Understanding Passover – Part 1

03/25/17 (13/26) Video Broadcast

Understanding Passover - Part 1 - Study
Understanding Passover - Part 1 - Study
All right we are ready to move forward with our study portion as we begin to examine the feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, days of
Unleavened Bread.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread starts one day later than the day of Passover. Passover is the day in which the Messiah died for our sins. It's also the day that the lambs [00:00:27.27] in Jerusalem as part of Passover. You might wonder what relevance Passover would have to one who is a believer in the Messiah Yahushua. The thinking is that since ... This thinking exists that since the Messiah came, we don't need sacrifices anymore. And so what will Passover have to do with me?
Well, it has a lot to do with all of us.
It's relevance as we begin to study it more deeply and understand the spiritual meaning of the events that were taking place in Exodus chapter 12 and beyond. The meaning of Passover becomes very, very relevant to believers in the Messiah. To those who follow the New Testament, Passover becomes very, very, very relevant. Because Yahushua the Messiah is called our Passover. You might think perhaps that the Messiah you know, he came and died and he brought the Gentiles in and what does a Jewish festival have to do with me? Well, I can hardly wait to show you just what this festival has to do with you and with me or anybody else who is either Jew or Gentile. It has a lot to do with all of us who are believers in the Messiah Yahushua. So, we're going to examine Passover and our goal is to seek to understand what it's about and why it matters to us as believers in the Messiah Yahushua. And so our title of our message is called; Understanding Passover part 1 And this is the first of three segments as we examine and take a journey through the scriptures to understand this festival and how we as believers in Yahushua can actually observe this festival in the way that our savior himself taught us to observe it. Now, you might have this mindset or this idea that the Messiah when he came he you know, fulfilled the feast days. And so you know, what does this have to do with me, I'm a Gentile? Or you might have this idea that now; we understand the gospel, before the gospel it was never mentioned in the bible except maybe in a hidden way or some other way. But you know in Hebrews chapter 4 in verse 2 it
says for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well
as to them. But the word which they heard .... It's talking about Israel here. The word which they heard did not profit them. Not being mixed with faith in those who heard it, not being mixed faith in those who heard it. And so, if you don't have faith as you hear this gospel being presented to Israel in the Old Testament time period, they did not have faith and so it did not benefit them. Why did it not benefit them? Because they didn't have faith. Where did they not have faith? In the book of numbers, it actually teaches and says that they did not believe Yahweh. They thought he was going to destroy them and that he would not allow them to enter the Promised Land. And so, they didn't understand, they thought Yahweh hated them and he wanted to destroy them in the wilderness. And so they wanted to appoint a captain to take them back to Egypt. They did not have faith in the gospel; they did not have faith in the forgiveness and long-suffering of Yahweh. And so, where was the gospel ever preached to them? Where? And was the gospel ever preached to Gentiles in those days? Would you believe this that the gospel was preached to Gentile people in that time when he
brought them out of Egypt?
You know it wasn't just preached to pharaoh and his cronies. You might say, "Oh, well, they had to have heard it". No, it was actually, it wasn't just Israel who left Egypt. There were Gentiles who also left Egypt with them. In the book of Exodus chapter 12 verse 37 through 38 it says; Then the children of Israel journeyed from Ramses to Succoth. About 600 000 men on foot besides children, a mixed multitude went up with them also.
And flocks and herds, a great deal of livestock.
And so there we Gentiles who heard the good news and they went with the children of Israel. You probably never heard that before, some of you. Maybe others maybe knew this already. But it might be a shock to a lot of people that they not only heard the gospel, but there were Gentiles who joined Israel and they were brought to the Red Sea just like everybody else, and they were brought into the Promised Land. So, it's very fascinating in my mind that they were with them and the same is true now. Actually, the gospel was originally preached to the Jews, it says to the Jews first and also to the Greek. And some of the Jews accepted and some of the Jews rejected, and some of the Gentiles accepted and some of the Gentiles rejected. And that's how it was then and that's how it is now. And so the people of Israel went out of Egypt and there was a mixed multitude of Gentiles who obviously would have seen the awesome works of Yahweh and said, "We wanna go with you; we see that Yahweh is Elohim. We want to go with you." And the same should be true of all of us today. If you are raised Gentiles, if you are born as a Gentile, not an Israelite as far as you know, you can look at what Yahweh has done with Israel and say, "wow, I want to be a part of that." And so not only is Israel called out of the world, and not only was Israel called out of Egypt, but anyone who wanted to join themselves to Israel could be a part of the nation of Israel and considered to be grafted in. And maybe you're thinking, "Well, the Old Testament isn't that about the Jews and the New Testament that's about the Gentiles and the Jews rejected the Messiah and the Gentiles didn't. And the old Covenant that's a Jewish thing and the new Covenant that's for everybody and perhaps that's what you have been taught. But the scriptures say that's not true. The New Covenant just as the Old Covenant was intended to be with Israel and Judah. Take a look here Hebrews chapter 8 verses 8, this is a quotation from Jeremiah 31:31, because finding fault with them he says. He found fault with the children of Israel. "Behold the days are coming," says Yahweh, "when I will make a new covenant ..." With the Gentiles? No, it doesn't say that. It says with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers. Whose fathers? Their fathers, who is their fathers? Israel and Judah. "Their fathers in the day when I took them, by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt." That was the former covenant, we call that the Old Covenant. He said "this New Covenant is not according to the Old Covenant".
