Truth Tracts

Truth tracts for proclaiming the Way of Yahweh to others. Download free PDF files to print or request printed copies.

Sow seeds of truth with truth tracts.

Tracts are an excellent way to sow seeds of Yahweh’s word to the world around us. If we truly love our neighbor, we will care enough about them to share Yahweh’s truth with them.

Luke 11:33- “No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those who come in may see the light.”

Matthew 5:14- “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.”

So we are called to be a light on a hill, not a lamp under a basket. We ought not be ashamed of our faith, but consider it an honor to be a child of the King and seek to proclaim His ways to all. Any light persecution we might receive at this moment in history is nothing compared to what the true believers experienced in former generations. We ought to take advantage of this opportunity and diligently share Yahweh’s ways with everyone around us.

For this purpose, I have written some tracts for proclaiming Yahweh’s truths to all the world. Click the links below to read and/or download them. If you like them, print them out and pass them along.

You are free to edit/change the content of these tracts, but please remove the link to this website if you choose to do that.

Request printed copies

If you don’t have any way to print your own tracts, a limited quantity of color printed tracts can be sent to you through the mail. Just fill out the form below!

Please limit the total quantity of tracts to 125 per order. 

If you really do need more than 125, please explain in the comments form the reason why you want more and why you cannot print your own. We might be able to print more for you.