justified." So it's important we understand that the law still stands as it is. Whether or not they condemn us, is dependent upon our relationship to it. Are we doers of the law? If so, we're justified. If we're just hearers, that's not enough. We need to be doers. He points that out. So now, it's important that we understand this that none of us have done the law. And so in reality, none of us can be justified by the law. But nevertheless, it is true that the doers of the law will be justified by Yahushua who did the law, and was justified or declared righteous because of his obedience. We on the other hand, can only be justified by faith in the Messiah Yahushua. The law will never declare us righteous because we haven't done it. But we have, if we even failed him at one point, the law cannot say, we are justified. But do not miss the important fact in all of this. That's what being said here is the law of Yahweh is still the standard. The one that was given to Jewish people, it's still the standard. It's still the place one can turn to if you're seeking to learn what Yahweh's will is for men.
And so, I see Paul is telling us, here even Gentiles, who sinned without the law will perish without the law. Now, why would they be judged? They haven't heard the law of Yahweh as given to Moshe. Let's continue to read, verse 14, "For when Gentiles who do not have the law, by nature do things contained in the law, these although not having a law are a law to themselves." They know, they have a certain inherent understanding since they show the work of the Law written on their hearts. Their conscience also bearing witness between themselves, their thoughts either accusing or else, excusing them, in the day when Elohim will judge the secrets of men by Yahushua Messiah according to my good news. Now, the truth is, even Gentiles have a sense of
morality. Those who were, who have never even heard of Yahweh or Yahweh's law. And people wonder what will happen to those ones who have never heard. Well, Yahweh's law has a work in the hearts of all of his creation, which was an inherent sense that it's wrong to do certain things, and right to do other things. It's an inherent sense of right and wrong within the hearts of men. It's by nature, by the way he created us. And so, the point here is, even though many Gentiles have the knowledge of Yahweh's law, the law still impacts them in the areas that they are aware
because in the heart of every person, there's the understanding of right and wrong to a degree, to a degree. And so, to the degree that there is that understanding of right and wrong, by that degree, they will either be accused or excused based on their willingness to cease from practicing the things they know are wrong. And so, in that way, all the world is ultimately guilty before Elohim. Because even though they did not necessarily hear about the law, Yahweh has placed in the heart of men the sense of right and wrong. And so, those areas of the law, if they are aware, they're accountable. The law is written in their hearts, their conscience is bearing them witness. And that's why it says...
"Whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped in all the world. All the world may become guilty before Elohim." And so, there is an inherent sense of law in the hearts of everyone, because that places every person on the planet under the law. It says, "All the world may become guilty before Elohim." Whether you are a Jew or Gentile, it doesn't matter. We're all guilty. And so, this way, the entire world's basically under the law. But we have a savior who can redeem us and cause us to come under grace.
But only if we repent. We have to repent. Have to turn away from the wrong things and turn toward what's, right things and good things. And the fact that we're under grace does not give us a license to do as we please, and does not cause the law to be null and void. Rather, the fact that we even sought grace, demonstrates that the law does stand.
Our repentance from sin, our turning away from breaking Yahweh's law, our faith in his grace actually causes the law to stand because it demonstrates it has power over a person's life, to the extent that unless one turns away from law-breaking and puts his faith in Yahushua for where he has transgressed the law, the law is still enforced to the extent it could condemn you. So it's still in place. It's still there. It hasn't gone anywhere. It's just, for a believer, it cannot condemn us, because we have the righteousness of Messiah and Yahweh dwelling in us. And so, that's further evidence that Yahweh's law as given through Moshe, is for both Jew and for Gentile. And further evidence that it is for Jew and Gentile is seen right here in Romans chapter 2, in verse 17. It says, "Indeed, you are called a Jew and rest on the law, and make your boast in Elohim and, know his will." How does a Jewish person know the will of Yahweh? "And approve the things that are excellent." How is he able to approve the things that are excellent? Being instructed out of the law. That's how he gets it. Paul is acknowledging that. That we know his will, when we are instructed out of the law. And are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind. You are a guide to the blind if you learn and practice what the law tells you to do.