"Because they did not continue in my covenant."
and I disregarded them" says Yahweh. So, there is a declaration that Israel and Judah, they are in need of a New Covenant. The Old Covenant didn't work out. Why? Because he found fault with them. It wasn't with the covenant, he found fault
with the people and so then he says, "This is the
covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days" says Yahweh. "I will put my laws in their mind and write them on their hearts, I will be their Elohim and they shall be my people". And actually the rest of it says and he will forgive them of their sin and their iniquity he will remember no more. So, if you're really what you call a New Testament church, do you know who that testament was really made with? It's made with Israel and with Judah, that covenant is made with Israel and Judah. Remember that; don't forget that, that's Covenant and say, "well, that's with the Jews. important. But the New Covenant is also with the Jews. The same group of people. And so, how does a Gentile join in?" You cannot exclude yourself from the Old
What then, didn't we just read?
Gentiles joined themselves with Israel in the mixed multitude went up with them; the mixed multitude went with them. And so there were Gentiles who joined with Israel and they went into the land these are Egyptians or even some other country perhaps.
So can we join with Israel and be a part of his
covenant? The good The good news is yes we can. But how does Yahweh do this? How is it that we can get Yahweh's law in our hearts, in our minds. Now, remember this is a quotation found in the Old Testament. This is a quotation from the book of Jeremiah. And so when Jeremiah is speaking his prophecy and he says " my laws", what's he talking about? He is talking about the laws he gave at Sinai, the law he gave to Israel, right? And the law he gave to Israel, he also gave to the mixed multitude. Exodus 3: 12 through 49 say one law shall be for the stranger and for the one born among you. So it's the one law, this law that he gave is now in
our hearts and in our minds.
And now, don't think for a second that this means he internalized the law. The law was always about the internal. Leviticus 19 tells us, " love your neighbor as yourself". Another place tells us, " Do not hate your brother in your heart". Another place says, " Don't covet your neighbor's wife in your heart, your neighbor's house or anything that's your neighbor's". That all something that you can only violate in your heart. The law was always internal, it was always internal. And actually, in Deuteronomy 30, we can read what he said that " my law is in your mouth and in your heart that you may do it." And so but now he is offering forgiveness of sin as he puts the law of Yahweh, his law in our hearts and in our minds, and it's beautiful. So, how did the Gentiles join in? How does it happen? Ephesians chapter 2 in verse 19 says now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of Elohim. At one time we were strangers from Israel and from the covenants and we were foreigners. But because of Messiah, we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of Elohim. But how does this happen? Galatians 3:29 says if you are Messiah's then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. That means even though you may be a Gentile in the flesh, even though you may be Gentiles in the flesh.
You are, he says you are Abraham's seed.
Wow, that's a fantastic promise, fantastic. You are Abraham's seed that means you a son of Abraham. If you are Abraham's seed, why is it through Messiah we become Abraham's seed? What's the mechanism going on here? And since we are Abraham's seed, doesn't Passover really mean something to us? Children of Abraham are also children of Isaac and Children of Jacob. Jacob his alternative name that Yahweh gave him was Israel. And so we are also children of Israel. If we are Abraham's children, then we are also the children of Israel, that's how it works. All right. So, let's take a look at Ephesians, it says, therefore remember that you once Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made by hands at that time. What time, when? At that time when you were once Gentiles in the
You once were Gentiles in the flesh. At that time you were when you were once Gentiles in the flesh. Without Messiah being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel. You used to be an alien, a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel. But what are you now? You were a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel and a stranger according to promise, having no hope without Elohim in the world. You are not mentioned in the New Covenant, you are a stranger from the covenants of promise.
But now in Messiah you who once were far off.
Why were you far off? Because you were an alien, a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel and that you were once a Gentile in the flesh. But now in Messiah Yahushua, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. So through Messiah, you have become the seed of Abraham. You're no longer an alien from the commonwealth of Israel, now you are no longer a stranger from that New Covenant, the covenant of promise. And you did have no hope without Elohim, but the through the Messiah Yahushua, you who once were far off, are now brought near.

We didn't hear that in Sunday school, but now
scripture said very clearly, we are part of the commonwealth of Israel.
Now, the following two verses sometimes throw
people off a little bit. But I have a full study on that, you can look it up on the website. I want you to notice the conclusion is you are no longer strangers, no longer foreigners, you are now fellow citizens. You have become a part of Israel, you are a citizen now. Full-fledged citizen of the nation of Israel,
that's who you are, as a believer in the Messiah
Yahushua. If you are a believer in the Messiah Yahushua, you have been brought near. And with this the book of Romans chapter 1 agreed and said, the first fruit is holy, the lamp is holy the root is holy so are the branches, and some of the branches were broken off. And you being a wild olive tree were grafted among them. Among who? Among Israel. And with them become a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree. You used to from a different olive tree, a become a partaker of the root and fatness of the wild olive tree. olive tree. And so we are partakers of that branch connect to Now we are grafted in among them. Among who? Among Israel and with them, with Israel and
through a graft in process that root that feeds us.
