In The Know
Wouldn’t it be nice to know what’s going to happen before it does? I mean the little things in life. Before the pot of spaghetti sauce hits the floor. Before the sink of water overflows Read more…
Welcome to the Daughters of Light Platform.
Our goal was – and is – to bring connection among the sisters and build relationships, lasting relationships. We are building a network among the women to encourage, support, help, and empower each other, Torah-observant style, honoring Yahweh and Yahushua. We are committed to building lasting relationships, not just beyond Sukkot, but for years to come.
Meet the Daughters Of Light Team on the MEET THE TEAM page. Our primary goal is to continue to build an outreach ministry that networks, supports, and guides women in their life calling, roles they have chosen, and the gifts they are learning to develop.
As women we need connection, relationship, harmony. We are motivated when we feel cherished. We are receptive when we feel validated. We are fulfilled through sharing and relating because we glean from our own experiences and vulnerabilities to teach and prepare others for their lives. It creates community, even if it’s just a smile we share.
Check out the ITINERARY page for this year’s Sukkot. Learn about Sukkot this year (2024) here.
If you’re on Facebook, we have a public page, the Daughters Of Light (DOL) Team. Connect and encourage women all over the country/internationally.
Scroll down to the DOL Team Posts and meet the team members in daily life.
Contact us with any suggestions you have and let us known what you think!
Yahweh bless you.
The Daughters Of Light team are excited to announce that Volume 2 will be available in print, at no cost to you!
Subscribe below. Prefer the digital copy? No problem. Access the digital copy here.
If you joined us for Sukkot and you are between 16-20 years old, you may have received a hope chest. In the hope chest is a booklet, entitled Waiting For Yahweh’s Best. If you didn’t join us at Sukkot, but you are curious, or you would like to learn more, we invite you to come and join us, starting October 2024. More details here.
You can access the Jenkins story here.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know what’s going to happen before it does? I mean the little things in life. Before the pot of spaghetti sauce hits the floor. Before the sink of water overflows Read more…
Everyone is familiar with the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31. She is the ideal woman-type who is well-rounded in character, personality, and productivity. I often think what the Proverbs 31 Woman would be in modern Read more…
When life swamps me and I feel like I’m barely above water, I wonder how the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31 did it. I really do. Looking back, I’ve planned and worked to stay ahead Read more…
I don’t know how it goes with you, but with me, when life rains upon me, it pours. When life gets busy, I feel so busy that it’s hard to slow down. Sometimes I’m up Read more…
I never really gave it miuch thought. Actually, I would most likely conclude that therapy is a modern concept, not a Scriptural one. while there is no “direct” instructions about therapy in the New Testament/Covenant, Read more…