Mikveh or Baptism? The True Meaning and Importance
12/31/16 (11/01) Video Broadcast
Addresses the unscriptural “Mikveh” practices commonly found in Messianic Judaism and why immersion in Yahushua’s name is important.
We're going to talk
about a - one of the more
foundational topics and so often times the enemy wants to attack us at the foundation. And if we don't get our foundation right, then a lot of other things can be really, really messed up. So I feel like we need to talk about this on a regular basis. I first shared a study along these lines, oh 45, four or five years ago and I felt the need to readdress this. And - and so, we're going to talk today about the topic of baptism, baptism. Some people call that, especially in Messianic circles, they like to call it Mikva. I'm going to be sharing why that is not a correct - the correct terminology. And the way they do it, is also not correct, according to scripture. But, baptism is an extremely important - that we understand that. For some reason, it's been attacked. I think I know the reason. It's been attacked. The enemy has sought to confuse what it really means. And there are some church denominations that teach it's not necessary, other people say, "Well, since you don't have to do it in order to be saved, you know, why bother doing it at all?" And so, and then we have those who believe different styles of baptisms. Some choose to go forward when they baptize, some choose to go straight down, others choose to fall backwards, others believe that no one's supposed to put their hands on you when you're baptized, but that you just kind of immerse yourself, and they'll be witnesses there. And so, and then there's the confusion over what name you get baptized in. Is it the name of the Messiah or is it Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? There's just all kinds of, you know, a wide variety of ideas. As to, what it really means and how you're supposed to do it and whether or not, it's even necessary for us.
For many centuries, the Catholic Church taught that, you know, you - the baby's born and you sprinkle a baby with water and that's your baptism. When I was a baby, I was sprinkled with water in the Catholic Church and, of course, I don't remember it, it's been a while, but that was their idea of baptism. And then, you know, other denominations rose up after the Catholic Church Reformers came along like Luther and others, and said, "Well wait a minute, it's supposed to be a full immersion, a complete dipping underneath the water that's supposed to take place". And some people felt well, "What does it matter as long as you're baptized?" And, but there's just all kinds of thoughts on what it really means. And so, we're going to talk about the question, Mikvah or, if you want to call it Baptism, which one do you call it? The true meaning and importance of it, and the key thing that we need to understand is, first of all, your heart has to be in the right place. You know, it's not just a, "Oh, well I'll go down". It's not like you're going to go take a bath or something, it's - there's some significance to it in the spiritual realm that we need to understand. Now, baptism in the name of Yahushua, was never commanded specifically in the Torah. And so, this is a new commandment given by our Savior, Yahushua that he wants us to participate in. It was pictured perhaps in the, you know, the children of Israel going through the sea and the cloud and so on, but no one was at - there's nowhere that Moses says, "Go out and get baptized in the name of Yahshua, the Messiah." And so, this is a new commandment that Yahshua, the Messiah, gave us and I do accept new commandments, some people don't believe we should accept new commandments, but I do, if Yahweh was the inspiring force behind scripture, I don't care where he said it, when he said I, how he said it, or through whom he said it, I want to do it. And so, we have the example here of Matthew Chapter 28, Verse 18, Yahshua spoke, came and spoke to them, that's disciples saying, "All authority is given to me in heaven and earth. Go therefore, and make - make disciples of all nations." Now a disciple is one who is taught. The word disciple means, "Taught one." What are they teach - what are they being taught? Okay well, first of all, "We baptize them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." So Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and a lot of people want to do baptism, they'll do Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But then, disciples, the word "disciple's means taught one. What are teaching them? Teaching them to observe, "All things that I have commanded you" and "Though I'm with always, even to the end of the age." And so we read this in the book of Matthew, Chapter 28, Verse 18, now notice he said, "Baptized in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit", but then later in Acts, Chapter 2, verses - we'll start at verse 36, says, "Therefore, all the House of Israel know assuredly that Elohim has made this Yahshua, whom you crucified both Master and Messiah." And when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and sent to Peter in the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
Then Peter said to them, "Repent." Repent means start following the teachings, start obeying the voice of Yahweh. It means turn away from unrighteousness and turn towards righteousness and obedience. Let - and "Let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Yahshua Messiah for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off as many as Yahweh, our Mighty One", will call. If you get this - this promise is to you who are standing there, their children, and all who are afar off. That's - that's tremendous, that's us. Right? "As many as are in the - within the listening sound of my voice", this is a promise to you.