See that olive oil that we use for anointing oil that's what scripture uses. Olive trees for all we know don't even die, the same olive trees, there are olive trees that are in the Mount of Olives this day. I was showing a brother a picture of one this week in fact. There are olive trees that are growing on the Mount of Olives in Israel today that were alive when Yahushua was on the Mount of Olives in the Garden of Gestemane. And so they just keep living and living unless something kills them, they don't seem to die of old age. In fact some of the same olive trees again are still there. They are still there. I got a picture of one, it's pretty awesome. So this eternal nature of the olive tree is kind of depicted here in this. And so if we are Gentiles we become grafted in and are now among the commonwealth of Israel. And how does that happen? How does that happen? Here is how it happens, Galatians 2: 20 says I have been crucified with Messiah, it no longer I Do you believe it is no longer I who live, do you who lives but Messiah lives in me and the life believe that? If you believe it then you are embracing the gospel, which I now live in the flesh. the good news of Messiah. So it's no longer you who lives, it's Messiah who I live by faith and the son of Elohim who loved me and gave himself for me. Now that's true if you died and now it's only Messiah who lives in you.
lives in you.
And since that's true, was Messiah an Israelite? If you had already been crucified, that's what scripture said, do you believe this?
Absolutely, he was an Israelite.
So if you don't live anymore, your heritage of the flesh doesn't mean anything. It's Messiah in you that means everything. No one can actually judge you by your past now because you don't live there anymore. No one can judge you by which watching you rear view mirror. You don't live there anymore. You are a new creation in the Messiah Yahushua. And that's one of my favourite scriptures right there. Think about that, just the implications of that. You don't live anymore, now its Messiah living in you. Wow, I mean if that's the case, it's a pretty intense thought there. I mean Yahushua, that's why you are part of the body of Messiah. Because you don't live is dead as far as all intents and purposes, your body is dead. Now we don't replace Israel, no, we join with Israel through the body of Messiah. And so we have to embrace this truth and accept this truth and we embrace this truth and we accept this truth all of a sudden Passover matters. Because if we are Israel, then we need to live like Israel. Right? If we are Israel, then we should live like Israel, let's call it to live. If we are Messiah's guess what? Let's live like Messiah lived. He is the ultimate embodiment of Israel. And so, just as they joined with Israel, we joined with Israel if we were Gentile. We don't look at the children of Israel and say, " oh look at those people over there, you know they are foreigners to me, I am foreigners to them. I am a Gentile, they are Israel. And look what they did over there back then those people." No, wait a minute. You are grafted in to be a part of that, you are adopted. We are all adopted sons and daughters of Elohim and when you are adopted you take on the identity of the family which you are adopted into, right?
If you have two adopted children, they are every
bit a part of your family as anybody else even your home born. You treat them just as one born into your family, right? You don't treat them any different, you don't look at them any different. Because as far as you are concerned, they are your son, they are your daughter. And so we are adopted into the Messiah and we are children of adoption. To whom we cry out, "Abba Father", right? We say that all right then say it. " I am now Israel. And when I look at the history of Israel, I'm looking at my own history, my own roots, what our people did back then. Their good, their bad, their ugly, their glorious." And we take it to heart, " that's the work of Messiah." All of a sudden the Old Testament just opens up as a book that matters to you. Because now you identify with Israel, that was King David who was the king of your people back then. Yeah, Moshe, who led your people into the wilderness, because now you have taken on the identity of Yahushua the Messiah living in you. You take on his heritage, his heritage is your heritage and that's why you are crucified with him. Because you are joined with him and therefore his history is your history. He was crucified, you were crucified. It's his righteousness that's in you, it's his life that's in you. And if you don't wanna accept it, you are neglecting to accept the gospel. What Yahushua did for you. Some people act as though if you were to do something that looks Jewish somehow you are denying the Messiah. No, I'm actually living like he did, I'm actually identifying myself with him by doing these things. And some people think "oh you declare that Jewish stuff, you are denying the work of Messiah. No I'm declaring it to be true because he didn't set me free from all of this so-called Jewish stuff, he made me into a Jew. He made me into an Israelite. I am demonstrating my faith and belief in what he did for me. Isn't it amazing how the enemy has twisted everything around Backwards? Because of the history of anti-Semitism in the church. They wanted to distance themselves from Israel. In fact, when Constantine developed, you know embraced the Roman calendar for setting the Easter date of all things one of his reasons was, " it had nothing to do with the Jews". Nothing to do with them. He didn't wanna follow Yahweh's calendar in the bible or what they call the Jewish calendar. He wanted nothing to do with them. But the enemy has twisted everything around. Sweetness, light for darkness, bitter for sweetness, bad for good, good for bad, everything is backwards. But if we look at the scriptures and embrace what they teach you can't deny it. We have an identity, we have an identity.
Yahushua in us and if I am Messiah's then I am the
seed of Abraham, hallelujah. All right. So let's take a look at Passover.
Let's embrace this as part of our history, let's
embrace this as part our heritage, something our ancestors went through. Because we have been adopted into and grafted into and now are part of the commonwealth of Israel. Because of what happened to your fathers, because of what happened to them. Deuteronomy 16: 1 it says to observe the month of Aviv and keep the Passover to Yahweh your Elohim, your mighty one. Commonly translated God, I say Elohim. For in the month of Aviv, Yahweh your mighty one, your Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night. It's something he did, something he did for us as his people. Can we identify ourselves with that? So, what is the month of the Aviv, what is that?
Well, I encourage, I have a full study on how to
follow Yahweh's calendar at eliyah.com/Yahweh's calendar. Just type that link into your browser, you can watch a full video on how to observe and how to keep and how to follow Yahweh's calendar. See the world we live in, it follows the calendar of Rome of a pagan emperor. Who is a devil worshipper, developed by Caesar.
