(Updated 01/14/2025)
EliYah Ministries, which operates online through www.EliYah.com is committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy on this website.
When you visit our web site and use our services, we recognize that you trust this site with any personal information you provide. For this reason, EliYah Ministries takes your privacy very seriously.
EliYah Ministries only collects the information you provide voluntarily. This includes your name, age, address, interests, etc.
Information Usage
EliYah Ministries may use your information to contact you in the future with updates and/or promotional offers if you have provided us with your contact information.
EliYah Ministries is not responsible for any public information you post. All discussions and comments you post publicly, such as on the Fellowship Finder, will be open to public viewing.
If you choose to keep your information private, please do not post your information for public viewing.
Your Information Kept Confidential
Contact and personal information that you send to EliYah Ministries will remain confidential.
EliYah Ministries will not rent or sell your information.
EliYah Ministries will not share your information with those outside our ministry without your consent.
If you do not want EliYah Ministries to collect or use your information, please do not send us any of your personally identifiable information.
The Use of Cookies
Presently, EliYah Ministries does use cookies on the website, but none of them provide personally identifiable information.
This website is here to serve you and any cookies on the web site is to provide you with better service. For instance, the video player uses a cookie so it will pick up in the same place you were the last time you viewed the video. The cookie doesn’t know who you are, it only sends a cookie to the web browser you use so it can provide you with that enhanced service.
Cookies may also be used for statistical reporting, but again there is no information provided in the cookie that tells us who you are.
Contact Information
If you feel that your privacy has not been respected under this policy, or if you have concerns about how EliYah Ministries uses your information, please contact us as soon as possible.
This website and its privacy policy may be updated without notice. Please review the privacy policy for any updates.