Feast of Tabernacles Feedback

We host a Feast of Tabernacles gathering every year and here is what people have said about it

“Our spiritual experience was amazing. The unity and love in this body was like no other we have ever experienced. Thank you so much for hosting this and we truly look forward to next year.”

“Overall, the experience was great. The attitudes of the people were the most impressive – humility, patience, and no judgment.”

“The activities were fantastic!! Me and my daughter both now know our aleph-bet and she participated in making the shofar which she really liked and we have also been looking for thread and beads to start making tassels for all our outfits. Praise and worship were amazing and so uplifting. The Daughters of light meeting was phenomenal! That was so uplifting and encouraging. To say the least it was hard to leave!! Everyone was just so wonderful 🙂

I really enjoyed the building up of families. Unfortunately I am a single mother but it edified me as well all of the things that I heard and seen. My daughter who is nine could not get enough and cried the day we had to leave. The teachings and the fellowship and unity are just invaluable to me and my family. I look forward to next year Yahweh willing. This is exactly what we have been looking for!” “The campground was very pleasant. Enjoyed my daily walks around the site. It was clean, which made my walk that much more enjoyable. Loved looking under the Missouri skies, at night, at those beautiful stars.”

“I loved it!  Every single minute.  It was such a refreshing week for me and hang onto the memories daily so I can keep on plugging.”

“When I journeyed to Steelville I was in dire need of a spiritual refill. I received much more than my share of uplifting lessons and experiences. I left Steelville steeped in the agape love of Yahweh, Yahshua and the people who are my brothers and sisters.”

“I so love and appreciate how everyone got along without dissension! Although we aren’t on the same page in regard to various points like head coverings and tsittsit I heard no arguments or complaints! The replica of the Tabernacle and grounds was an awesome experience! It helped me to imagine what it would have been like for our ancestors to approach His presence. So many talked about how they enjoyed every single thing y’all had for us to do! I didn’t participate in everything but know others that went to activities I didn’t …. everyone was pleased and thankful for the planning, preparation, and work that went in to every little detail.”

“The teachings were great and we enjoyed the Hebrew classes. The men’s meetings were the best I have ever attended.”

“I felt Yahweh there so much. There was both conviction and being uplifted. I saw and learned many truths. The time there was the very best time I have ever had.”

“It was a beautiful park, the site was very nice and the buildings were also great. Cell service would have been a plus incase we needed to be reached (but kinda nice to also be away from it). The staff did a good job.” “I liked the teachings and I believe it was an overall Spirit filled experience, you never know what it will be like when you meet other Brothers and Sisters, in terms of your way of worship and their way of worship, but my experience was quite pleasant and I enjoyed the freedom to shout Halleluyah!!!, I also enjoyed the laying of hands and prayer after being Immersed.” “I have never felt so much love or happiness, I will never forget this experience!” “My family was greatly blessed. Our plate was filled to overflowing. The beautiful bond of brotherhood so evident and present in the camp, and with the times of my/my family’s visits with individuals/families – was really hard to drive away from.” “I was pregnant and had a 2 year old who needs to be up and moving so I love that I was able to listen to the Torah reading and the music on the big speaker while staying in my tent that was a really nice bonus. Getting baptized was the icing on top.”

“The teachings and worship were great, loved Hebrew class. Daily Torah reading over the loudspeaker was very nice to still be able to hear from the campsite on the days we didn’t go to the Sukkot. Woman’s gathering was also great fellowship and teaching. Very uplifting experience. Men’s gathering was a time of bonding. Overall I would not change a thing. It was the best trip we have ever had.”

“I was exceedingly blessed and impressed by both the planning and execution of it by the council. I was well fed with the teachings, edified by the fellowship, stirred by the music and through everyone and everything I drew closer to YHWH and Yahshua.”

“The overall experience was awesome. we found ourselves engulfed in the spirit of the Yahweh.”

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