And don't you think Yahweh was the first one to come
up with a calendar? You can read about him talking about months, you know a certain month, a certain day of the month, the flood took place. And so he already had a calendar, going all the way back to Genesis. And so that calendar matters to us. As we get closer to the end times, it's gonna matter. We are gonna have to be on Yahweh's timetable. And so that's what we need to follow. And so we do follow the month of Aviv. And on the month of Aviv, it says Yahweh brought the children of Israel out of Egypt by night. So he brought our fathers out of Egypt by night. Do you get that connection yet? I hope you are. All right, and so the month of Aviv, that is the first month on Yahweh's calendar. And so his New Year begins around this time of Passover, actually 14 days before Passover day is the New Year, according to Yahweh's calendar. Actually, it kind of makes sense because new year takes place around the time that you know things start coming out of the dead of winter, you got flowers growing and crops coming in like barley and things. And so this is a new year. To have a New Year start in the dead of winter
actually makes less sense.
But then Yahweh's calendar which starts in the spring when things start to green up and start to look really beautiful and so it's awesome.
Now, Leviticus chapter 23 speaks of this as well,
this day of first fruits, it happened in the month of Aviv. Leviticus 23: 9 says Yahweh spoke to Moshe and said speak to the children of Israel and says to them when you come into the land which I gave you and reap the harvest. Then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. Now, most people when they think about this time of the year, they don't think about Passover, they think about Easter.
And did you know, that what the world calls
Easter which is a celebration of the resurrection f the Messiah that there was already an observance tied into the day the Messiah rose and the day he ascended and appeared to our father in heaven I should say? And the day he ascended and appeared to our father in heaven, that day is not ever called Easter in the bible. That day is called the day of first fruits. The day of first fruits is the day after the Sabbath. When the first fruits of the harvest, the barley harvest was offered to the priest and he would take that barley harvest and he would wave it before sheaf a male lamb of the first year without blemish Yahweh. Because you can't throw it up in the air to Yahweh, so he waves it to Yahweh. And so what is Yahushua called? Yahushua is called the First Fruits of Them That
as a burnt offering to Yahweh.
fell Asleep. Isn't he? The First Fruits of Them That Fell Asleep. He says, he shall wave a sheaf before Yahweh to be accepted on your behalf on the day after the Sabbath, the priest shall wave it. So, on the first day of the week. Which is the day after the Sabbath, the priest waves this sheaf of barley. And you shall offer on that day when you wave the
And now some people look at that and say, " What
does that have to do with me? There is no priest who is gonna wave me any kind of sheaf before Yahweh." But remember all of these priest was waving that harvest to Yahweh. things that are written in the Torah and the sacrificial commandments are all pictures and parables of what Yahushua has done for us.
Yahushua was ascending to our father in heaven, when
And he became that waved harvest on the day that a
he told Mary " I have not yet ascended to my father
in heaven " , what was he waiting on? I think he was probably waiting on those first fruits to be waved. And as the first fruits were being waved to Yahweh Messiah would've ascended to Yahweh in heaven. So now Yahushua being raised on the day after the Sabbath, we don't need to call it Easter. Do you know the name "Easter", is actually the name of the pagan goddess? Really, it's the name of the pagan goddess Astarte. It comes from Astarte, which was a female consort to a male deity. Almost all the male deity's, idols had female consorts or the wives. Wife deities of course Yahweh never did. But they associated these female goddesses with fertility. And so, that's why we have things like rabbits which are extremely fertile animals. I mean right after they have their babies, they are already ready to have another clutch of babies. And they could be mated the day after they have their babies. To be pregnant again, I think it's three weeks or so and have another clutch of babies. And so they are very fertile animals and so these animals were chosen to represent fertility. And that's why you have Easter bunnies, because of that and the eggs, you know representing What does this have to do with the resurrection of fertility. Yahushua the Messiah? Absolutely nothing. But what about the day of first fruits? Absolutely everything to do with the resurrection of the Messiah Yahushua. And he was that male lamb who was offered on that day, right? And it says, its grain offering shall be two-tenths of a ephah of fine flour, mixed with oil an offering made by fire to Yahweh for a sweet aroma. Its drink offering shall be of wine, one-fourth of a hand. You shall eat neither bread nor parched grain or fresh grain until its same day you brought an offering to your Elohim. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations. They were not allowed to eat that barley until it was waved before Yahweh. And so Yahushua the Messiah being pictured as the first fruits of those who fell asleep is waved to Yahweh and it's beautiful. So, it was not permitted to partake of that until that. Now, we kind of live in this modern grocery store concrete suburban lifestyle. We don't really think about harvesting, I mean the only ones that usually think about harvesting are farmers. You know they have the barley and they don't yank it by the hands go through a process of shaking up the grains and putting the sickle to the grain like the, you know. Basically, farmers nowadays in most cases are machine operators, machines go in and do everything. And so we kind of have this disconnect between us and the land. And the previous you know I don't know hundred years or so of mankind on the earth, the physical hand harvesting has gone by the wayside. And for that reason, I think sometimes that agricultural things that are mentioned in the scriptures we think of that as " oh those people back then". You know, there is a disconnect between us and the land. Whereas when Yahweh created Adam, he gave Adam a garden to tend, okay. And there was no combines in those days, right? No combines, no tractors. So Yahweh the natural environment he put us in was to be close to the land he gave us. Maybe you have a garden and you can really enjoy that because there is something about that special. But don't think because we are talking about agricultural things, it has no relevance to you today. It has a lot of relevance. I mean don't you go to the store and buy bread? It has relevance, it's just that it's been separated from you in the form of packaging, in the form of machinery and the form of gigantic mega farms producing all this food for the earth. Instead of each individual going and doing their own gardening. So i think we lost something. Don't look at it when in scripture it talks about animals when scripture talks about agricultural you know. Don't think there is supposed to be a disconnect between you and think 'well, that's all the old testament stuff back then. That has nothing to do with me". It's supposed to have something to do with you and just go back a hundred years. Most people were hooking up the horse, hooking up the ox to plough the ground. And so it does have relevance.
