seeking truth

Paul never said the Law was Abolished. Read for yourself.

Paul never said the Law was Abolished. Read for yourself.

While it is true that we are saved by grace through faith, it is also true scripture teaches that part of repentance is a sincere effort to keep the commandments found in Yahweh’s law (Hebrew: torah). The following is a collection of clear scriptures showing that Paul never taught that […]

The Message of Truth?

The Message of Truth?

Upon first appearance of this web page you might be inclined to think its just another website offering their version of the truth. Perhaps you are a bit confused at all the various statements found here. Many years ago, when I decided to believe in what is called the bible, […]

The Importance of Seeking Truth

The Importance of Seeking Truth

One important aspect of our faith that we must base all our studies on is Seeking the TRUTH. Anything we find to be false, we should throw out regardless of whether or not it might be more popular.  Obedience to the truth that has been revealed to us is the […]

Why We Must Believe Yahushua is the Messiah

Why We Must Believe Yahushua is the Messiah

In recent years, there have been more and more attacks on the validity of Yahushua being the Messiah. The purpose of this study is not to refute every claim, but to demonstrate (primarily from the Tanakh/old testament) that Yahushua is the Messiah. A major key to this will be demonstrating […]

The Importance of True Repentance

The Importance of True Repentance

One of the fundamental aspects of our faith is Repentance Repentance is a foundational doctrine of our faith as this scripture declares, however I believe it is rarely understood fully. We are told in the book of Acts to: It is the first step for an unbeliever to repent. But […]

Commentary on Bible Prefaces

Commentary on Bible Prefaces

Before we begin it must be understood that our English bibles are not the original language in which scriptures were written. I sometimes talk to people who don’t understand this very basic principle, but it is totally true. The King James Version was the first major translation into English and […]

Importance of the Correct Name for Baptism

Importance of the Correct Name for Baptism

Being baptized is one of the first things a believer in Yahushua should do. We see in scripture that it was always done quickly after believing in Yahushua: If you have repented and are a believer in Yahushua but have not been baptized, do not tarry/wait! Do what it takes […]

The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Gate

Listen to the Audio version here. One of the questions I often receive from those who are new to this walk or scoff at what we believe is, “How can it be that all of these people are deceived?”. Yahushua said to strive to enter the strait/narrow gate. According to […]

The Most Important Thing

The Most Important Thing

A wise man once wrote: Indeed, Yahweh is love. The entirety of Yahweh’s word is centered on His love for us, how we are to love Him and how we are to love each other. Some have accused me of being legalistic. In truth, I know that if our motives […]