The Ten Commandments – Part 2

04/14/18 (01/27) Video Broadcast

And we are ready began our study portion part 2; the Ten Commandments are we really keeping them? Most of us when we think about the Ten Commandments we think okay that just the basics oh yeah yeah I keep the Ten Commandments no problem. But when you put the Ten Commandments under a little bit more examination, study and kind of deep sea dive into the scriptures here the vast majority of people on this planet are not keeping the Ten Commandments even if they believe they should they're not keeping them. And I'll explain why and I'm not trying to be judgmental or act like I'm better than anybody else or that some now I'm better at it than somebody else or anything like that. I'm just saying that you need to examine scripture and examine the common understandings of scripture. There are 2 different things we're going to look deeply into this question.
So we are now on commandment number 3 as

we've been examining this topic commandment number 3
and we want to examine it in depth with sufficient time and so we're going to actually spend the rest of this broadcast with a strict caution on commandment number 3. Commandment number 3 says you shall not take the name of Yahweh your Mighty One in vain: for Yahweh
will not hold him guiltless who takes his
name in vain. So what does this mean? What does it mean to take his name in vain? Most of the folks out there today say well that's talking about you know don't use profanity and cuss words and don't say when LMG or say Lord or God in some way that's disparaging or as a swear word, slang.
I agree we should not do anything to disparage our
heavenly father in any way shape or form and so I'm not against anyone who would say we should not use his name in any kind of profanity or anything of that nature. And so I agree with that. However I have also found that his name really isn't the Lord and his name is not God and so I think the intent of the heart is not good when people use those words in disparaging ways or in common ways. But truth be told his name is Yahweh and very few
people use that in their prayers, in their speech
they go along with tradition. The tradition is that we don't speak the name of Yahweh that we remove it from our mouth and instead we say the Lord or we say God and we're going to examine this tradition in light of the scriptures today. So let's get started if we look in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it says Yahweh way the god or deity of the Israelites, whose name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the Tetragrammaton'. After the Babylonian Exile (6th century BCE), and especially from the 3rd century BCE on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh for two reasons. As Judaism became a universal through its proselytizing in the Greco-Roman world, the more common noun Elohim, meaning "God," tended to replace Yahweh to demonstrate the universal sovereignty of Israel's God or deity over all others. At the same time, the divine name was increasingly regarded as too sacred to be uttered; too sacred you, cannot speak it; it's too sacred And it almost seems like an honorable thing that they're trying to do here they're trying to protect our heavenly father's name from being blasphemed and I can certainly understand appreciate their intent here actually what the Jews would do and this is the idea they had. They built a fence around the Torah or the law and with this fence they will go one step further than what the commandment actually said in order to protect the original commandment from being violated. So the thinking was if you don't ever speak the name then you can never blaspheme it and that was their line thinking but the problem is as is often the case we end up violating the scriptures with our tradition. I'm gonna be sharing why it's a violation and so I know we have to look back to scripture that is our guide that is our point of which we are going to get our doctrines from not from traditions of bin and so we have to compare the traditions of men to scripture to see whether or not those traditions are biblical and right for us to do. Well here's what happened it was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the Hebrew word Adonai ("My Lord" or "My Master"), which was translated as Kyrios ("Lord") in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament. I have a photograph on my website of the oldest copies of the Septuagint which is the Greek translation of the old testament and those do not have Kyrios those actually have the sacred name Yahweh in the Greek text and the sacred name Yahweh is in the ancient Paleo Hebrew form in the Greek text itself. You can just go to and you'll see a picture of that. So what they're saying, yeah I did but that actually it's only after Christianity got a hold the Septuagint that Kyrios began to make its way into the Septuagint the ones that were held by the Jewish people all had the sacred name Yahweh in it they were afraid to touch that which I can respect the fact they were afraid to touch that. But the Christians in the second century not the first century but the second century began to listen to the Jews way of thinking on this and one of the very earliest Christian apologists was a man by the name of Justin Martyr. And Justin Martyr is widely regarded in the Christian world as being a hero you know someone that they look up to and all other apologists after him kind of pattern themselves after. Well here is what he said regarding our heavenly father's name he says "in all the Jews even now teach that the nameless deity spoke to Moses"
nameless and then he said "also for Elohim or God

cannot be called by any proper name".
This is Justin's address to the Greeks and then he said "for no one can utter the name of the ineffable Elohim and if anyone dares to say that there is a name he raves with a hopeless madness". Wow so in Justin's opinion I suppose I'm a man raving with hopeless madness but not just me disturbingly
not just me also Yahweh himself.

Because Exodus 3:15 says this is my name forever,
and this is my memorial to all generations.
