The Book of Romans: Verse by Verse – Part 7
06/11/16 (4/5) Video Broadcast
Well, we're gonna move
forward to our study
portion for
today's broadcast.
And we are now in Part 7
of our examination of the
book of Romans
verse by verse.
We're going through every
single verse in the book
of Romans, and we're
examining it in light of
the other scriptures
out there.
This is now Part 7.
We are in the midst of the
Chapter 8 of the book of
Romans, but I felt like it
will be a good idea for us
to go ahead and do a
review of our last two
portions, because I did
not have a review at the
ending of either one.
We're gonna go ahead and
review the previous two
segments in Romans
Part 5 and Part 6.
We learned that Messiah is
compared to Abraham, but
is different than Adam,
in that through Adam's
offense, many were made
sinners, but through
Messiah's righteousness,
many are made righteous.
I didn't mean to
strike that out there.
Many are made righteous.
Though we are made
righteous through Messiah,
and not through our own
righteousness, we should
never sin that
grace may abound.
The prophets also
predicted, we would
receive Yahweh's
righteousness through the
coming Messiah.
This is all what Yahweh
predicted ahead of time.
This takes place when we choose to put off our own body, and be joined to Yahushua's body, therefore causing our sins to be placed on him, and his righteousness to be placed on us. A beautiful exchange. Thus we died to sin. If we died to sin, then it's not possible for us to live in it. We might fail from time to time, but we don't live in sin like a pig lying in the mire or the mud. Now because we are joined to Messiah's body, we take on his history, being crucified with him and believing it is no longer we who live, but Messiah who lives in us. That's something we have to believe to be true. If we accept by faith that it is no longer we who
live, and that we are dead to sin, we can take that kind of faith into the battle field of temptations and overcome any sin that may come our way. We are not in bondage to sin. Now our body can be used as instruments of righteousness because of Messiah who dwells in us, sin has no dominion over us. Only by faith are we made righteous, not by our own works or effort, and by faith, we choose righteousness over sin, and therefore true faith will have works. A true faith is a working faith, and faith without works is dead.
Faith enables us to overcome by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony, believing what Messiah has done for us to cleanse us of our sins and believing that we have received a new body to enable us to overcome temptation. We're now joined to the body of Messiah, so we can, by faith, overcome temptation. Therefore, a former body was who we were formally joined to as a husband and wife are joined. But now, we are joined to the body of the Messiah by the spirit. Now, both the body of Adam, scratch that word too, both the body of Adam and the body of Messiah are governed by Yahweh's law as supreme.
But just a husband gives wife, a wife additional laws, the body of Adam gave us the law of sin in death, which was, when we want to do good, evil is present with us. That is what scripture says, is the law of sin and death. The Messiah gives us the law of the spirit of life. We must reckon the former body as dead, and consider ourselves to be alive unto Yahweh. Through Messiah, we are now dead to the law, because Messiah, the old body is dead, and in Messiah, and his body are now alive in us. This does not mean that the law is dead to us. Paul said, has the law become dead to me, certainly not. That was his answer to that question and that we
do believe to be true.
All right, so this summer rises the former segment on the book of Romans. We have Yahweh, his law governing both Messiah and our former body, except one's used to the old covenant, and ones to the new covenant. As in any marriage, a husband can add laws, and so that's what we have under both Messiah and the carnal body. The carnal body gave us the law of sin and death. Messiah gives us the law of the spirit of life, law of Yahweh therefore demanded our death because of our disobedience to it. We are under the law as condemnation. Whereas here, the death demanded by the law of Yahweh is fulfilled because we are crucified with Messiah, and the righteous requirement of the law is fulfilled in us. Our former condition was, we could not overcome sin because of this law of sin and death that we were functioning under. When we want to do good, evil is present with us. The question would be asked, who will deliver us from this body of death. The Messiah, we have the power to overcome sin because the body of sin is dead, the law of the spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death. The spiritual mind however is still subject to and governed by Yahweh's law. That summarizes what we've been looking at, the former two segments on the book of Romans. Now, the first law, let's take a look at Romans 7:21. It says, I find then a law that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of Elohim according to the inward man, but I see another law in my members, warning against the law of my mind. In bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my member. This law of sin is something that, in man's natural state, before having come to Messiah, he is bound to this law of sin that brings him under
this condition of where evil is present with us, the one who wills to do good. Now, Romans 8:2 through 3 says, the law of the spirit of life in Messiah Yahushua has made me free from the law of sin and death. What is the law of the spirit of life, what the law could not do, Yahweh's law could not do in that it was weak, the flesh. Elohim did, by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh. Now, Verse 3 here, this portion right here is indeed speaking of the law of Yahweh. The law could not, because we have this weakness here in our flesh, this law of sin in our flesh, could not make us righteous.
The law of Yahweh is weak through the flesh, it's under this husbandly rule, this law of sin in death we saw earlier. It's weak for the flesh, and therefore the Messiah's law being husband is the law of spirit, and the law of life, which makes us free from our husband, the law of sin in death. But Yahweh's law is still intact, and that's why Romans 8:4 says that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who what, do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. The goal is that the righteous requirement of Yahweh's law would be fulfilled in us, and therefore the law still stands. But we have to walk according to the spirit, rather than according to the flesh. We have to walk in such a way that reflects that the law of the spirit of life is now abiding in us and it's no longer we who live, it's Messiah who lives in us, and therefore, it's going to reflect, our faith is gonna reflect those works. Our faith is going to drive those works. He says, for those who live according to the flesh, set their minds in the things of flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, for it is not subject to the law of Elohim, nor indeed can be
So then those who are in the flesh cannot please Elohim, we're not in the flesh.
We're not in the flesh. The very evidence that the spirit of Yahweh is in us is that we're no longer according to flesh, but walking according to the spirit. If we walked according to the flesh, we'd have a carnal mind that was at one with a carnal flesh, and therefore we would not choose to be subject to the law of Elohim. But the law is still intact, it has not gone anywhere. We do not make void the law through faith, Romans 3:31, rather, we cause it to stand, because the way we cause it to stand is that we walk in the spirit, being willingly subject to the law of Yahweh. Therefore, those who teach that we're now free to disobey Yahweh's law, they're actually teaching, it's okay now, you can have a carnal mind, that is not subject to the law of Elohim, it's all right. That's what they're saying. They may not know who's saying that, but that's what they're saying. Now traditional theology does not connect Romans 8:7 with the torah. They think it's some new law that Yahweh gave. They did not connect that with the law Yahweh gave in Exodus to Deuteronomy. Most think it's talking about some brand new law. But look at the contents, Romans 8:4.
Romans 8:4 says, the goal is that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled, that's the goal. What law, the law that was given access to Deuteronomy. That's what it's talking about, that's the goal, so we would not be considered sinners. They'll agree on that, but then, come down here and you do the old switcheroo, and it doesn't go there. When Paul says law, we can't just decide when we
want to make it fit into the text. But despite its context that there's nothing there supporting this view, all these brand new law came out of nowhere other than the context or traditional theology. Many think Paul was talking about some new law there. But still, others would identify the law of Romans 7 to be the law of the spirit of life. This completely ignores the context of Romans 7 and 8, which says the law of sin and death, that was in our members, prevents us from our flesh, from yielding to Yahweh's perfect law, and the law of spirit of life is what enables us to be set free from that carnal condition, and have the righteous requirement of the law fulfilled in us, and empowers us to be obedient, no longer enmity against Elohim, but now obedient to the law of Elohim. That would challenge anyone to come up with an understand of Romans 7 and 8 with any other conclusion and be completely straightforward and honest with the text, and not put your own thoughts into it.
What many people would say, while this law, the spirit of life is now, you're subject to law of sin and death, that's the torah. Scripture says, the law of sin and death is something in our members that says, when I want to do good, he was present with me. That's what they identified. It's not called the torah, the law of sin and death. You can't make that connection there. The law of spirit of life, what's that all about, what does the spirit do, it leads us to holiness, to righteousness, to truth, to walking in obedience. It frees us from death.
No law can free you, you can't, there's no law you can keep that would free you. But the law of the spirit of life is something that Messiah puts us under, enables us to be given life in spite of our sins.
We're not in the flesh, we don't have the carnal mind. Therefore we are no longer in enmity with Yahweh's law. Now we are subject to Yahweh's law. There's nothing in the torah that's so radically different, that by nature causes it to be something harder to keep. In fact, Yahushua taught us things that would make it even more difficult, right? That's what many say. All the New Testament, he showed how difficult that law was to keep. But then Messiah came and made it even harder.
What's the truth, the truth is simple, we need to be subject to Yahweh's law, and his law is given all throughout the bible, not just the Old Testament, not just the New Testament, every precept he has given us from one end of the bible to the other is for us, to learn how to live.
So then, because the fleshly mind, the carnal mind is not in accordance with Yahweh's law, it says, so then, he says, those that are in the flesh cannot please Elohim. We have to be walking in the spirit.
But you're not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If indeed the spirit of Elohim dwells in you. Now, if anyone does not have the spirit of Messiah, he is not his. If Messiah is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. The body is dead, and the law of sin and death is now, we're not governed by it. But now, the spirit is life because the righteous requirement of the law has been fulfilled in you, and therefore you have life. But if the spirit of him who raises Yahushua from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Messiah from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, through his spirit who dwells in you.
This is the law of the spirit of life. We are given righteousness, and we are given life to our mortal bodies, through his spirit who dwells in us. That's the law of the spirit of life that we are given through the Messiah. The Messiah is in us by Yahweh's spirit, and because of this, because the spirit is now placed in us, scripture says, I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes. You'll keep my judgments and do them, Ezekiel 36:27. Romans 7:14 says, the law is spiritual, it's not carnal. It's not of the flesh. It also says, Romans 7:12 we read, the law is holy, the commandment holy and just and good. There's nothing carnal about Yahweh's law, it's all spiritual. If we have Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us, we will be subject to the judgments and statutes and commandments and so forth. It all makes perfect sense, it all lines up beautifully. We walk in the spirit, because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, refuses to be subject to the law of Elohim.
It all lines up just exact, perfect, comes together like a glove in the hand. So far, now we are more than halfway through the book of Romans, and there's not a single line of scripture telling us we're now free to disobey Yahweh's law. The scripture says that it's sin to disobey Yahweh's law. Everything we've read indicates Yahweh's law is still intact, has not been made void, and we need to be subject to it if we want to reflect spiritual mindedness, because the law is spiritual, and holy, and just and good. When we walk in the spirit, we're walking in holiness, justice and goodness, that we might have this spiritual mind, because the law is spiritual. Therefore Brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh,
to live according to the flesh, for if you live according to the flesh, you will die. But if by the spirit you put the death, the deeds of the body, you will live for as many as led by the spirit of Elohim, these are the sons of Elohim. WE need to be led by the spirit, and we're debtors,
to live according to the spirit. If we live according to the flesh, we're gonna die of our carnal mindedness. It's not subject to Yahweh's law. We'll not be walking in holiness, in justice or goodness. We here are led by Yahweh's spirit and become his sons. These are the sons of Elohim, not through the body of Adam, but by the body of the Messiah, and through him, we are free from the bondage to fear. Now, we are adopted sons and daughters calling out, Abba Father, if we did not receive the spirit of bondage, again the fear. We receive the spirit of adoption, by who we cry out, Abba, Father.
The spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children on Elohim. If children the heirs, heirs of Elohim and joined heirs with Messiah, if indeed we suffer with him, that we also may be glorified together. Now this should be itself, actually, the Greek. But being children of Elohim, we have inheritance. We're heirs, right, because we're children of Elohim. We have an inheritance awaiting us, and since we now have been identified with the Messiah and his body, and it's no longer we who live, but Messiah who lives in us, we are now joined heirs with Messiah. We are joined heirs with Messiah, both us and
Messiah receiving glorification in glorified bodies.
We have received sonship, become our father, and Yahweh's spirit bears with us with our spirit, we are children of Elohim. If children, then we are heirs, and we are joined heirs with Messiah, because we've been joined to his body. He says, if indeed we suffer with him, that we also may be glorified together, we must be willing to suffer. We take that mentality into our walk. I have been crucified with Messiah, Galatians 2:20, it is no longer I who live, Messiah lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith, and the son of Elohim, who love me and gave himself for me. Now, Yahushua, he looked at the suffering he went through, and he was able to endure because, why?
