7 Trouble Spots in the Body of Messiah
09/30/17 (07/09) Video Broadcast
Seven trouble spots in the
body of Messiah, trouble
spots meaning we need
to get rid of the stuff
because it's
causing trouble.
It's causing trouble for
us, it's causing trouble
for people we associate
with, it's causing trouble
all over the world and we
need to be aware of this
and it's also kind of
geared more toward those
of us who have come to
understand the Torah is
the law Yahweh, first 5
books of the bible. It's
something that we want to
try to observe and listen
to and as a result
sometimes so unattended
things take place and one of the things that come out that does happen, and I see it quite often, I'm sure you've too is this, pride and arrogance. This might be king of all of them because we came into some wonderful understanding, some beautiful, beautiful things and we as the body of Messiah really we need to watch out for this one, because scripture itself talks about the danger of when we come across some new information scripture speaks of the danger of knowledge puffing up. knowledge puffs up but love edifies and if anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know but if anyone loves Elohim he this one is known by him.
So the goal is not really, I mean yes you want to know things you want to learn we want to understand our Father's will for us but it's possible to have knowledge and to know things and have yourself in a situation where our heavenly father doesn't even you, because of arrogant judgments perhaps or other reasons.
Maybe some people are pursuing knowledge so they can win arguments so they can be looking down upon others you don't have the knowledge they have but the purpose of all this understanding is that we may more effectively know how to love one another, that's the purpose of all the knowledge that we're supposed to be gaining so we can learn better how to love our heavenly father and how to love one another that's the reason for it all. On these 2 commandments hang all along prophets, love Yahweh with all your heart, soul and strength, love your neighbor as yourself. Scripture says if you have been foolish in exalting yourself or if you have devised the evil put your hand on your mouth. I kind of remember this when I was a boy whenever someone saw somebody else getting in trouble they go oh, eyes would get wide yeah, you're in trouble.
If you've been exalting yourself put your hand over your mouth and don't allow yourself to speak anymore because that's dangerous to do. Now pride is very unusual in its deceptiveness. It's actually a state of mind more so than like this one sin you committed it one day, although we can have moments of humility, moments of pride. If we have a humble state of mind and pride is not going to be present, but pride can drive a man to do all kind of things, be artistic, be powerful, be famous or even religious. Why does Yahweh hate pride? What's his reason? Why does he say he hates it? Well think about this for a moment what do we have to be proud of? What do we really have? Honestly, we have rebelled against the most high, he created us, the heaven and the earth, everything that we've been given he has given us and yet man has rebelled against his creator from the very beginning of time. We did not make ourselves people parade themselves on pictures on Facebook itching for likes because of their looks, they didn't make themselves Yahweh made them. We didn't make ourselves and our heart beats by his mercies and yet the whole world acts as though he doesn't exist. Then Yahushua comes to the earth, dies for us so that we can be redeemed and many are too proud to even accept him. So scripture says humble yourself in the sign of Yahweh and he will lift you up, do not speak evil of one another brethren. Most of the connection there, between humility and the opposite which is speaking evil of one another, you speak evil of another person you kind of exalt yourself a little bit sometimes because you think well, I'm distant from that. Whatever they are, I'm different. By nature you will make other people think that you're different because you are not... you're condemning their behavior. But scripture says do not speak evil of another brethren, he who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law. Why? Because the law abides in the heart of your brother, Yahushua abides in him. If you judge the law you are not a doer of the law you are a judge. There is one lawgiver who is able to save it destroy, what? who are you to judge another? The scripture says do you see old man wise in his own eyes, there's more hope for a fool than for him. Now think about all the things the proverbs have to say about tools and what sad, sorry shape they're in and yet the one who's wise in his own eyes he's in worse shape, even worse shape than even a fool has hope, more hope than one wise at his own eyes, very dangerous. Romans 12:16 be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
So I've learned this the hard way, associate men with men who are humble because if you associate with men who are not humble eventually you're going to be on the the the bad end of something, because they're in competition with you they don't see you as someone to bless and to build up
and to serve like we're supposed to. They see as someone who they are in competition with and they need to knock you down a few places so they can remain on their high perch. A lot of the base you see out there, taking place where you know things that one no one can we prove one way or the other. Really it's all about you know, who has the truth.
whenever a discussion or a, two men trying to reason with one another whenever two people disagree with one another. Whenever the subject changes from what is the truth to who has the truth it, all goes downhill from there. It's not about who, unless we're talking about Yahweh. It's only... The only thing that matters is what is the truth? It doesn't matter who has it, where it comes from, except we know all wisdom comes from Yahweh but men debate and one who is victorious seems to be wise in his own conceit. He's not, we're not supposed to be that way. If Yahweh reveals something to us it's him that gets the glory, but if we're so great in our own eyes then we're looking for our own glory in whatever we pursue and that's dangerous. So we need to be out of the way of his glory, for him to really show us the things that he wants to show us. We need to get out of his way because he will not get his glory to another, you make a graven image of yourself, graven image of yourself you are in trouble my friend, if you are your own idol and you place yourself ahead of Yahweh and that's a danger that we all are subject to.
Just about the time I think okay I think I have all the pride out of my heart Yahweh shows me something else, hey that motive right there, what you said over there, what you were doing that was not out of...there was some pride in it and that's the thing it's almost, it seems like it's an ongoing thing where not only do we know what the scriptures have to say. But then understanding the condition of our own hearts is another journey altogether.
So we need to be aware of these things scripture says in Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 whatever you do do it heartily as to Yahweh and not to men. Knowing that from Yahweh you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve, should serve the master messiah.
Another scripture for he is showing you all man what is good, Micah 6:8 and what does Yahweh require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your Mighty one. Maybe we read his word and, some people read the word so they can show others that there right so they can get the glory, we need to read the word looking for things that will convict our hearts, looking for things that will bring about change in our life and the only thing Yahweh requires of us is that we would do justly, that means to walk in righteousness, to love mercy not only for ourselves but for others, to see the mercy of Yahweh being given to another person it's glorious and to walk humbly with Our Mighty one. So pride, you can have that. You must walk humbly with
our Elohim, and so if we can walk humbly, if we can love mercy, love mercy in the sense that we desire it for ourselves and we desire to see others obtain that mercy and we're seeking to do justly those are the key ingredients of a disciple Yahushua Hamashiach that will enable him to be able to hear from on high the things that we need to be doing and to walk those things out, because when pride comes in it stunts our spiritual growth, and I see too much pride in the body of the Messiah, people jockeying for positions, jockeying for even trying to get a following and we have to be out of Yahweh's way if we want to see how to move in our lives. So seek the truth that you might change, don't seek
the truth so you can point out everybody else what they need to change and that's what we need to do, it convicts us first we begin to apply it and then we can more effectively be able to share whatever it is that we have with others. Sometimes people come into Hebrew roots and they're not ready to share with anybody they need to get re-grounded but pride comes in because other people have pride, pride provokes pride, their fellow the people in their church start you know finger pointing and you get embarrassed and then you feel like you gotta come for yourself, you don't need to, just get grounded and be ready to give a defence to anyone who asks you the hope that is in you with meekness and with fear, scripture says. Pride is also a major cause of arguing and strife in the Assemblies and in our households,
scripture says he who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in Yahweh will be prospered. We need to be humble and realize that seen isn't just a problem over there that you see but sin is a problem right here in our own bodies, our own hearts that we need to be attentive to. Scripture says Matthew 6:14 Yahushua said if you forgive men of trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
So we're so prideful that we're not willing to forgive somebody else, how do you know maybe you've got some sin in your own life? Maybe now, maybe not now, maybe at some point in the future Yahweh will test you in the same way the other person was tested and how they feel they treat you properly and what will you do then?
We all need forgiveness and we all need to be willing to dish it out. I venture to say Yahweh is willing to forgive us of our sins even the ones we don't realize, even the ones we haven't specifically confessed can you do the same for somebody else? There is a warning in scripture if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father in heaven forgive your trespasses and so it for harboring unforgiveness for a family member, for the parents, to a brother in the fate or to sister in a fate beware, beware.
In 1 Peter 5 verses 5-7 likewise you younger people submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility. Clothed with humility: for Elohim resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. I tell you what, I don't know about you but I need all the grace I can get. I'll take whatever I'm...I need it, I need it every single day, well he gives grace to the humble.
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Elohim that he may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon him for he cares for you. At first verse there likewise younger people submit yourself to your elders, that's a command
and we're all called to be submissive to one another enclosed with humility. Be willing to serve, be willing to hear you know the older generation sometimes they're seen as being what the world calls old geezers they don't know anything. Listen the older generation may not be learned in the latest technology, they may not be able to show you how to use smart-phone and maybe that's why they're not honored as they should be, but I tell you what they've lived this life, they've learned, they've lived a long time they've related with people for a long time they understand better how people tick and why people do the things they do they learn things and we should show proper honor and respect toward them. Most of the world tends to mock elderly the, make fun of them and shove them away in nursing homes somewhere so we don't have to deal with them. We have a culture that glorifies youth. Everything's about being young looking that's the goal, scripture says you shall rise before the great had and honor the presence of an old man and fear your mighty one, I am Yahweh.
And those who are elders keep this scripture in mind this over here crack head is silver head is a crown of glory if it is found in the way of righteousness. So we need to show proper respect that's part of humility, that's part of recognizing our position if we're younger listening to the council of those who are older, especially elders in the body of the Messiah we need to show them proper respect just by mere fact of their age, show the proper respect.
Another trouble spot among us, our home lives I think
a significant reason our homes are in shambles is because the culture we live in does not understand respect. We live in a culture that places man in a higher position than Elohim himself and men have lost what it means to be a man. Being a man doesn't mean flexing your muscles and being able to successfully defeat another man in a fight. Being a man means being a man after Yahweh's own heart and keeping the commandments of our Elohim. Women have lost what it means to be a woman, we live in a culture where sodomites are glorified, genders are blurred, traditional family is mocked and ridiculed and much of this sometimes I
do think even our own people among us things rub
off on us the way they shouldn't.
Now I want to say this, fornication and adultery is a sin just as much as sodomy is a sin, and according to surveys done among those who profess to be Christians I've read as many as 80 percent of Christians have committed fornication while claiming to be a Christian. And divorce and remarriage even where a believer divorces a believer and then goes off and marries another believer is way too common.
We think we can just live how we want and Yahweh has to forgive us. He's not obligated, he's not. A cowardly unbelieving, abominable sex murderer, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns of fire and brimstone which is the second death. Ephesians 5:5 you know this, this you know no fornicator no one clean person covers man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Messiah and Elohim. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 do you not know the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of Elohim? Do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomite nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of Elohim. Do these commandments have to be broken just physically or can they just be broken in the heart and that be enough?