Isaiah 42:8 says I am Yahweh: that is my name:
and my glory I will not give to another, nor my praise to get carved images. Psalm 116:17 says I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of Yahweh, Was the man who wrote the Psalm raving with hopeless madness? Was Yahweh raving with hopeless madness when he said this is my name forever? Certainly not, now many take the third commandment to mean we should not use a heavenly father's name alongside a swear word I understand that and like I said I agree. But there's another way of taking his name in vain and I want to share this with you as we go through this study because my goal is not to get back to the teachings of the church fathers my goal is not to get back the teachings of the rabbis so to speak. My goal is to honestly discontent earnestly for the faith which was once delivered for all are delivered to the saints that's what I'm looking for and that's what I am seeking to defend and contend with anyone who would be at variance with that. And I don't claim to be perfect in all my understandings and all my ways I'm just saying that when I do find something that I want to get back, my mentality is to get back to the teachings of the scriptures. Yahweh never instructed us to change his inspired word, in fact his name is actually in the scriptures
nearly 7000 times and each one of those 7000 times

men went in and put a different word in its
place. They did put Lord there or they put God there when you look at the translation. The original Hebrew does not have such a change but when it got translated into the English language by men who are fallible they changed it and they admit to changing it. The 1983 original new international version they acknowledged what they had done it says in regard to the divine name YHWH or Yahweh commonly referred to as a Tetragrammaton, Tetragrammaton means four letters. The translators adopted the device used in most English versions of rendering that name as LORD in capital letters to distinguish it from Adonai another Hebrew word rendered LORD for which
small letters are used.
So in new international version whenever you see Lord with a capital L or just a lowercase lord that's telling you the Hebrew there has Adonai which means lord but when they have LORD in all capital letters capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D then that is their little sign that the name Yahweh exists in the text. But then what do you do when you have Lord Yahweh or Our Master Yahweh, then what do you do? Well it says wherever the two names stand together in the old testament as a compound name of Elohim their rendered Sovereign lord so rather than putting Sovereign Yahweh or Master Yahweh as it should say, they put Sovereign Lord otherwise you have a very awkward sounding translation where it would say Lord Lord. Because if we place the name Yahweh with Lord and then he had Lord before Yahweh and so you know confusion arises. All to keep to: and justify and preserve tradition, tradition, right. You've heard the song probably from the movie a Fiddler on the Roof, right. Well I don't think it's too funny because tradition has turned people away from the holy word and we need to be careful about doing it.
Yahweh said don't add to, don't take away from my
commandments, Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 32. And what they have done they've not only added to and taken away from the commandments they have added to and taken away Yahweh's name out of his own book imagine that 7000 times take the name out of
Yahweh's own book.
Even though he said Psalm 34 verse 30, magnify Yahweh with me let us exalt his name together, do we realize that? Psalm 105 verse 1, O give thanks to Yahweh call upon his name, you take the name out of the bible how are you gonna call upon it? You won't even know what it is and of course again Isaiah 42:8, I am Yahweh that is my name and my glory I will not give to another, to another what, to another name nor my praise to carved images.
Now here's one, I'm gonna read this to you I don't
have it here on the screen but what the revised standard version actually said was the use of any proper name for the one and only deity or god as
though there were other Gods from which he was to
be distinguished was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and has quote entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian church, that's what the revised standard version says in its preface. Now wait a minute who are they to decide what's appropriate for us? Their job is to translate not decide what we believe or what's appropriate and who was the one who invented the idea of having a name for our creator, was it not Yahweh himself? Was Yahweh also entirely inappropriate for putting his name in scripture 7000 times and so the translators had to go in and fix it? And we think we're so wise to correct him, okay it was discontinued in Judaism does that make it right? What did Yahushua say about the traditions of men violating the commandments of Yahweh? And so they'll follow it's amazing they'll follow Judaism when Judaism is wrong but then they'll not follow Judaism when Judaism is right. And so anyway if you're looking for something universal wouldn't it be universal to use one name in all languages? Imagine that rather than all having their own little word for you know like Senor in Spanish and LORD in English and Adonai. How about one name Yahweh in all languages isn't that what Yahweh wanted to do from the very beginning? Magnify him and let's exalt his name together.
So I'm against it now the dictionary definition of
the word translated vain, and don't take his name in vain means having no real substance, value or importance. Now by taking the name out of the scriptures they must have felt that it didn't have any value or importance and so they took it out, I don't know why else they would do it except to bring and further traditions. It was apparently worthless to them and unsatisfying and it did not have any efficacy and had no purpose in being there so they took it out, it was fruitless to them, it was a vain attempt by Yahweh himself to put it in the bible because they took it out. Now that's what the word vain means and actually matches up quite well with the Hebrew. And I say what greater way to bring Yahweh's name to
a place of having no substance value or
importance and calling and it unsatisfying and something not having any efficacy than to completely remove it from our bibles. So in my mind this is a violation of commandment
number 3 it's not the only way to violate commandment
number 3 but it is one way to do it. And so when you see the third commandment in the in the churchyards, on the church buildings and then the judge's chambers or in the courtrooms or little signs hung up in businesses or whatever whenever you see it remember the this as sad as it may be, the third commandment is actually as they have written it, a transgression of itself.