There's joy that was set before him. Looking to Yahushua, the author and finisher of our Faith, Hebrews 12:2, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the stake or the cross, despising the shame, sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim. Yahushua said, if you'll overcome, you'll stand at my right hand. As I sat down, my Father on his right hand. We've become joined heirs, but we got to look at this joy sitting before us. That's what empowered, that's what strengthened him, was that faith in what Yahweh was going to do with him. Romans 8:18, for I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Whatever sufferings we happen to endure in this life, whether it's enduring temptations or enduring trials, or enduring insults or mistreatment by other people, we have a greater weight of glory awaiting us. That's our inheritance. Second Corinthians 4:16 through 18 says, therefore we do not lose heart, even through our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seeing, but the things that are unseeing.
For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Again, we're walking by faith. If we know, in Chapter 5, Verses 1 through 2, we'll continue here. For we know that if our earthly house, this tent is destroyed, we have a building from Elohim, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this, we grown, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, so that's what we're looking to. That's what we have set our sights on, that's what we have embraced, and this joy that is set before us. We have these moments, you see the world around you, the mess you're in, the mess the world's in and this whole earthen vessel, you just grown for redemption, grown, earnestly to be clothed
with this habitation from on high.
Not only we, all of creation also grows with us. Romans 8:18, let me start at Verse 20 where we picked up, I'm sorry, Verse 19. Let us start at the beginning, for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, for the earnest expectation of the creation, eagerly waits for what, the revealing of the sons of Elohim. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it in hope, because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. Think about that, Yahweh allowed the creation to be subjected to futility, not what he really wanted, but he did so in hope, he's hoping for knowledge was, that in spite of the mess that man had made of this world, there would be people like you and people like me whom he would call out of this world, into his marvelous light, who would answer the call, and be willing to walk in his spirit. But notice it says, creation eagerly awaits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim. There are many tiers planted among the weak,
but the day will come when the weak seeds will be separated from the chaff and the tears, and all the weak seeds that came from the stalk of Yahushua, that original grain of wheat that died and bore us as his fruit, at that time will be revealed, it will be revealed who the true servants of Yahweh are. No longer will terrorists be among us. Second Timothy 2:19 through 21 says, nevertheless the solid foundation of Elohim stands, having this seal. Yahweh knows those who are his, and let everyone who names the name Messiah depart from iniquity, but in great house there not only vessels of god and silver, but also of wooden clay, some for honor, some for dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses themselves from the later, that's the dishonorable things, I should say dishonorable things will be here.
He will be a vessel for honor, if we get rid of the dishonorable wooden clay type stuff. He will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the master, prepared for every good work. Yahweh knows those that are his, and one day the true sons of Elohim, those who have the seed of Messiah in them, will be fully revealed, and those who are vessels of honor can be used for his service, and those who chose the flesh made from the dust of the earth will be scattered and ultimately burned up like wood. We are admonished to cleanse ourselves from the earthly things, and seek the precious and sanctify treasures of the cheap and earthly substitutes. Back to Romans 8, and so we will be delivered from
the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. We will be delivered, but all of us will be delivered from bondage and corruption, and as we are changed into this glorious body, bringing us to freedom, that comes with being Yahweh's child, our inheritance, all of the world will be different, and creation is gonna grow until then. The world is going to be, even the nature of the animals will change. It says, Isaiah 11:7, the cow and the bear shall graze, their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
But until then, all of creation is subjected to futility. The creation groans and labors because neither our bodies nor any of the creation that Yahweh has made was created to live in a world of sin.
He says in Verse 22, we know that all, the whole creation groans and labors with birth pains together until now. Not only that but we also who have the first fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. We're waiting. Ever have that groan inside of you, when am I gonna get rid of this whole mess. We who have the first fruits of the spirit are eagerly waiting for the adoption, that redemption of our body. Those who have the first fruits of Yahweh's spirit groan within themselves, they want that adoption, that redemption. Thos who don't put their trust in the Messiah and do not have the spirit, will not groan with such a hope. They don't have that hope, but we do.
We are saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one still hope for what he sees. We're looking for something. Now, I want to say this, that we consider ourselves to be dead, Messiah to be alive in us. We consider ourselves as crucified, and Messiah to be alive. These things we accept by faith, and faith involves hope, faith is a substance of things hoped for, right? It is something that we accept by faith as having already taken place, because when Yahweh says something, it's going to happen, it's going to happen. We operate under this thought that it has happened already, because Yahweh's good, where he
speaks the things which are not yet as though they are. We say we're saved, we say that we're born again, we say all these things because that is what our mind is focused on, by faith, and we have rejected the former things, and we have embraced the heavenly things. We have turned away and consider the body to be dead, and we consider Messiah to be alive in us,
because that is exactly what saves us, and we're saved in that hope, knowing and hoping and the things which are not yet seen. That's my answer to those who say, well Tom, you say that we're dead, and Messiah alive in us, but I ate breakfast this morning to keep this whole body I got alive. How can you Tom say, the flesh is dead, the flesh does not have any life in it, when I had to, you know, there's things we have to do, take care of our flesh, comb your hair, brush your teeth, things like that. It's because we accept by faith, just as Yahweh speaks the things which are not yet as though they are because his word is so sure and so true and so believed, something we can truly believe in, we embrace this as something that's already taken place. He says it's already taken place, but it's all based on faith. Faith was what, the substance of things hoped for. We are saved in this hope. Hope is not yet seen. When we physically see a body here, we have to operate in a realm that we are looking to the things that are unseen. That's what we need to do. We hope for what we, something we don't yet see. Ultimately, yes, the rebirth takes place, we say we're saved, but the rebirth takes place when the Messiah returns in resurrected bodies. We say that we're born again, but the rebirth takes place at that time when Messiah comes.
We say that we are saved, we say all these things, we say that all these things are true every day we say it. But it's ultimately going to happen. We're taking this all by faith. The actual rebirth, the salvation, all these things, a new glorified body and all those stuff, all these things are happening, ultimately when Messiah returns. But reckon it as being done already.
We function in such a way, we live our lives in such a way that it's already being done. Yahweh gives us his spirit as his guarantor, as this thing that we, the spirit that we can look to and rely upon as these things are indeed true. But we're gonna receive the fullness of the spirit when we are in a glorified state.
We're saved in this hope, we hope for what we do not see. We eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Okay, so we grown, right, so we said, we grown
within ourselves, the ones who had a first grace of the spirit, and then he says, likewise, the spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know that what we should pray for, as we ought, but the spirit itself makes intercession for us, groaning which cannot be uttered. This is the new King James Version I've been reading from here. But we have not yet seen the adoption, the redemption of our body. We accept that is truth by faith, hoping for the things that are not yet seen, and by faith we are waiting, persevering. Now, this word translated groaning's, kind of an interesting word. It has to do with an internal, and sometimes audible, longing for some relief. The same Greek word is found here in Acts 7:34. It says, I've seen the oppression, surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their groaning, and I've come down to deliver them and now come, I will send you to Egypt, talking to Moshe there. He heard their groanings inside.
It's also used in the scriptures of the sound a man makes when he's in pain. It also describes Israel's longing for a deliverer. It says, in Judges 2:17, yet they would not listen to their judges, but they played the harlot with other might ones, and bowed down to them. They turned quickly from the way in which their fathers walked, in obeying the commandments of Yahweh, they did not do so. When Yahweh raised up judges for them, Yahweh was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies, all the days of the judge, for Yahweh was moved to pity by what intercessory judge, by their groaning because of those who oppressed and harassed them. I find it interesting how these words often used in reference to an internal cry out for deliverance, some kind of negative situation. Deliverance from oppression, even oppression that may be caused or self induced, caused by our own doings, or results of our circumstances. Well the same word is actually used here in Mark 7:32, it says, then they brought to him one who is deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they begged him to put his hand on him. He took him aside from the multitude and put his fingers in his ears, and spat and touched his tongue, then looking up to heaven he sighed. This is actually the same Greek word for groaning, same word. It says he sighed.
He said to him, ephphatha, which means be opened, be opened. Again, a deliverance from oppression. He's longing for the man's body to be restored whole. We all have that within us. In the same way, Yahushua sighed and groaned and longed to bring restoration. We also have the spirit helping us in our weaknesses, for we do know we should pray for. The spirit, itself, makes intercession for us, the groaning's that cannot be uttered. Now, the spirit helping us in our weaknesses. We have, it says we have the first fruits of Yahweh's spirit, right? Because of this, we groan for the redemption of our body. Now, the Greek word translated himself he, once more is actually neuter, it's not even male. But the word happens to be neuter, and actually the King James I think translate more correctly, spirit itself. I want you to notice that Romans 8:9 says, if you're
not in the flesh but in the spirit, if indeed the spirit of Elohim dwells in you. Now, if anyone does not have the spirit of Messiah, he is not his. Now you got the spirit of Elohim, you got the spirit of Messiah and then you have your own spirit. How is this all intermeshed, how does this all function? What I gather from reading scripture is, we have a spirit, Yahushua has a spirit, and Yahweh is a spirit. We have our own spirit dwelling in us, which is insufficient to giving us the ability to overcome sin, overcome temptation. It cannot seem to overcome this flesh, and rule over
the flesh in a righteous manner, because there are unclean spirits impacting it, influencing it and so on. But, we have our own spirit dwelling in us, but we also have Messiah dwelling in us. Messiah himself has a spirit, correct, right, okay. Messiah himself also had Yahweh's spirit dwelling in him, right? We have, therefore, Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us because Yahushua is now dwelling in us, and we are a part of his body. Let me say it again, Yahushua has a spirit, Yahweh is a spirit, we have our own spirit dwelling in us, we have Messiah and his spirit dwelling in us, and through Yahweh's spirit dwelling in Messiah, we have Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us. It's only through Yahushua that we can receive the spirit of Yahweh. He's the way, the truth and the life. No one can come in the Father, or received Yahweh's spirit except through him.
We have this examination here of Romans 8, because we have the first fruits of the spirit, we grow within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, redemption of our body. It says, likewise, in the same way, we've got this groaning happening within ourselves. It says, just as we groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for and hoping for the spirit in the same way helps us in our weaknesses. Now, Yahweh the Father gave us intercessors.
We need intercessors. Why do we need intercessors, our present condition is that he could, you know, he could very well destroy us in our present condition. Yahweh himself wants there to be intercessors, so that he can demonstrate what we're worthy of getting, but by intercession, we don't get it. Moses was intercessor, more than ones, Moshe's prayers kept Yahweh from destroying Israel.
There were intercessors functioning in the process of a priesthood. But Yahweh wanted that, he wants there to be intercessors. He wanted to make Moshe an intercessor. He put him in place for that reason. That reason is to demonstrate the fact that we are totally lost and without hope, unless we have an intercessor. That intercessor ultimately is culminated and seen in Yahushua the Messiah, who is the ultimate intercessor.
Messiah is more so in this intercessory position than the spirit of Yahweh coming in. We see this, Romans 8:24 through 26. I don't have the scripture up there, 8:34 actually says, the Messiah makes intercession for us.
Now Messiah, being the intercessor has been known to grow in his spirit. We saw the man who was healed. But look at this situation here, John 11:32 through 33 says, then Mary came where Yahushua was and saw him, she fell at his feet saying to him, master if you've been here my brother would not have died. Therefore, when Yahushua saw her weeping and the Jews who came with her were weeping, he groaned in the Spirit and was troubled. He groaned in the spirit, what happened, he got his
prayer answered. His groaning's resulted in Lazarus being raised.
Likewise, just as we groan when the spirit of Yahweh is placed in us, groaning for redemption and adoption, the Messiah is groaning with an intercessory groan within his spirit, just as his spirit groaned overseeing the death of Lazarus and the pain and sadness that this world was going through. He longs to see the resurrection, just as Lazarus was raised, along with all the creation. There's also groaning likewise, and longing for the redemption or revelation of the sons of Elohim. When the spirit of Yahweh is placed in us through Yahushua the Messiah, the spirit of Yahweh groans an intercessory groan for us to be delivered from our weaknesses, one of which does not even know what to pray for sometimes. Through Messiah, making intercession, there's this intercession happening in the spiritual realm, by Yahweh's spirit and by Yahweh's son. It's Messiah who's the ultimate intercessor, which is causing all these things, our weaknesses to be resolved. Now, looking here again, look at Verse 27 it says, now, he who searches the heart, knows what the mind or the spirit is, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of Elohim. It's kind of an odd reading here. It kind of perplexed me for a long time, mind of the spirit, mind of the spirit. What is that? I got to looking here at the Greek words, and just did a search on the phrase mind of the spirit, to see if it might have been anywhere else. What I found was the same exact phrase is found earlier, when it talks about the one who is spiritually binded, is going to have life and peace. But the one who is currently minded, is not going to have life and peace. They're gonna have death. The same phrase translates spiritually minded in one place, but mind of the spirit in another place. You could, if you take that into Romans 8:27, you could literally translate that, he who searches the hearts, knows who is spiritually minded, which is a little different than the reading that we see in most bibles. The word is translated, who, instead of using this word what. It is legitimate because the word in Greek can mean what, it can also mean who. I would tend to see that this is a more correct translation, he searches the hearts, knows who is of the spiritual mind, who's spiritually minded.