A light to those who are in darkness. You are a light to those in darkness if you learn and practice what the law tells you to do. Instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having a form of knowledge of truth in the law. Where do you get this information? How are you able to instruct those who are foolish? How are you able to teach those who are babe? How are you able to be a guide to the blind and know Yahweh's will and approve the things that are excellent? You go that as you are instructed out of the Torah, the law. So unless Paul's lying to us here, we have to agree that the Jewish people in his day knew Yahweh's will, approved the things that are excellent, were a guide to the blind, a light to those in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, and teacher of babes, all because they had the form of knowledge and truth being instructed out of Yahweh's law. And as of Paul's letters to the Romans, the law's still the standard by which all men are judged. And we see the Jews are responsible for imparting all of these things to anyone who was blind or in darkness or foolish or babes. So just based on what we're reading here, how could anyone conclude that we don't have to concern ourselves with the law anymore? That would be like saying, "We don't have to concern ourselves with Yahweh's will anymore. We don't have to concern ourselves with things that are excellent anymore. We don't have to concern ourselves with being a seeing one rather than a blind one," Or "We don't have to concern ourselves with whether or not we happen to be foolish or wise," or "We don't have to concern ourselves about spiritual growth because we can stay babes. It's okay." That's what you're saying when you say, "The law is no longer for today, it has no place in a believer's life." It doesn't make any sense. And so, Paul continues to say, "You therefore, who
teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you not steal? You who say, 'Do not commit adultery,' do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor Elohim through breaking the law?" Now, so many people are quick to run to this and say, "Yeah, yeah, that's right.
You're a bunch of hypocrites, you law keepers." [chuckle] But lost in all of that sometimes, is the very fact that you do dishonor Elohim when you break Yahweh's law.
Okay, you make the boast of the law, but you dishonor Elohim when you break it. Now, whether you boast in Elohim, or not, or boast in the law, or not, you're still dishonoring Yahweh by breaking it. It's inherent. "For the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you, as it is written." He's talking to the Jewish people here. Now, some people say, "Well, see? He's only talking about 10 Commandments." Not true. We've already discussed this. There's a whole study on that that we shared a couple weeks ago. Do we only keep the 10 Commandments? You don't see a prohibition of homosexuality in the 10 Commandments, but is anybody gonna argue that you would honor Elohim by committing homosexuality? Of course not. Or whoredom, or whatever else. Of course not. It says, "For the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." It's a danger of hypocrisy: We dishonor Elohim by breaking Yahweh's law. And really, this is a warning for all of us.
We bear the name of Yahweh. Much of the world is just now being introduced to Yahweh's name. And so, if our conduct is not upright, if we are presenting Yahweh's word any way but a loving way, if we are living our lives in such a way that it's not in accordance with love, and righteousness and holiness, then those who are around us, friends, family members, people in general community, they will associate Yahweh's name with unrighteousness. And by that, the name of Elohim is blasphemed among the Gentiles. That was the concern in Romans chapter 2: They were Jewish people in Rome, who were instructing people out of the law, and telling them, "This is way you're supposed to live." But they themselves were
not living it. They're putting their confidence in things like circumcision. But if you look here in tail end here, this is
actually a quote, as it is written, he says. And this is actually a quote from the book of deeds." This is because He judged Israel for their Ezekiel. Ezekiel 36:19 says, "So I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed throughout the countries. I judged them according to their ways and their
wickedness. He judged Israel. He says, "When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name. When they, the Gentiles, said of them, 'Well, these are the people of Yahweh.'" And yet, they have gone out of His land. And so, that caused the name of Yahweh to be blasphemed. So in verse 21, it says, "But I had concern for My holy name, which the House of Israel had profaned, profaned among the nations wherever they went." So what's He gonna do about it? He's concerned about His holy name. Verse 22: "Therefore, I say to the House of Israel, thus says the master Yahweh 'I do not do this for your sake, O House of Israel, but for My holy name's sake, which you have profaned among the nations, wherever you went. And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst, and the nations shall know, that I am Yahweh,' says the Master Yahweh... When I am hallowed in you, before their eyes." So not for their sake, but the sake of His holy name. To some people, Yahweh's name is no big deal. But even though Yahweh's name is not significant to most people, to Him, it's very significant, to the extent that He was going to sanctify it. And He's going to cause every nation to know He is Yahweh, when He hallows himself through Israel.
