Kingdom of Yahweh

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Developing a Kingdom Vision | Gifts and Callings for the Kingdom The body of Messiah is often in many ways pretty fragmented today. It is obvious that we don’t all believe exactly the same in every biblical doctrine, but I do believe that there is one thing that we all agree on: […]

Developing a Kingdom Vision

Developing a Kingdom Vision

When Yahweh created Adam and Eve from the dust of the ground, He didn't just sit them in a glass case and say, "Look at what I did!" He created them to accomplish something, namely to take dominion over and subdue the earth, to tend a garden and to keep it. To be fruitful and multiply. He had a vision for them. He also has a vision for all of us as a new creation in the Messiah

Spiritual Gifts and Callings for the Kingdom

Spiritual Gifts and Callings for the Kingdom

Learn your spiritual gift! Yahweh has given each and every one of us gifts, talents and callings that can be used for the advancement of His Kingdom and taking dominion over the earth for Him.

Startling Facts about the Kingdom to Come

Startling Facts about the Kingdom to Come

Many are the web sites and books that are out there teaching about prophecy. It seems that everyone has their own opinion about the events that are taking place in this world as it relates to prophecy. I just wish that more people would pay attention to what the coming […]