In light of this, look at Romans 8:27 again.
We have, it says, let me start at Verse 26, likewise the spirit also helps us on our weaknesses for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought. The spirit itself makes intercession for us, prompted by the intercessor Yahushua Hamashiach, with groaning's that cannot be uttered as groaning happening. Now we, he who searches the hearts knows who is spiritually minded, for he makes intercession for saints according to the will of Elohim. He is heavily involved in his intercession. Now who is he who searches the hearts? Who's that?
Who is that? Romans 2:23, talking about Yahushua is going to do this with Jezebel, he says, I will kill her children with death, and all the assembly shall know, I am he, I am he who searches the minds and hearts. Yahushua wants all the assemblies to know. He's the one searching the hearts and minds, and of course, he gives everyone according to the works. He's searching the hearts. Take this in the Romans 8, he who searches the heart knows who's spiritually minded. That's Yahushua who searches the hearts. Knowing who is spiritually minded, who is carnally minded, and making intercession accordingly, those who are spiritually minded are going to have this groaning within them. They want to be delivered from this body of death,
and so Yahushua's going to groan in his spirit. This is what he did with Lazarus, and it turns out Yahweh saw Yahushua groaning in the spirit and he heard the groaning's of Yahushua and he actually responded to that. John 11:41, then I took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. Yahushua lifted up his eyes and said, Father I thank you that you've heard me, and I know that you always hear me, he heard the groaning's from the intercessors. But because of the people who are standing by, said that they may believe you sent me. We have a beautiful, caring, loving advocate with the father, if we're willing to have and receive the spiritual mind, spiritual mindedness. Do we see that? We have a wonderful advocate, there are things happening in the spiritual realm all the time, we don't even realize are happening. As we groan and long for redemption, as we long for this body of whatever it is, pile of, bag of dir, called our body to be replaced by this incorruptible body, we hate the body of sin is all about. We reject it in the name of Yahushua. We embrace the body of Messiah, we consider no longer us to be alive, Messiah living in us, and Yahushua sees that and he says, I'm with you brother, I'm with you. I feel the same way. I'm right there with you. I want to see you delivered from this. That's Yahushua's intercession. In our weaknesses, we are getting help all the time, by the spirit of Yahweh interceding for us through Yahushua Hamashiach. Yahushua himself is being led by the spirit of Yahweh, right? See how that all lines up there? Yahushua is led by Yahweh's spirit, intercession is made, we are getting the help we need. Yahweh himself is willing to intercede, cause all things to be ultimately turned for our good Romans
8:28. All the things worked together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who were called according to his purpose, for whom he knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born of many brethren, moreover, who he predestined these he also called, whom he called, these he also justified and who he justified, these he glorified.
Yahweh intercedes and causes intercession to take place through his spirit, through Messiah Yahushua, his son, and we have everything, ultimately going to work together for our good.
No such promise is made to those who were not called, only to those who were called. Now a lot was made of this doctrine for knowledge, doctrine of predestination. The degree to which we have the capability of even making our own choice to be Yahweh's son, whether it's Yahweh selecting us, or we who are selecting and have the freedom of choice to be his. Now, I'm not one to get into these endless debates of the whole thing. But what I see is this, if we are repentant believers in Messiah Yahushua, and that's what we continue to be until we die, the scripture says we're his. That's how he identifies those that are his. It's really that simple. You don't have to wonder or worry, am I among the call, or has he chosen me or anything of that sort. If today, you are a repentant believer in Messiah Yahushua, you're his, and you operate and function under that belief. By faith you accept it. As long as that continues to be the case until you die, he'll accept you, he says he will.
He says, just repent and receive my son, and you got it. But yes, he does have something called for knowledge. He knows how everything is gonna turn out. He knows whether you, present day, currently, a repentant believer in Messiah, will continue to be so when you draw your last breathe on the earth. The truth is, you don't really know. But as long as you are a repentant believer in Messiah today, Yahweh is going to relate to you as one who is his, just as Yahushua related to Judas. He didn't treat Judas any differently than anybody else during the three years he walked with his disciples, gave him full opportunity, he knew that Judas would be his betrayer that Judas went out with the seventy. He even told them, hey, rejoice. He said, don't rejoice that the spirit -- to you, rejoice because your names are written in heaven. You think Judas wasn't there? Of course he was there. Now because Jesus ended his life on his own terms, it's unlikely he's gonna be among the saints in the days to come, that's because our names actually can be blotted out. Yahushua said in Revelation 3:5, he overcomes, shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the book of life. It can be blotted out. I will confess his name his name before my father, and before his angels. If you are today repentant believer in Messiah, and your name is written in heaven, rejoice in that. You can rejoice in that. But at some point in your life, you stop believing in Yahushua, you decide that you're gonna off and live in willful, continuous sin, and not bother to repent, yeah, your name could be blotted out, because he who overcomes will not have his name blotted out.
Looking at what they call predestination, whom he for knew, he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son. He knows ahead of time, you're end, what you're gonna do in your last days on the earth. We need to live and think as one who is predestined to be his children and what harmers are going to be. Well, I don't know, you don't walk by faith, you're gonna be harming yourself. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, if you don't believe yourself, be predestined to be in his image. He said, Paul said, he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, those he foreknew. Don't you have a plan, you know, well, before I die, I might just fall away. Young people, I hope you don't have such a plan to fall away when you get older and do your own thing and live in the world. Because if you do, especially those of you, you're in your teens, you have that itch to try out the world, just don't do it, don't do it. I did it, it was stupid. I regret every minute of it. In fact, I never really, really, I should say I waited, I knew I wanted to be a believer but I waited, saw the wild oats and I regret every minute of it. Some children who grew up, especially those who grew up torah observant, believers in Messiah, they turn away, they use it very well. Someone had been killed in drunk driving accidents and others are just miserable and they don't understand why they're so miserable. But, because you've been given much, and to whom much has been given, much will be required. Don't do it. Looking here at Romans 8:28, Yahushua predestined us to be conformed to the image of Messiah, image of his son, right? Yahushua is a brightness and express image of Yahweh's glory. As a part of the Messiah's body, we are called to manifest that image to the world.
Yahushua became this first born of many brethren. What's this reference to the resurrection, it's first born, first fruits of those who fell asleep. We also will be, we're the many brethren here, we will also received their glorified body as he did.
Those who are predestined are those he called.
He called you, right, and no one can come to the Father, unless you're called. We have no, we didn't have a desire for repentance and faith at all, if you'd not been called.
Since we answer the call, he will justify us, and he
will also glorify us.
We can put our faith in that. You don't have to be afraid, you don't have to fear. We can put our confidence that Yahweh loves us and as long as we continue to make that choice of repentance and faith in Messiah, until we draw our last breath on the earth, or our last day, that's our destiny. You can never operate under the assumption, well I might fall away, I might fall away. You can't live there. That's crazy.
You have to operate under the assumption, you will not fall away. But with fear, it says where for, he who thinks he stands, take heed as they fall, right, with fear. You don't want to fall away, you want to remain faithful, but you have to function by faith in that hope. If you don't have that hope, you're just walking around and having no assurance of your life. That's misery. You can't go there. We got to look forward and have hope within us. That will empower us through the trials that come our way. It's based on that hope, Paul says, what should we say to these things. Verse 31 through 33, if Elohim is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how so he not with him, also freely give us all things. Who shall bring the charge against Elohim's elect, it's Elohim who justified. We're justified by him. We don't have to be afraid when the world comes against us, cannot let doubt and fear come in to unsettle our souls. Yahushua died for us so that he could bless us with giving us all things. We read earlier that we're joined heirs with Messiah, we're gonna reign with him for a thousand years. Do not let anyone associate you with things that are in your rear view mirror. Just tell them, don't judge me with what's on my rear view mirror, I don't live there anymore. Yahweh justifies me. I'm not gonna let my past drag my future down, or drag me down the present. I'm forward looking, I'm looking ahead as Messiah did. The joy that was set before him, he endured. Who's gonna bring the charge against Elohim, because we are justified, no one can.
Who is he who condemns as Messiah who died and therefore, and furthermore has also risen, who is even at the right hand of Elohim, who also makes intercession for us. He's there. There's the intercessor I was telling you about. Who shall separate us from the love of Messiah, shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine of nakedness, or power or sword. A rhetorical question is, nothing will. As it's written, for your sake, we're killed all day long where accounted sheet for the slaughters. See, just because we experience tribulations and distresses and persecutions and famines and nakedness, whatever it is that we experience, other people might accuse you and condemn you and say, you're not being blessed, what's wrong with you. You got something wrong with your walk their son, you have some kind of problem there. Paul's saying, who is going to bring a charge against Elohim's elect. Yahweh justifies, we have an intercessor, he makes everything turn out for the good of those who love him, to those who were called according to his purpose. We have a destination of eternal life. We have a hope living in us. Just because we're going through tribulation, distress and persecutions and famine and whatever, sword or whatever, that doesn't mean he's rejected us. I mean, look, what did Yahushua go through. Seriously, what did Yahushua go through? They carry him around on a nice little bed, forming, carrying him on a bed. He sat there eating grapes. I mean, no, he went through trials and he was
guilty of nothing. Don't let the trials cause you to think you're separated from Messiah's love. You're not, nothing can separate you from the love of Messiah, not tribulation, not distress, not difficulty, no health issues, nothing. I mean in fact, it's predicted that we'll be persecuted. For your sake, we are killed all day long.
That's a part of the walk here. That's part of the program we signed up for actually. Look what David went through. He's quoting from Psalm 44 here, which says, if we forgot the name of our mighty one, or stretch out our hands to our foreign God, would not Elohim search this out, for he knows the secrets of the heart. That's not what we've done. Yeah, for your sake, we are killed all day long, we are counted as sheep for slaughter. Why do you sleep old master, arise, do not cast us off forever. Why do you hide your face and forget our affliction, our oppression, for our soul is bowed down to the dust, our body clings to the ground. Arise for our help, and redeem us for your mercies' sake that cry for help.
The groaning's, the longing for the redemption is verbalized here. We are encouraged to not be dismayed, but consider a normal part of what we signed for as believers. We weren't called to be conformers, we were called to be reformers. Contrary to what you may have heard from prosperity preachers, were called to live, they crucified life, not a cushy life filled with riches and comfort.
Second Corinthians 4:7 through 11 says, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of Elohim and not us. There's treasure in earthen vessels. As Yahushua Hamashiach, we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed, always carrying about in the body, the dying of the master Yahushua, that the life of Yahushua also maybe manifested in our body, for we who live are always delivered to death for Yahushua's sake, that the life of Yahushua also maybe manifested in our mortal flesh.
Through Yahushua who loved us, he's gonna manifest his sufferings through us. We consider ourselves be crucified already, it's okay. Through him that treasure in earthen vessels, and
all these things we are more in conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37, for I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, not things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of Elohim, which is in Messiah Yahushua or Master, very encouraging words. Conqueror, we're conquerors, right? Are you a conqueror? It says we're more than conquerors, we're more than conquerors.
Conquerors, one who defeats the enemy, right, and reigns, it's what he does, and we're called to be ones who defeat the enemy and reign.
By that conqueror, we take dominion over the earth, just like Adam was created to subdue the earth, be fruitful, as a new creation of Messiah, we subdue the same within the earth. Our bodies are made from the earth, and the sin is in others who are made from the dust of the earth, by proclaiming the love and the truth of Messiah to everybody, that they might be under a willing subjection to Yahweh's supreme and governmental authority. But we cannot get discouraged and start thinking, Yahweh hates us because we're going through some trial or tribulation or test. If we didn't have any opposition, what's there to conquer, nothing to fight against. But if there is things to fight against, and so we have to conquer, we have to overcome, we have to fight. If there weren't something in front of us to oppose us, we would have no battle, now war, no war to wage, no enemy to defeat, and as believers, hey, we got to realize, we've been enlisted into military service. That means we have to fight, and none of us are up on a hill somewhere, watching the battle.
But there are no cheerleaders in this game, we're all in the trenches. If you think you can just sit on the sidelines and watch, you're doing it wrong. Those who live on easy street, you're probably not engaged in the culture, probably no taking up arms to fight the spiritual enemy. They think everything is going so well for them, are just so blessed because they're believers and there's no trouble or difficulties, but difficulties and trials are not there because they're not really believers. What I read in scriptures, difficulties and trials are actually a sign we are believers.
First Peter 4:12, beloved, did not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is a trail, as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Messiah's sufferings, that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. Rejoice, we get to partake of his sufferings.