It says, "For I will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land." That's northern tribes here, tribes of Israel. Hasn't happened yet. "But I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will give you a new heart." That's the context of this whole thing. "And put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give your heart a flesh. I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to welcome my statutes, and you'll keep my judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, you shall be my people and I will be your mighty one." That's the context.
And so, this is very awesome, I think. He really behold this for a moment. All of this because of Yahweh's concern for His holy name, and what we're experiencing right now as believers in the messiah as a part of this promise. That the house of Israel is in exile, of which we're a part, through Messiah. And so, these promises where Yahweh would gather Israel out of all of the countries, we're still waiting for that fulfillment. We see the signs of that being near. We're still waiting for that fulfillment, but the Messiahs the one who made that possible. For that cleansing to take place. The cleansing from all of our filthiness and from all of our idols, the things that we revere, the sins that we practiced, out of concern for His holy name. It's messiah who will gather Israel and Judah and everyone who joins themselves with Israel and Judah. You may not see yourself as an Israelite, even though you're a believer in the Messiah. We're gonna be talking quite a bit about that. But we see here, the first clues in Romans chapter 2:25, that we are Israel, in Messiah Yahushua... Romans chapter 2:25 says, "For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law, but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision." Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? Talk about a Gentile here. If a Gentile man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, his uncircumcision is counted as circumcision in Yahweh's eyes, because his heart is circumcised. And will not the physically uncircumcised if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your written code of circumcision are a transgressor of the law. Very, very interesting words here.
Continue to read. "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly. Knowing circumcision that which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew who is one inwardly. And circumcision, as that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter whose praise is not for men, but from Elohim." So one could outwardly be a Jew but not really be a Jew.
Not really a part of the remnant, not really physically descended from Jews, from the nation of Israel, but they're not a part of the remnant that Yahweh promises to save as he go, 36 and so, "They will not eternally be Israel. They will eventually be consumed and destroyed in like a fire." One can outwardly be uncircumcised, but inwardly, be circumcised and be considered an Israelite in the eyes of Elohim. And this is an important matter that has always been true. It's always been true. If one wanted to turn their heart to Yahweh, he would count them among the Israelite people. That's why we have a mix multitude coming out of Egypt. That's why we have verses like the one here in Isaiah 56, where he says, "Thus says Yahweh, 'Keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and keeps his hand from doing any evil. Do not let the son of the foreigner who is joined himself to Yahweh speak saying, 'Yahweh is utterly separated me from His people.'" Don't even say it. Don't say that you're separated from His people even though you're the son of a foreigner. Nor let the eunuchs say, "Here I am a dry tree." For thus says Yahweh, "To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath, and choose what pleases me, and hold fast my covenant even to them, I will give in my house, and within my walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters. I will give them everlasting name that shall not be cut off." Also, the sons of the foreigner who joined themselves to Yahweh, to serve him. To love the name of Yahweh, to be his servants. Everyone, everyone, everyone who keeps from defiling what? The Sabbath, "And holds fast my covenant, even them, I will bring about to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted in my altar. From my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." All nations. That was Yahweh's will at all times. Join yourself to Yahweh, become a part of his people, the people of Israel. We see this also in the book of Esther chapter 8:15-17, "So Mordecai went out in the presence of the King, in royal apparel of blue and white, with a
great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple, in the city of Susa, and rejoiced and was glad. The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor. In every province of the city, wherever the King's command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Then many of the people of the land became Jews." Because the fear of the Jews fell upon them. And so, it's always been true that foreigners could join in with Israel.
