
Paul never said the Law was Abolished. Read for yourself.

Paul never said the Law was Abolished. Read for yourself.

While it is true that we are saved by grace through faith, it is also true scripture teaches that part of repentance is a sincere effort to keep the commandments found in Yahweh’s law (Hebrew: torah). The following is a collection of clear scriptures showing that Paul never taught that […]

The Law: For Jews only?

The Law: For Jews only?

In this study, I would like to deal with a very common misconception. Some are under the guise that I have “rejected Christian holidays in favor of Jewish ones”. For various reasons, it is commonly believed that certain things in the word of Yahweh are “Jewish”. For instance, some say […]

Yahushua said Violation of the Law will Abound

Yahushua said Violation of the Law will Abound

Let’s examine something that Yahushua predicted would come: Yahushua is speaking here that during the latter days false prophets will arise. Apparently this will cause ‘iniquity’ to abound. It is interesting to do a word study on this word ‘iniquity’ that is translated from the Greek language into our own. […]

What it Means to be “Under the Law”

What it Means to be “Under the Law”

I would begin with a warning that this study is somewhat deep. This study will require a certain level of concentration. Please pray before reading this. May Yahweh guide us all! (Yahweh is the name of our Heavenly Father) To everyone I would like to ask the question “Are you […]

Has the Law Been Fulfilled?

Has the Law Been Fulfilled?

Yahushua tells us to not even THINK he came to destroy the law or prophets. Let alone believe it! If you say that He came and abolished the law, then you are saying He came to destroy. In fact, the dictionary defines the word “Abolish” as “To destroy completely”. The […]

Can we Choose the Day we Observe as Sabbath?

Can we Choose the Day we Observe as Sabbath?

The following verse in Romans 14 is often cited as a reason for keeping the Sabbath on a day of our own choosing, or at least choosing the day in which we personally begin a 7 day week. So is this scripture in Romans 14 justifying the idea that that […]

The Key to Salvation

The Key to Salvation

In this verse we have two “religions” The complete truth is not to be found in either religion, at least in their traditional forms.  We need to walk right in the center of both of them– minus the false traditions of men. Men and brethren, we must cleave to both […]

The Importance of True Repentance

The Importance of True Repentance

One of the fundamental aspects of our faith is Repentance Repentance is a foundational doctrine of our faith as this scripture declares, however I believe it is rarely understood fully. We are told in the book of Acts to: It is the first step for an unbeliever to repent. But […]

Colossians 2: Handwriting of Ordinances

Colossians 2: Handwriting of Ordinances

This is what the remaining section of Colossians chapter 2 is all about. This theme remains constant throughout but men have tried to change it to Yahweh’s commandments rather than the commandments and traditions of men. So we need none other doctrines because we are complete in Yahushua who is […]

Do we Only Keep the Ten Commandments?

Do we Only Keep the Ten Commandments?

Periodically, we will come across a news item where the Ten Commandments were posted in a public place and the lawsuits that arise out of it. I’ve seen the Ten Commandments posted on the lawns and in the homes of people who profess to believe in them. Indeed, there seems […]

Walking in the Spirit vs. Keeping the Law?

Walking in the Spirit vs. Keeping the Law?

There are some who believe walking in the Spirit is something completely different walking in obedience to the law of Yahweh. Let’s begin by looking at a few scriptures that deal with this: Whatever it means to walk according to the Spirit, it sure sounds wonderful because there is no […]

1 Timothy 1: “The law is not for a righteous person”

1 Timothy 1: “The law is not for a righteous person”

This is a study on the first chapter of Timothy, a chapter sometimes used to in response to anyone who believes we should observe Yahweh’s commandments in the Torah/law. (En EspaƱol) Whenever we read one of Paul’s epistles that it is very important to note who he is writing to. […]

Forget Not to Love Yahweh!

Forget Not to Love Yahweh!

I would like to say to all people: Forget not to love Yahweh!  Yahushua the Messiah is the perfect example. He is the ultimate pattern of righteousness. Lets examine a comment that He made concerning the law of Yahweh: Yahushua did teach that the essence of the Law and Prophets […]

Yahweh’s Torah, A Way of Life

Yahweh’s Torah, A Way of Life

Consider for a moment what Yahushua said concerning the Torah: Yahushua did teach that the essence of the Law and Prophets was love. All the commandments written have to do with loving Yahweh and/or loving our neighbor. Some would say that if you do these commandments, you need not follow […]

Tassels (Tzitzit) for Today

Tassels (Tzitzit) for Today

What are Tassels (Tzit tzit) and does scripture support wearing them today? Find proof the the Messiah Himself wore them, and people were healed when touching them!

What is Legalism?

What is Legalism?

Many accuse those who love the law of Yahweh of being a legalist. But just what is legalism? Is it obeying the commands of Yahweh with all our hearts? Is it adding to the commands of Yahweh? Is it focusing too much on obedience and not enough on “salvation”? There […]