Because their community forbids us from causing
his name to have no importance to us and therefore changing it to something else. And then there we are. What did they say? Do not take the name of the Lord thy God, that isn't his name, he is Yahweh your Elohim, Yahweh your Mighty One. And so the third commandment is actually transgressing itself, now I understand some people felt like well you couldn't say his name because that would be disrespectful and I understand why they say that, they may be not trying to take it away in an in a sense of being a Reverent maybe in a sense of being Reverend. But that's not why most of the Christian world does it, most of the Christian world does it because that's what everybody else does, they're not doing it for the same reasons the Jews do it, they're just following whatever the church fathers did and that's what they're going with they have no reason to do it other than that's what everybody's done. So the Ten Commandments written in most bibles are a transgression of itself because Yahweh said not to bring his name to nothing. And the command as written actually does a very thing he says he's going to do and so how would you like it if instead of calling you by your name I just called you man or woman or girl or boy? What if your name was with Louise and I called you Joseph or I called you Lulu? And so it doesn't really matter what I call you? You know it's not for me to decide what to call you, you decide okay in this case your parents decided what you would be called. And we don't have any business for renaming our heavenly father to something else and so in spite of everybody says or thinks I really believe we need to restore what Yahweh put there originally and use it in our speech and let it be. If we're going to speak 1 Peter 4:11; If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of Elohim; if anyone ministers, let him do it with ability which Elohim supplies: and in all things Elohim may be glorified through Yahushua Messiah, to whom belong the glory and dominion forever and ever. So if I'm going to speak, I need to speak as the oracles of Yahweh I have to. And the name is in there 7000 times and so I'm not going to hide it. I'm gonna use it in my regular speech because my speech is to be as his oracles. And the heavenly father's name Yahweh is a primary term that's used throughout scripture. But we have tradition that takes it out and Yahushua said it to the Pharisees and scribes all too well you reject the commandment of Elohim that you may keep your tradition and he was talking about clean and unclean in that particular instance but in also how they violated the commandment to honor your father and mother by letting people slide and not give the inheritance to heirs and take care of their parents. I should say not heirs but taking care of their parents when they become old and can't work anymore. And so then he said many other such things he said they do, well here's one of them 7000 times. You know Yahweh puts his name in the bible 7000 times, man takes it out. Anything wrong with that picture? I mean to me there is. But should we call upon his name are we being disrespectful in calling upon his name?
From what I can tell every righteous man in scripture
called upon the name of Yahweh. Genesis 4:26; as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and called him Enos: then men began to call on the name of Yahweh. Abraham also righteous man says Yahweh appeared to Abraham and said to your descendants I will give this land and there he built an altar to Yahweh he would appear to him and he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he built an altar to Yahweh, and called on the name of the Yahweh. Are you a son of Abram? Then do the things Abram did, Yahushua said that to the men who were there how can you call yourself children of Abram? You don't do the things Abraham did. Well they weren't calling on the name Yahweh either, Exodus 3:15, Elohim said to Moshe, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, Yahweh of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac, and Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever (Yahweh is his name), and this is my
memorial to all generations.
Beautiful. Suppose a man has his memorials. Yahweh has his memorial his memorial is his name. Suppose somebody went up to the Vietnam War, the Vietnam memorial there in Washington D.C with all 50000 names of all the men who died in the Vietnam War. Suppose someone took a sledgehammer and start battering all the names off the walls I think that guy probably end up in prison, I mean I think a lot of people will be happy to see him in the prison. And yet man goes in and changes the most holy name in the planet and the universe and takes it out and put some generic title Lord it doesn't identify anybody. I mean if you rent somewhere you have a landlord right? I mean a Lord can be anybody and it does not identify who you're speaking to. And so why do we value the names of men on the Vietnam memorial wall more than a name or heavenly father? Should not be, should not be and so when Moshe was given the name we should listen this is his memorial to all generations and this is his name to all generations. David was a righteous man Psalm 116 verse 12-13,
what shall I render to the Yahweh for all his

benefits toward me?
I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of Yahweh. That's what David wrote in Psalm 116, this is what we render to Yahweh take the cup of salvation he has given to you and calls upon the name of Yahweh. How about Elijah or Eliyah the prophet 1 Kings 18:24 he says you call on the name of your Mighty Ones, and I will call on the name of Yahweh: and the Mighty one answers by fire, he is Elohim. So all the people answered and said, it is well spoken. So what did they do? They called upon the name of the Lord there and no one answered. Do you know the name Baal who they're calling upon? Also, the word Baal actually means is Lord. And it actually says they were calling upon the name of HaBaal meaning the Lord, if you would translate it into our language. Now I'm not trying to say that those who say the Lord are all calling on the name of Baal, they're not but I find the similarities quite striking. And if anything certainly approves that our heavenly father wants us to call them by name that's what Eliyah the prophet did and he answered by fire.
Now John 17:26 Yahushua the Messiah, he's our
example; he said in his prayer I have declared to them your name, and will declare it: that the love
with which you loved may be in them, and I in them.