And the same is true today. Galatians 3:29: "If you are Messiah's, then you are Abraham's seed." Who is Abraham's seed? There's Isaac, and then there's Israel. And through Jacob, who is Israel, we are essentially, we are Israelites. We're not just Abrahamites; we are Israelites, 'cause it's through Israel, through what Yahushua did for us, that we become Israel, because he is an Israelite. Yahushua is an Israelite, and he's the one that lives in us.
"Therefore remember," Ephesians chapter 2:11, "Remember that you, once Gentiles"... In other words, one time, you were a Gentile. At one time. Indicating that you're no longer a Gentile, but you were "once Gentiles in the flesh, who were called uncircumcision, by what's called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands." He points that out. You were called that, but that's not what you are, because you were circumcised in your heart. "At that time." What time? The time that you were Gentiles in the flesh, indicating that you're not that anymore. "You were without Messiah, being aliens." At that time, you were aliens, or strangers, from what? The commonwealth of Israel, at that time. At that time, when you were a Gentile in the flesh, and "strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope without Elohim in the world. But now in Messiah Yahushua, you who were once far off," when you were aliens, when you were strangers from the covenants of promise, when you were without Messiah, "you've now been brought near by the blood of Messiah." Brought near to what? Brought near to what? Right here. Commonwealth of Israel. What else could it be? That's the context. That's what he's saying. It couldn't be anything but that. And so, we who are joining themselves to Messiah, we are now joined with the Commonwealth of Israel. We are part of the nation of Israel. And that's why Paul is saying, what he's saying. In fact, the new covenant, Jeremiah 31:31: "Behold, the days are coming," says Yahweh, "When I will make a new covenant of the House of Israel and the House of Judah." If you are not part of Israel and Judah, you're not even a named party in the covenant here. This Messiah who causes you to become Israel, and therefore, you are a named party in this covenant. A lot of people think, "Well, that old covenant, that's with the Jews." The new covenant is with everybody. The new covenant is also with the Jews in Israel.
And so, on the basis that you reject the old covenant... "Oh, I'm not that. That's not me. That's the Jews." You must also, by extension and logic, have to reject the new covenant as well. That's with Israel. Say, "Well, I'm not part of the new covenant. That's the Israelite." You can't have one without the other. You can't speak out of both sides of your mouth.
"So this covenant is not according to the covenant he made with their fathers." Whose fathers?
Israel, Judah.
It's not according to that covenant that he made with their fathers and the day he took them by the hand
to lead them out of the land of Egypt. It's a different covenant, not according to that one.
"My covenant, which they broke, though I was a husband to them," says Yahweh.