If we entertain willful sin in our heart, or whether it be fornication through pornography or through lust. If these things are practiced by us, whether physically or spiritually I don't know for sure I can say certainly physically, if these things are... If we have already committed in our heart that's alarming, that's something very alarming for us because scripture says we may have no inheritance in the kingdom of Elohim.
We need to be on guard, we live in a world that is hostile toward the family unit, with the way people
are dressed, very hostile with Hollywood and one that glorifies very hostile and when marriage fight takes place are we men really loving and cherishing the wives or we failing to do so? Are wives failing to respect and revere their husbands?
Strife in the household even among believers is at an all-time high, scripture says the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery, fornication, and cleanliness, ludeness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions here's. e still haven't heard contentions and dissensions,basically arguing and the murders drunkenness, referees and the like of which I say beforehand just as I also told you in time past those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of Eholim. Think about this these, any of these things are your practice this is something you normally do, it's become a part of who you are, becomes a part of your character of who you are, look out and that includes strife you know we need to repent. We place ourselves in spiritual danger, strife among brothers and sisters and if they...Men need to learn to love their wives so we aren't putting a stumbling block before them and they need to learn to show proper reverence and respect by not choosing to fight and strive and argue. What's the opposite of the fruit of the spirit? Love, joy, peace, not arguing--peace, long-suffering, not judging, long-suffering kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, You are not using your gentleness in an argument, do you? Self-control that means the holy spirit is not manifesting, Yahweh, help us. Do not be deceived, Galatians 6:7 Elohim is not mocked for whatever a man sows that also he shall reap. For he who sows to his flesh of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap eternal everlasting life. Beautiful we need to understand we cannot walk in the flesh and please our father in heaven. We cannot have those attributes it's something we practice in our life and expect to enter into life. I don't write the mail, I'm just telling you what it says, serious matter. Brothers we need to understand the different leadership and control, control involves various attempts to force those under our care to do the things that we want. Leadership inspires them to follow our example in leadership, this involves serving, involves loving, involves loving someone who is not being very loving. Whether it be a child or our wives, or our brothers and sisters in the faith. Yahushua live with compassion and grace with holiness and purity and none of us are worthy of having anybody really follow our lead, but we must lead because we've been given that position. If wives do not choose to respect our leadership, we can't stop leading we have to continue to lead and whether they follow it's their choice. Yahweh has to reach their hearts and we cannot be the holy spirit, we can only be used by the holy spirit and on the part of why [inaudible 27:45] to understand they are very precious in a sight of Yahweh no matter how your husband may treat you, it does not change your worth before the most high. Your worth is not defined by... your word to defined by Yahweh sending his own son Yahushua Hamashiach to come and die for you and if you were the only sinner on the planet he would come and die for you personally.
But too often wives are trying to get their husbands to show them proper love by being disrespectful that's not going to work, that's going to provoke that man to the flesh, not the spirit. And it's also a form of control it's rooted in the mindset well my husband won't leave me, won't love me properly I'll take a leadership position and I'll make sure he does, it doesn't work.
She's now in headship position, she's taking the lead, she's leading and this is a husband should not control his wife by using works of the flesh or force or anger or rats or whatever, should instead be gentle and loving how much more so should a wife be gentle and loving, knowing it's not her place to really begin with. Scripture says the husband is the head of the wife as the Messiah is the head of the congregation. Now it doesn't you can't appeal in a respectful way and ask for a change of mind or make decisions together, that's really the ultimate goal to make every decision together because the wife does have valuable things to say and to add to the discussion. But if it comes down to a decision that needs to be made there has to be someone who is responsible, who is in a leadership position, every organization, every company, every nation has leadership. And the same is true of a family, it doesn't mean the husband is above the wife spiritually they both spiritually equal before the throne. But someone has to be able to have the freedom make the decision not because they are smarter, better or anything but because they are the ones responsible for the outcome.
And so scripture says wives submit your own husbands as to Yahweh or a master for the husband is to head of the wife as the Messiah is the head of the congregation. So men need to be men and women need to be women, both have an important role to fill both are equal before Yahweh had equal standing. But we all also have different jobs we're supposed to do. Men cannot bear children and cannot nurse children, there are certain things that men are not called to do there certain things women are called to do. We live in a culture where the gender lines are confused, men act like women act, women act like men and that's considered to be wonderful. I think we need to embrace the roles we've been given by the most high, and we need to be fathers and mothers to our children. Men, we don't want to find ourselves going to a festival and Yahweh not being among us.
Scripture says your new months and your appointed feasts, my soul hates, he's talking to the people Isaiah chapter 1. Isaiah was Prophet during the times of Uzziah was a king, he's supposed to be our righteous king. When you spread your hands, I'll hide my eyes from you, even though you make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. I mean they are guilty of bloodshed, wash
yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes, cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. I think if there are children who are spiritually fatherless and wives who were spiritual leaders if men are not willing to do the things Yahweh has called us to do as fathers. If he's concerned about another man's wife, another man's children, how much more so should you be concerned about your own? Deuteronomy 6:7 says you shall teach them diligently to your children to talk of them when you sitting in your house, we walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up. Are we doing that? This is a commandment it's not an option, it's not multiple choice, it's something we are commanded to do, we need to be willing to do that. Here's another area another trouble spot we know is in the body of Messiah and that is worldliness.
Scripture says in 1 John 2:15 do not love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, it's not of the father but is of the world and the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he does the will of Elohim abides forever. So if we have lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life and that we love the flesh, we love the things that the eyes take in and we have this pride of life about us, we cannot have the love of our heavenly father dwelling in us it's impossible, the double-minded man, unstable in our ways. It's too much worldliness in the body of Messiah, what do we value? The spirit of Elohim, the spirit of Yahweh or the spirit of the world. Scripture says we have not, we received not the spirit of the world but the spirit was from Elohim that we might know the things that really given to us by Elohim. The spirit of the world is an unclean spirit instead of love, it brings hatred, instead of peace it brings confusion, instead of hope it brings hopelessness, instead of righteousness it brings wickedness, instead of pure, undefiled love for Yahweh the most high, it is fundamentally at war with him and it is a subtle spirit. Every bit of subtle as the enemy in the garden of Eden, we may not even know you're listening to it and obeying its voice because listen it's like we're on a river and we have the people of Yahweh who're in a raft and in order to avoid going over the waterfall ahead you're going to have to start rowing those wars and going the opposite direction everybody else is going. You're gonna have to paddle against the current, toward the promised land ahead, all you gotta do is just sit in the raft and look at the world go by and you'll go down the waterfall. We have to continually be fighting against the great, fighting against the current because the only thing you gotta be doing to go the wrong direction is do nothing, do nothing and the world will take you where it wants you to go. We've got to realize we are in a battle we are in a war nobody's on the side-lines, there is no cheerleaders were all in it every human being on the planet is it. And scripture says this narrow is the gate,
difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it. If you're on easy street as a believer something's wrong, there are few who find it let alone walks it
out. Ask yourself, ask Yahweh is there something, am I just not zealous enough, maybe I'm lukewarm, maybe I think I'm hot but really I'm lukewarm.
But the spirit that is in the world is seeking to take it down the stream, wanting us to give up the fight, wanting to take us down this path that will not bring life and many succumb to its way. It's all over the TV, it's all over the mass media, sometimes we don't even realize what it's doing to us because it seems so normal, we see it all the time on television what's wrong with it? It's not that big of a deal, who says it's not that big of a deal? Since when is sin not that big of a deal? If you're impressed by Hollywood and the latest thing it's churning out, ask yourself am I really living a set-apart life in my mind and in my heart? Am I really living a life that's different than the world? Do I notice, they say if you take a frog putting, it in boiling water it'll jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of water and then slowly turn up the temperature, he won't even know until he's dead and I think that we have been in this pot of water and Satan has slowly caused the temperature increase and some of us don't even realize we're in hot water, If we're redeemed we're going to be different, we're going to be peculiar, we're not gonna be like the world, we're not going to be enjoying the customs of vanity nor the river we within them because the spirit in us will not put up with the vanity of it all it will grow over the vanity [inaudible 38:45]. If we redeemed our focus will be on spiritual things that's where our delight will be. We'll look for spiritually minded friends, humble people who are not focused on the carnal things, people who think different, behave differently, look different, Yahweh is holy and he is calling us to be holy, the word in scripture in Hebrew for holy is kodesh. Kodesh is apartness, separateness, set-apartness, different and so if we're following
the holy set apart spirit we will not be involved with the spirit of the world which is far from holy. And we will cringe when we see wickedness. Scripture says he was called you as holy, you
also be holy of all your conduct 1 Peter 1:15 because it is written be holy for I am holy.
Our conduct, our speech, our dress, our attitudes,
the things we treasure, the things that give us pleasure, it's all going to be different. We walk by faith in Yahushua because Yahweh is holy, we are here to set apart the things we love will be the things he loves. And we're called to be holy as he is holy, this means we're going to be not just different for the sake of being different, but because we're putting Yahweh first in our lives. We're not going to be buddy with the world or worldly people and the way we dress will not be flesh centered, our own riches, our own temporal things, we're not going to fear the things the world fears. We're not gonna love the things the world loves we're gonna be different, we're gonna love the things Yahweh loves, despite the things he despises and we don't see ourselves as a friend of the world. But see worldly people as Yahweh sees them as people who need to be redeemed, people who need to be reconciled with their creator. James says adulterers and adulteresses do you not do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim. He calls that adultery, how many adulterers will
be in the Kingdom? Or do you think the scripture says in vain, spirit filled dwells in us endurance jealously? Yahweh is jealous. Colossians 3 verse 1, If you then were raised with the Messiah seek those things which are above, where Messiah is sitting at the right hand of Elohim, set your mind on things above not on things on the earth.
If we're doing that we will not be laying up for ourselves treasures on earth or a moth and rust destroy where thieves break in and steal, now we will be laying up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, where thieves not break in and steal for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I might add where your treasure is there your time will be also. The lamp of the body is the eye if you're out there for your eye is good your whole body will be full of light but if your eye is bad your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light is in you is darkness how great is that darkness? Now the good eye and bad eye is a Hebrew euphemism, the good eye is one willing to give, the bad eye is the one who is stingy, will not give. No one can serve two masters that's why it says here, you either hate the one or love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, you cannot serve a Elohim and mammon. Mammon being money and so I ask you how does your retirement program look? I'm not talking about your 401k; I'm talking about your spiritual retirement program.
Is your next day kind of broken? In need of assistance, how much spiritual riches have you stored up for the years to come?
You know every one of us are called in the ministry, I don't like it when I hear someone go, oh yeah brother so... this guy over here he was called in the ministry.
What is the Catholic Church? I mean, the Catholic Church is like, or even Protestant churches are like, there are certain people who are the ministers and as a lay people getting served. Now last I checked we're all supposed to be served, not everybody will be a teacher, not everybody will be a minister or a pastor but we all have spiritual gifts that Yahweh has given us and we need to be willing to use them to minister, to bless other people and that's how you store up a nice spiritual retirement program that's literally out of this world, you start using your gifts.