See Yahushua didn't make any bones about the way they just thought I called I declared them your name, I told them. And Zechariah 13:8; it shall come to pass, in all the land, says Yahweh, two thirds therein shall be cut off and die; but one third shall be left therein. I will bring the one third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested: they will call on my name, and I will answer them: I will say, this is my people (you are his people the ones he's calling): and each one will say, Yahweh is my Mighty One. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, so at the end of days that's how he identifies his purified people, they've gone through the fire I say don't go through the fire just do it call upon his name, didn't have to go through the fire for him to show you the truth. But yeah you may go through the fire for other reasons, as we often do for the fiery trials. But my point here is to look at how he identifies this is my people, the ones calling on his name very very beautiful words. And so I think we should unashamedly completely without reservation call upon the name of Yahweh and lift it up as the word of Yahweh is commanded and not hold back, not fear what people will say, what people will do, what people will think, glorify his name. And so I call on you brothers and sisters magnify Yahweh with me and let us exalt his name together. How many of you have seen this in your church walls, in your church buildings and didn't even think he has a name any this magnify Yahweh not the Lord, magnify Yahweh with men and let us exalt his name together they tell us to do this praise his name so many things in his name, honor his name, bless name, pray in his name, call on his name, fear his name, love his name, magnify his name, rejoice in his name, remember his name, sing about his name and even walk in his name for all people walk in each the name of his deity but we will walk in the name of Yahweh our Mighty One forever and ever, how about? Why don't we do that? Go ahead walk in the name of these other titles or whatever they are, but walk in the name of Yahweh forever and ever how about you? I say let's forsake the practice or traditions of walking in the name of the Lord which isn't really a name at all, it's just a generic title you can apply it to anyone even the guy you're renting from, if not identified the one you worship yes he knows who you're talking about don't give me that I already know. He knows you're talking about, he does and I have no doubt that he loves you and if you put your faith in him and if you have turned away from what you know was wrong then he is your father and you are his son or daughter. And he loved you long before you heard this message today but you still have not identified the one you worship. And yes you know the one that's in the bible, but he has a name. You know what's one of the first things you do when you meet somebody? What's your name? Right? I mean it's like square one, right, what's your name? Oh my name is Tom, what's your name? I'm James or I'm Rebecca or I'm Mordecai or I'm Leanne or I'm Michelle. So why would we they neglect calling upon our
heavenly father's Damon and say hey what's your
name? It's like square one he's got it their 7000 times it's just the translators took it out. And we can't just blindly trust in what man does we have to research and find the truth.
And I'll tell you this too that when you start
calling upon a personal name something makes it more personal, it's a more personal relationship you're not talking to some generic deity in the sky that's far away and some you know third heaven somewhere and it doesn't have an interest in your life this is a Mighty One who's giving you a personal name because he wants a personal relationship with you. He wants you to walk with him, he wants to dwell in you and manifest his life through you. And so it's much more important than you may realize: and just our own practices. It's not hard to understand I mean I was maybe 8 or 9 I don't know how old I was 8, 9, 10 years old and my grandparents who called upon the name of Yahweh. I asked them why. And I asked them how they knew the name was Yahweh and they explained it to me. And me and my young child like mind thought, okay, well, that's his name and so that's what I call and so I've called him that ever since. And I didn't think it was all that big of a problem or anything really I mean I was not really even a believer at the time I just kinda like I recognized the Bible was true but I had not yet given my life to him. And so when I gave my life to him at age 19 I use Yahweh, I used Yahushua and that's just what I had learned and then when I researched I found out what they were saying was true. As I went to libraries at universities and things like that, found out what they were saying was actually very accurate. And so that's what I've done since I was a child and so for me even a child could understand it you know it's not hard, what's your name right?
Now some people today and trying to throw an
objection to this idea and this understanding they will say that name only means character for instance if I said to you, I come in the name of peace, doesn't mean my name is peace this means I'm coming to the characterization of peace. Now to some extent I can agree with this concept in the English word name in the Hebrew word shem actually have similar meanings and that it can mean one 's character and not necessarily a literal written and spoken name but it also can mean a literal written and spoken name and it can mean both. Now here is the definition of the Hebrew word Shem, it's actually pronounced shame and our English words for shame is not good. But it's pronounced shame in Hebrew not Shem: but anyway this is a primitive word perhaps rather from 7760 through the ideaa of definite and conspicuous position an appellation as a mark or memorial of individuality.
Now a mark in a memorial of individuality that can

only be done with a personal name this is like
an individual person's name. It's not just okay the name Yahweh means he that causes that which exists to exist or something along those lines it's hard to define in our language okay. That's what the name means but then there's a literal written and spoken name and that's where the mark comes in. If you have a mark, something on the piece of paper that's what a mark is right or spiritually speaking some kind of mark of individuality in this case Yahweh said this is my name forever my memorial to all generations, Yahweh he says this is my name forever in my memorial to all generations he's talking about a literal written and spoken name here.