"But this is the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel after this day," says Yahweh. "I will put my law." What law was that? The only law he gave to Israel was the law he gave to Israel through Moshe. "'In their minds, and write in their hearts, that I will be their mighty one, and they shall be my people. And so, when the law of Yahweh is in your heart, the spirit of Yahweh empowers you by giving this new heart to walk in his statutes and judgments. All of this lines up together beautifully. It all makes perfect sense. "And the day will come," it's not here yet, but, "The day will come where everyone teach his neighbor, every man and his brother, saying the name Yahweh, for they shall all know me. The least of them to the greatest of them," says Yahweh, "for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more." That's one of the promises of the new covenant that he has not promised in the Old Covenant. And that's why the New Covenant is much more superior. But a lot of people think, "Well, this is only talking about... This is not talking about a future time, it's talking about now." Well, what's new about this? If you turn yourself to Yahweh, obviously you knew him, right? There wouldn't be any thing significant about that. But everybody will know Yahweh, whether you're in the Covenant or not, you'll know him. You'll know him. 'Cause this other scripture says, "The Earth will be filled with knowledge of Yahweh as the sea covers the earth," or something like that. But notice that the law is written on the hearts and minds of Israel, and so if a person separates themselves from the law of the Old Testament because they say, "Well, the Old Covenant's with the Jews." How is that they see themselves being part a of the New Covenant? It just doesn't work that way. The New Covenant is with Israel, with Judea. You can't have it both ways. And so. The law that's supposed to be in our heart is a law that was given through Moshe and thundered from Mount Sinai when Yahweh spoke directly. And so, those who join themselves to Messiah become a Jew who is one inwardly. Because of the circumcise, heart is there, the one that's in the spirit, not the one that's in the letter. The circumcision takes place by the spirit of the living Elohim. So one who's a Jew inwardly is the one who has a circumcised heart and that's where the emphasis needs to be, and for that reason, Paul wrote a lot of things regarding circumcision. Look at the versus just prior this. He says, "For circumcision is indeed profitable." He's not against it. He says it's profitable. Even though he's ministering to Gentiles here, circumcision though is not the first thing on his mind, okay?
It's only profitable if you keep the law.
So the first thing on his mind was that their hearts will be circumcised and he believed that circumcision was profitable if he did keep the law, but knew Gentiles had a lot of learning to do regarding Yahweh's law. And so, he did not believe outward circumcision was the main priority. They had to learn what Yahweh's law was and keep it before it was even profitable for them to be circumcised, and for that reason, he did circumcise Timothy himself in Acts 16. But he makes the point that the physically uncircumcised person who does what? Keeps the righteous requirements of the law. That uncircumcised person, that Gentile, who keeps their righteous requirements of the law is able to judge a circumcised person who is a transgressor of the law, because it is the law,
that is the standard of righteousness for people to live by, whether you're in... No matter when you live.
Period. It is a standard. What was supposed to have happened was the eighth day, when a child is a baby, the circumcision takes place, but some of the Jewish people in Paul's day placed such great amount of emphasis on circumcision they saw as their ticket to eternal life. So much so, they didn't even concern themselves with repentance, and for that reason, Galatians 6:13 talks about those who were, "Of the circumcisions, not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh." Now, that's what he wanted. They weren't trying to keep the law. They were just trying to get you circumcised so they can brag about, "Oh, look what I got," This Gentile over here became a Jewish person and bragged to their buddies back home or wherever. Now, I do have a full study on circumcision found on the full study on Galatians. And also, on the transcripts page, June and July 2014, it may be actually be 15. I believe it's 15. June and July of 2015, sorry for that note up there, but we did a five-part study on the book of Galatians. So again, 2015. It's on the transcripts page and you can find the transcripts page,, and also, it's linked from the very top here of, click archives link and it'll set you on the right course. Okay. So back to Romans chapter chapter 2. It says that while Paul's not against circumcision, his point is that circumcision's without profit unless you keep the law. Now, if a person doesn't believe they need to concern themselves with keeping a law at all, Paul's entire point would be useless.
