
Yahushua said Violation of the Law will Abound

Yahushua said Violation of the Law will Abound

Let’s examine something that Yahushua predicted would come: Yahushua is speaking here that during the latter days false prophets will arise. Apparently this will cause ‘iniquity’ to abound. It is interesting to do a word study on this word ‘iniquity’ that is translated from the Greek language into our own. […]

Has the Law Been Fulfilled?

Has the Law Been Fulfilled?

Yahushua tells us to not even THINK he came to destroy the law or prophets. Let alone believe it! If you say that He came and abolished the law, then you are saying He came to destroy. In fact, the dictionary defines the word “Abolish” as “To destroy completely”. The […]

The Key to Salvation

The Key to Salvation

In this verse we have two “religions” The complete truth is not to be found in either religion, at least in their traditional forms.  We need to walk right in the center of both of them– minus the false traditions of men. Men and brethren, we must cleave to both […]

Why We Must Believe Yahushua is the Messiah

Why We Must Believe Yahushua is the Messiah

In recent years, there have been more and more attacks on the validity of Yahushua being the Messiah. The purpose of this study is not to refute every claim, but to demonstrate (primarily from the Tanakh/old testament) that Yahushua is the Messiah. A major key to this will be demonstrating […]

The Importance of True Repentance

The Importance of True Repentance

One of the fundamental aspects of our faith is Repentance Repentance is a foundational doctrine of our faith as this scripture declares, however I believe it is rarely understood fully. We are told in the book of Acts to: It is the first step for an unbeliever to repent. But […]

Did the Messiah say the Heavenly Father’s Name?

Did the Messiah say the Heavenly Father’s Name?

There are some who believe that the Messiah only referred to Yahweh as “The Father” or believe that Yahushua also followed the doctrine that states Yahweh’s name is too holy to pronounce. But this was one of many false teachings coming out of that era. Yahushua flatly condemned those who […]

Yahushua is the True Name of the Messiah

Yahushua is the True Name of the Messiah

Note that Joshua = Yoshua or Yahushua because there is no “J” sound in Hebrew. The “J” with its “J” sound didn’t come into the English language until about 500 years ago. In fact, the “J” isn’t even found in the original 1611 King James version. (proof) The purpose of […]

Yahushua’s Name Foretold in Zechariah!

Yahushua’s Name Foretold in Zechariah!

Here are some scriptures that show the “Branch” to be the future Messiah Here is Yahushua’s name prophesied Joshua is pronounced Yahushua in the original Hebrew because Hebrew has no “J” or “J” sound So the Scripture is saying: “Behold (or look) the man (Yahushua) whose NAME is the BRANCH!” […]

The Ministry of Yahushua

The Ministry of Yahushua

The following video was recorded at the Feast of Tabernacles in Steelville, Missouri where Yahweh touched and healed many hearts with His grace and love. Don’t miss it!