It says, "And to are afar off", and so that's who we are. We are the ones who are far off and something he promises us if we choose repentance and of course, faith in Yahushua HaMashiach, accompanied by baptism. And there's a promise that we're given, what is it? "You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". You shall. It doesn't say you might, it doesn't say I'll think about it, he says, "You shall", as long as you've heard his call, as many as Yahweh, our Mighty One will call. Now it's impossible for you to even have a desire for righteousness, unless Yahweh had called you. But that's awesome promise and considering the hopeless state mankind's in, we need this promise and we see baptism as a major part of that - of receiving that promise, according to scriptures. So I look at this and I ask the question, I mean knowing that he's got this promise and he's got these commandments, why on earth would anybody think, "Ah, you can do it if you want to or decide not to, no big deal. You're not saved by it." Now it - why we ever have such a mentality? I don't understand that mentality. He says, "Do it", and you say, "Well I'm not saved by it, so I don't have to do it." To me that doesn't make any sense. Why would you not do it? In my mind, if Yahweh came to me in a bolt of lightning and said, "Stand on your head ten minutes a day", then I say to him, "No, I'm not going to do it, 'cause I'm not saved by what you say." I mean that's silly. That's ridiculous. I mean if I was to manifest such a rebellious heart, how I can say, "I'm a repentant person?" And I think that's one of the reasons why baptism is given. It kind of cuts to the chase. I mean, you have to do something publicly that you know, some people might view a little bit embarrassing. You have to go out there I in the water and dunk and all that and go through this ritual and I think that's one of the reasons why people resist it sometimes, but I mean, why would we say, eh - don't have to. It'll make no difference when -- when he says to do it and he says when you do it, you get the promises, you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and I don't know, this - I don't get people's mentality. It'd be like a child who said, "Well, Dad I don't have to do what you say, 'cause you won't throw me out, right?" [LAUGHTER] "If I don't take out the trash, will you throw me out?" No. All right then I won't take out the trash. [LAUGHTER] I mean, why have that mentality if you're really his son? I mean, I would hope you don't. So, all right. Verse 40. "And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, 'Be saved from this perverse generation', take out the trash, right.
Get the trash into the river and let it float down the river, "And be saved from this perverse generation, then those who gladly receive his word, were baptized." And that day, about 3,000 souls were add to them. So, there is a, you know, some people who are going to gladly receive his word, and there will be some people who just apparently do not, and I don't know. I want to gladly receive his word, how about you? I hope that you're one of those, who will gladly receive it. So he told them to be safe from this perverse generation, I tell you what, if they were living that perverse generation, yeah, we are also, definitely. So - so if you're looking for salvation, the answer's really quite simple. Turn away. The word repent means to turn, turn away from unrighteousness, turn toward righteousness and become a believer in the Messiah Yahshua, as evidenced by the external confession and display of faith through the act of baptism. There's no really - no way around that scripture, it's very simple, 'cause the truth is, you can't make your own heart clean. Proverbs 20, Verse 9 says "Who can say I've made my heart clean? I'm pure from my sin. Like Ecclesiastes 7:20 says, "There is not a just man on the earth who does good and does not sin." First John 1:8 says, "If we have - say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Now, because we've sinned, we need to be reconciled to Yahweh. We've all failed him. And the only thing that's going to reconcile us to him, is that we have righteousness dwelling us, wickedness is not going to make it into the kingdom. The wickedness you see on the earth today it will not always be here and praise Yahweh for that. But the evil we see in our own world and in our own hearts, in fact, will not always be here. And so, we need to somehow find a way for us to become righteous, even though, we haven't been. And so the only hope of entering into eternal life is that we are righteous, and we have good news. And the good news is, that there is a righteous kingdom, Yahushua's going to establish on the earth and we are called to enter into that kingdom and he wants to establish that kingdom in us now, as evidenced that we will be willing to be part of that kingdom in the age to come and that kingdom's is going to be a kingdom of righteousness and that's why we need to turn away from unrighteousness and begin our journey of learning what righteousness is and walking that out. And so, how do we being wicked sinners receive righteousness? Did you know that the teachings in the prophets tell us how that's possible? I don't have to read necessarily the narrative of what Yahshua did for us. I can read about what he's going to do for us in the Prophets, and especially in the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah 54, Verse 17 says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper every time which rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn." This is heritage of the servants of Yahweh. You're looking for inheritance. And their righteousness is from who?