Some people have the gift of help, some people give to the administration, another the gift of mercy,
there's all kinds of spiritual gifts not just teaching, lots of spiritual gifts and are we using them? Do you know what they are? Do you care? We need to care, and we need to be the sheep, not the goats. The sheep care about the needs of those around them and therefore are ministering to Yahushua himself. The goats were indifferent Matthew 25 the indifferent ones to the needs of those or rather there are a lot of hurting people in this world what are you gonna do about it? You're a part of the body of the Messiah, what are you doing about it? If you think Yahushua is doing nothing about it you're wrong. He's healing, he's active, he's changing lives, are you a part of this or not or you just sitting back, armchair believes criticizing everybody else or you think you guys you're so old you're a retired believer now. No, we need the council of elders, there are no retired believers until the age to come we enter our rest till then we got work to do.
Speaking of all this another issue I see in the body of Messiah is a lack of zeal, Yahweh says in
Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 you shall love Yahweh with your Mighty One with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength.
Three things Yahweh wants completely, heart, soul, and strength. Actually the word strength is the Hebrew word Meod meaning muchness, exceedingly, lots of force, lots of effort and here's another definition theological book of the Old Testament exceedingly, much force, abundance denotes the intention or will of the whole man, the fash means the whole self, unity of flesh, will and vitality. May all the accents a superlative highest degree of total commitment to Yahweh. Another lexicon has the highest degree, so I think
some of us have inherited a church goer mentality. I mean almost every congregation has people like this in the group, they're the ones who are in attendance, paying their dues, parting the message, smiling at others, but inside they can't wait to get home and go about their business.
They can't wait till Sabbath is over so they can go about their business much of which involves chasing things that do not profit. There are some like that among us they feel as though they keep the Sabbath, they refrain from unclean foods, observe the festivals, use the right names, now they think they picked the right religion, got their ticket to heaven and basically doing all they need to be saved. Scriptures never teach a believer to say because of what church or congregation they go to, what broadcast, or what teachers they listen to. Listen, Yahweh, is not a part-time Elohim, only shows up on Sabbath he's on the throne all the time and he hasn't stopped being Elohim when the Sabbath ends. If you're a part-time believer trying to serve a full-time Elohim you're in big trouble. Yahushua said what you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men's bones and all cleanness. Even so, you outwardly appear righteous to men but inside you full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. 1 Peter 2:1, therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, all evil speaking as newborn babies desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby. If indeed you taste it, Yahweh is gracious. I've tasted that, you've tasted that I hope. Yahweh is looking for full-time believers in the midst of a part-time mentality, generations that have a part-time mentality and he's looking for those who have a sincere faith and are willing to put him first. He already is first, it's just whether you want to live in recognition of that or not. If he's first in every decision you make in your life, every expression of your will, every action and every thought. So is Yahweh really first in our lives, that's... or really it's are we first. Do we have a passion for the things he has a passion for? Do we have a passion for things that have no eternal value at all? Some of us don't love Yahweh that much because we don't really feel like were all that bad of a person; think we lack the "muchness" parts of loving Yahweh with all of we are if we don't think we've been all that bad a person you know maybe you don't think you've done much wrong your life and so for that reason you believe there really wasn't all that much for Yahushua to have to die for when you are forgiven. And when you accepted him. Consider this for a moment maybe by society standards you weren't that bad of a person, maybe didn't rob banks, commit rape, murder, violence. Maybe you're generally an honest person for the most part and try to treat your parents with respect and honor and so you feel like you know as an unbeliever you really weren't all that bad.
Listen you are only measuring yourself by standards that most people say are important which is that you love and respect your fellow man, almost every religion teaches you to do that, where you and I and all of us have completely messed up, is in our relationship with our creator. Yahushua was asked teacher which is the great commandment in the law Yahushua said to him you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind. This is the first great commandment. The second is like this, you should love your neighbor as yourself, on these two commandments hang all the law on the Prophets. The most important command is that we love Yahweh. Why? Is there anyone more deserving really? I mean all men will fill us in their love for us but Yahweh never has, it's his love that has been
constant but it's been unwavering, it is he who is made as, it is he who has provided for us, it's he who has watched over us and protected us from our own wayward ways, it is he who has created everything, there isn't anything that exists apart from his will and his power. It is he who holds the breath and [inaudible 53:56] our in the palm of his hand and you know what even though he loved us with a perfect love before we give our lives to him we could have died at any time and inherited damnation.
But Yahweh did not give us what we deserved; there is nothing at any time that kept me and you, any one moment from our life slipping into the lake of fire except the mercies of all Mighty Yahweh.
Unbelievers don't realize it, but they're walking along the slippery slope and one false step, one false move and he slip right in. And Yahweh alone the one they're offending is under no obligation to Satan, except his abundant mercy on our Soul. You and I would have no defense whatsoever, divine justice will declare us as guilty and just as easily as one can trample on an ant crawling along the sidewalk you and I could just have died as easily and quickly, were it not for Yahweh's decision to call us out of darkness and into his marvellous light. We deserve nothing and while we were ignoring him and chasing our own pursuit involved in our own ways, our own lives he chose to love us anyway,
and sent his beloved, precious, amazing son Yahushua, the most loving person who ever lived knowing the world would not receive him, and knowing they would torture him mercilessly nailed his body to a tree where he died a slow, painful and suffocating death. Listen some of you don't think you're all that bad before you give your life to him, but listen you didn't deserve anything, not by your righteousness but by his. Yahweh and his mercy opened your eyes in spite the fact that you didn't think you're all that bad maybe. Seven billion people in the world. How many people have their eyes opened to see the things that we see and know the things that we know? We ought to get on our faces and just cry out, a Thanksgiving prayer to know what we know, to see the things that we see. Yahweh was the one who came up with the idea of an earth and trees and creatures and life and love and yet people treat him as though he doesn't exist and that's how we treated him before we gave our lives to him. And whatever evil you've seen in the world as a result of men ignoring him, setting him aside, treating him as though he doesn't exist. To ignore the one who created all things and has your breath in a palm of his hand is a very serious matter. You have ever loved someone that didn't really care about you? Just ignored you almost all the time, ever done something with someone because you love them and they acted as though he didn't care, he just ignored it? The rejection can be painful. That's how people are treating our father in heaven. There isn't anything we own, anything our possession, anything we value what he's not the ultimate provider of. He created our lives, the earth, and the sea, everything that's in it and yet many ignore him and act like they don't care. Listen we have a lot to be forgiven all of us. Yahushua spoke of a woman, said, therefore, I say to her, her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much. But to who little is forgiven the same loves little. The question is do we, much like the one who washed Yahushua's feet with her tears, love much? Do we love Yahweh with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our strength? Imagine if you were in and drowning in a riptide or a whirlpool and someone risks their own life and nearly died trying to save you, you would probably say hey thank you so much for saving me like I'll do anything for you just say the word, right.
Appreciation, thanksgiving, recognition, the love that person had for you risking their own life to save yours, would motivate you to do something in return for them, especially if you ignored the person who told you not to go in there. Or if someone who did die saving you and his name is Yahushua HaMashiach.
We spent enough of our past lifetime doing the will of gentiles, I'd say. What are we gonna do for him?
He did so much for you what are you going to do for him? That's the question, are you gonna say, oh, yeah, anything, you say the word I'll do it you saved my life. Thank you, he gave everything for us We need
to redeem the time scripture says Ephesians 5:16 because the days are evil, we spend enough time chasing worldly pursuits. What are we gonna do to redeem the time? That's a question we all need to answer. Yahweh wants us to love with his kind of love, his zealous love. He wants us to love with our hearts, soul, and strength because that's how he loves us. Are we willing to? I hope so, another trouble spot I see in the body of Messiah I see is sectarianism and denominationalism.
Sometimes it's cloaked in religious zeal, we have people who really are not zealous in our love for Yahweh, but they're really zealous for their particular brand of faith. What I mean is there are hundreds of denominations out there, they all believe they're right. Which one's the right one and it almost looks like sports teams out there, you know you got cheerleaders and promoters of different denominations all vying for the people's attention so their team will be victorious. There's nothing wrong with promoting what we believe to be right and correct and true but there's a real problem we begin to develop what I call sectarianism or elitism, and suggest that those who are outside and have a different understanding than we do, somehow have no eternal life abiding in them, unless they would join our particular brand of understanding, our particular way we understand bible verse or whatever.
And there are many groups like this, Jehovah's Witnesses is one they don't believe anyone has salvation outside their particular group and there are some among us who are Torah observant believers of Messiah who believe one has no salvation unless they understand the things that we understand. They need to keep the Sabbath; they need to observe the Feast Days, to eat clean, call on Yahweh's name and so forth. I disagree but sectarianism is as old as the first century, go back to Acts chapter 24 verse 1-3 says after five days and then I ask the high priest came down with the elders and certain orator named Tertullus, this gave evidence to the governor against Paul and when he was called upon Tertullus began his accusations saying seeing that through you we enjoy great peace and prosperity is being brought to this nation by your foresight. We accept it always and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. This is an orator speaking, he's warming him up. Nevertheless not to be tedious to you any further I beg you to hear by your courtesy a few words from us. We found this man speaking of Paul the apostle, a plague, a creator of dissension among all Jews throughout the world, a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. The sect, now Paul is being accused of this, the unbelieving Jews can say the believers and Messiah to be a sect of the first century Judaism, a denomination in the first century Judaism, of course, we know Paul is accused of kind of things in the verses that follow. But I want to pay attention here to what Paul said in response to this accusation, this part of the sect of the Nazarenes.
He said we found many another family in a the temple the speeding up anyone knowing soaring high in the crowd I didn't synagogues or in the city nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me. But this I confess to you that according to the way which they call, they sacked so I worship the
Elohim of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets. Notice that Paul never actually identified himself as being part of Nazarene sect instead he says he is part of the way.
Another verse Acts chapter 9 verse 1-2, Saul still breathing threats and murder against disciples of Yahushua, went to the high priest, and asked letters to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way whether men or women might bring them down to Jerusalem. Another verse Acts 19 verse 8-9 he went to the synagogues spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of Elohim. But when some of them were hardened and did not believe, it spoke evil of the way before the multitude he departed from them through the disciples and so on. Acts 19:23 there was a great commotion about the way. Acts 24:22 when Felix heard these things having more accurate knowledge of the way he adjourned the proceedings instead, and so forth. So rather than Paul identifying himself as a member of some sect called Nazarene, he simply said he was a follower of the way and so he distanced himself from sectarianism or denominationalism altogether. And we need to do the same and not create our own denomination in the process. Some people believe that unless you hold to their particular creed, their particular statements of doctrine, their particular understanding of scripture, you're lost, you're going to hell. I beg to differ, suppose there was a man living a very simple lifestyle, the unbeliever was in a motel room one night and he opened up the drawer and in the drawer was the Gideon bible.