Actually, this day was the day from which the
Pentecost was counted. Their first fruits was given and it says you shall count from yourselves from the days after the Sabbath. That's when the first fruits were waved before Yahweh from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count 50 days to the day after the seventh Sabbath and you offered a new grain offering to Yahweh. That's talking about the day of Pentecost and that's how we arrived on the day of Pentecost. And so when the disciples were in Jerusalem and they had the wave offering, then 50 days of eating barley, then they could offer the wheat harvest on the day of Pentecost, 50 days later. 50 days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. And so their Pentecost is always on the first day of the week. So the day of first fruits and the day of the Pentecost are always on the first day of the week. And you know people are looking for some kind of symbolic meaning of Yahushua being resurrected. It's already in the bible, it's depicted already in the scriptures. And we have a meaning behind, it's called the day of first fruits and then fifty days later on the first day of the week, you got the day of the Pentecost. The first day of the week holds significance in two things that Yahweh command Israel to observe, Pentecost or Shavu'ot in Hebrew and the day of first fruits. And so it has relevance, you don't need to adopt the called Sunday Sabbath for that particular day to have relevance to you. The truth is there is one so-called Sunday Sabbath throughout the year, the day of the Pentecost. It's already partly connected to and also day of first fruits. And so there was already something in place that had caused Yahushua's resurrection to have significance to us. And we don't have to make something up. I mean Yahushua he rose on the first day. So he rested in the grave on the Sabbath and then he rose up and he went to go and prepare a place for us that means he went to work on the first on the week. So why would you rest on the first day of the week
and work on the day he rested?
He rested in the grave and you go to work. He goes to work and prepares a place for us on the first day of the week and you rest, it's backwards. And you see he has already got, he has already got this first fruits day down. Now we as believers in the Messiah Yahushua Shavu'ot there is a whole other study you can find it on my website eliayh.com about the day of Pentecost, has very powerful meaning as we are going to find as we get into the festival of Passover and Unleavened Bread. And understand the meanings behind so also Shavu'ot or Pentecost has some very deep powerful spiritual meaning. And I love these feasts. They are so relevant, there is so such picture with the Messiah, has done for us. And so now I have tried to encourage you to see that there are really very relevant things to our faith and belief in the Messiah Yahushua.
You don't need Easter there is the Day of First
Fruits. Yahushua has already depicted on that day and
that's what it's all about.
And since we are crucified with him, we are raised with him, right? I think that's also why we have Shavu'ot on the first day of the week that's another study altogether. All right, so this is the history of our people. Exodus chapter 1 where it says the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly multiplying, they grew exceedingly mighty and the land was filled with them. Now there arose a new king of Egypt who did not know joseph and he said to his people " look the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we.
Come let us dealt shrewdly with them.
Lest they multiply and happen in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us. And so go up out of the land. He didn't want to lose them, he kind of liked them. Liked them being around there. I think he probably recognized maybe he was getting blessed perhaps by them. Therefore they did set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for pharaoh supply cities Pithom and Raamses. So he is concerned about their numbers, they are putting up there. Lots of children and they are being fruitful and they were multiplying and they were being blessed. And so he was very concerned about them being blessed too blessed. He wanted to do something about it. He wanted to make sure he was getting the upper hand. That he was going to you know to be able to control them. So his main concern wasn't that they would be destroyed, his concern was that they would go up out of the land. He didn't want to go back home I guess.
So I have a sense that maybe they were being
blessed because of Israel and they didn't understand the spiritual implications. So they were growing in number, so they were the ones getting blessed, right?
And so it says, but the more they afflicted, the
more they multiplied and grew and they were in dread of the children of Israel. So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigour. They were harsh, they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar and in brick and in all manner of service in the field. All these services in which they made them serve with rigour. And then the king of Israel [Egypt] spoke to
the Hebrew midwives of which one was Shiphrah and
the name of other was Puah. And he said' when you do the duties of a midwife of the Hebrew women and see them on the birthstool, if it is a son then you shall kill him but if it is a daughter then she shall live." But the midwives feared Elohim and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive. So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, " why have you done this thing and saved the male children alive?"
And the midwives said to pharaoh, " because the
Hebrew woman are not like the Egyptian women for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them." not really true, was it? Therefore Elohim dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. And so it was because the midwives feared Elohim, he provided households for them. And so the children of Israel are greatly oppressed and they are in bondage now to slavery to the Egyptians. And they are commanded by pharaoh to throw all their newborn sons into the river. We know based on scripture, and based on human compassion that Yahweh hates the shedding of innocent especially that of Israel. So here in Egypt the pagan worshipping, idol worshipping nation was trying to kill the children of Israel, little babies mind you. And have them brought into the river and oppressed the seed of Abraham. Scripture says in Proverbs 6:16 these six things Yahweh hates, seven are an abomination to him. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discord among brethren. So, hands that shed innocent blood are an abomination, big time. So Yahweh is obviously alarmed and alerted by what pharaoh is doing to the children of Abraham. And if you read the first part of Exodus, you will see Yahweh allowed the sons, one of the sons to remain alive and that son's name was Moses or Hebrew speaking Moshe. And the reason why it begotten Moses is because Greek has no "sha" sound, s-h sound. And so they got "Mose" and then they add the "s" because masculine names in Greek are always ending with an "s". And so Moshe became Moses. Anyway, Moshe was called to lead the children of Israel out of bondage and out of slavery into the Promised Land, the land flowing with milk and honey. And Moshe's purpose was to lead them and show them the way into the Promised Land. And to reveal to them the way of righteousness through the keeping of Yahweh's commandments.