Me, says Yahweh. That means our righteousness doesn't come from ourselves, it comes from Yahweh.
And that's our inheritance. So, you know, we can't manufacture our own righteousness. We've got a problem, in that we have already sinned greatly in the eyes of Yahweh. And so, how do we obtain it? How do we get there from here? How do we get Yahweh's righteousness right here in us, so that he will accept us? He says "He's willing to give you that, his righteousness." He's willing to give it to you. He says, "Your righteousness will be from me, so how I happen? It's going to come from a King. Jeremiah 23, verse 5 says, "Behold the days are coming, says Yahweh that I will raise to David a branch of righteousness. A King shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and righteousness on the earth" And so it's from the seed of David, it's going to be a king, it's Jeremiah talking here, well after David's time, and it says, "In his days Judah will be saved."
They'll have salvation. "And Israel will dwell safely". Now this is his name. Who's name? The name of this branch or righteousness, this king. It says, "His name by which he will be called, Yahweh, our righteousness." Yahweh, our righteousness", this is a prophesy. And "This is his name by which he'll be called Yahweh". And the reason Hebrew Yahweh Tsidkenu, Yahweh Tsidkenu, Yahweh our righteousness.
So this king is going to carry his Father's name, Yahweh and he'll be called Yahweh Tsidkenu.
That doesn't mean he's the heavenly Father, but he does, as the Son carry his Father's name. So it is through this king, we're going to call him Yahweh our Righteousness We read just a minute ago "That their righteousness is from me", says Yahweh. And so here's a man who's called Yahweh our Righteousness, because it is through him that Yahweh brought us our righteousness. Does that make sense, through this king, this branch of righteousness that reigns and prospers, we will receive righteousness?
There's other scriptures similar along the line these lines. Isaiah 45:23, "I've sworn myself the word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return, that to me every knee shall bow". We probably recognize that from the New TestAmeint, but this actually where it's coming from. "Every tongue shall take an oath, he shall say, surely in Yahweh I have righteousness", only in Yahweh I have righteousness and something else, strength, that means a strength to live and breathe and walk in righteousness. So we're going - you know when Yahweh says he's going to swear an oath, it's time to stand up and pay attention, because he doesn't do that very often, okay. But he says, "I have sworn by myself" - you can't swear by anything greater than himself, and so he swears by himself, this is what's going to happen, "That you're going to take an oath and say, 'In Yahweh I have righteousness" and strength is the only way you can be righteous. "To him men shall come and be - and shall be ashamed, also shall be ashamed to your and sins against him." In Yahweh all the descendants of Isaiah shall be what? Justified. And so here is an Old TestAmeint prophesy in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45, of what we know today from the Book of Romans and other scriptures, "has justification by faith" in the son of Yahweh, through him we have righteousness and every knee will bow, every time we'll confess, only in Yahweh I have righteousness. And this king, the reason why we are able to receive righteousness though him, is because of what Yahweh did in him. Isaiah 53, verse 10, is another prophesy of the coming Messiah. "If it please Yahweh to bruise him, he has put him to grief when you make his soul an offering for sin. He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of Yahweh shall prosper in his hand." Talking about the resurrection, seeing his seed, that means that once through him he was able to give righteousness, the seed of righteousness. One place says in the Book of Hebrews, talking about the Messiah here, "Hear my and the children whom Yahweh has given, given to me", so Yahweh gave him children. And so, whose soul is this that's an offering for sin? The Hebrew word for offering for sin, is Ashan, meaning a guilt offering, and his soul is actually in Asham, a guilt offering. So, he shall prolong his days and we are the result of this very thing. So it says, he, 'Yahweh shall see the labor of his soul and be satisfied", "by his knowledge my righteous servant shall justify it." There's that word again, justify. We just saw this here, "Shall be justified in Yahweh" in Yahweh Tsidkenu we will be justified. Right? "And so, my righteous servant shall justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities", in other words, he shall take our iniquities upon himself. This is all predicted in the prophets. Earlier in verse - this is - I guess I don't have it, but earlier in verse 6 it says, "Yahweh has laid on him the inequity of us all", and so, he bears our iniquities and becomes this offering for sin, spoken of in verse 10, "So that we can be granted righteousness." So that we can be justified, the word justify, means to be declared righteous, that's what the meaning of the word is, to be declared righteous. And so, it's pretty awesome really, when you look in the prophets and you see the very things that we believe to be taught in the prophets. It's really awesome. So another instance here is Isaiah 59, verse 15, "So truth fails and he that departs of evil makes himself then pray, then Yahweh saw it and it displeased him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor, therefore, his