He began to read it, making very interested. He began to realize that he wanted a new life; he realized he was a sinner and he needed a Savior, and he wanted to say he wanted to be saved and he got his face in tears of repentance and expressed his faith in Messiah, his commitment to doing his will from that day forward. Now that man is almost completely bible illiterate, he knows very little about Yahweh's will for his life. He knows there are certain things you shouldn't be doing, he knows certain things but in what he knew he repented, now how many people listening to broadcast today they'll go I'm sorry, you really believe Yahweh in heaven is going well you didn't pronounce the name correctly, sorry I can't save you, we didn't keep your first Sabbath yet, we don't know about the Feast days yet, So I'm not going to save you till you keep your first Sabbath. Brothers and sisters that's not how Yahweh works, it's not and I hope you don't think that way, that's not the way, he doesn't wait till you pronounce his name in a certain way and then you are like open sesame or something like it's a magic word or something, it's not what's intended to be. The moment that man repented and put his faith and trust in the side he entered into a relationship with the most high no longer walking contrary to him and hostile ways toward him but now having a willing heart to follow Messiah and that's the key. He was an enemy of Yahweh at one time but now he's turned, he's repented; he has turned his heart now toward following righteousness and the way from the following unrighteousness. I mean how much otherwise, the alternative is this, one person becomes a believer when they have a say 10 percent truth, 30 percent, 50 percent, how much truth do they have to have before they become a believer? Where you are on the scale are you really 100 percent? I beg to differ we're all working on changing what we need to change and we find things all the time we don't realize we're doing wrong. It's not how much knowledge you have, it's your willingness to walk out the knowledge he gives you and if you judge somebody else because maybe they're at 20 percent and you're at 40 percent can't somebody who's at 80 percent judge you for being at 40 percent? Scripture says watch out, look we're all supposed to
be on the way right, that's the main thing. If you're on the way then you're on the way, you're part of the way, for with what judgment you judge you'll be judged, measure you use will be measured back to you, and why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but don't consider the plank in your own eye? That person doesn't keep the Sabbath yet, you mistreated your son the other week you're not treating your wife right, your husband right, those things you're not doing either. Now be careful, got to be real careful because that
Christian might be a better father than you are, he might love his neighbor better than you do, he might be giving to the poor better than you do, all right he can judge you, too. Is this what it's all about, comparing ourselves with ourselves, comparing ourselves with Yahushua HaMashiach and we all fall short that my friend, I tell you that right now. It's not getting your little club, your little sports team, and thinks you've made it, and you're
the haves and they are the have-nots, its pride. The main thing is a willing heart to seek after truth, pursue righteousness and putting one's trust and Yahushua's righteousness being in them as being with necessary for salvation and forgiveness. Another trouble spot tradition or over commandments, I would be remiss if I didn't point out what is to me a glaring problem in the body of Messiah, man-centered religion.
One of the problems with the denominationalism is that when people find little bit of truth they think they got the whole thing, when really the only got a little piece of steak and they think they have the whole cow and they're comparing themselves with themselves and so when you find some new truth you try to share the congregation they're gonna be few people who are open minded to hear anything new or different because they think they've already got the whole cow. They are comfortable with their particular brand of Christianity and the new things would basically result in them losing it. Employment, your pension, respect of the community, and the pastors are not willing to receive anything different than when they currently believe otherwise upset the balance in the congregation, people leave and they don't want to lose that. Then the people in the pews, suppose I share with somebody something about the Sabbath then their minds are thinking you know that guys is probably right, but what if I lose my job? I've to go to a different church, lose my friends, my family and the consequences of following it are actually too great and so they're content to stay where they are. Their relationship with the father now can be compromised; they're not really putting Yahweh first in their life. They are putting themselves first and that's dangerous. Now the law does not save us but it does instruct us in a right living. Honoring your parents will not save you but it's the right thing to do if you rebelliously refused to do it, you place yourself in danger because you're no longer a repentant person. Same it's true with whether it's a lying, stealing, adultery, we're Sabbath-breaking, we're honoring our father's name the third commandment. It's not really you know some people say well, this commandment salvational. To me, that's a really silly question. Are we gonna go through the list of commands and go well this sort of commandments is not salvational, so I'll ignore those? And this sort of commandments is salvational so I'll make sure I do those. If that's your mentality, you missed it. I mean if Yahweh came to you in a dream and says stand on your head 10 minutes a day. Stand on my head 10 minutes a day, why? Just do it, and I thought oh that's ridiculous, I'm not gonna do that. Guess what it's salvational. Because your heart now is rebellious, and you're not repentant. And we have to be repentant people to be saved. It's not the commandment so much as it is are you willing to repent when you learn you've done something wrong? That's where salvation ends and begins.
And Yahushua said in vain they worshiped me, teaching these doctrines the commandments of men. Relaying aside the commandment of Elohim behold the tradition of men but washing of pitchers and cups and many other such things you do. He said to them all too well you reject the commandment of Elohim but you may keep a tradition.
There are lots of traditions in the church today that are not found in scripture there's not a single scripture that says the Sabbath is on the first day of the week, not even one, everywhere you find the word Sabbath it's always talking about the seventh day of the week, it's never talking about the first day of the week. There is one day that was set aside at creation to be the day in which we rest he set apart, made that day holy if you keep another day it's a waste of time, it's not holy. Tradition is, all he changed it because Messiah rose on the first day of the week. Where is that in the scriptures? Nowhere. Six days shall work be done the seventh day is a Sabbath, soul and rest. Soul and rest a holy convocation you should do no work on it, is a Sabbath of Yahweh and all your dwellings entire idea of gathering once a week comes from Leviticus, there's no such commitment anywhere in the new testament, gather once a week, nowhere. They did it because they were being obedient to Leviticus 23, is the holy convocation of time together, to hear the word and that's one of many traditions, now have been changed, traditionalists change commandments. What concerns me the most are the hard issues I can fellowship with somebody who has the zeal for the most high and maybe they go to church on the first day of the week and I'm not going to judge them unless, out of their own mouth, say, yeah you're right about that Sabbath thing but I'm not going do it. And I've had pastors telling me that and I've had people who are in the pews tell me that, men-centered-religion.
There are other ways men-centered-religion manifest itself, but those are some.
Here's another area I feel we need to work on as a body of Messiah, prayer. Leonard Ravenhill once wrote, "No man is greater than his prayer life." The pastor who's not praying is playing the people who are not praying are straying. We have a lot of organizers but not agonizers, many players and payers, but few prayers, many singers but few clingers, lots of pastors few wrestlers, many fears few tears, much fashion but little passion. Many interfere but few intercessors, many writers but few fighters, failing here we fail everywhere.
Would you believe that was written in the 1950's. Unless we are hearing from and speaking to Yahweh on a regular basis we're just playing religion. We found something we like and we're going along with it. It's not a religion we need it's a relationship, it's not religion we need it's a vibrant prayer living prayer life and a zeal for righteousness we pray for others, we pray for leaders, we pray for favor. Scripture says to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and everything we give thanks for this is the will of Elohim the Messiah Yahushua for you.
Pray without ceasing, thank him for the new things he does in your life, thank him for the things you normally take for granted, pray for those who are not loving you, talk to Yahweh in prayer let him personally instruct you by his spirit, open up his word and personally teach you the things he wants to show you. If the only bible you get is hearing bible teachers you're missing, Yahweh wants to reach down and show you his will for your life personally, there's a general will that's for everyone but there's a personal calling on your life, he wants to show you that by his spirit, are you willing, are you willing to talk to him, are you willing to listen to him? We must all be willing corporately, almost be willing corporately to come together for prayer.
This week feast of tabernacles we're going to be hosting in the tabernacle itself we plan together every night and pray as long as we need to. I feel it's important that we take that time and cry out to the most high. Times you are going to get more and more challenging, the disciples they're all about prayer.
Acts 6 verse 1-4 now in those days number of disciples is multiplying; there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Grecians because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. In the twelfth summer the multitude of disciples, and said, it's not desirable that we should leave the word of Elohim, and serve tables. Therefore brethren seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the holy spirit, wisdom whom we may appoint over this business. But we'll give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Prayer in ministry of the word, we need more than sharing the word, we need prayer, prayer is our communication with Yahweh and his words communication to us and to the rest of the world. A relationship consists of communication, if there is no communication going on there is no relationship,
I believe we need more prayer meetings that's one of the things we need more of.
Another thing Leonard Ravenhill said was, "Can anyone deny that in the modern church setup, the main cause of anxiety is money? Yet that which tries the modern churches the most, troubled the new testament church the least. Our accent is on paying, their accent was on praying. When we pay, the place is taken. When they pray, the place was shaking. I love his use of language. Another scripture Acts chapter 4 verse 31 and when they had prayed the place for they were assembled together was shaking and they were all filled with the holy spirit and they spoke the word of Elohim with boldness. Now the multitude of those who believe had one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own.
They had all things in common with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection master Yahushua and great grace is upon them all.
We need that great grace upon us, we need to pray
in such a way that the whole place is shaken as Yahweh pours out his spirit upon us and uses us in a mighty and powerful way now we're coming upon tonight here in 2017, the day of atonement Yom Kippur, this is our time to pray, corporately as a body of Messiah and confess the sins of our own lives, to confess the sins we see in the body Messiah. And so tonight my plan is to have a conference call and we're going to identify the issues that we have in the body of the Messiah.
We want to identify those issues and we want to confess them so we're going to do a conference call, I'll open up the floor to hear from different people who're on the call and then we are going to ask around and I'll start making a list of things that we as Yahweh's people need to repent, confess and cease from doing.
And then when I have compiled the list we're
gonna go together before Yahweh and ask forgiveness
and ask for grace, for mercy and for help at our time of need. I'm gonna put the information up here on the screen if you're interested in participating in this and I hope you are. Just one minute get this up here. 8:30 PM easter time tonight. Again, it's Eastern Time. We are going to have a conference call Yom Kippur, I will go ahead and broadcast the audio of this call as well, you can dial 857-232-0159 and then
enter 8886762, 888762 at the prompt and it'll take
you right into the conference call. I have the ability to mute people if necessary and keep decency in order and you'll be able to raise your hand by pressing a button, things of that nature and will try to get this done and we're gonna go together as a body of Messiah before Yahweh and speak to him in confession the things that we know are trouble spots among us. And recognize them, confess them and then I hope forsake them and cease from these things. But until then brothers and sisters let's pray, O heavenly father thank you for your love and mercies. Thank you for revealing to us areas that we need to change, I ask father that you'll continue to use others, to speak to us the things that you want us to confess and forsake. We want to be a people who are pleasing in your sight, who are turning away from any areas that we are lacking to measure up to the example of Yahushua HaMashiach. I pray, Father, you establish your kingdom among us and within us. Provide for us provisions spiritually and physically, forgive us where we fail you as we forgive those who fail us, in everything we give you praise, we give you honor and we give you worship. For truly yours is the kingdom and power and glory and majesty, forever and ever in Yahushua's great name we pray, Amein
things take place and one of the things that come out that does happen, and I see it quite often, I'm sure you've too is this, pride and arrogance. This might be king of all of them because we came into some wonderful understanding, some beautiful, beautiful things and we as the body of Messiah really we need to watch out for this one, because scripture itself talks about the danger of when we come across some new information scripture speaks of the danger of knowledge puffing up. knowledge puffs up but love edifies and if anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know but if anyone loves Elohim he this one is known by him.
