Sabbath Day

Importance of 7th Day Sabbath Observance among believers

Importance of 7th Day Sabbath Observance among believers

Yahweh considered the Sabbath so important, so necessary for His human creation, that He kept it Himself. In fact, the final achievement in His creation of the vast universe–the last act He performed–was to bless, sanctify and rest on the  seventh day: The Sabbath was important enough to be included […]

Is the Sabbath for Today?

Is the Sabbath for Today?

Many Christians, when asked if they believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, answer with a resounding “Yes!”. Many will even have (often excerpts) of the Ten Commandments hanging on their walls in prominent places in house. All too often however, those ten commandments that they believe so much in keeping […]

Can we Choose the Day we Observe as Sabbath?

Can we Choose the Day we Observe as Sabbath?

The following verse in Romans 14 is often cited as a reason for keeping the Sabbath on a day of our own choosing, or at least choosing the day in which we personally begin a 7 day week. So is this scripture in Romans 14 justifying the idea that that […]

Does it matter which day we observe the Sabbath?

Does it matter which day we observe the Sabbath?

Many have said that they believe that we should be keeping the Sabbath on the first day of the week (Sunday). Others say that we should keep every day as a Sabbath. What does the word of Yahweh have to say about these things? Lets examine the first statement concerning the first […]

The Sabbath is Necessary for Spiritual Development and Growth

The Sabbath is Necessary for Spiritual Development and Growth

Why is it that so many people become believers in Messiah for a time but soon fall away back into the same sinful condition they were in before or perhaps even worse? For many it is because they fail to read Yahweh’s word. Absorbing His word into our minds can […]

Yahushua and the disciples kept the Sabbath

Yahushua and the disciples kept the Sabbath

In this study we will examine the Scriptures, which show that Yahushua and the disciples did indeed observe and keep the Sabbath day. Yahushua Messiah kept the Sabbath Many say that Yahushua defended Himself and His disciples for breaking the Sabbath. Think about this for a moment…If Yahushua broke the […]

How Should we Keep the Sabbath?

How Should we Keep the Sabbath?

Those who think that since we are in Yahushua, everyday is the Sabbath would think twice if they knew that if this were the case, then they would never be permitted to work or do anything having to do with our own pleasures on the Sabbath. There are many blessings […]

The Disciples Kept the Sabbath 85 Times in the book of Acts

The Disciples Kept the Sabbath 85 Times in the book of Acts

There are many scriptures verifying the Sabbath day being the 7th day of the week. All throughout the ‘New testament’, the first day of the week is called “The first day of the week” and the 7th day of the week is called “The Sabbath”. This fact alone should prove […]

Roman Catholic and Protestant confessions about “Sunday”

Roman Catholic and Protestant confessions about “Sunday”

Baptist: Sunday Sabbath not in the scriptures “There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not on Sunday…It will be said, however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of […]

When Does the Sabbath Start?

When Does the Sabbath Start?

In modern culture, most of us have been raised to believe that a new day begins at midnight. There is no scriptural precedent for this belief and the way that midnight is reckoned today would be impossible without mechanical clocks. Since Yahweh is the one who created days and nights, […]

Beware of the “Lunar Sabbath”

Beware of the “Lunar Sabbath”

IN GERMAN: ( Vorsicht vor dem Mond-Sabbat.pdf ) Note: This article on the Lunar Sabbath is completely original and was initially written & posted in 2008. You may find that other ministries have used this article in various ways as well, and that’s fine. They have my permission. If you are new to […]