Yahushua once said to someone, the world cannot hate you, John 7:7. The world can't hate you, but it hates me, why,
because I testify it, that its works are evil.
It's cramping the world's style, pointing out some things that they don't want to hear. What are we supposed to do, just sit back and smile while people around us just walk in pure evilness, or do we speak up and say something?
Yahushua says, if the world hates, you know it hated me before it hated you. Why did it hate him, because he testified that his works are evil. If you were of the world, the world would love its own, yeah because you're not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Does the world hate you? Actually it's a sign you're his if it does. It doesn't you an excuse to be hateful toward them,
but we have to be honest, if we care about our friend, we care about our neighbor, we care about this world that we live in, we're gonna step up and do something. We'll get in opposition. It goes with the territory, getting all these things, we're more than conquerors, through him who loved us.
A lot of Paul's persecutions came from his own countrymen, so much of it did.
Paul said in Romans 9:1 through 3, I tell the truth in Messiah, I'm not lying, my conscience also bear me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continue with grief in my heart, for I could wish that I myself were cursed from Messiah for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh. So great was his love for his fellow countrymen, in spite of all their hatred toward him. He desired, he could be cursed instead of them.
It's exactly what Yahushua did for us, isn't it? He became cursed for us. Paul took the same mentality.
Paul's love for his countrymen was very Messiah like and that's how we need to be toward those who hate us. Don't become bitter, don't walk in the flesh, don't become angry, recognize it's a normal thing, be willing to lay down your life for them, whether it be literally or by responding to their hatred in a way that crucifies the flesh and respond with love instead of hate, instead of reviling for reviling on the contrary, blessing. Instead of evil for evil, you exchange and overcome evil with good. That's called laying down our life for our brothers and our friends. Paul says, I wish I was accursed instead of my countrymen. There were Israelites to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of Elohim, the promises of whom are the Father's and from him, according to the flesh, the Messiah came his overall eternally blessed Elohim, amen. Notice, the Israelites are the promises. That includes a new covenant which scripture says has given to Israel.
Things are coming, says Yahweh, make a new covenant, house of Israel, house of Judah, even the new covenant is given to Israel. It says the old covenant was given to Israel, but that's Romans 9:6 through 8, but it is not the word of Elohim, not that the word of Elohim has taken no effect, for they are not all Israel who were of Israel. Interesting word, that not everyone who is Israel is Israel. He says nor are they all children because of the seat of Abraham, but in Isaac your seed will be called. That is who are, those who are children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim, but the children of the promise are counted as the seed, not the children of flesh. We have to go through the flesh in Isaac, your seed will be called. What's he talking about here? The promises in Yahweh's word about Israel is still true even though many of the Israelites that Paul associated with, rejected Yahushua the Messiah, because there's a remnant, because not all of the promises are to Israel are given to physical descendants of Israel, because they're not the remnant, they're not the children of promise. Not everyone who is Israel is Israel. Not everyone who's a physical descendant of Abraham is a child of Abraham. Yahushua said, to those Jews who believed in him, he says, if you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. That's if you abide in my word. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. They answered him, we are Abraham's descendants. We have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say you'll be made free? It's because you're Abraham's descendants. They thought, it took confidence in the flesh. They thought, oh, we're okay, we're not in bondage to anybody. What did Yahushua say? Yahushua answered them, most certainly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. That's what Paul has been talking about in Romans 6, 7 and 8. Slave does not abide in house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. Everything he's saying here is in relation to what we've been going on over in Romans 6, 7 and 8, that the Messiah is the one making us free from the slavery here, to sin.
He says, I know that you are Abraham descendants, but you seek to kill me because my word has no place in you. I speak what I've seen with my Father. You do what you've seen with your Father. This is later on Verse 38. They answered and said to him, Abraham is our father. Yahushua said to them, if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. They weren't doing the works of Abraham, they wanted to kill him. Later on in Verse 44 he said to them, you are of your Father, the devil, and the desires of your father, you want to do, he was a murdered from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the law, he speaks from his own resource, for he is liar and the father of it. In light of these things, not all who are Abraham's descendants are children of Yahweh, because some of them are following the devil. That same is true for all of us, not just Jewish people. Romans 9:6, it is not that the word of Elohim has taken no effect in regards to some of the Israelites were not saved, for they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children, because they are the seed of Abraham, but in Isaac your seed shall be called. That is, those who are children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim. The children of the promised are counted as a seed, for this is the word of the promise, at this time, I will come and Sarah will have a son. Paul begins to explain the difference, using Old Testament scripture, he says, between the true Israelites and the children of the devil, two different things. The true Israelites are the remnant. They joined themselves to Messiah. Isaac was a child of promise. But there was another son of Abraham by the name of Ishmael, he was not a son of promise. Ishmael was not the promise son. He was a son that came about because of Abraham's failure to understand Yahweh's promise, or perhaps a failure to have faith and believe that Yahweh's promise will be done literally. Paul talks about this very allegory here in Galatians 4:22, he says, for it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond woman, the other by a free woman, that's Ishmael, Ishmael and Isaac. He was the son of the bond woman, that's Ishmael, was born according to the flesh. He was of the free woman through promise, he was of the free woman is Isaac. He became a son of the free woman, that's through Sarah, through the promise, comparing the two, son of the flesh, bond woman, son of the freewoman. Which things are symbolic, for these are two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which gives birth to bondage, which Agar, for this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, in correspondence to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. They are relying upon the Sinai covenant to redeem them, to save them, to deliver them from their sins. But the truth is, the Sinai covenant can only point out their sins, it cannot die for them, or anything of that nature. The Jerusalem that was not receiving the Messiah, only had the Sinai covenant to save them. But the Sinai covenant points out their sin, and therefore the Sinai covenant can only show them that they're in bondage. But the Jerusalem above is free, which is a mother of us all, as is written. Rejoice oh barren, you who do not bear, break forth and shout, you are not in labor, for the vessel has been with more children as she who has a husband. We are from this Jerusalem that's above, not the Jerusalem on the earth. Jerusalem on the earth has not embraced a new covenant. Now we brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. Now the reason why the Sinai covenant gives birth to bondage is the fact that covenant brought us the law. We read early in Romans that by the laws and knowledge of sin. The reason why Jerusalem was in bondage like Agar, it's not because the law is bondage, but the fact that the law exposed the person's sin, which if unresolved by the blood of Yahushua, will result in a person being in bondage to sin, just like Yahushua said. All who commits sin are in bondage to sin. It's only the son that can make you free.
The law points out your sin, and therefore points out that you're in need of a savior. You're gonna need of a new covenant. See both Yahushua and Paul are teaching the same things. If we're relying on the Sinai covenant to give us salvation, to save us, we'll be found sinners who are in slavery. Jerusalem on earth rejected the son, and therefore the son could not make them free from the bondage that they were in. In the same way, Ishmael did not remain in Abraham's house, he was the son of a slave woman, rather than the son of the promise, he was kicked out. We can't remain in Abraham's house if we refuse to receive the son of the promise. Looking back, again, Romans 9:6 through 9, we have to be children of Abraham through Isaac, not through the son of the bond woman. Those who were from Isaac are the sons of Abraham, who are free. Those who are from Ishmael are from the sons of Abraham who are not free.
I have a full study on this on the video in transcript page, elio.comfor/transcripts last summer July, June 2015. We went over this whole thing in more detail than we can cover here. I want to show you something here, Romans 9:10 through 13, and I'm gonna wrap it up, it says, not only this but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac, for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of Elohim according to election might stand, not of works, but of him who calls. It was said to her, the older shall serve the younger, as is written, Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated. This is another example, where allegory provided for us in the birth order here. We have Jacob and Esau. Esau was actually the first born, yet he was the hated one. Jacob was the one that was loved. He was not the first born. But the problem is, the first born is the one who supposed to get all the inheritance, right? What's going on here, well Esau, the first born, and he gave up his rights, he sold it to Jacob, right?
Why, Genesis 25:30 Esau said to Jacob, please feed me with the same red stew for I am weary, therefore his name was called Edom. But Jacob said, sell me your birthright as of this day. Esau said, look, I'm about to die, so what's the birthright to me? He didn't care what happened to him after he died, he didn't care. He didn't cared about his offspring, his children or anybody, just wanted what was his at that moment, that's what he wanted. The only reason he wanted the birthright is because of what he could get in this life, that's all he was looking at. Jacob said, well swear to me this day. He swore to him and he sold his birthright to Jacob and Jacob gave Esau bread and a stew of lentils, and he ate and drank and then rose and went his way, thus Esau despised his birthright.
Now there's something here, Esau's focus on the things of this life. He saw them as being more important than being an inheritor of Yahweh's promises.
Today, likewise, there are children who are life Esau, and there are children who are like Jacob. One wants the blessing, the other doesn't care. Those who are Abraham's seed will never be
recipient of the promises unless they value Yahweh's work and are willing to trade in their flesh for the promise, unlike Esau, who is not willing to trade in his flesh to maintain the promise. There are children who are of the flesh, like Esau, who even though there's Abraham's descendants, will never be a recipient of the promises because they do not value Yahweh's word, and they're willing to trade in their soul for the world. Yahushua said, what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul, what good is it? Just because one is descendant of Abraham physically, only those who were Israelites indeed will be among the remnant. Yahushua chose one that was an Israelite indeed. Yahushua saw Nathaniel coming to him, and says behold, Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit. Now each of us have the opportunity to become a part of the body of the Messiah, and by that we become the seed of Abraham, as son of the promise, Galatians 3:29, if you are Messiah's you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Or we can stay in our natural state, refuse to be joined to the body of Messiah, instead we remain joined to the body of Adam, and there are a lot of things like this in scripture, these two things. I've noticed, it's often the second born who gets the blessing. Cain's the first born, he was rejected in favor of Abel, right, second born. Isaac got the blessing rather than Ishmael.
Jacob got the blessing rather than Esau. Second born, every time, there are a lot down through the line, it seemed like the second born gets the blessing. Judah had two sons through Tamar, but the second one was the one chosen to be a line through which Messiah will come. Ruben was the first born of Jacob. Jacob told him, you're not going to excel. Joseph got the greater blessing. Ephraim was not the first born, but Joseph put his right hand on Ephraim, and said, he will be stronger than the other. The message here is clear, Adam is the first born of all creation. Being created from the dust of the ground, he didn't get the blessing of life, because of the sin of his carnal mind. He was like Esau. The second born Yahweh's creation in the womb of Mary, Yahushua the Messiah, he is the one who is faithful, he got the blessing.
Now the question is, who do you want to be joined to, the body of Adam, the flesh, we will not excel, we will not receive eternal life, that's why we need to be joined to a new body, from whom we receive the promise, Yahushua is that son of promise, he is that seed that is promised to come. It says, Galatians 3:16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, he does not says to seeds as of many, to your seed who is Messiah, that seed is Yahushua the Messiah. He is that recipient of the promise, a promise to Abraham and to his seed. What's the promise? Here's the promise, he says, by myself I've sworn, says Yahweh, because you've done this thing, if not with hell, your son, your only son, blessing I will bless you, multiply and I'll multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand on the seashore, and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies in your seed, the Messiah, all nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you obeyed my voice. Abraham showed Yahweh, after he offered up Isaac on the altar, he showed Yahweh, he's willing to give up the seed of promise, Isaac, offer him up. It's because Isaac was willing to do that, and open the door for Yahweh to work in the lineage of Abraham, and bring forth the Messiah who would be given up, because he said, because you've done this, because you've obeyed my voice, because you've done this thing, I'll bring forth the Messiah through your line, and every nation of the earth will be blessed. Therefore, Galatians 3:7, only those who are of faith are the sons of Abraham and the scripture, for foreseeing that Elohim would justify the gentiles by faith, preach the gospel to Abraham, there before him saying, in you, all the nations of the nations of the earth will be blessed. Those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. This is all part of my Galatians teaching, but I want to point this out here because it's connected. Because we receive and appreciate Yahweh's promise, Yahushua the Messiah, we put on Yahushua the Messiah, we put of the old man, we become sons of Elohim through faith in Messiah Yahushua, for as we're baptized in the Messiah, have put on Messiah. You've already done it. There's not a Jew or Greek saved or free, male or female, for you're all one with Messiah Yahushua. If you are Messiah's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. It all fits in together, like a beautiful tapestry, interwoven, interconnected, layer upon layer, beautiful thing upon beautiful thing. We need to be a Jacob, who appreciate Yahweh's promise and we receive that promise, we want that birthright, and we take it from, we recognize Adam is
not going to get it, even though he's the first born, because Adam was too carnal. The Adam man, that's just too carnal. It's gonna take Messiah, the second born to bring us home to the promised land, to live with him forever, to truly be a son of the living Elohim. Now I know I've covered a lot here. I've tried my best to simplify everything. We're looking at very complex, deep things, and the spirit meat of the word you could say, but also very beautiful, amazing things to ponder as we go through this book of Romans.