And so Yahweh taught them his commandments, or I
should say taught us his commandments as well through that process. And he wanted all of them to be delivered from bondage, in the same way, he also wants us to be delivered from bondage. Exodus chapter 3 verses 7 say I have surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry. Because of their taskmasters for I know their sorrows. How did he know their sorrows?
Yahweh is timeless, Yahushua Ha Mashiach came
and suffered for us, and he knows what it's like to be whipped and beaten and killed. But he chose Moshe who wasn't really fond of the idea of being the one chosen. I mean he eventually went and through Moshe, plagues were sent down, flies, diseases on animals, lice, boils on animals, boils on men, locust, hail, darkness, all those plagues. And we don't have the time to go through all of those. But the final plague is the one we are going to zero in on because it's the one that's particularly relevant to Passover. Exodus chapter 11 in verse 4 Moshe said, " Thus says Yahweh about midnight I will go into the midst of Egypt and all of the firstborn of the land of Egypt shall die. From the firstborn of pharaoh who sits on his throne even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the handmill and all of the firstborn of animals. Then there shall be a great cry throughout all of the lands of Egypt such as was not like before nor shall be like it again. But against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue, against man or beasts. Then you may know that Yahweh w does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. So Yahweh made that distinction between Israel and Egypt like he did the other plagues and instructed the children of Israel, " in order to be delivered from this death, there is something that has to happen. And that is they have to keep Passover. Exodus chapter 12 verse 1 says now Yahweh spoke to Moshe and Aaron in the land of Egypt and said "this month shall be the beginning of moths and it shall be the first month of the year to you. We read earlier in Deuteronomy 16 that the month of Aviv, the month of the Aviv, they came out of Egypt. And so we know it's the first month because the same month is what's being spoken of here when Yahweh says " this shall be your beginning of months". Now how do you follow this when it's Passover? If you go to eliayh.com/calendar you can download the latest calendar based on the scriptures and you can receive a printed copy of that calendar that you can hang on your wall. And I have a copy here, of Yahweh's calendar 2017 and 2018. I'm not selling these, I can give them away. If you can't afford it, we can give them away to you. Open it up and it teaches you how to follow Yahweh's calendar as you seek to understand it, and what it means, the moon phases and so on. And then how to use this specific calendar is listed here as well. So for explanation and then on how to follow the calendar, you got the moon charts. Because Yahweh's calendar is based on the moon phases. and then you can see here that I have Roman dates tied in with the, well it says 328 and so I have Roman dates at 329 tied in with the dates here of Yahweh's calendar. The first month of the new sun and the month of Aviv is coming up here soon according to our present date as I'm giving this study. And so you can get this calendar, you can hang it on your wall and that way you can continue to follow the Roman calendar as you normally do. It's just that I'm going to make Yahweh's calendar the predominant one that we look at. Because we wanna be on his timetable as much as we can. And I am far more interested in his timetable than the timetable of some pagan emperor back in 46BC. All right, so looking here, and I also have the biblical dates. For instance, you see here the word came to Ezekiel, the events that took place in the bible. It says in the first month, the seventh day of the month, the word of Yahweh came to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 13 verse 20. So when that date comes up you can actually look up that day and look at the scripture and read about what's going on and kind of do your devotions that
way along with your family if you like.
And so it relays a way for us to kind of connect with Yahweh's calendar, but still, we have to know when things are according to the traditional calendar. But with that, we can get a more of a focus on what really matters. So this month of Aviv, you get this calendar at eliyah.com/calendar. E-l-i-y-a-h. com/calendar. So, this month of Aviv he says speak to the children of Israel starting on the tenth day of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. All right, so on the tenth day of Yahweh's New Year, the tenth day of the New Year, they would set aside a lamb, okay. And they would set aside This lamb and they would look at examine it, make sure it's without blemish. because one of the things that they had to do would be to make sure that that particular lamb had no blemish. It had to be perfect, okay. So it says a household too small for the lamb let them take him and his neighbor next to his house take it according to the number of persons, according to each man's need. You shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You can take it from the sheep or from the goats. That's Yahweh's command. Now, I should mention Yahushua's has called our Passover and so we have to understand the spiritual implications here. They would slaughter the lamb and it would leave an indellible imprint in their minds. Because I know for myself years ago we had a friend bring by some sheep. And we just wanted to have some lamb meat to roast. And he brought by a couple of sheep and he slit the
throat of the sheep, right there we were all around
the sheep. And I can tell you it sent chills up my spine.