So the goal is not really, I mean yes you want to know things you want to learn we want to understand our Father's will for us but it's possible to have knowledge and to know things and have yourself in a situation where our heavenly father doesn't even you, because of arrogant judgments perhaps or other reasons.
Maybe some people are pursuing knowledge so they can win arguments so they can be looking down upon others you don't have the knowledge they have but the purpose of all this understanding is that we may more effectively know how to love one another, that's the purpose of all the knowledge that we're supposed to be gaining so we can learn better how to love our heavenly father and how to love one another that's the reason for it all. On these 2 commandments hang all along prophets, love Yahweh with all your heart, soul and strength, love your neighbor as yourself. Scripture says if you have been foolish in exalting yourself or if you have devised the evil put your hand on your mouth. I kind of remember this when I was a boy whenever someone saw somebody else getting in trouble they go oh, eyes would get wide yeah, you're in trouble.
If you've been exalting yourself put your hand over your mouth and don't allow yourself to speak anymore because that's dangerous to do. Now pride is very unusual in its deceptiveness. It's actually a state of mind more so than like this one sin you committed it one day, although we can have moments of humility, moments of pride. If we have a humble state of mind and pride is not going to be present, but pride can drive a man to do all kind of things, be artistic, be powerful, be famous or even religious. Why does Yahweh hate pride? What's his reason? Why does he say he hates it? Well think about this for a moment what do we have to be proud of? What do we really have? Honestly, we have rebelled against the most high, he created us, the heaven and the earth, everything that we've been given he has given us and yet man has rebelled against his creator from the very beginning of time. We did not make ourselves people parade themselves on pictures on Facebook itching for likes because of their looks, they didn't make themselves Yahweh made them. We didn't make ourselves and our heart beats by his mercies and yet the whole world acts as though he doesn't exist. Then Yahushua comes to the earth, dies for us so that we can be redeemed and many are too proud to even accept him. So scripture says humble yourself in the sign of Yahweh and he will lift you up, do not speak evil of one another brethren. Most of the connection there, between humility and the opposite which is speaking evil of one another, you speak evil of another person you kind of exalt yourself a little bit sometimes because you think well, I'm distant from that. Whatever they are, I'm different. By nature you will make other people think that you're different because you are not... you're condemning their behavior. But scripture says do not speak evil of another brethren, he who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law. Why? Because the law abides in the heart of your brother, Yahushua abides in him. If you judge the law you are not a doer of the law you are a judge. There is one lawgiver who is able to save it destroy, what? who are you to judge another? The scripture says do you see old man wise in his own eyes, there's more hope for a fool than for him. Now think about all the things the proverbs have to say about tools and what sad, sorry shape they're in and yet the one who's wise in his own eyes he's in worse shape, even worse shape than even a fool has hope, more hope than one wise at his own eyes, very dangerous. Romans 12:16 be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
So I've learned this the hard way, associate men with men who are humble because if you associate with men who are not humble eventually you're going to be on the the the bad end of something, because they're in competition with you they don't see you as someone to bless and to build up
and to serve like we're supposed to. They see as someone who they are in competition with and they need to knock you down a few places so they can remain on their high perch. A lot of the base you see out there, taking place where you know things that one no one can we prove one way or the other. Really it's all about you know, who has the truth.
whenever a discussion or a, two men trying to reason with one another whenever two people disagree with one another. Whenever the subject changes from what is the truth to who has the truth it, all goes downhill from there. It's not about who, unless we're talking about Yahweh. It's only... The only thing that matters is what is the truth? It doesn't matter who has it, where it comes from, except we know all wisdom comes from Yahweh but men debate and one who is victorious seems to be wise in his own conceit. He's not, we're not supposed to be that way. If Yahweh reveals something to us it's him that gets the glory, but if we're so great in our own eyes then we're looking for our own glory in whatever we pursue and that's dangerous. So we need to be out of the way of his glory, for him to really show us the things that he wants to show us. We need to get out of his way because he will not get his glory to another, you make a graven image of yourself, graven image of yourself you are in trouble my friend, if you are your own idol and you place yourself ahead of Yahweh and that's a danger that we all are subject to.
Just about the time I think okay I think I have all the pride out of my heart Yahweh shows me something else, hey that motive right there, what you said over there, what you were doing that was not out of...there was some pride in it and that's the thing it's almost, it seems like it's an ongoing thing where not only do we know what the scriptures have to say. But then understanding the condition of our own hearts is another journey altogether.
So we need to be aware of these things scripture says in Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 whatever you do do it heartily as to Yahweh and not to men. Knowing that from Yahweh you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve, should serve the master messiah.
Another scripture for he is showing you all man what is good, Micah 6:8 and what does Yahweh require of you but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your Mighty one. Maybe we read his word and, some people read the word so they can show others that there right so they can get the glory, we need to read the word looking for things that will convict our hearts, looking for things that will bring about change in our life and the only thing Yahweh requires of us is that we would do justly, that means to walk in righteousness, to love mercy not only for ourselves but for others, to see the mercy of Yahweh being given to another person it's glorious and to walk humbly with Our Mighty one. So pride, you can have that. You must walk humbly with
our Elohim, and so if we can walk humbly, if we can love mercy, love mercy in the sense that we desire it for ourselves and we desire to see others obtain that mercy and we're seeking to do justly those are the key ingredients of a disciple Yahushua Hamashiach that will enable him to be able to hear from on high the things that we need to be doing and to walk those things out, because when pride comes in it stunts our spiritual growth, and I see too much pride in the body of the Messiah, people jockeying for positions, jockeying for even trying to get a following and we have to be out of Yahweh's way if we want to see how to move in our lives. So seek the truth that you might change, don't seek
the truth so you can point out everybody else what they need to change and that's what we need to do, it convicts us first we begin to apply it and then we can more effectively be able to share whatever it is that we have with others. Sometimes people come into Hebrew roots and they're not ready to share with anybody they need to get re-grounded but pride comes in because other people have pride, pride provokes pride, their fellow the people in their church start you know finger pointing and you get embarrassed and then you feel like you gotta come for yourself, you don't need to, just get grounded and be ready to give a defence to anyone who asks you the hope that is in you with meekness and with fear, scripture says. Pride is also a major cause of arguing and strife in the Assemblies and in our households,
scripture says he who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, but he who trusts in Yahweh will be prospered. We need to be humble and realize that seen isn't just a problem over there that you see but sin is a problem right here in our own bodies, our own hearts that we need to be attentive to. Scripture says Matthew 6:14 Yahushua said if you forgive men of trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
So we're so prideful that we're not willing to forgive somebody else, how do you know maybe you've got some sin in your own life? Maybe now, maybe not now, maybe at some point in the future Yahweh will test you in the same way the other person was tested and how they feel they treat you properly and what will you do then?
We all need forgiveness and we all need to be willing to dish it out. I venture to say Yahweh is willing to forgive us of our sins even the ones we don't realize, even the ones we haven't specifically confessed can you do the same for somebody else? There is a warning in scripture if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father in heaven forgive your trespasses and so it for harboring unforgiveness for a family member, for the parents, to a brother in the fate or to sister in a fate beware, beware.
In 1 Peter 5 verses 5-7 likewise you younger people submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another and be clothed with humility. Clothed with humility: for Elohim resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. I tell you what, I don't know about you but I need all the grace I can get. I'll take whatever I'm...I need it, I need it every single day, well he gives grace to the humble.
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of Elohim that he may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon him for he cares for you. At first verse there likewise younger people submit yourself to your elders, that's a command
and we're all called to be submissive to one another enclosed with humility. Be willing to serve, be willing to hear you know the older generation sometimes they're seen as being what the world calls old geezers they don't know anything. Listen the older generation may not be learned in the latest technology, they may not be able to show you how to use smart-phone and maybe that's why they're not honored as they should be, but I tell you what they've lived this life, they've learned, they've lived a long time they've related with people for a long time they understand better how people tick and why people do the things they do they learn things and we should show proper honor and respect toward them. Most of the world tends to mock elderly the, make fun of them and shove them away in nursing homes somewhere so we don't have to deal with them. We have a culture that glorifies youth. Everything's about being young looking that's the goal, scripture says you shall rise before the great had and honor the presence of an old man and fear your mighty one, I am Yahweh.
And those who are elders keep this scripture in mind this over here crack head is silver head is a crown of glory if it is found in the way of righteousness. So we need to show proper respect that's part of humility, that's part of recognizing our position if we're younger listening to the council of those who are older, especially elders in the body of the Messiah we need to show them proper respect just by mere fact of their age, show the proper respect.
Another trouble spot among us, our home lives I think
a significant reason our homes are in shambles is because the culture we live in does not understand respect. We live in a culture that places man in a higher position than Elohim himself and men have lost what it means to be a man. Being a man doesn't mean flexing your muscles and being able to successfully defeat another man in a fight. Being a man means being a man after Yahweh's own heart and keeping the commandments of our Elohim. Women have lost what it means to be a woman, we live in a culture where sodomites are glorified, genders are blurred, traditional family is mocked and ridiculed and much of this sometimes I
do think even our own people among us things rub
off on us the way they shouldn't.
Now I want to say this, fornication and adultery is a sin just as much as sodomy is a sin, and according to surveys done among those who profess to be Christians I've read as many as 80 percent of Christians have committed fornication while claiming to be a Christian. And divorce and remarriage even where a believer divorces a believer and then goes off and marries another believer is way too common.
We think we can just live how we want and Yahweh has to forgive us. He's not obligated, he's not. A cowardly unbelieving, abominable sex murderer, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns of fire and brimstone which is the second death. Ephesians 5:5 you know this, this you know no fornicator no one clean person covers man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Messiah and Elohim. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 do you not know the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of Elohim? Do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomite nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of Elohim. Do these commandments have to be broken just physically or can they just be broken in the heart and that be enough?
If we entertain willful sin in our heart, or whether it be fornication through pornography or through lust. If these things are practiced by us, whether physically or spiritually I don't know for sure I can say certainly physically, if these things are... If we have already committed in our heart that's alarming, that's something very alarming for us because scripture says we may have no inheritance in the kingdom of Elohim.
We need to be on guard, we live in a world that is hostile toward the family unit, with the way people
are dressed, very hostile with Hollywood and one that glorifies very hostile and when marriage fight takes place are we men really loving and cherishing the wives or we failing to do so? Are wives failing to respect and revere their husbands?