own arm brought salvation for him. His own righteousness it sustained him. It sustained him. So, it pleased Yahweh to bruise him, he's satisfied by the labor of the soul of the Messiah and it sustained him. It pleased him, it was sufficient that his own rightness which he placed in the Messiah Yahshua, caused us to be righteous. We need an intercessor. And it was his own arm that did it, his own arm that brought salvation. And so, what's it say in Isaiah 53, we read from just a minute ago, "Who has believed our report", indicating not many people are going to believe this, "And to whom has the what? "Arm of Yahweh been revealed." The Jewish people didn't, didn't see it by and large. "For he shall grow up before them as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground, he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there's no beauty that we should that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and we hid", we, that's Isaiah, that's the Jewish people referenced here, "as it were our faces from him, he was despised and we as in Israel did not esteem him." And they didn't, just like scripture predicted, they did not esteem him. And notice he was necessarily a good looking man. There was no comeliness about him. I wonder if that might be one reason why they rejected him. He didn't look the way they expected. Maybe he just looked like a regular guy, you know and that wasn't good enough for them. But, they rejected him and Yahweh used that to bring salvation to the whole world, when he made his soul an Ashan, an offering for sin, a guilt offering. And so, now this is all predicted that it was going to happen and it did. It happened in the first century. And you know, this Isaiah, we actually have copies of Isaiah that are going back to one to 200 BC.
Physical copies that can be read. You can read it online. It's in the Scroll Museum near Jerusalem and it's - right there it is. You can read the whole thing, if you want to, if you can read Hebrew. But, it's pretty amazing that they predicted what was going to happen and it happened. "You shall became the king, he became the one through whom we would receive Yahweh's righteousness. And that's why Yahushua was said. John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me." And so because of Yahweh and Yahushua's love for us, Yahushua came and gave of himself that we might have life, and we might have righteousness", this is all because of Yahweh's love for us. And then John 3:14 he said, "As Moshe lifted the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the son of man be lifted up." Do you know that the serpent was lifted up on a pole, not a cross, it was an upright stake? "That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlast- eternal life. For Elohim so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "And so, the son of man was lifted up on the tree and he became that Ashan, that offering, to bring us Yahweh's righteousness. For Elohim did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of Elohim. What's his name? Yahushua, not Jesus, Yahushua. "And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men love darkness, rather than light, because their deeds were evil." So, you condemn yourself by your own choice as to, whether or not you decide that you're going to believe. And I find it interesting that Yahushua's depicted as a serpent in the wilderness. The people looked upon the serpent and they were healed of the viper bites and they were not - they did not die from the snake's bites. And so, I think the picture is that the enemy's going to attack us, but we will be healed and we will prevail, we will not die, if we look to the Messiah Yahushua. Now why would he be pictured as a serpent because on him was laid the iniquity of us all, and so all of our yuck was laid on him. And so, this is beautiful in my opinion. This is the prophesies of the prophets coming to pass. It's one of the many reasons why I believe in the inspiration of scripture. No one could have made this up. This is clearly the scriptures are of divine origin. Because we have physical copies of Isaiah that predate the Messiah's life by some 200 years and yet they just depict his life perfectly and it's really amazing. So Isaiah 53, verse 6, "All we, like sheep have gone astray, everyone to his own way and Yahweh has laid on him the iniquity of us all". Hallelujah for that. We needed that. We needed Yahweh's righteousness. "So Yahushua bore our sin and we bear his righteousness. And Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the law. He's not saying the law itself is a curse, but the law gives a curse to those who are disobedient to it. And so Yahushua redeemed from the curse that the law gave us, which you will die, you are cursed for disobeying the word of Yahweh. And he became the curse for us, because even in the Torah, it says, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree" and Yahushua was hung on a tree, and so he became cursed for us. But the Jews could not phantom that the Messiah would be hanged on a tree. They apparently did not understand the prophesies and at least the ones that didn't accept him, would not receive his prophesies. But, you know, it's through him that we are in - we are allowed to have righteousness and that we are given righteousness, and to me, I just love that. I love how the prophesies point out the Messiah so beautifully. It's just really awesome. So when Paul's talking here in the Book of Romans, he's not just making up his own documents. He's getting it from the