
Baggage & Traditions

Baggage & Traditions

A short but very pointed, heart searching study on the importance of inspecting our baggage, the traditional assumptions and thought patterns we bring into our perspectives on how to live our lives.

The Message of Truth?

The Message of Truth?

Upon first appearance of this web page you might be inclined to think its just another website offering their version of the truth. Perhaps you are a bit confused at all the various statements found here. Many years ago, when I decided to believe in what is called the bible, […]

The Key to Salvation

The Key to Salvation

In this verse we have two “religions” The complete truth is not to be found in either religion, at least in their traditional forms.  We need to walk right in the center of both of them– minus the false traditions of men. Men and brethren, we must cleave to both […]

The Ineffable Name Doctrine and Christianity

The Ineffable Name Doctrine and Christianity

The “ineffable name” doctrine, a doctrine that teaches we should not pronounce our Heavenly Father’s Name, appears as early as the 150 AD/CE in the works of Justin Martyr, a Samaritan convert to Christianity. Justin made a special point about his many discussions with the Jews, discussions which apparently greatly […]

The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Gate

Listen to the Audio version here. One of the questions I often receive from those who are new to this walk or scoff at what we believe is, “How can it be that all of these people are deceived?”. Yahushua said to strive to enter the strait/narrow gate. According to […]