Strife in the household even among believers is at an all-time high, scripture says the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery, fornication, and cleanliness, ludeness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outburst of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions here's. e still haven't heard contentions and dissensions,basically arguing and the murders drunkenness, referees and the like of which I say beforehand just as I also told you in time past those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of Eholim. Think about this these, any of these things are your practice this is something you normally do, it's become a part of who you are, becomes a part of your character of who you are, look out and that includes strife you know we need to repent. We place ourselves in spiritual danger, strife among brothers and sisters and if they...Men need to learn to love their wives so we aren't putting a stumbling block before them and they need to learn to show proper reverence and respect by not choosing to fight and strive and argue. What's the opposite of the fruit of the spirit? Love, joy, peace, not arguing--peace, long-suffering, not judging, long-suffering kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, You are not using your gentleness in an argument, do you? Self-control that means the holy spirit is not manifesting, Yahweh, help us. Do not be deceived, Galatians 6:7 Elohim is not mocked for whatever a man sows that also he shall reap. For he who sows to his flesh of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap eternal everlasting life. Beautiful we need to understand we cannot walk in the flesh and please our father in heaven. We cannot have those attributes it's something we practice in our life and expect to enter into life. I don't write the mail, I'm just telling you what it says, serious matter. Brothers we need to understand the different leadership and control, control involves various attempts to force those under our care to do the things that we want. Leadership inspires them to follow our example in leadership, this involves serving, involves loving, involves loving someone who is not being very loving. Whether it be a child or our wives, or our brothers and sisters in the faith. Yahushua live with compassion and grace with holiness and purity and none of us are worthy of having anybody really follow our lead, but we must lead because we've been given that position. If wives do not choose to respect our leadership, we can't stop leading we have to continue to lead and whether they follow it's their choice. Yahweh has to reach their hearts and we cannot be the holy spirit, we can only be used by the holy spirit and on the part of why [inaudible 27:45] to understand they are very precious in a sight of Yahweh no matter how your husband may treat you, it does not change your worth before the most high. Your worth is not defined by... your word to defined by Yahweh sending his own son Yahushua Hamashiach to come and die for you and if you were the only sinner on the planet he would come and die for you personally.
But too often wives are trying to get their husbands to show them proper love by being disrespectful that's not going to work, that's going to provoke that man to the flesh, not the spirit. And it's also a form of control it's rooted in the mindset well my husband won't leave me, won't love me properly I'll take a leadership position and I'll make sure he does, it doesn't work.
She's now in headship position, she's taking the lead, she's leading and this is a husband should not control his wife by using works of the flesh or force or anger or rats or whatever, should instead be gentle and loving how much more so should a wife be gentle and loving, knowing it's not her place to really begin with. Scripture says the husband is the head of the wife as the Messiah is the head of the congregation. Now it doesn't you can't appeal in a respectful way and ask for a change of mind or make decisions together, that's really the ultimate goal to make every decision together because the wife does have valuable things to say and to add to the discussion. But if it comes down to a decision that needs to be made there has to be someone who is responsible, who is in a leadership position, every organization, every company, every nation has leadership. And the same is true of a family, it doesn't mean the husband is above the wife spiritually they both spiritually equal before the throne. But someone has to be able to have the freedom make the decision not because they are smarter, better or anything but because they are the ones responsible for the outcome.
And so scripture says wives submit your own husbands as to Yahweh or a master for the husband is to head of the wife as the Messiah is the head of the congregation. So men need to be men and women need to be women, both have an important role to fill both are equal before Yahweh had equal standing. But we all also have different jobs we're supposed to do. Men cannot bear children and cannot nurse children, there are certain things that men are not called to do there certain things women are called to do. We live in a culture where the gender lines are confused, men act like women act, women act like men and that's considered to be wonderful. I think we need to embrace the roles we've been given by the most high, and we need to be fathers and mothers to our children. Men, we don't want to find ourselves going to a festival and Yahweh not being among us.
Scripture says your new months and your appointed feasts, my soul hates, he's talking to the people Isaiah chapter 1. Isaiah was Prophet during the times of Uzziah was a king, he's supposed to be our righteous king. When you spread your hands, I'll hide my eyes from you, even though you make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. I mean they are guilty of bloodshed, wash
yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes, cease to do evil, learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. I think if there are children who are spiritually fatherless and wives who were spiritual leaders if men are not willing to do the things Yahweh has called us to do as fathers. If he's concerned about another man's wife, another man's children, how much more so should you be concerned about your own? Deuteronomy 6:7 says you shall teach them diligently to your children to talk of them when you sitting in your house, we walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up. Are we doing that? This is a commandment it's not an option, it's not multiple choice, it's something we are commanded to do, we need to be willing to do that. Here's another area another trouble spot we know is in the body of Messiah and that is worldliness.
Scripture says in 1 John 2:15 do not love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, it's not of the father but is of the world and the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he does the will of Elohim abides forever. So if we have lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life and that we love the flesh, we love the things that the eyes take in and we have this pride of life about us, we cannot have the love of our heavenly father dwelling in us it's impossible, the double-minded man, unstable in our ways. It's too much worldliness in the body of Messiah, what do we value? The spirit of Elohim, the spirit of Yahweh or the spirit of the world. Scripture says we have not, we received not the spirit of the world but the spirit was from Elohim that we might know the things that really given to us by Elohim. The spirit of the world is an unclean spirit instead of love, it brings hatred, instead of peace it brings confusion, instead of hope it brings hopelessness, instead of righteousness it brings wickedness, instead of pure, undefiled love for Yahweh the most high, it is fundamentally at war with him and it is a subtle spirit. Every bit of subtle as the enemy in the garden of Eden, we may not even know you're listening to it and obeying its voice because listen it's like we're on a river and we have the people of Yahweh who're in a raft and in order to avoid going over the waterfall ahead you're going to have to start rowing those wars and going the opposite direction everybody else is going. You're gonna have to paddle against the current, toward the promised land ahead, all you gotta do is just sit in the raft and look at the world go by and you'll go down the waterfall. We have to continually be fighting against the great, fighting against the current because the only thing you gotta be doing to go the wrong direction is do nothing, do nothing and the world will take you where it wants you to go. We've got to realize we are in a battle we are in a war nobody's on the side-lines, there is no cheerleaders were all in it every human being on the planet is it. And scripture says this narrow is the gate,
difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it. If you're on easy street as a believer something's wrong, there are few who find it let alone walks it
out. Ask yourself, ask Yahweh is there something, am I just not zealous enough, maybe I'm lukewarm, maybe I think I'm hot but really I'm lukewarm.
But the spirit that is in the world is seeking to take it down the stream, wanting us to give up the fight, wanting to take us down this path that will not bring life and many succumb to its way. It's all over the TV, it's all over the mass media, sometimes we don't even realize what it's doing to us because it seems so normal, we see it all the time on television what's wrong with it? It's not that big of a deal, who says it's not that big of a deal? Since when is sin not that big of a deal? If you're impressed by Hollywood and the latest thing it's churning out, ask yourself am I really living a set-apart life in my mind and in my heart? Am I really living a life that's different than the world? Do I notice, they say if you take a frog putting, it in boiling water it'll jump out. If you put a frog in a pot of water and then slowly turn up the temperature, he won't even know until he's dead and I think that we have been in this pot of water and Satan has slowly caused the temperature increase and some of us don't even realize we're in hot water, If we're redeemed we're going to be different, we're going to be peculiar, we're not gonna be like the world, we're not going to be enjoying the customs of vanity nor the river we within them because the spirit in us will not put up with the vanity of it all it will grow over the vanity [inaudible 38:45]. If we redeemed our focus will be on spiritual things that's where our delight will be. We'll look for spiritually minded friends, humble people who are not focused on the carnal things, people who think different, behave differently, look different, Yahweh is holy and he is calling us to be holy, the word in scripture in Hebrew for holy is kodesh. Kodesh is apartness, separateness, set-apartness, different and so if we're following
the holy set apart spirit we will not be involved with the spirit of the world which is far from holy. And we will cringe when we see wickedness. Scripture says he was called you as holy, you
also be holy of all your conduct 1 Peter 1:15 because it is written be holy for I am holy.
Our conduct, our speech, our dress, our attitudes,
the things we treasure, the things that give us pleasure, it's all going to be different. We walk by faith in Yahushua because Yahweh is holy, we are here to set apart the things we love will be the things he loves. And we're called to be holy as he is holy, this means we're going to be not just different for the sake of being different, but because we're putting Yahweh first in our lives. We're not going to be buddy with the world or worldly people and the way we dress will not be flesh centered, our own riches, our own temporal things, we're not going to fear the things the world fears. We're not gonna love the things the world loves we're gonna be different, we're gonna love the things Yahweh loves, despite the things he despises and we don't see ourselves as a friend of the world. But see worldly people as Yahweh sees them as people who need to be redeemed, people who need to be reconciled with their creator. James says adulterers and adulteresses do you not do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim. He calls that adultery, how many adulterers will
be in the Kingdom? Or do you think the scripture says in vain, spirit filled dwells in us endurance jealously? Yahweh is jealous. Colossians 3 verse 1, If you then were raised with the Messiah seek those things which are above, where Messiah is sitting at the right hand of Elohim, set your mind on things above not on things on the earth.
If we're doing that we will not be laying up for ourselves treasures on earth or a moth and rust destroy where thieves break in and steal, now we will be laying up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, where thieves not break in and steal for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I might add where your treasure is there your time will be also. The lamp of the body is the eye if you're out there for your eye is good your whole body will be full of light but if your eye is bad your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light is in you is darkness how great is that darkness? Now the good eye and bad eye is a Hebrew euphemism, the good eye is one willing to give, the bad eye is the one who is stingy, will not give. No one can serve two masters that's why it says here, you either hate the one or love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, you cannot serve a Elohim and mammon. Mammon being money and so I ask you how does your retirement program look? I'm not talking about your 401k; I'm talking about your spiritual retirement program.
Is your next day kind of broken? In need of assistance, how much spiritual riches have you stored up for the years to come?
You know every one of us are called in the ministry, I don't like it when I hear someone go, oh yeah brother so... this guy over here he was called in the ministry.
What is the Catholic Church? I mean, the Catholic Church is like, or even Protestant churches are like, there are certain people who are the ministers and as a lay people getting served. Now last I checked we're all supposed to be served, not everybody will be a teacher, not everybody will be a minister or a pastor but we all have spiritual gifts that Yahweh has given us and we need to be willing to use them to minister, to bless other people and that's how you store up a nice spiritual retirement program that's literally out of this world, you start using your gifts.