He's not just talking about his character and I
would also add this concept as well that since he has chosen to associate himself with the vocalization of his name Yahweh I submit to you
that that's a part of his character it's his name
literally written and spoken name as a part of his character. If you'd take that away, you're taking something away from his character, which his character is that he does have a little written and spoken name anyone just to call upon it. His character is that he said this is my memorial of individuality this is my memorial to all generations, this literal written and spoken name is what I am to be called, that's a part of his character. You cannot separate his literal written and spoken name from his character because he revealed himself as part of his character to have a literal written and spoken name. Now I realize some out there have a different understanding of how his name is to be pronounced I can respect those who have a different pronunciation than myself. And one thing I know for sure his name is not the Lord his name is not God and so I can respect anyone who's making an attempt to call on his name even if they're not pronouncing it correctly in my opinion. It's like a little child they didn't pronounce my name exactly right, I'm not gonna hammering over it or anything, he's doing his best. But what Yahweh looks for and even as parents look for his effort, maybe a child may not do something exactly right. But we see the effort and that's appreciated, right. But when we have a problem is when they're not really even trying to do the right thing. How would you feel you had a child he hasn't done something he's like well I'm not gonna bother trying because you know I won't be able to do it right. Well, do your best son, do your best: no I just I can't do exactly right so I'm not going to do it at all. I mean that just a really bad attitude I just don't like the attitude and I don't think Yahweh likes that attitude, he wants us to do our very best, he deserves it. So if you're doing your very best but you don't pronounce it with version exactness, hey he is a merciful Elohim he's not going to come down on you. But when you know he says call on my name and you are like no no no I'm not going to do it. I mean that's a little rebellious I think, I mean if you know better if you don't think it matters okay, all right. I'm not gonna come down on you I don't think it matters. But I look at scripture and say how can anyone say it doesn't matter? There's a lot of scriptures here, now some say wait a minute I don't expect my child to call me by my personal name that's disrespectful he calls me father, daddy or dad or you know he wouldn't call me by my actual personal name that's disrespectful. So I would be disrespectful toward my heavenly father if I called him by his name, no you wouldn't because okay we have the tradition and our culture that our children don't call us by our personal names all right that's fine if you feel its respectful for your son or daughter to call you by a personal name that's your prerogative okay. But that's not what our heavenly father told us, he told us specifically to call him his name. Joel 2:32 says; it shall come to pass, that whoever calls (uses vocalization when you are calling something, right?) on the name of Yahweh shall be saved (there is a literal written and spoken name we are supposed to call upon, vocalize, use). Whoever calls on the name of Yahweh shall be saved, he never told you don't call my name use a title, call me dad, call me father he never said that. He said whoever calls on the name of Yahweh shall be saved, so out of respect we should follow what he expects us to do as our heavenly father even as you would have your children follow whatever you feel is respectful for you that's fine. Psalm 99:6 says; Moshe and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel was among those who called upon his name; they called upon Yahweh, and he answered them. Are you going to be like them or what? I want to be like them, Psalm 105 verse 1; O give thanks to Yahweh; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Awesome, he's telling you right here in the Psalms
the inspired words of our father in heaven call upon
the name of Yahweh. Psalm 116 verse 13; I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of Yahweh, how about you that's what I want to do. Isaiah 12:4; Praise Yahweh call upon his name, there it is again, declare his deeds among the people, make mention his name is exalted.
Yes you use it how are gonna exalt it?
And Elohim we boast all day long and praise your name for everything. You're supposed to praise his name do you do that? Psalm 34 verse 3; O magnify Yahweh with me, and let us exalt his name together, we read that earlier. We will rejoice in your salvation, Psalm 20 verse 5, and in the name Our Mighty One we will set up our banners (I like that one): may Yahweh fulfill all your petitions. And we're also blessing Yahweh's name Psalm 129 verse 8; the blessing of Yahweh be upon you: we bless you in the name of Yahweh. Do you realize the priestly blessing has a sacred name there three times. Yahweh blesses you and keeps you, Yahweh makes his face shine upon you, be gracious unto you, Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. And many people know that, they go the Lord bless you and keep you, no no no because right after that he says and they shall put my name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them. So when they say Yahweh bless you and keep, Yahweh make his face shine upon you, gracious unto you, Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. They're saying, they're actually putting the name of Yahweh on the people of Israel in that priestly blessing. And then he says; I will bless them, that's why Yahweh's people were a people called by his name, says you're people called by my name, if my people which are called upon my name, right. Did you call by my name you should say people who are called by my name right. And where is his name today on the foreheads right, Revelation 14; you should put my name, my name is written on their foreheads. It means in their minds something they use and you take a name out a bible all my goodness. What would you do something like that? And why would you imitate those who do? I don't wanna imitate them so when I read the Lord there I put Yahweh right back where it belongs. I'm not gonna take it out of the scriptures. If I was it will be like I agree with then by having complicit, by repeating what they're doing and I want to repeat what they're doing, I find what they're doing to be wrong and just downright offensive. Scripture says to give Yahweh unto Yahweh the glory due to his name; worship Yahweh in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 115 verse 1; Not unto us, O Yahweh, not unto us, but to your name give glory, because of your mercy, because of your truth. He had chosen his character, his reputation to be associated with this vocalization the name Yahweh and so when someone hears the name Yahweh they would think of his character and who he is, they think of what he is all about. And so he wants to make sure his written and spoken name was glorified by the people who chose to worship him, and the same