Seeking Online Fellowship, Live Teaching, Encouragement & Answers to your Questions?

Watch our FREE LIVE video broadcast 12 Noon ET every Sabbath (‘Saturday’), along with monthly New Moon Broadcasts (see schedule).


Weekly FULL BIBLE teachings with the scriptures posted on the screen via Powerpoint slides & visual aids.


Praise to Yahweh via Music Videos, or telephone/Skype with various families and individuals tuning in to the broadcast.

Ask Questions

Your comments & questions are answered in real time via call-in or web form. Some report this as their favorite part of the broadcast.


with others in the chat room during and after the live video broadcast.

Broadcast schedule

There will always be a broadcast scheduled every Sabbath (“Saturday”) at 12 Noon ET.

However, occasionally I will offer a prerecorded or archived broadcast. It will typically begin 10 minutes prior to the scheduled broadcast.

We are also hosting a broadcast every month during the new moon. The New Moon Broadcasts will have different content, including new moon reports and reading of scriptures which discuss events that occurred during that particular biblical month. New Moon Broadcasts dates are found here

How to Watch the Broadcasts

Content of the Broadcasts

We host 2 broadcasts with a variety of content to strengthen your walk with Messiah
Every Sabbath (‘Saturday’) @ Noon ET

Weekly Sabbath Broadcast

1. Opening prayer
2. Music Videos, or Live praise music via telephone or Skype with various families and individuals calling in
3. Edifying music videos
4. Scripture study (study portion) of varying length, starting at 1pm ET
5. Live response to web-submitted comments and questions
6. Call-in to the broadcast via telephone or Skype
7. Prayer requests taken. Each specific request is offered up to Yahweh during closing prayer.

Sabbath broadcast
New moon broadcast
Once Every month

New Moon Broadcast

New Moon Broadcasts include New Moon Reports from all over the world, live music and a full review of the biblical events for that particular month. Helpful for identifying locations of New Moon sightings, and seeing the patterns of certain themes coming out of various Biblical months in scripture. Live feed of the new moon in Ava, Missouri…if visible.