Obviously, he is concerned that we would be ones who keep Yahweh's law. Because if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, he is able to judge the one who is a transgressor of it. Now, if the law wasn't in any way, Yahweh's will for us, that whole point would be useless. And so, well, Paul is not against it, 'cause he says it's profitable if you keep the law, it's not the main emphasis. So everything that we have read so far, there is yet to be a single hint anywhere that Yahweh's Law has been abolished, or has been set aside, or has been changed. And Paul is lifting up Yahweh's Law, the Law of Yahweh as the standard for men to live by. As a basis for judging one to be a sinner or a transgressor. As a basis upon which we determine whether someone is walking in light, or walking in darkness. As a basis for determining who is foolish, and who is wise. As a basis and a standard by which Yahweh will judge all men on that final day. Now, if you believe Yahweh's Law has been abolished, you need to answer those scriptures 'cause to me, they're as clear as a bell. I mean, it's that simple, nothing complicated. I don't know of any way to refute that. Now, taking me to another place in the Bible that you believe may indicate, there a whole lot to see over here, the law is abolished. That's not gonna cause these scriptures to go away. And that's one of the problems I see actually. Very important for us to remember this. Too often I see in discussions between two people who have opposite views on any topic, about whether you keep Yahweh's Law, don't keep Yahweh's Law. And they have a pointless game at scripture tossing. For instance, the anti-law people will toss the scripture to the pro-law people. And rather than really addressing their point, the pro-law people will toss a pro-law scripture over to the other side. And then the anti-law people rather than really addressing that scripture at hand, toss another scripture they think is supporting anti-law views. And everybody will just play a little fun game of toss across that doesn't go anywhere. Nobody ever wins. If that's all we're gonna do, discussion's not gonna go anywhere. But what's more effective is if both parties address all the scriptures, on any topic. And if there's even one scripture that conflicts with our point of view, then our point of view needs to change and conform itself to the one scripture. And so, I do believe I've addressed every scripture and the anti-law person's been sent my way. I mean, I've been hearing it for 21 years since the ministry's been online, and even before then when I first came to this understanding in 1989, 1990. But I've never seen anybody really address what Paul's saying here in Romans chapter 2. He's upholding the law as the standard, no question about it. But rather than addressing that, I'll say, "Well, look, see, circumcision doesn't matter." That's not what he said. He didn't say circumcision doesn't matter. He says, "It's only profitable if you keep the law." Well, I say, "Well, you can't keep the law."
Nobody can keep the law. If that's true, then every single one of us are uncircumcised. We are. I mean, look at what it says, refresh here. It says, "If an uncircumcised man keeps the right requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?" It says, "If you are a breaker of the law, your
circumcision has become uncircumcision." So if we are willing to, willfully, intentfully, break Yahweh's Law, you cannot claim you have a circumcised heart. I didn't say it, it's written right here. They say, "We can't keep the law." Do you know what the word "keep" really means? In Hebrew, it means to guard. That means something you value, something you cherish, something that you care about. Shamar has to do with observing, observation, looking to, attending to, caring about. It doesn't even mean perfect, complete, total, 100% obedience necessarily. It has to do with valuing it.
And so, what he's saying here is, the man who cherishes, and values, and loves Yahweh's Law, and seeks to, because he does care and value it, to observe it and to obey it, is the one who's justified. And the one who breaks that law is uncircumcised.
Even if you're circumcised physically, you become uncircumcised. How much more so if you're uncircumcised physically, you still can't get circumcised.
And so, fulfilling the law, breaking the law in all these things, this is all important.
And so, circumcision, yes, is of the heart, it's in the spirit. And the way we determine whether or not you have been circumcised, is whether you cease to become a breaker of Yahweh's Law. And so, how do you refute that one? I'd like to know how anybody could possibly say, "Oh, we don't have to keep the law." That's like saying, "You don't have to be circumcised in the spirit." It's all one and the same. It's all connected with repentance. What are we actually repenting of? We're repenting of breaking Yahweh's law. That's what we're repenting of. So now, we are... It's a very basic thing. It's almost as if we couldn't see the forest because the trees were in the way. It's that basic, and yet people have missed it over 2000 years of Christianity because pretty much, it's like status quo that, "Oh, you don't keep the law. Don't worry about the law." Alright. We'll continue to read here into chapter 3. It says, "What advantage then has a Jew? What's the proper circumcision?" Much in every way. Chiefly, because to them, were committed the oracles of Elohim. And so, they were given the task and the blessing of handling Yahweh's oracles and communicating those oracles to the people around them, to the nations around them. In the same way, we have been committed... Something has been committed to us. And that is we would proclaim the Messiah, and proclaim the law because we are part of Israel now, to all the world around us, the right way to live, the way of righteousness, the way of truth. And so, that particular task was originally given to the Jewish people. And so, that's the advantage that they have. They have the advantage of knowing Yahweh's will, having heard from him directly what that will actually is. And really, interesting word here is this word translated oracles. The word oracles is also found... It's only found in four places. Here's one place that says, "This is He who is in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him at Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, the one who received the living oracles to give to us." Talking about Moses there. And our fathers would not obey, but reject it, and in their hearts, they turned back to Egypt. And then we see the same word used in 1 Peter 4:11 that says, "If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of Elohim." Yahweh wants our speech to be Yahweh, like his speech, like his commandments, his words. And so, the same exact word talking about the oracles of Elohim here, and the oracles of Elohim here in Romans 3 and Acts 7:38-39, another verse to
demonstrate to us that we're supposed to be speaking according to the law of Yahweh, the one that was given to Moshe from Sinai, from and to him directly, and through him. And then he says, Hebrews 5:12, "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of Elohim. And you've come to need milk and not solid food." And so, the very first principles, we're talking about the oracles of Elohim, again talking about the law of Yahweh. The law of Yahweh was upheld by Paul, by the apostles.