Because when he has slaughtered the lamp,
first the lamp didn't know what was going on, it just followed us wherever, like the lamb that was slaughtered not knowing its life was going to end. And when he slit the throat of the lamb, it wasn't a suckling of lamb, it was a fairly large a yearling because it was its first year, it was full grown. This lamb moaned, it made this sound that was like it sounded like a human. It just kind of made this " oooh" sound just like that "oooh" and then it died. I tell you what? I'm talking something that sent chills up your spine and reminds you of a saviour who died for us. Very powerful. So, yeah we had some lamb meat and so were part of the process. And it was really amazing. But you know here the children of Israel, they are told to take one of the lambs they have the first year and they would slaughter that lamb. But they would take it aside and they had to make sure that the lamb did not have any blemishes. It was not crippled, it was not you know diseased in any way, and shall perform you know there is nothing unusual about it. But they had to make sure and so they took it aside
and they would examine it and make sure that its
okay and it wouldn't be allowed to be anything but the perfect lamb. Then we know Yahushua is a perfect lamb, right? Verse six now you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation shall kill it between the evening and they shall take the same amount of blood and then put it onto I believe it's at the 9th hour of the day, which doorposts on the mantel the houses were they eat it. Now, some controversy is to when between the evenings is?
happens to be the time Yahushua died for us.
This approximately would be 4 pm 3-4pm in the afternoon. But you know some people have a different understanding as to why that is. It says they shall eat the flesh on that night, roasted in the fire with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Do not eat it raw, or boiled with water. Roast it in the fire with its head and its legs, you shall let none of it remains until morning and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire. And that's oops. All right that's it. And so this is part of the Passover meal. They would partake of a lamp and it was all part
of this sacrificial process.
And thus you shall eat it with the belt on your waist with you sandals on your feet, your staff in your hands and you shall eat it in haste. It is Yahweh's Passover. This lamb is Yahweh's Passover, remember this for later. Everything I'm sharing with you here, what I'm looking at actually has a spiritual meaning which we are gonna get into a little bit later. A very relevant meaning for us as believers in Yahushua later. For I will pass through the land of Egypt at night and I will strike all the firstborn of the land of Egypt man or beast and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment I am Yahweh. So whatever idols that Egypt was thinking was real, they are gonna find out that there is nothing that can compete to Yahweh and there is no Elohim besides him. And this execution of judgment on the so-called gods of Egypt was actually an execution of judgment on Egypt themselves who were following those deities. And so the children of Israel killed these Passover lambs and put the blood from the Passover lamb with the lentil on the doorpost of their homes and the death angel would not enter that door and kill them. It would see the blood of the lamb and pass over. And so interestingly when they would partake of the Passover lamb, they would roast it. That means that they would tie the lamb to a piece of wood. I don't know if it was sort of like a rotisserie, if the lamb was tied to a stack and placed on a rotisserie or as they do, the Samaritans do this to this day. They have pits where they have fires in the pits and they tie the lamb to a long pole and they set the pole down into the pit and there they roast the lamb.
Do you see the connection?
Messiah was put on a stake it says he was killed on a
tree you see these are some of the things we are
gonna talk about as we get into it. But he was killed on the upright stake that's how I
would see it.
Probably there was an upright stake and it was kind of split off into two sort of like a "Y". And they placed that you know sort of like a rotisserie, placed the stick on there and then he was hung on the cross and then nailed to the bottom part of the tree. But you know you take the Passover lamb and put it on this stick you tie it to this stick. Cut it into rotisserie style you know. But I just think this really complete the picture. Now, Exodus 12:13 you're looking to be saved from death right? Now, the blood all be assigned for you on the houses where you are and when I see the blood I will Passover you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. Now his is all definitely pointing to Yahushua Ha Mashiach that when the angel passes over they are spared from death. We were also saved from death at the second Passover which we will talk about that. But this picture is being painted is very clear, instead of them dying the lamb died. Instead of them being killed, the lamb was killed, powerful. So this day shall be to you a memorial and you shall keep it as a feast to Yahweh through generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance. Everlasting ordinance, it doesn't stop. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread on the first day you shall remove the leavened from your houses. For whoever eats leavened bread on the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off. And we are gonna get into the reasons why spiritually speaking why we eat unleavened bread.
On the first day, there shall be a holy
convocation, on the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation for you. No amount of work shall be done on them, that which everyone must, that only may be prepared by you. So they are permitted to and we are permitted to on those feast days prepare and cook food.
But no customary work is permitted.
So, we do cook on those days. First day and last day of unleavened bread unless that happens to fall on a regular Sabbath. Verse 17, so you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread on the same day I will have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt, therefore, you shall observe this day throughout your generations as an everlasting ordinance, nonstop. Everlasting ordinance. It's a good thing to do because Yahushua died on the day of Passover and the picture was clearly seen at that point. Leviticus 23:4 also talks about this. But again a full study on Yahweh's calendar, how, when and where, I should say when. Go to eliya.com/Yahweh's calendar, it will teach
you how to follow Yahweh's calendar and find the
timing the timing of these holy days. The first day of unleavened bread and the last day of unleavened bread. Go to eliyah.com/calendar to actually download the calendar and order a calendar cluster calendar to be hung on your wall. So these are the feast of Yahweh, holy convocations, you shall proclaim with your appointed times Leviticus 23 verses 4 through 5, it says on the 14th day of the first month between the evening is Yahweh's Passover. So that particular time period, it is Yahweh's Passover. And of course it's at that time period Yahushua died
for our sins.
Wow, just think about that for a minute.