Some people have the gift of help, some people give to the administration, another the gift of mercy,
there's all kinds of spiritual gifts not just teaching, lots of spiritual gifts and are we using them? Do you know what they are? Do you care? We need to care, and we need to be the sheep, not the goats. The sheep care about the needs of those around them and therefore are ministering to Yahushua himself. The goats were indifferent Matthew 25 the indifferent ones to the needs of those or rather there are a lot of hurting people in this world what are you gonna do about it? You're a part of the body of the Messiah, what are you doing about it? If you think Yahushua is doing nothing about it you're wrong. He's healing, he's active, he's changing lives, are you a part of this or not or you just sitting back, armchair believes criticizing everybody else or you think you guys you're so old you're a retired believer now. No, we need the council of elders, there are no retired believers until the age to come we enter our rest till then we got work to do.
Speaking of all this another issue I see in the body of Messiah is a lack of zeal, Yahweh says in
Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 you shall love Yahweh with your Mighty One with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength.
Three things Yahweh wants completely, heart, soul, and strength. Actually the word strength is the Hebrew word Meod meaning muchness, exceedingly, lots of force, lots of effort and here's another definition theological book of the Old Testament exceedingly, much force, abundance denotes the intention or will of the whole man, the fash means the whole self, unity of flesh, will and vitality. May all the accents a superlative highest degree of total commitment to Yahweh. Another lexicon has the highest degree, so I think
some of us have inherited a church goer mentality. I mean almost every congregation has people like this in the group, they're the ones who are in attendance, paying their dues, parting the message, smiling at others, but inside they can't wait to get home and go about their business.
They can't wait till Sabbath is over so they can go about their business much of which involves chasing things that do not profit. There are some like that among us they feel as though they keep the Sabbath, they refrain from unclean foods, observe the festivals, use the right names, now they think they picked the right religion, got their ticket to heaven and basically doing all they need to be saved. Scriptures never teach a believer to say because of what church or congregation they go to, what broadcast, or what teachers they listen to. Listen, Yahweh, is not a part-time Elohim, only shows up on Sabbath he's on the throne all the time and he hasn't stopped being Elohim when the Sabbath ends. If you're a part-time believer trying to serve a full-time Elohim you're in big trouble. Yahushua said what you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but inside are full of dead men's bones and all cleanness. Even so, you outwardly appear righteous to men but inside you full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. 1 Peter 2:1, therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, all evil speaking as newborn babies desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby. If indeed you taste it, Yahweh is gracious. I've tasted that, you've tasted that I hope. Yahweh is looking for full-time believers in the midst of a part-time mentality, generations that have a part-time mentality and he's looking for those who have a sincere faith and are willing to put him first. He already is first, it's just whether you want to live in recognition of that or not. If he's first in every decision you make in your life, every expression of your will, every action and every thought. So is Yahweh really first in our lives, that's... or really it's are we first. Do we have a passion for the things he has a passion for? Do we have a passion for things that have no eternal value at all? Some of us don't love Yahweh that much because we don't really feel like were all that bad of a person; think we lack the "muchness" parts of loving Yahweh with all of we are if we don't think we've been all that bad a person you know maybe you don't think you've done much wrong your life and so for that reason you believe there really wasn't all that much for Yahushua to have to die for when you are forgiven. And when you accepted him. Consider this for a moment maybe by society standards you weren't that bad of a person, maybe didn't rob banks, commit rape, murder, violence. Maybe you're generally an honest person for the most part and try to treat your parents with respect and honor and so you feel like you know as an unbeliever you really weren't all that bad.
Listen you are only measuring yourself by standards that most people say are important which is that you love and respect your fellow man, almost every religion teaches you to do that, where you and I and all of us have completely messed up, is in our relationship with our creator. Yahushua was asked teacher which is the great commandment in the law Yahushua said to him you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind. This is the first great commandment. The second is like this, you should love your neighbor as yourself, on these two commandments hang all the law on the Prophets. The most important command is that we love Yahweh. Why? Is there anyone more deserving really? I mean all men will fill us in their love for us but Yahweh never has, it's his love that has been
constant but it's been unwavering, it is he who is made as, it is he who has provided for us, it's he who has watched over us and protected us from our own wayward ways, it is he who has created everything, there isn't anything that exists apart from his will and his power. It is he who holds the breath and [inaudible 53:56] our in the palm of his hand and you know what even though he loved us with a perfect love before we give our lives to him we could have died at any time and inherited damnation.
But Yahweh did not give us what we deserved; there is nothing at any time that kept me and you, any one moment from our life slipping into the lake of fire except the mercies of all Mighty Yahweh.
Unbelievers don't realize it, but they're walking along the slippery slope and one false step, one false move and he slip right in. And Yahweh alone the one they're offending is under no obligation to Satan, except his abundant mercy on our Soul. You and I would have no defense whatsoever, divine justice will declare us as guilty and just as easily as one can trample on an ant crawling along the sidewalk you and I could just have died as easily and quickly, were it not for Yahweh's decision to call us out of darkness and into his marvellous light. We deserve nothing and while we were ignoring him and chasing our own pursuit involved in our own ways, our own lives he chose to love us anyway,
and sent his beloved, precious, amazing son Yahushua, the most loving person who ever lived knowing the world would not receive him, and knowing they would torture him mercilessly nailed his body to a tree where he died a slow, painful and suffocating death. Listen some of you don't think you're all that bad before you give your life to him, but listen you didn't deserve anything, not by your righteousness but by his. Yahweh and his mercy opened your eyes in spite the fact that you didn't think you're all that bad maybe. Seven billion people in the world. How many people have their eyes opened to see the things that we see and know the things that we know? We ought to get on our faces and just cry out, a Thanksgiving prayer to know what we know, to see the things that we see. Yahweh was the one who came up with the idea of an earth and trees and creatures and life and love and yet people treat him as though he doesn't exist and that's how we treated him before we gave our lives to him. And whatever evil you've seen in the world as a result of men ignoring him, setting him aside, treating him as though he doesn't exist. To ignore the one who created all things and has your breath in a palm of his hand is a very serious matter. You have ever loved someone that didn't really care about you? Just ignored you almost all the time, ever done something with someone because you love them and they acted as though he didn't care, he just ignored it? The rejection can be painful. That's how people are treating our father in heaven. There isn't anything we own, anything our possession, anything we value what he's not the ultimate provider of. He created our lives, the earth, and the sea, everything that's in it and yet many ignore him and act like they don't care. Listen we have a lot to be forgiven all of us. Yahushua spoke of a woman, said, therefore, I say to her, her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much. But to who little is forgiven the same loves little. The question is do we, much like the one who washed Yahushua's feet with her tears, love much? Do we love Yahweh with all of our heart, all of our soul, and all of our strength? Imagine if you were in and drowning in a riptide or a whirlpool and someone risks their own life and nearly died trying to save you, you would probably say hey thank you so much for saving me like I'll do anything for you just say the word, right.
Appreciation, thanksgiving, recognition, the love that person had for you risking their own life to save yours, would motivate you to do something in return for them, especially if you ignored the person who told you not to go in there. Or if someone who did die saving you and his name is Yahushua HaMashiach.
We spent enough of our past lifetime doing the will of gentiles, I'd say. What are we gonna do for him?
He did so much for you what are you going to do for him? That's the question, are you gonna say, oh, yeah, anything, you say the word I'll do it you saved my life. Thank you, he gave everything for us We need
to redeem the time scripture says Ephesians 5:16 because the days are evil, we spend enough time chasing worldly pursuits. What are we gonna do to redeem the time? That's a question we all need to answer. Yahweh wants us to love with his kind of love, his zealous love. He wants us to love with our hearts, soul, and strength because that's how he loves us. Are we willing to? I hope so, another trouble spot I see in the body of Messiah I see is sectarianism and denominationalism.
Sometimes it's cloaked in religious zeal, we have people who really are not zealous in our love for Yahweh, but they're really zealous for their particular brand of faith. What I mean is there are hundreds of denominations out there, they all believe they're right. Which one's the right one and it almost looks like sports teams out there, you know you got cheerleaders and promoters of different denominations all vying for the people's attention so their team will be victorious. There's nothing wrong with promoting what we believe to be right and correct and true but there's a real problem we begin to develop what I call sectarianism or elitism, and suggest that those who are outside and have a different understanding than we do, somehow have no eternal life abiding in them, unless they would join our particular brand of understanding, our particular way we understand bible verse or whatever.
And there are many groups like this, Jehovah's Witnesses is one they don't believe anyone has salvation outside their particular group and there are some among us who are Torah observant believers of Messiah who believe one has no salvation unless they understand the things that we understand. They need to keep the Sabbath; they need to observe the Feast Days, to eat clean, call on Yahweh's name and so forth. I disagree but sectarianism is as old as the first century, go back to Acts chapter 24 verse 1-3 says after five days and then I ask the high priest came down with the elders and certain orator named Tertullus, this gave evidence to the governor against Paul and when he was called upon Tertullus began his accusations saying seeing that through you we enjoy great peace and prosperity is being brought to this nation by your foresight. We accept it always and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. This is an orator speaking, he's warming him up. Nevertheless not to be tedious to you any further I beg you to hear by your courtesy a few words from us. We found this man speaking of Paul the apostle, a plague, a creator of dissension among all Jews throughout the world, a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. The sect, now Paul is being accused of this, the unbelieving Jews can say the believers and Messiah to be a sect of the first century Judaism, a denomination in the first century Judaism, of course, we know Paul is accused of kind of things in the verses that follow. But I want to pay attention here to what Paul said in response to this accusation, this part of the sect of the Nazarenes.
He said we found many another family in a the temple the speeding up anyone knowing soaring high in the crowd I didn't synagogues or in the city nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me. But this I confess to you that according to the way which they call, they sacked so I worship the
Elohim of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets. Notice that Paul never actually identified himself as being part of Nazarene sect instead he says he is part of the way.
Another verse Acts chapter 9 verse 1-2, Saul still breathing threats and murder against disciples of Yahushua, went to the high priest, and asked letters to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way whether men or women might bring them down to Jerusalem. Another verse Acts 19 verse 8-9 he went to the synagogues spoke boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom of Elohim. But when some of them were hardened and did not believe, it spoke evil of the way before the multitude he departed from them through the disciples and so on. Acts 19:23 there was a great commotion about the way. Acts 24:22 when Felix heard these things having more accurate knowledge of the way he adjourned the proceedings instead, and so forth. So rather than Paul identifying himself as a member of some sect called Nazarene, he simply said he was a follower of the way and so he distanced himself from sectarianism or denominationalism altogether. And we need to do the same and not create our own denomination in the process. Some people believe that unless you hold to their particular creed, their particular statements of doctrine, their particular understanding of scripture, you're lost, you're going to hell. I beg to differ, suppose there was a man living a very simple lifestyle, the unbeliever was in a motel room one night and he opened up the drawer and in the drawer was the Gideon bible.