And so, the very oracles that the Jews were told to uphold, and to guard, and to teach is still for today. And everything we see in this first part of Romans confirms that very thing, it's the very foundation he's starting from. The very foundation he's working of off in the book of Romans 1, chapter 2, and in the first part of chapter 3 so far, everything we've seen has confirmed it. And so, what have we gained so far in looking at Romans chapter chapter 2? First of all, we who uphold the law must be careful that we do not practice unrighteousness ourselves. Secondly, Jews are called to repentance. We see that. And Gentiles who have not heard of the law given through Moshe are still guilty of having an inherent sense the morality planted in them.
Also, Gentiles are also equally called to repentance and the whole world is guilty being under his law.
Also, "Yahweh will render to every man according to his deeds. Those who do not repent will perish facing Yahweh's divine wrath." Repentance means to change our mind, and turn away from breaking Yahweh's law, and turn toward keeping Yahweh's law. That's what repentance means. There is no other definition ever given to us in the Word at all, but that.
Repentance does not mean we instantly become perfect and never mess up again. It doesn't mean that. Yahweh's spirit leads us to what? Keeping the statutes of Yahweh, that's what it leads us to. Not breaking them, not saying that we can break them now, we can disobey the law now 'cause we have the spirit. It's not what it's leading us to do. Believers who break Yahweh's law cause Yahweh's name to be blasphemed because he doesn't want his name to be associated with unrighteousness and I think that's one reason why Psalm 23, Yahweh says, and it's written Psalm of David, "He'll lead me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake." He doesn't want his name to be associated with unrighteousness and so, he will lead us to the paths of righteousness and especially if we bare his name. Gentiles are joined with a commonwealth of Israel through repentance and faith in Messiah. The same was true in old testament times.
Circumcision is only profitable if one keeps Yahweh's law. Finally, Yahweh gave us Israel his oracles which he expected him them to teach all nations that they might be a guide to the blind, a light to those who are blind, a teacher of babes and instructor of foolishness, and so on, the things that we read about. And so, that would summarized Romans chapter 2. And so my brothers and sisters, we need to go... We need to seek to be that light of Yahushua to all nations, to be that guide to the blind, to lead them as a shepherd leads us without hypocrisy, with sincerity and truth, with repentance in our hearts, with love being the goal of it all. We will continue our journey into the book of Romans in our next segment, next week, Yahweh-willing. HalleluYah and I think the book of Romans has a lot to teach us. We're just getting really into the foundation and just the very beginnings of the basics. We're really under a lot of milk right now but we're going to be getting into some meat here real soon. But that's how the book of Romans is kinda constructed. He starts from the beginning and he gets extremely deep as we will be here in the coming weeks. So in the meantime, may Yahweh guide us, may Yahweh strengthen us, may Yahweh bless you, and may Yahweh truly have mercy on us all.