Learn how to make your own tassels (Tzitzit) with the following video and instructions:
String material for making tassels can be found at most any department store. The thickness of your string is a personal preference, but we prefer crochet thread.

Step 1. Cut the strings
Once you get your thread, cut them to the following lengths.
- 1 blue string 48” long
- 3 white strings 36” long.
Step 2. Line Up the Strings
Combine the four strings together and make sure they’re lined up evenly one only one side. The blue string will hang lower than the rest.
Using some kind of hook type surface such as a coat hanger (one sister even uses her big toe 🙂 ), fold them in half around the hook so that the white strings all match up evenly. Again, the blue string will be longer than the rest.
Step 3. Wrap the strings
We wrap the blue strings around the tassel a certain number of times, corresponding to the letters in the Hebrew alphabet that make up Yahweh’s name (Yod Heh Waw Heh = 10 5 6 5).
Follow these instructions, step by step. comparing them with the above video:
Yod (10)
Yod is the 10th letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
- After having folded all the strings in half as mentioned above, tie the strings together just like the first step in tying your shoes, but don’t tighten the strings around the hook. You’ll want to leave a loop about an inch in diameter for tying the tassel to a garment.
- Tie the strings together again just like the first step in tying your shoes but tighten it this time up against the first one to create a knot.
- Separate the longer blue string from the others and wrap it around the now 6 white strings a total of 10 times.
Heh (5)
Heh is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
- Split the strings into a pair of three whites, adding the blue string to the side without a blue string.
- Tie the strings together just like the first step in tying your shoes and tighten it against the 10 wraps of blue strings.
- Tie the strings together again and tighten it against the the first one to create a knot.
- Separate the long blue string from the others and wrap it around the 6 white strings a total of 5 times.
Waw (6)
Heh is the 6th letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
- Split the strings into a pair of three whites, adding the blue string to the side without a blue string.
- Tie the strings together and tighten it against the 5 wraps of blue strings.
- Tie the strings together again and tighten it against the the first one to create a knot.
- Separate the long blue string from the others and wrap it around the 6 white strings a total of 6 times.
Heh (5)
Again, Heh is the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
- Split the strings into a pair of three whites, adding the blue string to the side without a blue string.
- Tie the strings together and tighten it against the 6 wraps of blue strings.
- Tie the strings together again and tighten it against the the first one to create a knot.
- Separate the long blue string from the others and wrap it around the 6 white strings a total of 5 times.
The tassel now numerically spells out YHWH (Yahweh):

Step 4. Complete the tassel
- Split the strings into a pair of three whites, adding the blue string to the side without a blue string.
- Tie the strings together and tighten it against the 5 wraps of blue strings.
- Tie the strings together again and tighten it against the the first one to create a knot.
- Do all four tassels the same way, and then line them up, putting the loops through your finger, and then cut them to the desired length. After cutting, you may choose put small knots at the end of each string to keep the strings from being frayed at the ends. This is more important with looser, yarn-like string material.
If you want to store them, we suggest putting one of the strings left over from the cutting through the loops and tying it in a bow at the top. This will help to keep them from getting tangled.
If for some reason you are unable to make them, click here to request a free set.
Tassel-making Ministry Opportunity
Since we began offering free sets of tassels we have been inundated with hundreds of requests for tassels (resulting in hundreds of hours worth of work to be done!). If you want to fulfill an important role in the body of Messiah, we need volunteers who are willing to send us sets of tassels. We are far behind what we are able to make and send out. This is an important need, for it is helping brothers and sisters keep Yahweh’s commandments. If you are wanting to help, please send your tassel sets to:
PO Box 1255
Ava, MO 65608
PLEASE DO NOT USE NAVY BLUE when making your sets. May Yahweh be magnified as we all work together to help one another walk in His will for our lives.