Baggage & Traditions
A short but very pointed, heart searching study on the importance of inspecting our baggage, the traditional assumptions and thought patterns we bring into our perspectives on how to live our lives.
A short but very pointed, heart searching study on the importance of inspecting our baggage, the traditional assumptions and thought patterns we bring into our perspectives on how to live our lives.
En EspaƱol Printable tract now available: “Is the Savior Merry about Christmas?“ Tradition Sometimes tradition is acceptable and perhaps even pleasing in the sight of Yahweh. But other times it is not acceptable and can even be hated by Him. When our Savior walked the earth in the first century, He didn’t […]
In the fall, we participate in the great celebration called the “Feast of Tabernacles“. We have been so very blessed by this feast with the fellowship, praising our Creator and giving honor to Yahweh throughout the feast. Each year, we learn new things about what Yahweh wants for us in […]
Watch a full 70 minute video entitled,“Shining Yahweh’s Light on the Darkness of Halloween“ Tradition Halloween is one of many modern observances that we have inherited from our fathers, yet we do not find it in scripture. Rather, one look at the history of the ‘unholi-day’ will yield the truth […]
I once read a story somewhere that went something like this: When I grew up, I was brought up on very high moral standards. We were expected to have manners, to love Yahweh and to always do the right thing. However when I was about 8 years old, my parents […]
In light of the war on terror and recent world events, many of us have spent a good deal of time reading the news and learning about all the ins and outs of what has and may take place. There is no shortage of news items on nearly anything imaginable […]
Upon first appearance of this web page you might be inclined to think its just another website offering their version of the truth. Perhaps you are a bit confused at all the various statements found here. Many years ago, when I decided to believe in what is called the bible, […]
Baptist: Sunday Sabbath not in the scriptures “There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not on Sunday…It will be said, however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of […]