Scripture Calendar

Download a FREE PDF file of the 2024-25 calendar. These include “January to early March 2025” of the Roman calendar.

This calendar is probably unlike anything you have ever seen before.

I know from experience that since the entire world is following the Roman/Gregorian calendar, keeping track of Yahweh’s calendar on a daily basis can be a great challenge. Since it’s 2 calendars in one, this calendar can help all of us make the transition.

The calendar is set up to be simple to use and makes it much easier to regularly keep track of Yahweh’s timetable. In the prophetic days ahead, this will become more and more important.

Why not start now? Here are the features of this calendar.

– Yahweh’s New months begin with the first visible crescent. See the full study on Yahweh’s calendar for details.
– Full explanation of how to use the calendar, and how to find the new moon.
– Mini study on why it’s important to follow Yahweh’s calendar.
– Each month gives you both the biblical date and the Roman/Gregorian date for each day of the month.
– Whenever a biblical event has taken place on a particular day of the month, this calendar will inform you of the event and where you can find it in the scriptures. You can follow along with your family as part of your daily bible study!
– Moon visibility charts are included for each month so you can better know when the crescent moon will be seen and the biblical month to begin.
– A brief teaching or overview of each month is provided along with associated scriptures.
– Feast dates and the omer count are marked.
– Because we don’t know where you are personally located, each month offers 2 possible days on which you can start a new month. For instance, if you were unable to see the new moon in your area or if you prefer to go according to the sighting in Jerusalem, this calendar will allow you two possible starting dates. You just flip to the one that matches your situation or convictions.

Feast Days

The current calendar will show the 2024 feast dates, moon charts and more. The 2025 Feast Dates are on the right…

In 2024, Aviv barley was seen in Israel on 3/12/24. We are not expecting Aviv barley to be seen in Israel this year on 3/1/25.

The 2025 Holy Days are expected to be on 4/14, 4/20, 6/1, 9/24, 10/3, 10/8 and 10/15 here in Missouri USA with the holy days actually beginning on sunset of the previous Roman date.

These are 2025 Feast dates if Aviv (edible) barley
is NOT seen in Israel on 3/1/2024 (likely).

Request printed copies of the calendar

You have the option of donating to support this project, but if you can’t afford to donate, we will send you one for free. To request printed copies of this calendar, fill out the form below. Please only request the amount you will actually use.

Order the NEW 2024 Calendar here:

    You must use the above order form to receive a calendar even if you donate.

    To donate online, click:

    You can also mail in a donation to: Calendar Project
    PO Box 1255
    Ava, MO 65608

    (Please still use the above order form even if you mail in a donation)