My brothers and sisters, until next time, we'll go through, continue our journey through the book of Romans verse by verse. May Yahweh bless you, and my Yahweh truly have mercy on us all.
This takes place when we choose to put off our own body, and be joined to Yahushua's body, therefore causing our sins to be placed on him, and his righteousness to be placed on us. A beautiful exchange. Thus we died to sin. If we died to sin, then it's not possible for us to live in it. We might fail from time to time, but we don't live in sin like a pig lying in the mire or the mud. Now because we are joined to Messiah's body, we take on his history, being crucified with him and believing it is no longer we who live, but Messiah who lives in us. That's something we have to believe to be true. If we accept by faith that it is no longer we who
live, and that we are dead to sin, we can take that kind of faith into the battle field of temptations and overcome any sin that may come our way. We are not in bondage to sin. Now our body can be used as instruments of righteousness because of Messiah who dwells in us, sin has no dominion over us. Only by faith are we made righteous, not by our own works or effort, and by faith, we choose righteousness over sin, and therefore true faith will have works. A true faith is a working faith, and faith without works is dead.
Faith enables us to overcome by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of our testimony, believing what Messiah has done for us to cleanse us of our sins and believing that we have received a new body to enable us to overcome temptation. We're now joined to the body of Messiah, so we can, by faith, overcome temptation. Therefore, a former body was who we were formally joined to as a husband and wife are joined. But now, we are joined to the body of the Messiah by the spirit. Now, both the body of Adam, scratch that word too, both the body of Adam and the body of Messiah are governed by Yahweh's law as supreme.
But just a husband gives wife, a wife additional laws, the body of Adam gave us the law of sin in death, which was, when we want to do good, evil is present with us. That is what scripture says, is the law of sin and death. The Messiah gives us the law of the spirit of life. We must reckon the former body as dead, and consider ourselves to be alive unto Yahweh. Through Messiah, we are now dead to the law, because Messiah, the old body is dead, and in Messiah, and his body are now alive in us. This does not mean that the law is dead to us. Paul said, has the law become dead to me, certainly not. That was his answer to that question and that we
do believe to be true.
All right, so this summer rises the former segment on the book of Romans. We have Yahweh, his law governing both Messiah and our former body, except one's used to the old covenant, and ones to the new covenant. As in any marriage, a husband can add laws, and so that's what we have under both Messiah and the carnal body. The carnal body gave us the law of sin and death. Messiah gives us the law of the spirit of life, law of Yahweh therefore demanded our death because of our disobedience to it. We are under the law as condemnation. Whereas here, the death demanded by the law of Yahweh is fulfilled because we are crucified with Messiah, and the righteous requirement of the law is fulfilled in us. Our former condition was, we could not overcome sin because of this law of sin and death that we were functioning under. When we want to do good, evil is present with us. The question would be asked, who will deliver us from this body of death. The Messiah, we have the power to overcome sin because the body of sin is dead, the law of the spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death. The spiritual mind however is still subject to and governed by Yahweh's law. That summarizes what we've been looking at, the former two segments on the book of Romans. Now, the first law, let's take a look at Romans 7:21. It says, I find then a law that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of Elohim according to the inward man, but I see another law in my members, warning against the law of my mind. In bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my member. This law of sin is something that, in man's natural state, before having come to Messiah, he is bound to this law of sin that brings him under
this condition of where evil is present with us, the one who wills to do good. Now, Romans 8:2 through 3 says, the law of the spirit of life in Messiah Yahushua has made me free from the law of sin and death. What is the law of the spirit of life, what the law could not do, Yahweh's law could not do in that it was weak, the flesh. Elohim did, by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin, he condemned sin in the flesh. Now, Verse 3 here, this portion right here is indeed speaking of the law of Yahweh. The law could not, because we have this weakness here in our flesh, this law of sin in our flesh, could not make us righteous.
The law of Yahweh is weak through the flesh, it's under this husbandly rule, this law of sin in death we saw earlier. It's weak for the flesh, and therefore the Messiah's law being husband is the law of spirit, and the law of life, which makes us free from our husband, the law of sin in death. But Yahweh's law is still intact, and that's why Romans 8:4 says that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who what, do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the spirit. The goal is that the righteous requirement of Yahweh's law would be fulfilled in us, and therefore the law still stands. But we have to walk according to the spirit, rather than according to the flesh. We have to walk in such a way that reflects that the law of the spirit of life is now abiding in us and it's no longer we who live, it's Messiah who lives in us, and therefore, it's going to reflect, our faith is gonna reflect those works. Our faith is going to drive those works. He says, for those who live according to the flesh, set their minds in the things of flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, the things of the spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, for it is not subject to the law of Elohim, nor indeed can be
So then those who are in the flesh cannot please Elohim, we're not in the flesh.
We're not in the flesh. The very evidence that the spirit of Yahweh is in us is that we're no longer according to flesh, but walking according to the spirit. If we walked according to the flesh, we'd have a carnal mind that was at one with a carnal flesh, and therefore we would not choose to be subject to the law of Elohim. But the law is still intact, it has not gone anywhere. We do not make void the law through faith, Romans 3:31, rather, we cause it to stand, because the way we cause it to stand is that we walk in the spirit, being willingly subject to the law of Yahweh. Therefore, those who teach that we're now free to disobey Yahweh's law, they're actually teaching, it's okay now, you can have a carnal mind, that is not subject to the law of Elohim, it's all right. That's what they're saying. They may not know who's saying that, but that's what they're saying. Now traditional theology does not connect Romans 8:7 with the torah. They think it's some new law that Yahweh gave. They did not connect that with the law Yahweh gave in Exodus to Deuteronomy. Most think it's talking about some brand new law. But look at the contents, Romans 8:4.
Romans 8:4 says, the goal is that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled, that's the goal. What law, the law that was given access to Deuteronomy. That's what it's talking about, that's the goal, so we would not be considered sinners. They'll agree on that, but then, come down here and you do the old switcheroo, and it doesn't go there. When Paul says law, we can't just decide when we
want to make it fit into the text. But despite its context that there's nothing there supporting this view, all these brand new law came out of nowhere other than the context or traditional theology. Many think Paul was talking about some new law there. But still, others would identify the law of Romans 7 to be the law of the spirit of life. This completely ignores the context of Romans 7 and 8, which says the law of sin and death, that was in our members, prevents us from our flesh, from yielding to Yahweh's perfect law, and the law of spirit of life is what enables us to be set free from that carnal condition, and have the righteous requirement of the law fulfilled in us, and empowers us to be obedient, no longer enmity against Elohim, but now obedient to the law of Elohim. That would challenge anyone to come up with an understand of Romans 7 and 8 with any other conclusion and be completely straightforward and honest with the text, and not put your own thoughts into it.
What many people would say, while this law, the spirit of life is now, you're subject to law of sin and death, that's the torah. Scripture says, the law of sin and death is something in our members that says, when I want to do good, he was present with me. That's what they identified. It's not called the torah, the law of sin and death. You can't make that connection there. The law of spirit of life, what's that all about, what does the spirit do, it leads us to holiness, to righteousness, to truth, to walking in obedience. It frees us from death.
No law can free you, you can't, there's no law you can keep that would free you. But the law of the spirit of life is something that Messiah puts us under, enables us to be given life in spite of our sins.
We're not in the flesh, we don't have the carnal mind. Therefore we are no longer in enmity with Yahweh's law. Now we are subject to Yahweh's law. There's nothing in the torah that's so radically different, that by nature causes it to be something harder to keep. In fact, Yahushua taught us things that would make it even more difficult, right? That's what many say. All the New Testament, he showed how difficult that law was to keep. But then Messiah came and made it even harder.
What's the truth, the truth is simple, we need to be subject to Yahweh's law, and his law is given all throughout the bible, not just the Old Testament, not just the New Testament, every precept he has given us from one end of the bible to the other is for us, to learn how to live.
So then, because the fleshly mind, the carnal mind is not in accordance with Yahweh's law, it says, so then, he says, those that are in the flesh cannot please Elohim. We have to be walking in the spirit.
But you're not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If indeed the spirit of Elohim dwells in you. Now, if anyone does not have the spirit of Messiah, he is not his. If Messiah is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. The body is dead, and the law of sin and death is now, we're not governed by it. But now, the spirit is life because the righteous requirement of the law has been fulfilled in you, and therefore you have life. But if the spirit of him who raises Yahushua from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Messiah from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, through his spirit who dwells in you.
This is the law of the spirit of life. We are given righteousness, and we are given life to our mortal bodies, through his spirit who dwells in us. That's the law of the spirit of life that we are given through the Messiah. The Messiah is in us by Yahweh's spirit, and because of this, because the spirit is now placed in us, scripture says, I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes. You'll keep my judgments and do them, Ezekiel 36:27. Romans 7:14 says, the law is spiritual, it's not carnal. It's not of the flesh. It also says, Romans 7:12 we read, the law is holy, the commandment holy and just and good. There's nothing carnal about Yahweh's law, it's all spiritual. If we have Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us, we will be subject to the judgments and statutes and commandments and so forth. It all makes perfect sense, it all lines up beautifully. We walk in the spirit, because the carnal mind is enmity against Elohim, refuses to be subject to the law of Elohim.
It all lines up just exact, perfect, comes together like a glove in the hand. So far, now we are more than halfway through the book of Romans, and there's not a single line of scripture telling us we're now free to disobey Yahweh's law. The scripture says that it's sin to disobey Yahweh's law. Everything we've read indicates Yahweh's law is still intact, has not been made void, and we need to be subject to it if we want to reflect spiritual mindedness, because the law is spiritual, and holy, and just and good. When we walk in the spirit, we're walking in holiness, justice and goodness, that we might have this spiritual mind, because the law is spiritual. Therefore Brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh,
to live according to the flesh, for if you live according to the flesh, you will die. But if by the spirit you put the death, the deeds of the body, you will live for as many as led by the spirit of Elohim, these are the sons of Elohim. WE need to be led by the spirit, and we're debtors,
to live according to the spirit. If we live according to the flesh, we're gonna die of our carnal mindedness. It's not subject to Yahweh's law. We'll not be walking in holiness, in justice or goodness. We here are led by Yahweh's spirit and become his sons. These are the sons of Elohim, not through the body of Adam, but by the body of the Messiah, and through him, we are free from the bondage to fear. Now, we are adopted sons and daughters calling out, Abba Father, if we did not receive the spirit of bondage, again the fear. We receive the spirit of adoption, by who we cry out, Abba, Father.
The spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children on Elohim. If children the heirs, heirs of Elohim and joined heirs with Messiah, if indeed we suffer with him, that we also may be glorified together. Now this should be itself, actually, the Greek. But being children of Elohim, we have inheritance. We're heirs, right, because we're children of Elohim. We have an inheritance awaiting us, and since we now have been identified with the Messiah and his body, and it's no longer we who live, but Messiah who lives in us, we are now joined heirs with Messiah. We are joined heirs with Messiah, both us and
Messiah receiving glorification in glorified bodies.
We have received sonship, become our father, and Yahweh's spirit bears with us with our spirit, we are children of Elohim. If children, then we are heirs, and we are joined heirs with Messiah, because we've been joined to his body. He says, if indeed we suffer with him, that we also may be glorified together, we must be willing to suffer. We take that mentality into our walk. I have been crucified with Messiah, Galatians 2:20, it is no longer I who live, Messiah lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith, and the son of Elohim, who love me and gave himself for me. Now, Yahushua, he looked at the suffering he went through, and he was able to endure because, why?
There's joy that was set before him. Looking to Yahushua, the author and finisher of our Faith, Hebrews 12:2, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the stake or the cross, despising the shame, sat down at the right hand of the throne of Elohim. Yahushua said, if you'll overcome, you'll stand at my right hand. As I sat down, my Father on his right hand. We've become joined heirs, but we got to look at this joy sitting before us. That's what empowered, that's what strengthened him, was that faith in what Yahweh was going to do with him. Romans 8:18, for I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Whatever sufferings we happen to endure in this life, whether it's enduring temptations or enduring trials, or enduring insults or mistreatment by other people, we have a greater weight of glory awaiting us. That's our inheritance. Second Corinthians 4:16 through 18 says, therefore we do not lose heart, even through our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seeing, but the things that are unseeing.
