ABUSE: What is it? How do we solve it?
Abuse is all too common in households of faith among us. Learn how scripture defines "abuse," and how to resolve it.
Abuse is all too common in households of faith among us. Learn how scripture defines "abuse," and how to resolve it.
It’s amazing what damage our words can do. It can indeed be a matter of life or death. Our words can lead our children down the path of despair, or to the Promised Land. It's time to resolve it!
Husbands cut the wives, wives cut the husbands, and the whole family bleeds. What is verbal abuse and how can we resolve it?
Prefer Video? Watch a video version of this same study Related Articles: ABUSE: What is it? How do we Solve it? | Resolving Verbal Abuse of Children | Resolving Verbal Abuse in Marriage | Healing from Abuse (Coming soon) Up until now we have addressed the topic of verbal abuse […]
It is not possible to love the Heavenly Father unless you also have brotherly love. Full study on this very important topic.
We must through many trials and tribulations enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Learn how to respond and overcome these trials and tribulations.
Perhaps often times we do not realize it when we follow the example of the Israelites in the wilderness on their way to the promised land. The Israelites trek into the land flowing with milk and honey is symbolic of our own journey to the promised land when Yahushua returns […]
Many are the studies on this website dealing with the importance of keeping Yahweh’s commandments. It is clear from the word that Yahweh’s law is the standard of righteousness for all mankind. However, it is true that we have ALL failed to live up to that standard. So what is […]
All throughout scripture we are told that we should trust in Yahweh. The importance of trust cannot be underestimated. It is written: There is a lot to be said in this scripture. Much of what can hinder trust revolves around what is perhaps the greatest enemy of trust, that is […]
Strife is everywhere in this day an age. On the television, on the radio, in the congregation, on forums, chat rooms, emails, newsgroups, and in the home. The following study is to examine what strife is, the causes of it and how to avoid it. I would like to preface […]
There is a serious need to address Yahweh’s requirement for righteous judgment amongst the people of this age. Righteous judgment is needed in society, in the assembly, and in our homes. Today, we live in a society of instant everything. Everything from instant meals to instant news and information. With […]
Guarding our Mouth Here are some scriptures to consider. Do you desire life? Guarding our mouth is nearly impossible apart from Yahweh: If we can bridle the tongue, we can also bridle the whole body! Even so, the tongue is so set that it defiles our whole body!! continuing in […]
There is no shortage of scriptures telling us that we must love our brother. Yahushua commanded it: Not just in word but in deed…as He did He loves us…and His works proved it. It wasn’t Him saying ‘I love you my brothers’ that revealed His love for us but…His action […]
I once read a story somewhere that went something like this: When I grew up, I was brought up on very high moral standards. We were expected to have manners, to love Yahweh and to always do the right thing. However when I was about 8 years old, my parents […]
In light of the war on terror and recent world events, many of us have spent a good deal of time reading the news and learning about all the ins and outs of what has and may take place. There is no shortage of news items on nearly anything imaginable […]
There is a sin that is in every place man is. Before I begin I want all to know that I also in some ways discover myself falling short of this sin at times. This I say so that I would not appear as a hypocrite to Yahweh. But I […]
It is written: Yahweh declared this prophecy to obliterate Amalek and Yahweh chose a certain man to perform it: This is the first clue of the purpose in Saul’s heart. He had set up a memorial for himself in Carmel. And for what?He was only attempting to do what Yahweh […]
Yahushua was the ultimate example of a servant. He set before us a principle of righteous servanthood that we should be heeding in all places at all times: This is the challenge set before us. Are you one in authority? Are you a boss at work, a minister or elder […]
Why is it that so many people become believers in Messiah for a time but soon fall away back into the same sinful condition they were in before or perhaps even worse? For many it is because they fail to eat. We must eat food if we expect out physical […]
While this study is entitled “The Role of Women in the Body of Messiah” it is actually more than that. It is about the role of both men and women in the assembly, and in the home. They are all related and quite inseparable. I believe Yahweh wants to give us […]
Let’s ponder the question “To whom shall we go?” When we see a ‘hard saying’ in His word, it isn’t the source that we ought to question but always ask “What is its meaning as Yahweh intended?” Is Yahweh enough? Do we need more? Are we seeking other things to […]
Peace in Hebrew is “Shalom”. His shalom! One of the things that is reaped from sin is: Clearly this is a picture of a person without peace in their life. But we are told to seek peace: And again: These things should be sought with others ..with those that call […]
In this verse we have two “religions” The complete truth is not to be found in either religion, at least in their traditional forms. We need to walk right in the center of both of them– minus the false traditions of men. Men and brethren, we must cleave to both […]
This study was done out of a desire to have more prayer and more pleasing prayer to Yahweh in my own life. So it is my hope that the scriptures which convict my heart will also convict others. When studying this subject of prayer, I was very shocked first of […]
One of the fundamental aspects of our faith is Repentance Repentance is a foundational doctrine of our faith as this scripture declares, however I believe it is rarely understood fully. We are told in the book of Acts to: It is the first step for an unbeliever to repent. But […]
Some have asked why I believe it is acceptable for a person to receive donations as a full time minister. This short study will explain, from scripture, why it is not only acceptable, but normal. For over 18 years, I operated this ministry as a part-time endeavor. But in 11/2013, […]
2 VIDEO TEACHINGS ON THIS TOPIC: Head coverings for Men | Head Coverings for Women The subject of head coverings has been a source of much confusion for many believers in the Messiah. However, in this study it will be evident that the reason why it is a source of […]
The reason I have this mini-study here is to help any who are having difficulty overcoming certain temptations in their lives. It was written to edify and help the others overcome all kinds of temptation. Anyone who thinks that they are too high and mighty to be tempted are only […]