He began to read it, making very interested. He began to realize that he wanted a new life; he realized he was a sinner and he needed a Savior, and he wanted to say he wanted to be saved and he got his face in tears of repentance and expressed his faith in Messiah, his commitment to doing his will from that day forward. Now that man is almost completely bible illiterate, he knows very little about Yahweh's will for his life. He knows there are certain things you shouldn't be doing, he knows certain things but in what he knew he repented, now how many people listening to broadcast today they'll go I'm sorry, you really believe Yahweh in heaven is going well you didn't pronounce the name correctly, sorry I can't save you, we didn't keep your first Sabbath yet, we don't know about the Feast days yet, So I'm not going to save you till you keep your first Sabbath. Brothers and sisters that's not how Yahweh works, it's not and I hope you don't think that way, that's not the way, he doesn't wait till you pronounce his name in a certain way and then you are like open sesame or something like it's a magic word or something, it's not what's intended to be. The moment that man repented and put his faith and trust in the side he entered into a relationship with the most high no longer walking contrary to him and hostile ways toward him but now having a willing heart to follow Messiah and that's the key. He was an enemy of Yahweh at one time but now he's turned, he's repented; he has turned his heart now toward following righteousness and the way from the following unrighteousness. I mean how much otherwise, the alternative is this, one person becomes a believer when they have a say 10 percent truth, 30 percent, 50 percent, how much truth do they have to have before they become a believer? Where you are on the scale are you really 100 percent? I beg to differ we're all working on changing what we need to change and we find things all the time we don't realize we're doing wrong. It's not how much knowledge you have, it's your willingness to walk out the knowledge he gives you and if you judge somebody else because maybe they're at 20 percent and you're at 40 percent can't somebody who's at 80 percent judge you for being at 40 percent? Scripture says watch out, look we're all supposed to
be on the way right, that's the main thing. If you're on the way then you're on the way, you're part of the way, for with what judgment you judge you'll be judged, measure you use will be measured back to you, and why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but don't consider the plank in your own eye? That person doesn't keep the Sabbath yet, you mistreated your son the other week you're not treating your wife right, your husband right, those things you're not doing either. Now be careful, got to be real careful because that
Christian might be a better father than you are, he might love his neighbor better than you do, he might be giving to the poor better than you do, all right he can judge you, too. Is this what it's all about, comparing ourselves with ourselves, comparing ourselves with Yahushua HaMashiach and we all fall short that my friend, I tell you that right now. It's not getting your little club, your little sports team, and thinks you've made it, and you're
the haves and they are the have-nots, its pride. The main thing is a willing heart to seek after truth, pursue righteousness and putting one's trust and Yahushua's righteousness being in them as being with necessary for salvation and forgiveness. Another trouble spot tradition or over commandments, I would be remiss if I didn't point out what is to me a glaring problem in the body of Messiah, man-centered religion.
One of the problems with the denominationalism is that when people find little bit of truth they think they got the whole thing, when really the only got a little piece of steak and they think they have the whole cow and they're comparing themselves with themselves and so when you find some new truth you try to share the congregation they're gonna be few people who are open minded to hear anything new or different because they think they've already got the whole cow. They are comfortable with their particular brand of Christianity and the new things would basically result in them losing it. Employment, your pension, respect of the community, and the pastors are not willing to receive anything different than when they currently believe otherwise upset the balance in the congregation, people leave and they don't want to lose that. Then the people in the pews, suppose I share with somebody something about the Sabbath then their minds are thinking you know that guys is probably right, but what if I lose my job? I've to go to a different church, lose my friends, my family and the consequences of following it are actually too great and so they're content to stay where they are. Their relationship with the father now can be compromised; they're not really putting Yahweh first in their life. They are putting themselves first and that's dangerous. Now the law does not save us but it does instruct us in a right living. Honoring your parents will not save you but it's the right thing to do if you rebelliously refused to do it, you place yourself in danger because you're no longer a repentant person. Same it's true with whether it's a lying, stealing, adultery, we're Sabbath-breaking, we're honoring our father's name the third commandment. It's not really you know some people say well, this commandment salvational. To me, that's a really silly question. Are we gonna go through the list of commands and go well this sort of commandments is not salvational, so I'll ignore those? And this sort of commandments is salvational so I'll make sure I do those. If that's your mentality, you missed it. I mean if Yahweh came to you in a dream and says stand on your head 10 minutes a day. Stand on my head 10 minutes a day, why? Just do it, and I thought oh that's ridiculous, I'm not gonna do that. Guess what it's salvational. Because your heart now is rebellious, and you're not repentant. And we have to be repentant people to be saved. It's not the commandment so much as it is are you willing to repent when you learn you've done something wrong? That's where salvation ends and begins.
And Yahushua said in vain they worshiped me, teaching these doctrines the commandments of men. Relaying aside the commandment of Elohim behold the tradition of men but washing of pitchers and cups and many other such things you do. He said to them all too well you reject the commandment of Elohim but you may keep a tradition.
There are lots of traditions in the church today that are not found in scripture there's not a single scripture that says the Sabbath is on the first day of the week, not even one, everywhere you find the word Sabbath it's always talking about the seventh day of the week, it's never talking about the first day of the week. There is one day that was set aside at creation to be the day in which we rest he set apart, made that day holy if you keep another day it's a waste of time, it's not holy. Tradition is, all he changed it because Messiah rose on the first day of the week. Where is that in the scriptures? Nowhere. Six days shall work be done the seventh day is a Sabbath, soul and rest. Soul and rest a holy convocation you should do no work on it, is a Sabbath of Yahweh and all your dwellings entire idea of gathering once a week comes from Leviticus, there's no such commitment anywhere in the new testament, gather once a week, nowhere. They did it because they were being obedient to Leviticus 23, is the holy convocation of time together, to hear the word and that's one of many traditions, now have been changed, traditionalists change commandments. What concerns me the most are the hard issues I can fellowship with somebody who has the zeal for the most high and maybe they go to church on the first day of the week and I'm not going to judge them unless, out of their own mouth, say, yeah you're right about that Sabbath thing but I'm not going do it. And I've had pastors telling me that and I've had people who are in the pews tell me that, men-centered-religion.
There are other ways men-centered-religion manifest itself, but those are some.
Here's another area I feel we need to work on as a body of Messiah, prayer. Leonard Ravenhill once wrote, "No man is greater than his prayer life." The pastor who's not praying is playing the people who are not praying are straying. We have a lot of organizers but not agonizers, many players and payers, but few prayers, many singers but few clingers, lots of pastors few wrestlers, many fears few tears, much fashion but little passion. Many interfere but few intercessors, many writers but few fighters, failing here we fail everywhere.
Would you believe that was written in the 1950's. Unless we are hearing from and speaking to Yahweh on a regular basis we're just playing religion. We found something we like and we're going along with it. It's not a religion we need it's a relationship, it's not religion we need it's a vibrant prayer living prayer life and a zeal for righteousness we pray for others, we pray for leaders, we pray for favor. Scripture says to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and everything we give thanks for this is the will of Elohim the Messiah Yahushua for you.
Pray without ceasing, thank him for the new things he does in your life, thank him for the things you normally take for granted, pray for those who are not loving you, talk to Yahweh in prayer let him personally instruct you by his spirit, open up his word and personally teach you the things he wants to show you. If the only bible you get is hearing bible teachers you're missing, Yahweh wants to reach down and show you his will for your life personally, there's a general will that's for everyone but there's a personal calling on your life, he wants to show you that by his spirit, are you willing, are you willing to talk to him, are you willing to listen to him? We must all be willing corporately, almost be willing corporately to come together for prayer.
This week feast of tabernacles we're going to be hosting in the tabernacle itself we plan together every night and pray as long as we need to. I feel it's important that we take that time and cry out to the most high. Times you are going to get more and more challenging, the disciples they're all about prayer.
Acts 6 verse 1-4 now in those days number of disciples is multiplying; there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Grecians because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. In the twelfth summer the multitude of disciples, and said, it's not desirable that we should leave the word of Elohim, and serve tables. Therefore brethren seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the holy spirit, wisdom whom we may appoint over this business. But we'll give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Prayer in ministry of the word, we need more than sharing the word, we need prayer, prayer is our communication with Yahweh and his words communication to us and to the rest of the world. A relationship consists of communication, if there is no communication going on there is no relationship,
I believe we need more prayer meetings that's one of the things we need more of.
Another thing Leonard Ravenhill said was, "Can anyone deny that in the modern church setup, the main cause of anxiety is money? Yet that which tries the modern churches the most, troubled the new testament church the least. Our accent is on paying, their accent was on praying. When we pay, the place is taken. When they pray, the place was shaking. I love his use of language. Another scripture Acts chapter 4 verse 31 and when they had prayed the place for they were assembled together was shaking and they were all filled with the holy spirit and they spoke the word of Elohim with boldness. Now the multitude of those who believe had one heart and one soul, neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own.
They had all things in common with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection master Yahushua and great grace is upon them all.
We need that great grace upon us, we need to pray
in such a way that the whole place is shaken as Yahweh pours out his spirit upon us and uses us in a mighty and powerful way now we're coming upon tonight here in 2017, the day of atonement Yom Kippur, this is our time to pray, corporately as a body of Messiah and confess the sins of our own lives, to confess the sins we see in the body Messiah. And so tonight my plan is to have a conference call and we're going to identify the issues that we have in the body of the Messiah.
We want to identify those issues and we want to confess them so we're going to do a conference call, I'll open up the floor to hear from different people who're on the call and then we are going to ask around and I'll start making a list of things that we as Yahweh's people need to repent, confess and cease from doing.
And then when I have compiled the list we're
gonna go together before Yahweh and ask forgiveness
and ask for grace, for mercy and for help at our time of need. I'm gonna put the information up here on the screen if you're interested in participating in this and I hope you are. Just one minute get this up here. 8:30 PM easter time tonight. Again, it's Eastern Time. We are going to have a conference call Yom Kippur, I will go ahead and broadcast the audio of this call as well, you can dial 857-232-0159 and then
enter 8886762, 888762 at the prompt and it'll take
you right into the conference call. I have the ability to mute people if necessary and keep decency in order and you'll be able to raise your hand by pressing a button, things of that nature and will try to get this done and we're gonna go together as a body of Messiah before Yahweh and speak to him in confession the things that we know are trouble spots among us. And recognize them, confess them and then I hope forsake them and cease from these things. But until then brothers and sisters let's pray, O heavenly father thank you for your love and mercies. Thank you for revealing to us areas that we need to change, I ask father that you'll continue to use others, to speak to us the things that you want us to confess and forsake. We want to be a people who are pleasing in your sight, who are turning away from any areas that we are lacking to measure up to the example of Yahushua HaMashiach. I pray, Father, you establish your kingdom among us and within us. Provide for us provisions spiritually and physically, forgive us where we fail you as we forgive those who fail us, in everything we give you praise, we give you honor and we give you worship. For truly yours is the kingdom and power and glory and majesty, forever and ever in Yahushua's great name we pray, Amein