is true today. We who are calling upon the name of Yahweh need to be sure that we are walking uprightly or people will associate our heavenly father's precious name with something that's not of him. And so yes there is a responsibility that when we carry up Yahweh's name upon our lips and we proclaim it with our lives that we must walk uprightly, very true. And if we don't it's one way of taking his name in vain in the sense that you're not glorifying his name. So Malachi 2:2; Yahweh is talking to the priest he said to the priest; you will not hear, and if you will not take it to heart, to give glory to my name, says Yahweh of hosts, I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yes, I have cursed them already, because you did not take it to heart. But then to those who call on his name Malachi 3:16; Then those who have feared Yahweh spoke to one to another: and Yahweh listened, and heard them, so a book of remembrance was written before him for those who fear Yahweh, and those who meditate on his name, interesting. Psalm 5:11; but all those rejoice who put their trust in you: let them ever shout for joy, because you defend them: let those also that who love your name be joyful in you. Do you love Yahweh's name? I love it I think it's awesome. Psalm 89 verse 16; In your name they rejoice all the day long: and in your righteousness they are exalted. You see we're not exalted because of our own righteousness, we're exalted because of the righteousness of Yahushua the Messiah which is now being placed in us, his righteousness came from our heavenly father, and Yahweh is exalted through his own righteousness being placed in us and therefore we rejoice all day long because we are forgiven, we have grace and it's not by our righteousness we are saved by his and therefore through him we are exalted. Psalm 20:7; Some trust in chariots, some in horses: but we will remember the name of Yahweh our Mighty One. Are you convinced yet? I hope you are, these are powerful scriptures, they really are awesome scriptures. Mica 4:5; we read this earlier, For all people walk each in the name of his Elohim or God (i believe it should be Elohim Mighty One), but we will walk in the name of Yahweh our Mighty One forever and ever. Yahushua says I have come in my father's name, and you do not receive me: if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. He is talking to the Jewish people there, well you know the name Yahweh and the name Yahushua both
have Ya in it, Yahushua means Yahweh Saves.
And so he actually literally came in his father's name, his name is not Jesus it's Yahushua and when we call him Jesus we're neglecting to call upon the name of Yahweh when we call upon the name of Yahushua and speak in the name of Yahushua because the name of Yahweh was within Yahushua. So another came in his own name, his name was BaCacba I believe and the people thought he was a Messiah and he wasn't and he failed miserably but that was true. Another came in his own name. John 17 verses 5-6; Yahushua said, And now, O Father, glorify me together with yourself with the glory which I had with you before the world was. I have manifested your name to the men to whom you have given me out of the world (so he made it clear): they were yours, you gave them to me; and they have kept your word. John 17:26; And I have declared to them your name, and will declare it: that the love with which you love me may be in them, and I in them. So we read that earlier as well, so I'm just reiterating this because we've got to stick with scripture and I'm just telling you and sharing with you what scripture says, I'm not condemning, I'm not beating anybody with the head, I'm just the mailman, if you don't like the message don't beat up the mailman if you don't like the mail, go easy on the mailman please. It's the mail that you have to listen to, and the mail here is Yahweh also inspired Yahushua to call upon his name and he did it, right. In fact he could not have been convicted of blasphemies, he was convicted of blasphemy unless he had actually spoken the name of Yahweh.
And at this comment right here that Yahushua replied
after being adjured were forced into an oath by a high priest to ask whether he claimed to be the Messiah, he said as you said never less I say to you here after you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the clouds of heaven, now this term the power was a euphemism for another substitution for the name Yahweh, I don't believe this is the original text here in fact due to land believe this has the sacred name indicated there. But anyway here's another reason why I believe he spoke the name there, according to the missiona which is a record of first century Judaism and the things they really, I'm not saying the things they believe were correct but this just simply a record of what they believed okay. It said "he who blasphemed is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the divine name, said our Joshua been Cora on every day of the trial they examined the witnesses with a substituted name when the sentence was to be given they did not declare him guilty of death with the substituted name but they put everyone out and ask the most important of the witnesses saying to him what exactly did you hear? And he says what he heard and the judges stand on their feet and tear their clothing and they may not mend them again". That's a record of what the Jews were doing in the first century Judaism here, okay now what happened when Yahushua spoke those words, was the man stood on their feet and rip their clothing? Now according to their own belief system the way they do things they could not have done that unless Yahushua himself pronounced the divine name. And that's why they said what further need do we have a witness you've heard the blasphemy they felt it was blasphemy to say that he would be coming on the clouds and they were gonna see him and sitting at the right hand of Yahweh. And so that's one of the evidence that Yahushua spoke the divine name and so what should we do?
Now some people say will say wow we're just
Gentiles you know we're not Jews we don't use Hebrew names. We're Gentiles and so we don't speak Hebrew and so you know if you want to do that you just gonna be like a Jew and that's up to you but we're gentiles okay. Then I don't want ever hear out of your mouth the word Hallelujah because that's a completely Hebrew word and you don't speak Hebrew remember, you don't you don't use Hebrew and don't ever say Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because those are all Hebrew names or Isaiah or David or you know any of the..., actually any of the names of the Jewish people don't ever use those because you don't speak Hebrew. Please understand that names do not translate,
names transliterate there's a difference for
instance if I was to translate Benjamin or Benjamin Netanyahu's name into my language English I would say "hello Son on the right-hand gift of Yahweh" how are you doing today?
No, we don't do that, we transliterate that means
we take that name in that language with the meaning they have in that particular language and we transliterate that means we tried to pronounce the name the same way they pronounced in their language because names transcend across language.
