The Key to Salvation

The Key to Salvation

Revelation 14:12 – “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of YAHWEH and the faith of Yahushua.”

In this verse we have two “religions”

  • Mainstream Judaism believes in cleaving to the commandments but rejects Yahushua the Messiah.
  • Mainstream Traditional Christianity believes in cleaving to Yahushua but believes some of the commandments of Yahweh have been abolished.

The complete truth is not to be found in either religion, at least in their traditional forms. 

We need to walk right in the center of both of them– minus the false traditions of men. Men and brethren, we must cleave to both Yahushua AND the commandments! 

A complete surrender to do His will, while putting our complete trust in the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins is the narrow path (Matthew 7:14).

We should all accept Yahushua the Messiah and also keep Yahweh’s commandments, not just a part!

Not a follower of either religion? Click here to read some good news.