For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Again, we're walking by faith. If we know, in Chapter 5, Verses 1 through 2, we'll continue here. For we know that if our earthly house, this tent is destroyed, we have a building from Elohim, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this, we grown, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, so that's what we're looking to. That's what we have set our sights on, that's what we have embraced, and this joy that is set before us. We have these moments, you see the world around you, the mess you're in, the mess the world's in and this whole earthen vessel, you just grown for redemption, grown, earnestly to be clothed
with this habitation from on high.
Not only we, all of creation also grows with us. Romans 8:18, let me start at Verse 20 where we picked up, I'm sorry, Verse 19. Let us start at the beginning, for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, for the earnest expectation of the creation, eagerly waits for what, the revealing of the sons of Elohim. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it in hope, because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. Think about that, Yahweh allowed the creation to be subjected to futility, not what he really wanted, but he did so in hope, he's hoping for knowledge was, that in spite of the mess that man had made of this world, there would be people like you and people like me whom he would call out of this world, into his marvelous light, who would answer the call, and be willing to walk in his spirit. But notice it says, creation eagerly awaits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim. There are many tiers planted among the weak,
but the day will come when the weak seeds will be separated from the chaff and the tears, and all the weak seeds that came from the stalk of Yahushua, that original grain of wheat that died and bore us as his fruit, at that time will be revealed, it will be revealed who the true servants of Yahweh are. No longer will terrorists be among us. Second Timothy 2:19 through 21 says, nevertheless the solid foundation of Elohim stands, having this seal. Yahweh knows those who are his, and let everyone who names the name Messiah depart from iniquity, but in great house there not only vessels of god and silver, but also of wooden clay, some for honor, some for dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses themselves from the later, that's the dishonorable things, I should say dishonorable things will be here.
He will be a vessel for honor, if we get rid of the dishonorable wooden clay type stuff. He will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the master, prepared for every good work. Yahweh knows those that are his, and one day the true sons of Elohim, those who have the seed of Messiah in them, will be fully revealed, and those who are vessels of honor can be used for his service, and those who chose the flesh made from the dust of the earth will be scattered and ultimately burned up like wood. We are admonished to cleanse ourselves from the earthly things, and seek the precious and sanctify treasures of the cheap and earthly substitutes. Back to Romans 8, and so we will be delivered from
the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. We will be delivered, but all of us will be delivered from bondage and corruption, and as we are changed into this glorious body, bringing us to freedom, that comes with being Yahweh's child, our inheritance, all of the world will be different, and creation is gonna grow until then. The world is going to be, even the nature of the animals will change. It says, Isaiah 11:7, the cow and the bear shall graze, their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
But until then, all of creation is subjected to futility. The creation groans and labors because neither our bodies nor any of the creation that Yahweh has made was created to live in a world of sin.
He says in Verse 22, we know that all, the whole creation groans and labors with birth pains together until now. Not only that but we also who have the first fruits of the spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. We're waiting. Ever have that groan inside of you, when am I gonna get rid of this whole mess. We who have the first fruits of the spirit are eagerly waiting for the adoption, that redemption of our body. Those who have the first fruits of Yahweh's spirit groan within themselves, they want that adoption, that redemption. Thos who don't put their trust in the Messiah and do not have the spirit, will not groan with such a hope. They don't have that hope, but we do.
We are saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope, for why does one still hope for what he sees. We're looking for something. Now, I want to say this, that we consider ourselves to be dead, Messiah to be alive in us. We consider ourselves as crucified, and Messiah to be alive. These things we accept by faith, and faith involves hope, faith is a substance of things hoped for, right? It is something that we accept by faith as having already taken place, because when Yahweh says something, it's going to happen, it's going to happen. We operate under this thought that it has happened already, because Yahweh's good, where he
speaks the things which are not yet as though they are. We say we're saved, we say that we're born again, we say all these things because that is what our mind is focused on, by faith, and we have rejected the former things, and we have embraced the heavenly things. We have turned away and consider the body to be dead, and we consider Messiah to be alive in us,
because that is exactly what saves us, and we're saved in that hope, knowing and hoping and the things which are not yet seen. That's my answer to those who say, well Tom, you say that we're dead, and Messiah alive in us, but I ate breakfast this morning to keep this whole body I got alive. How can you Tom say, the flesh is dead, the flesh does not have any life in it, when I had to, you know, there's things we have to do, take care of our flesh, comb your hair, brush your teeth, things like that. It's because we accept by faith, just as Yahweh speaks the things which are not yet as though they are because his word is so sure and so true and so believed, something we can truly believe in, we embrace this as something that's already taken place. He says it's already taken place, but it's all based on faith. Faith was what, the substance of things hoped for. We are saved in this hope. Hope is not yet seen. When we physically see a body here, we have to operate in a realm that we are looking to the things that are unseen. That's what we need to do. We hope for what we, something we don't yet see. Ultimately, yes, the rebirth takes place, we say we're saved, but the rebirth takes place when the Messiah returns in resurrected bodies. We say that we're born again, but the rebirth takes place at that time when Messiah comes.
We say that we are saved, we say all these things, we say that all these things are true every day we say it. But it's ultimately going to happen. We're taking this all by faith. The actual rebirth, the salvation, all these things, a new glorified body and all those stuff, all these things are happening, ultimately when Messiah returns. But reckon it as being done already.
We function in such a way, we live our lives in such a way that it's already being done. Yahweh gives us his spirit as his guarantor, as this thing that we, the spirit that we can look to and rely upon as these things are indeed true. But we're gonna receive the fullness of the spirit when we are in a glorified state.
We're saved in this hope, we hope for what we do not see. We eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Okay, so we grown, right, so we said, we grown
within ourselves, the ones who had a first grace of the spirit, and then he says, likewise, the spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know that what we should pray for, as we ought, but the spirit itself makes intercession for us, groaning which cannot be uttered. This is the new King James Version I've been reading from here. But we have not yet seen the adoption, the redemption of our body. We accept that is truth by faith, hoping for the things that are not yet seen, and by faith we are waiting, persevering. Now, this word translated groaning's, kind of an interesting word. It has to do with an internal, and sometimes audible, longing for some relief. The same Greek word is found here in Acts 7:34. It says, I've seen the oppression, surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their groaning, and I've come down to deliver them and now come, I will send you to Egypt, talking to Moshe there. He heard their groanings inside.
It's also used in the scriptures of the sound a man makes when he's in pain. It also describes Israel's longing for a deliverer. It says, in Judges 2:17, yet they would not listen to their judges, but they played the harlot with other might ones, and bowed down to them. They turned quickly from the way in which their fathers walked, in obeying the commandments of Yahweh, they did not do so. When Yahweh raised up judges for them, Yahweh was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies, all the days of the judge, for Yahweh was moved to pity by what intercessory judge, by their groaning because of those who oppressed and harassed them. I find it interesting how these words often used in reference to an internal cry out for deliverance, some kind of negative situation. Deliverance from oppression, even oppression that may be caused or self induced, caused by our own doings, or results of our circumstances. Well the same word is actually used here in Mark 7:32, it says, then they brought to him one who is deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they begged him to put his hand on him. He took him aside from the multitude and put his fingers in his ears, and spat and touched his tongue, then looking up to heaven he sighed. This is actually the same Greek word for groaning, same word. It says he sighed.
He said to him, ephphatha, which means be opened, be opened. Again, a deliverance from oppression. He's longing for the man's body to be restored whole. We all have that within us. In the same way, Yahushua sighed and groaned and longed to bring restoration. We also have the spirit helping us in our weaknesses, for we do know we should pray for. The spirit, itself, makes intercession for us, the groaning's that cannot be uttered. Now, the spirit helping us in our weaknesses. We have, it says we have the first fruits of Yahweh's spirit, right? Because of this, we groan for the redemption of our body. Now, the Greek word translated himself he, once more is actually neuter, it's not even male. But the word happens to be neuter, and actually the King James I think translate more correctly, spirit itself. I want you to notice that Romans 8:9 says, if you're
not in the flesh but in the spirit, if indeed the spirit of Elohim dwells in you. Now, if anyone does not have the spirit of Messiah, he is not his. Now you got the spirit of Elohim, you got the spirit of Messiah and then you have your own spirit. How is this all intermeshed, how does this all function? What I gather from reading scripture is, we have a spirit, Yahushua has a spirit, and Yahweh is a spirit. We have our own spirit dwelling in us, which is insufficient to giving us the ability to overcome sin, overcome temptation. It cannot seem to overcome this flesh, and rule over
the flesh in a righteous manner, because there are unclean spirits impacting it, influencing it and so on. But, we have our own spirit dwelling in us, but we also have Messiah dwelling in us. Messiah himself has a spirit, correct, right, okay. Messiah himself also had Yahweh's spirit dwelling in him, right? We have, therefore, Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us because Yahushua is now dwelling in us, and we are a part of his body. Let me say it again, Yahushua has a spirit, Yahweh is a spirit, we have our own spirit dwelling in us, we have Messiah and his spirit dwelling in us, and through Yahweh's spirit dwelling in Messiah, we have Yahweh's spirit dwelling in us. It's only through Yahushua that we can receive the spirit of Yahweh. He's the way, the truth and the life. No one can come in the Father, or received Yahweh's spirit except through him.
We have this examination here of Romans 8, because we have the first fruits of the spirit, we grow within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, redemption of our body. It says, likewise, in the same way, we've got this groaning happening within ourselves. It says, just as we groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for and hoping for the spirit in the same way helps us in our weaknesses. Now, Yahweh the Father gave us intercessors.
We need intercessors. Why do we need intercessors, our present condition is that he could, you know, he could very well destroy us in our present condition. Yahweh himself wants there to be intercessors, so that he can demonstrate what we're worthy of getting, but by intercession, we don't get it. Moses was intercessor, more than ones, Moshe's prayers kept Yahweh from destroying Israel.
There were intercessors functioning in the process of a priesthood. But Yahweh wanted that, he wants there to be intercessors. He wanted to make Moshe an intercessor. He put him in place for that reason. That reason is to demonstrate the fact that we are totally lost and without hope, unless we have an intercessor. That intercessor ultimately is culminated and seen in Yahushua the Messiah, who is the ultimate intercessor.
Messiah is more so in this intercessory position than the spirit of Yahweh coming in. We see this, Romans 8:24 through 26. I don't have the scripture up there, 8:34 actually says, the Messiah makes intercession for us.
Now Messiah, being the intercessor has been known to grow in his spirit. We saw the man who was healed. But look at this situation here, John 11:32 through 33 says, then Mary came where Yahushua was and saw him, she fell at his feet saying to him, master if you've been here my brother would not have died. Therefore, when Yahushua saw her weeping and the Jews who came with her were weeping, he groaned in the Spirit and was troubled. He groaned in the spirit, what happened, he got his
prayer answered. His groaning's resulted in Lazarus being raised.
Likewise, just as we groan when the spirit of Yahweh is placed in us, groaning for redemption and adoption, the Messiah is groaning with an intercessory groan within his spirit, just as his spirit groaned overseeing the death of Lazarus and the pain and sadness that this world was going through. He longs to see the resurrection, just as Lazarus was raised, along with all the creation. There's also groaning likewise, and longing for the redemption or revelation of the sons of Elohim. When the spirit of Yahweh is placed in us through Yahushua the Messiah, the spirit of Yahweh groans an intercessory groan for us to be delivered from our weaknesses, one of which does not even know what to pray for sometimes. Through Messiah, making intercession, there's this intercession happening in the spiritual realm, by Yahweh's spirit and by Yahweh's son. It's Messiah who's the ultimate intercessor, which is causing all these things, our weaknesses to be resolved. Now, looking here again, look at Verse 27 it says, now, he who searches the heart, knows what the mind or the spirit is, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of Elohim. It's kind of an odd reading here. It kind of perplexed me for a long time, mind of the spirit, mind of the spirit. What is that? I got to looking here at the Greek words, and just did a search on the phrase mind of the spirit, to see if it might have been anywhere else. What I found was the same exact phrase is found earlier, when it talks about the one who is spiritually binded, is going to have life and peace. But the one who is currently minded, is not going to have life and peace. They're gonna have death. The same phrase translates spiritually minded in one place, but mind of the spirit in another place. You could, if you take that into Romans 8:27, you could literally translate that, he who searches the hearts, knows who is spiritually minded, which is a little different than the reading that we see in most bibles. The word is translated, who, instead of using this word what. It is legitimate because the word in Greek can mean what, it can also mean who. I would tend to see that this is a more correct translation, he searches the hearts, knows who is of the spiritual mind, who's spiritually minded.
In light of this, look at Romans 8:27 again.
We have, it says, let me start at Verse 26, likewise the spirit also helps us on our weaknesses for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought. The spirit itself makes intercession for us, prompted by the intercessor Yahushua Hamashiach, with groaning's that cannot be uttered as groaning happening. Now we, he who searches the hearts knows who is spiritually minded, for he makes intercession for saints according to the will of Elohim. He is heavily involved in his intercession. Now who is he who searches the hearts? Who's that?