Ever hear a foreign news broadcast? And they'll
go blah blah blah blah blah President Bush, blah blah blah blah blah George Bush or they'll say Donald Trump. All these words you don't understand but you hear names, see that's because names do not translate we
Now sometimes they don't transliterate very well. For instance, Benjamin Netanyahu should be Benjamin Netanyahu, all right. But people are trying I give them credit for trying okay and so when it comes to our heavenly father's name we're not gonna translate and say either that causes to be that which is and that's where we're gonna call him by his literal written spoken name. Same way, Vladimir Putin its the same Vladimir Putin. No matter what country he visits they call him Vladimir Putin right, because personal names don't translate they transliterate. Transliterate is try to retain the best pronunciations best you can in your language and even so I mean the Lord is not a translation the Lord is a direct replacement for the heavenly father's name put simply the translators admit they substituted Yahweh's name for a title all for the sake of tradition. And to me you don't take Yahweh's name out of his own book you just don't do that. Who thinks they got the authority to change him? If you look down through biblical history, the one who named another was the one who was an authority over them for instance Adam named his wife,
parents name their children, the Messiah
renamed Simon, Yahweh renamed Abram to Abraham, you were named Jacob to Israel, Adam named all the animals, we name our children not the other way around and I have our father Yahweh named his son Yahushua so we don't change it. So otherwise we're acting one in authority, who could dare say they got the authority to change his name? No you don't do that, you don't change the father's name, you don't change the son's name you leave it just like it is. They decide what they will be called not us okay, because we're not in authority over them.
And so when the Messiah was named it says she
shall bring forth a son you shall call his name Yahushua, this means Yahweh Saves that's where we get the Ya part here in Yahushua, Yahweh says actually Yahu because the U is also a W here, see, Yahweh, Yahushua, W is simply you can put a U there if you wanted to and it will be pronounced the same. You shall call his name Yahweh Saves for he will save his people from their sins. That makes perfect sense, so Yahweh named his son a very important name, think about this every time you call upon Yahushua, you're saying Yahweh Saves, Yahweh Saves, thank you Yahweh Saves, that's what
you're saying.
The name Jesus doesn't have that meaning; it's a collection of consonants and vowels that have no meaning whatsoever. And so there is meaning in it when you're calling upon Yahweh, when you're calling upon Yahushua and its more of a personal meaning, more of a personal heir about it. He wants us to have that kind of intimacy with him they both do. And you know whatever people call me later on I don't care what name were the disciples baptizing in? What name were they preaching in? What name were they proclaiming? What name were the praying in? What name or the healing in? That's what I want to know, whether Johnny come lately as did with it after that I don't really care, whatever their language and doesn't matter to me if the Greek don't do right, if the Latin doesn't do it right, the English don't do it right just go back to the Hebrew and that's a good point me and my brother years ago. Anyway some people so I don't speak Hebrew, yes you do have you ever said Michael? Have you ever said Abraham, Joshua, it should be Yahushua pronounced Yahushua. Listen what we need to love is the truth, the
error is never superior or equal to truth, the name
Jesus an error, Lord, God is an error. It cannot be on the same plane or equivalent to truth, the truth is always superior to error every single time. And so are we going to walk in truth? Yahweh's name is the truth, Yahushua's name is the truth. Substitutes, alterations are simply not the truth and Yahweh wants us to worship him in spirit and in truth and so when I call upon his true name the best of my understanding I am worshiping in truth.
So if the Lord and Jesus were the truth why would
they contain an error? And once you know his name is not the Lord and Jesus isn't his name then why would you continue on error? Aren't we supposed to love the truth, why continue in error? Once you know okay people don't know today most people don't know, we do why continue in error? Is it just the fear of men, what people think of you or say of you? Let Yahweh handle that part . Scripture says he who is ashamed of me before men, of him I'll be ashamed before my father in heavens, that's what Yahushua told us. So people say all right now you have any scripture that says Gentiles calling his name? Yeah I'm glad you asked actually, here we go Malachi 1:11; for from the rising of the sun even to its going down my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and every place incense shall be offered to my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the nations, says Yahweh of hosts. Among the Gentiles, Acts 9:15; Yahushua is talking
to Paul says, Go their way: for he is a chosen
vessel unto me (actually talking to Ananias), to bear my name before the Gentiles (what name? Iesous? No, Yahushua) and kings, and the children of Israel. The name Jesus by the way isn't even in the original 1611 King James, it really isn't it's not an original it's Iesous in the original 1611. And then let's take a look now at commandment number three and I'll put a bow tie on this and wrap this up. He says you shall not take the name of Yahweh your Mighty One in vain for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
Proverbs chapter 13 verse 8-9 says; remove falsehood
and lines far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with the food allotted to me, lest I be a fool on denying you saying who is Yahweh? Or lest I be poor in still and profane the name of my Mighty One. See, through walking in poor character and then carrying the name of Yahweh on his person or using the name of Yahweh is causing people to associate Yahweh with sin and that's one way of profaning Yahweh's name. And so, I agree with those who say this is one way of calling and making his name vain all right. However there are other ways to do so we don't have to limit ourselves to just one way, because with multiple ways you can do the same, have the same problem. Here's how the King James reads; also not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, this is how the King James would read and most translations read. But look at the word translated vain here, the word translated vain is 7723 it's the word shawv it's also used here in this scripture not a shot though bear false witness against your neighbor. So I ask this question are they not falsifying our father's name when they put the Lord in there instead of Yahweh? I venture to say yes they are, yes they are it's an act of falsification, his name is not the Lord that is false, you are being a false witness as to what our heavenly father's name actually is, we're not supposed to be a false witness.