And the 15th day of the same month is the feast of
unleavened bread to Yahweh. Seven days you must eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation, you shall do no customary work on it, but you shall offer an offered meat to Yahweh by fire to Yahweh for 7 days. The seventh day shall be a holy convocation, you shall do no customary work on it. And then Exodus 12:18 says in the first month on the 14th day of the month at evening you shall eat unleavened bread until the 21st day of the month at evening, for seven days no leavened shall be found in your houses since whoever eats what's leavened that person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel. Whether he is a stranger or a native of the land. It doesn't make a difference, same law.
So what's leavening, how do you determine what
leavening is? Leavening is that which, I mean it's technically sourdough in scripture, sourdough. Because sourdough was used to you know, sourdough, sour because its full f yeast. They put that sour dough ball mixture in regular bread and the yeast was then transferred to the unleavened bread. And that bread would eventually rise and they would cook it. So, anything that would cause bread to rise I think would qualify as yeast or leavening agents.
Now I have a list of leavening agent that you
can be looking for and it's Baker's yeast Active dry yeast Baking powder Baking soda Cream of tartar Sourdough Carbonates and bicarbonates [? ] Ammonium potassium and dipotassium carbonate or bicarbonate The full list is at eliyah.com/leaven.html. How far you wanna go with that is up to your own personal convictions and beliefs. But these are the things that we try to get out of our house prior to Passover and it has a very powerful spiritual meaning behind it. Which we are going to get into here in the future segments. But it's on, it's something to do, it's a celebration. In the same way people, you know they make sure they get their Christmas gifts and they make sure they get their baskets of candy for their children. And they go out and they do things to make it happen to honour days that Yahweh never even mentions anywhere in scripture as being relevant to anything to do with Yahushua the Messiah. We also do these things that are fun and enjoyable and teach instructive and things that we can do to teach our children. And we live in a more complicated world, in the old days they had the sourdough ball, they would just toss it out and they were done. Sweep the house out and you are finished. Now we got all these ingredients and boxed food and it makes it more difficult to define leavening agents. But I'm glad they do have ingredients lists. But my advice is to prepare a month ahead of time. You know, go through on the ingredients list on the boxed foods you have and cans and set it aside Put it in a separate box and the eat those items from that box during the weeks to come. Make all your recipes trying to use the items that used these particular things that are in the box. If you have over abundance, you know maybe a week or so before Passover, try to get what you are going to use that week and any extra give it to a food pantry in town. You don't give them on the night of Passover, but maybe a week ahead of time you know give it to a food pantry or something. Otherwise, I feel like I'm passing my leavening onto somebody else, you know spiritually leavening represents sin and I don't wanna do that. So during that week, we eat no unleavened bread. It's a very awesome representation, the way sin operates a little leavening leavens the whole lump, you know you get where I'm going with this. It really has a really neat and interesting application in Messiah and the relevance to us as
believers in messiah.
And this is our ancestor's right? Because now we have identified ourselves with Israel and we commemorate that act. Because we are no longer strangers and foreigners. One time we were but now we are no longer strangers, we are no longer aliens. We were once Gentiles but now we are brought near by
the blood of Yahushua Ha Mashiach, right?
At one time we weren't but now we are brought near, we are abiding in the vine, right? We are brought near to the commonwealth of Israel. I repeat myself I know I do because some of you are going, " this is really shocking, you are saying this?" Yeah, I'm saying it. Actually, I'm not saying it, I mean Paul said it, Yahweh said it through Paul. Okay. So Moshe called for all elder of Israel and said, " Pick out lambs and take for yourselves according to your families and kill the Passover lamb. And you shall take a bunch of hyssop dip it in the blood in the bason and strike the lentil and the two broad posts with the blood that's in the bason and now you shall go out the door of his house until morning. For Yahweh will pass through to strike the Egyptians and when he sees the blood on the lentil and the two broad posts Yahweh will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses it strike you. And you shall observe this thing as the ordinance for you and your sons forever. It will come to pass when you come into the land, Yahweh will give just as he promised you shall keep this service. And it shall be when your children will say to you 'what do you mean by this service?' That you shall say 'it is the Passover sacrifice of the Yahweh who passed over the houses of the children of Israel and he struck the Egyptians and delivered our households. So that people bowed their heads and worshipped'. And it all matters today, it's all relevant today because we can use this as an opportunity to teach our children not only what Yahweh did with Israel, but what he does with us on a personal level. I'm gonna be sharing more about this in our next segment. But Passover has a tremendous amount of relevance to us as believers in Yahushua. Yes, it's true, we are not taking a literal physical lamb and bringing it to a priest and we are not. But we do have Yahushua our lamb. And let me tell you, tune into the next segment and probably the third segment and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. How powerful and amazing and awesome it truly is. Because everything Yahweh does is awesome.
And his Passover is awesome and his son
Yahushua the Messiah is awesome and everything he does has meaning and relevance and importance to us as his people. But before we close out, let's pray;
Oh, father Yahweh we just pray in the name of
Yahushua you instruct us, teach us what you want to teach us through Passover, through the feast of unleavened bread.
Teach us how amazing and awesome you are, build up
our faith. Oh, father we see that your word is amazing, how you can write our own personal planet salvation in the history of a nation; you are just amazing. We thank you for your word, we thank you for your promises and most of all we thank you for Yahushua the Messiah our lamb that was slain on the day of Passover. It's through his name we pray all these things. For truly yours are the kingdom and power and glory and majesty forever and ever. And all praise honour and worship belongs to you. Yahweh Elohim, Yahweh our mighty one forever and ever. In Yahushua's great name we pray. Amein.

This archive is from the EliYah.com Live Video Broadcast