Who is that? Romans 2:23, talking about Yahushua is going to do this with Jezebel, he says, I will kill her children with death, and all the assembly shall know, I am he, I am he who searches the minds and hearts. Yahushua wants all the assemblies to know. He's the one searching the hearts and minds, and of course, he gives everyone according to the works. He's searching the hearts. Take this in the Romans 8, he who searches the heart knows who's spiritually minded. That's Yahushua who searches the hearts. Knowing who is spiritually minded, who is carnally minded, and making intercession accordingly, those who are spiritually minded are going to have this groaning within them. They want to be delivered from this body of death,
and so Yahushua's going to groan in his spirit. This is what he did with Lazarus, and it turns out Yahweh saw Yahushua groaning in the spirit and he heard the groaning's of Yahushua and he actually responded to that. John 11:41, then I took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. Yahushua lifted up his eyes and said, Father I thank you that you've heard me, and I know that you always hear me, he heard the groaning's from the intercessors. But because of the people who are standing by, said that they may believe you sent me. We have a beautiful, caring, loving advocate with the father, if we're willing to have and receive the spiritual mind, spiritual mindedness. Do we see that? We have a wonderful advocate, there are things happening in the spiritual realm all the time, we don't even realize are happening. As we groan and long for redemption, as we long for this body of whatever it is, pile of, bag of dir, called our body to be replaced by this incorruptible body, we hate the body of sin is all about. We reject it in the name of Yahushua. We embrace the body of Messiah, we consider no longer us to be alive, Messiah living in us, and Yahushua sees that and he says, I'm with you brother, I'm with you. I feel the same way. I'm right there with you. I want to see you delivered from this. That's Yahushua's intercession. In our weaknesses, we are getting help all the time, by the spirit of Yahweh interceding for us through Yahushua Hamashiach. Yahushua himself is being led by the spirit of Yahweh, right? See how that all lines up there? Yahushua is led by Yahweh's spirit, intercession is made, we are getting the help we need. Yahweh himself is willing to intercede, cause all things to be ultimately turned for our good Romans
8:28. All the things worked together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who were called according to his purpose, for whom he knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born of many brethren, moreover, who he predestined these he also called, whom he called, these he also justified and who he justified, these he glorified.
Yahweh intercedes and causes intercession to take place through his spirit, through Messiah Yahushua, his son, and we have everything, ultimately going to work together for our good.
No such promise is made to those who were not called, only to those who were called. Now a lot was made of this doctrine for knowledge, doctrine of predestination. The degree to which we have the capability of even making our own choice to be Yahweh's son, whether it's Yahweh selecting us, or we who are selecting and have the freedom of choice to be his. Now, I'm not one to get into these endless debates of the whole thing. But what I see is this, if we are repentant believers in Messiah Yahushua, and that's what we continue to be until we die, the scripture says we're his. That's how he identifies those that are his. It's really that simple. You don't have to wonder or worry, am I among the call, or has he chosen me or anything of that sort. If today, you are a repentant believer in Messiah Yahushua, you're his, and you operate and function under that belief. By faith you accept it. As long as that continues to be the case until you die, he'll accept you, he says he will.
He says, just repent and receive my son, and you got it. But yes, he does have something called for knowledge. He knows how everything is gonna turn out. He knows whether you, present day, currently, a repentant believer in Messiah, will continue to be so when you draw your last breathe on the earth. The truth is, you don't really know. But as long as you are a repentant believer in Messiah today, Yahweh is going to relate to you as one who is his, just as Yahushua related to Judas. He didn't treat Judas any differently than anybody else during the three years he walked with his disciples, gave him full opportunity, he knew that Judas would be his betrayer that Judas went out with the seventy. He even told them, hey, rejoice. He said, don't rejoice that the spirit -- to you, rejoice because your names are written in heaven. You think Judas wasn't there? Of course he was there. Now because Jesus ended his life on his own terms, it's unlikely he's gonna be among the saints in the days to come, that's because our names actually can be blotted out. Yahushua said in Revelation 3:5, he overcomes, shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the book of life. It can be blotted out. I will confess his name his name before my father, and before his angels. If you are today repentant believer in Messiah, and your name is written in heaven, rejoice in that. You can rejoice in that. But at some point in your life, you stop believing in Yahushua, you decide that you're gonna off and live in willful, continuous sin, and not bother to repent, yeah, your name could be blotted out, because he who overcomes will not have his name blotted out.
Looking at what they call predestination, whom he for knew, he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son. He knows ahead of time, you're end, what you're gonna do in your last days on the earth. We need to live and think as one who is predestined to be his children and what harmers are going to be. Well, I don't know, you don't walk by faith, you're gonna be harming yourself. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, if you don't believe yourself, be predestined to be in his image. He said, Paul said, he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, those he foreknew. Don't you have a plan, you know, well, before I die, I might just fall away. Young people, I hope you don't have such a plan to fall away when you get older and do your own thing and live in the world. Because if you do, especially those of you, you're in your teens, you have that itch to try out the world, just don't do it, don't do it. I did it, it was stupid. I regret every minute of it. In fact, I never really, really, I should say I waited, I knew I wanted to be a believer but I waited, saw the wild oats and I regret every minute of it. Some children who grew up, especially those who grew up torah observant, believers in Messiah, they turn away, they use it very well. Someone had been killed in drunk driving accidents and others are just miserable and they don't understand why they're so miserable. But, because you've been given much, and to whom much has been given, much will be required. Don't do it. Looking here at Romans 8:28, Yahushua predestined us to be conformed to the image of Messiah, image of his son, right? Yahushua is a brightness and express image of Yahweh's glory. As a part of the Messiah's body, we are called to manifest that image to the world.
Yahushua became this first born of many brethren. What's this reference to the resurrection, it's first born, first fruits of those who fell asleep. We also will be, we're the many brethren here, we will also received their glorified body as he did.
Those who are predestined are those he called.
He called you, right, and no one can come to the Father, unless you're called. We have no, we didn't have a desire for repentance and faith at all, if you'd not been called.
Since we answer the call, he will justify us, and he
will also glorify us.
We can put our faith in that. You don't have to be afraid, you don't have to fear. We can put our confidence that Yahweh loves us and as long as we continue to make that choice of repentance and faith in Messiah, until we draw our last breath on the earth, or our last day, that's our destiny. You can never operate under the assumption, well I might fall away, I might fall away. You can't live there. That's crazy.
You have to operate under the assumption, you will not fall away. But with fear, it says where for, he who thinks he stands, take heed as they fall, right, with fear. You don't want to fall away, you want to remain faithful, but you have to function by faith in that hope. If you don't have that hope, you're just walking around and having no assurance of your life. That's misery. You can't go there. We got to look forward and have hope within us. That will empower us through the trials that come our way. It's based on that hope, Paul says, what should we say to these things. Verse 31 through 33, if Elohim is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how so he not with him, also freely give us all things. Who shall bring the charge against Elohim's elect, it's Elohim who justified. We're justified by him. We don't have to be afraid when the world comes against us, cannot let doubt and fear come in to unsettle our souls. Yahushua died for us so that he could bless us with giving us all things. We read earlier that we're joined heirs with Messiah, we're gonna reign with him for a thousand years. Do not let anyone associate you with things that are in your rear view mirror. Just tell them, don't judge me with what's on my rear view mirror, I don't live there anymore. Yahweh justifies me. I'm not gonna let my past drag my future down, or drag me down the present. I'm forward looking, I'm looking ahead as Messiah did. The joy that was set before him, he endured. Who's gonna bring the charge against Elohim, because we are justified, no one can.
Who is he who condemns as Messiah who died and therefore, and furthermore has also risen, who is even at the right hand of Elohim, who also makes intercession for us. He's there. There's the intercessor I was telling you about. Who shall separate us from the love of Messiah, shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine of nakedness, or power or sword. A rhetorical question is, nothing will. As it's written, for your sake, we're killed all day long where accounted sheet for the slaughters. See, just because we experience tribulations and distresses and persecutions and famines and nakedness, whatever it is that we experience, other people might accuse you and condemn you and say, you're not being blessed, what's wrong with you. You got something wrong with your walk their son, you have some kind of problem there. Paul's saying, who is going to bring a charge against Elohim's elect. Yahweh justifies, we have an intercessor, he makes everything turn out for the good of those who love him, to those who were called according to his purpose. We have a destination of eternal life. We have a hope living in us. Just because we're going through tribulation, distress and persecutions and famine and whatever, sword or whatever, that doesn't mean he's rejected us. I mean, look, what did Yahushua go through. Seriously, what did Yahushua go through? They carry him around on a nice little bed, forming, carrying him on a bed. He sat there eating grapes. I mean, no, he went through trials and he was
guilty of nothing. Don't let the trials cause you to think you're separated from Messiah's love. You're not, nothing can separate you from the love of Messiah, not tribulation, not distress, not difficulty, no health issues, nothing. I mean in fact, it's predicted that we'll be persecuted. For your sake, we are killed all day long.
That's a part of the walk here. That's part of the program we signed up for actually. Look what David went through. He's quoting from Psalm 44 here, which says, if we forgot the name of our mighty one, or stretch out our hands to our foreign God, would not Elohim search this out, for he knows the secrets of the heart. That's not what we've done. Yeah, for your sake, we are killed all day long, we are counted as sheep for slaughter. Why do you sleep old master, arise, do not cast us off forever. Why do you hide your face and forget our affliction, our oppression, for our soul is bowed down to the dust, our body clings to the ground. Arise for our help, and redeem us for your mercies' sake that cry for help.
The groaning's, the longing for the redemption is verbalized here. We are encouraged to not be dismayed, but consider a normal part of what we signed for as believers. We weren't called to be conformers, we were called to be reformers. Contrary to what you may have heard from prosperity preachers, were called to live, they crucified life, not a cushy life filled with riches and comfort.
Second Corinthians 4:7 through 11 says, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of Elohim and not us. There's treasure in earthen vessels. As Yahushua Hamashiach, we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed. We are perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed, always carrying about in the body, the dying of the master Yahushua, that the life of Yahushua also maybe manifested in our body, for we who live are always delivered to death for Yahushua's sake, that the life of Yahushua also maybe manifested in our mortal flesh.
Through Yahushua who loved us, he's gonna manifest his sufferings through us. We consider ourselves be crucified already, it's okay. Through him that treasure in earthen vessels, and
all these things we are more in conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37, for I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, not things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of Elohim, which is in Messiah Yahushua or Master, very encouraging words. Conqueror, we're conquerors, right? Are you a conqueror? It says we're more than conquerors, we're more than conquerors.
Conquerors, one who defeats the enemy, right, and reigns, it's what he does, and we're called to be ones who defeat the enemy and reign.
By that conqueror, we take dominion over the earth, just like Adam was created to subdue the earth, be fruitful, as a new creation of Messiah, we subdue the same within the earth. Our bodies are made from the earth, and the sin is in others who are made from the dust of the earth, by proclaiming the love and the truth of Messiah to everybody, that they might be under a willing subjection to Yahweh's supreme and governmental authority. But we cannot get discouraged and start thinking, Yahweh hates us because we're going through some trial or tribulation or test. If we didn't have any opposition, what's there to conquer, nothing to fight against. But if there is things to fight against, and so we have to conquer, we have to overcome, we have to fight. If there weren't something in front of us to oppose us, we would have no battle, now war, no war to wage, no enemy to defeat, and as believers, hey, we got to realize, we've been enlisted into military service. That means we have to fight, and none of us are up on a hill somewhere, watching the battle.
But there are no cheerleaders in this game, we're all in the trenches. If you think you can just sit on the sidelines and watch, you're doing it wrong. Those who live on easy street, you're probably not engaged in the culture, probably no taking up arms to fight the spiritual enemy. They think everything is going so well for them, are just so blessed because they're believers and there's no trouble or difficulties, but difficulties and trials are not there because they're not really believers. What I read in scriptures, difficulties and trials are actually a sign we are believers.
First Peter 4:12, beloved, did not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is a trail, as though some strange thing happened to you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Messiah's sufferings, that when his glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. Rejoice, we get to partake of his sufferings.
Yahushua once said to someone, the world cannot hate you, John 7:7. The world can't hate you, but it hates me, why,
because I testify it, that its works are evil.
It's cramping the world's style, pointing out some things that they don't want to hear. What are we supposed to do, just sit back and smile while people around us just walk in pure evilness, or do we speak up and say something?