And those who did the translating became false
witnesses 7000 times whether they realize it or not. They should know better they painstakingly went over the scriptures letter by letter, word by word they ought to know better, but sometimes tradition has a way of blinding our eyes.
So here's what I suggest that we do that we don't
falsify his name when we read the text that we proclaim his name and restore it when we read. And so when you read something out of your King James Bible and there it says I am the Lord that is my name, ah ah ah, that's bearing false witness is not being truthful based on his name, instead we're gonna toss that out and we're gonna put Babylons there, I am Yahweh that is my name, that's what I'm gonna put there and I'm not going to falsify it.
I feel that as though I would be violating the
third commandment if I were to do so.
And furthermore Yahweh said he will not hold him
guiltless who does it, so not only did he include
the commandment about his name in the 10
commandments he also considered it important enough to include a little warning with it that we will not be held guiltless if we violate commandment number 3. So in my mind how could I possibly present this in a way that could be more clear and obvious to anyone? I don't know it's so black and white simple, even a
child can understand, it's just whether or not we're
willing to be the oddball, to be the one that doesn't do what other people do, to stand out in the crowd, to be the sheep that want to go on a different direction than the other sheep are going, because I just don't want to go off a cliff, you know even if everybody else is, I excuse me I think I'll go the other direction thank you very much. And again I'm not judging people who don't know better or doing the best they can, I love them they're my brothers and my sisters, I myself may have error I don't realize, but here we go I presented this to you and now you decide what you are going to do with it, for me I don't want to be guilty. I want to be guiltless. Now ultimately my guilt does not come through my own actions alone in the sense that I'll be held guilty partly because of what other people have done, I just chose to follow their example but I can't just blindly follow everybody else, I've got to do the best of my understanding what scripture say. Now some people will say, how you gonna minister to anybody? How you gonna talk to anybody. You know I've led people to Yahushua, complete unbelievers this took 2 seconds, less than a minute to explain Yahweh is our heavenly father's name it's in the original text that's what I call him. Yahushua is the Messiah's name. The name Jesus is actually kinda later on change so I just use the original names is that okay? Yeah: no problem okay great?
And move on and I've led people who are unbelievers
to Yahushua using the sacred names, no problem whatsoever. One lady was in Australia in a chat room, they're a little chat network and had no problem it's not a hindrance Yahweh will work through you especially when you honor him and do what's right. And if somebody is offended by it you know maybe they're not being called anyway. Now does that mean you have to always every single time, you can say is my heavenly father says this, the Savior told me this , the Messiah says this you don't have to use every single time but you know he has many titles that describe and I have many titles describe me I'm a father, I'm a son, I'm a brother, I'm a believer, I'm a disciple, I have many titles that describe me but I have one personal name and the same is true of our heavenly father and his son Yahushua they have one personal name each of them has a personal and proper name that people call them and they have many titles father, creator, redeemer, Savior all these things are all legitimate titles and we should use them there's no problem. He's a Master, Yahushua is a Savior absolutely but they each have a personal name as well and it's just like you and me, we many titles and one personal name. And so for me in spite of what others may think I'm gonna keep his commandments I'm going to restore Yahweh's name when I see it not being in the text, I'm going to set aside a vain tradition and seek to walk in the original truth of Yahweh just as he inspired it. How about you? I pray you will, O heavenly father Yahweh you are the awesome Mighty One: and we love you, we love your name, we bless your name, we praise your name, we exalt your name, your literal written and spoken name and the character that you chose to be attached to it that's who you are and we praise you. You are awesome and awesome is your name and we do father Yahweh call upon your name, maybe there's some listening to this broadcast and maybe the first time they've ever really called upon your name, convict them and show them father the blessing of it, open their eyes to see it as the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 23 you will lead us in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake. We know you want your name to be associated with holiness, to be associated with righteousness, take away people's fears where they feel inadequate, where they don't feel sufficient and let it be father Yahweh. Replace it with faith and your grace that you are a merciful Mighty One, yes you knew that we would make mistakes in our journey to the promised land, but you want us to call upon your name anyway because even that manifests your grace when we come to you having made mistakes, having failed you we call upon your name and as the word is said those who call upon the name of Yahweh will be saved. And we call upon your name desiring salvation through in by Yahushua HaMashiach, our Master and Redeemer and Savior who also call upon your great name for truly yours is the kingdom and power and glory and majesty and all praise, honor and worship belongs to you, Yahweh Eloheinu, Yahweh Our Mighty One, forever and ever, in Yahushua's great name we pray these things, Amein.

This archive is from the Live Video Broadcast