Yahushua says, if the world hates, you know it hated me before it hated you. Why did it hate him, because he testified that his works are evil. If you were of the world, the world would love its own, yeah because you're not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Does the world hate you? Actually it's a sign you're his if it does. It doesn't you an excuse to be hateful toward them,
but we have to be honest, if we care about our friend, we care about our neighbor, we care about this world that we live in, we're gonna step up and do something. We'll get in opposition. It goes with the territory, getting all these things, we're more than conquerors, through him who loved us.
A lot of Paul's persecutions came from his own countrymen, so much of it did.
Paul said in Romans 9:1 through 3, I tell the truth in Messiah, I'm not lying, my conscience also bear me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and continue with grief in my heart, for I could wish that I myself were cursed from Messiah for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh. So great was his love for his fellow countrymen, in spite of all their hatred toward him. He desired, he could be cursed instead of them.
It's exactly what Yahushua did for us, isn't it? He became cursed for us. Paul took the same mentality.
Paul's love for his countrymen was very Messiah like and that's how we need to be toward those who hate us. Don't become bitter, don't walk in the flesh, don't become angry, recognize it's a normal thing, be willing to lay down your life for them, whether it be literally or by responding to their hatred in a way that crucifies the flesh and respond with love instead of hate, instead of reviling for reviling on the contrary, blessing. Instead of evil for evil, you exchange and overcome evil with good. That's called laying down our life for our brothers and our friends. Paul says, I wish I was accursed instead of my countrymen. There were Israelites to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of Elohim, the promises of whom are the Father's and from him, according to the flesh, the Messiah came his overall eternally blessed Elohim, amen. Notice, the Israelites are the promises. That includes a new covenant which scripture says has given to Israel.
Things are coming, says Yahweh, make a new covenant, house of Israel, house of Judah, even the new covenant is given to Israel. It says the old covenant was given to Israel, but that's Romans 9:6 through 8, but it is not the word of Elohim, not that the word of Elohim has taken no effect, for they are not all Israel who were of Israel. Interesting word, that not everyone who is Israel is Israel. He says nor are they all children because of the seat of Abraham, but in Isaac your seed will be called. That is who are, those who are children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim, but the children of the promise are counted as the seed, not the children of flesh. We have to go through the flesh in Isaac, your seed will be called. What's he talking about here? The promises in Yahweh's word about Israel is still true even though many of the Israelites that Paul associated with, rejected Yahushua the Messiah, because there's a remnant, because not all of the promises are to Israel are given to physical descendants of Israel, because they're not the remnant, they're not the children of promise. Not everyone who is Israel is Israel. Not everyone who's a physical descendant of Abraham is a child of Abraham. Yahushua said, to those Jews who believed in him, he says, if you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. That's if you abide in my word. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. They answered him, we are Abraham's descendants. We have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say you'll be made free? It's because you're Abraham's descendants. They thought, it took confidence in the flesh. They thought, oh, we're okay, we're not in bondage to anybody. What did Yahushua say? Yahushua answered them, most certainly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. That's what Paul has been talking about in Romans 6, 7 and 8. Slave does not abide in house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. Everything he's saying here is in relation to what we've been going on over in Romans 6, 7 and 8, that the Messiah is the one making us free from the slavery here, to sin.
He says, I know that you are Abraham descendants, but you seek to kill me because my word has no place in you. I speak what I've seen with my Father. You do what you've seen with your Father. This is later on Verse 38. They answered and said to him, Abraham is our father. Yahushua said to them, if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham. They weren't doing the works of Abraham, they wanted to kill him. Later on in Verse 44 he said to them, you are of your Father, the devil, and the desires of your father, you want to do, he was a murdered from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the law, he speaks from his own resource, for he is liar and the father of it. In light of these things, not all who are Abraham's descendants are children of Yahweh, because some of them are following the devil. That same is true for all of us, not just Jewish people. Romans 9:6, it is not that the word of Elohim has taken no effect in regards to some of the Israelites were not saved, for they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children, because they are the seed of Abraham, but in Isaac your seed shall be called. That is, those who are children of the flesh, these are not the children of Elohim. The children of the promised are counted as a seed, for this is the word of the promise, at this time, I will come and Sarah will have a son. Paul begins to explain the difference, using Old Testament scripture, he says, between the true Israelites and the children of the devil, two different things. The true Israelites are the remnant. They joined themselves to Messiah. Isaac was a child of promise. But there was another son of Abraham by the name of Ishmael, he was not a son of promise. Ishmael was not the promise son. He was a son that came about because of Abraham's failure to understand Yahweh's promise, or perhaps a failure to have faith and believe that Yahweh's promise will be done literally. Paul talks about this very allegory here in Galatians 4:22, he says, for it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond woman, the other by a free woman, that's Ishmael, Ishmael and Isaac. He was the son of the bond woman, that's Ishmael, was born according to the flesh. He was of the free woman through promise, he was of the free woman is Isaac. He became a son of the free woman, that's through Sarah, through the promise, comparing the two, son of the flesh, bond woman, son of the freewoman. Which things are symbolic, for these are two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which gives birth to bondage, which Agar, for this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, in correspondence to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. They are relying upon the Sinai covenant to redeem them, to save them, to deliver them from their sins. But the truth is, the Sinai covenant can only point out their sins, it cannot die for them, or anything of that nature. The Jerusalem that was not receiving the Messiah, only had the Sinai covenant to save them. But the Sinai covenant points out their sin, and therefore the Sinai covenant can only show them that they're in bondage. But the Jerusalem above is free, which is a mother of us all, as is written. Rejoice oh barren, you who do not bear, break forth and shout, you are not in labor, for the vessel has been with more children as she who has a husband. We are from this Jerusalem that's above, not the Jerusalem on the earth. Jerusalem on the earth has not embraced a new covenant. Now we brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. Now the reason why the Sinai covenant gives birth to bondage is the fact that covenant brought us the law. We read early in Romans that by the laws and knowledge of sin. The reason why Jerusalem was in bondage like Agar, it's not because the law is bondage, but the fact that the law exposed the person's sin, which if unresolved by the blood of Yahushua, will result in a person being in bondage to sin, just like Yahushua said. All who commits sin are in bondage to sin. It's only the son that can make you free.
The law points out your sin, and therefore points out that you're in need of a savior. You're gonna need of a new covenant. See both Yahushua and Paul are teaching the same things. If we're relying on the Sinai covenant to give us salvation, to save us, we'll be found sinners who are in slavery. Jerusalem on earth rejected the son, and therefore the son could not make them free from the bondage that they were in. In the same way, Ishmael did not remain in Abraham's house, he was the son of a slave woman, rather than the son of the promise, he was kicked out. We can't remain in Abraham's house if we refuse to receive the son of the promise. Looking back, again, Romans 9:6 through 9, we have to be children of Abraham through Isaac, not through the son of the bond woman. Those who were from Isaac are the sons of Abraham, who are free. Those who are from Ishmael are from the sons of Abraham who are not free.
I have a full study on this on the video in transcript page, elio.comfor/transcripts last summer July, June 2015. We went over this whole thing in more detail than we can cover here. I want to show you something here, Romans 9:10 through 13, and I'm gonna wrap it up, it says, not only this but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac, for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of Elohim according to election might stand, not of works, but of him who calls. It was said to her, the older shall serve the younger, as is written, Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated. This is another example, where allegory provided for us in the birth order here. We have Jacob and Esau. Esau was actually the first born, yet he was the hated one. Jacob was the one that was loved. He was not the first born. But the problem is, the first born is the one who supposed to get all the inheritance, right? What's going on here, well Esau, the first born, and he gave up his rights, he sold it to Jacob, right?
Why, Genesis 25:30 Esau said to Jacob, please feed me with the same red stew for I am weary, therefore his name was called Edom. But Jacob said, sell me your birthright as of this day. Esau said, look, I'm about to die, so what's the birthright to me? He didn't care what happened to him after he died, he didn't care. He didn't cared about his offspring, his children or anybody, just wanted what was his at that moment, that's what he wanted. The only reason he wanted the birthright is because of what he could get in this life, that's all he was looking at. Jacob said, well swear to me this day. He swore to him and he sold his birthright to Jacob and Jacob gave Esau bread and a stew of lentils, and he ate and drank and then rose and went his way, thus Esau despised his birthright.
Now there's something here, Esau's focus on the things of this life. He saw them as being more important than being an inheritor of Yahweh's promises.
Today, likewise, there are children who are life Esau, and there are children who are like Jacob. One wants the blessing, the other doesn't care. Those who are Abraham's seed will never be
recipient of the promises unless they value Yahweh's work and are willing to trade in their flesh for the promise, unlike Esau, who is not willing to trade in his flesh to maintain the promise. There are children who are of the flesh, like Esau, who even though there's Abraham's descendants, will never be a recipient of the promises because they do not value Yahweh's word, and they're willing to trade in their soul for the world. Yahushua said, what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul, what good is it? Just because one is descendant of Abraham physically, only those who were Israelites indeed will be among the remnant. Yahushua chose one that was an Israelite indeed. Yahushua saw Nathaniel coming to him, and says behold, Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit. Now each of us have the opportunity to become a part of the body of the Messiah, and by that we become the seed of Abraham, as son of the promise, Galatians 3:29, if you are Messiah's you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Or we can stay in our natural state, refuse to be joined to the body of Messiah, instead we remain joined to the body of Adam, and there are a lot of things like this in scripture, these two things. I've noticed, it's often the second born who gets the blessing. Cain's the first born, he was rejected in favor of Abel, right, second born. Isaac got the blessing rather than Ishmael.
Jacob got the blessing rather than Esau. Second born, every time, there are a lot down through the line, it seemed like the second born gets the blessing. Judah had two sons through Tamar, but the second one was the one chosen to be a line through which Messiah will come. Ruben was the first born of Jacob. Jacob told him, you're not going to excel. Joseph got the greater blessing. Ephraim was not the first born, but Joseph put his right hand on Ephraim, and said, he will be stronger than the other. The message here is clear, Adam is the first born of all creation. Being created from the dust of the ground, he didn't get the blessing of life, because of the sin of his carnal mind. He was like Esau. The second born Yahweh's creation in the womb of Mary, Yahushua the Messiah, he is the one who is faithful, he got the blessing.
Now the question is, who do you want to be joined to, the body of Adam, the flesh, we will not excel, we will not receive eternal life, that's why we need to be joined to a new body, from whom we receive the promise, Yahushua is that son of promise, he is that seed that is promised to come. It says, Galatians 3:16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made, he does not says to seeds as of many, to your seed who is Messiah, that seed is Yahushua the Messiah. He is that recipient of the promise, a promise to Abraham and to his seed. What's the promise? Here's the promise, he says, by myself I've sworn, says Yahweh, because you've done this thing, if not with hell, your son, your only son, blessing I will bless you, multiply and I'll multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand on the seashore, and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies in your seed, the Messiah, all nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you obeyed my voice. Abraham showed Yahweh, after he offered up Isaac on the altar, he showed Yahweh, he's willing to give up the seed of promise, Isaac, offer him up. It's because Isaac was willing to do that, and open the door for Yahweh to work in the lineage of Abraham, and bring forth the Messiah who would be given up, because he said, because you've done this, because you've obeyed my voice, because you've done this thing, I'll bring forth the Messiah through your line, and every nation of the earth will be blessed. Therefore, Galatians 3:7, only those who are of faith are the sons of Abraham and the scripture, for foreseeing that Elohim would justify the gentiles by faith, preach the gospel to Abraham, there before him saying, in you, all the nations of the nations of the earth will be blessed. Those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham. This is all part of my Galatians teaching, but I want to point this out here because it's connected. Because we receive and appreciate Yahweh's promise, Yahushua the Messiah, we put on Yahushua the Messiah, we put of the old man, we become sons of Elohim through faith in Messiah Yahushua, for as we're baptized in the Messiah, have put on Messiah. You've already done it. There's not a Jew or Greek saved or free, male or female, for you're all one with Messiah Yahushua. If you are Messiah's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. It all fits in together, like a beautiful tapestry, interwoven, interconnected, layer upon layer, beautiful thing upon beautiful thing. We need to be a Jacob, who appreciate Yahweh's promise and we receive that promise, we want that birthright, and we take it from, we recognize Adam is
not going to get it, even though he's the first born, because Adam was too carnal. The Adam man, that's just too carnal. It's gonna take Messiah, the second born to bring us home to the promised land, to live with him forever, to truly be a son of the living Elohim. Now I know I've covered a lot here. I've tried my best to simplify everything. We're looking at very complex, deep things, and the spirit meat of the word you could say, but also very beautiful, amazing things to ponder as we go through this book of Romans.
My brothers and sisters, until next time, we'll go through, continue our journey through the book of Romans verse by verse. May Yahweh bless you, and my Yahweh truly have mercy on us all.