Holy Scriptures. Romans 5, verse 17 says, "For if by the one man's offense that is, Adam's, death reigned through the one. How much more, much more of those who receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one, Yahushua HaMashiach. Therefore, as though - as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men, that's Adam, resulting in condemnation, even so, through one's man -- one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification to life." Beautiful words here. "So Adam as unrighteous and the second Adam", some people call Yahushua the second Adam, "we are redeemed and we are caused to become righteous." "Through one man's offense we are made unrighteous, we are condemned and one man's righteous act, the free gift came of grace, came to all men resulting in justification to life" The only question is whether we're going to receive it. "For as by one man's disobedience, meaning we're made sinners, so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous." Beautiful. I love it. "Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound", that means to demonstrate that we have offended Yahweh, he gave us his law, his standard of righteousness and showed us that we have offended him. "But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more". Why because we received the Messiah, Yahushua. "So that as sin reigned in death, even so, grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Yahushua, Messiah, our master. And so we are granted grace through him. The same way sin produced death, his righteous act give us life, and grace will reign over sin." "Where sin abounds, grace will abound much more". But then the question obviously is, does that mean you can sin all you want and you'll be okay". Don't have to worry about it anymore. To which we have the answer in Romans chapter 6, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Certainly not. Certainly not." This is the strongest possible objection in the Greek language. So how shall we - he asked the question, how can we
even do it? He doesn't fit - he doesn't understand we can do this. "How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" That means we died to sin. "If we die to sin, we can't live it. It doesn't work that way. You can't continue in sin, that grace may abound and live in it." Or do you not know that as many as - as many of us as were baptized" and here's where baptism comes in. "As many as -- of us as were baptized into Messiah Yahushua, were baptized into his death." So we're baptized through his death. Don't you know that? And so you died to sin is what he's saying, because you were baptized into his death. Now, that tells me baptism means something. It's a symbol of the death you have to sin.
So, it has an important meaning for us to recognize. "Therefore, we were buried with him", that means we
were, "buried with him through baptism into death, death to sin, that just as Messiah was raised from the dead, by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life", and so when you go down into the water, it is representing the death you have to sin, and therefore, you no longer live in it, and what? "Being renewed to a newness of life, that life is the Messiah Yahushua living in you. For if we have been united together in a likeness of his death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of his resurrection." And so this is what baptism is representing. Our mindset, is the old man is dead and buried, we were buried with Messiah. "We were crucified with him, and we died with him in the grave, as he went into the grave, all of our sin", all of our yuck, went with him "because he bore it, on him was laid the iniquity of us all." And so all our sin and the man of sin and the disgusting thing is the man of sin chose to do, that's all buried with him. And so now how can we claim that we are in him, unless we refuse to continue in willful sin. Now, if somebody slips from time to time, that's a little different than, you know, scripture says, "That the righteous may fall seven times." , but he gets back up again. But the wicked the fall and they lay in it, you know, they just kind of like a pig going back to the mud after he's been washed, just kind of lay there in it and have a good old time and just go on living a life of sin. But, we've decided that we're going to put Yahushua on us, we're going to cause the old man to die, and we're going to walk in the newness of life. Yahushua's alive. He's not dead, he's alive and so we walk in that newness of life, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him. Do we believe that? Do we believe that the old man was crucified with him, that the body of the sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin? hen you receive the Messiah Yahushua, you are not a slave or - you're not addicted to anything. Yahweh says, "You are not a slave. The sin has no power over you at all". If we believe it we'll act on that. If we don't believe it we won't act on it. "For he who has died has been freed from sin." Do we - we are not slaves to sin any longer. We are not under its power.
See the world that does not accept Yahushua, the Messiah, they are slaves and they are captives and they're bound by the, what's pictured in the Exodus as "fair when they're taskmasters and they're still slaves of sin", and they can't stop, only through the Messiah can we stop. And if we consider ourselves as being "those who have died already", then we will act out what we believe and we will not be overcome by sin, because we, who have died, have been freed from its power. And so, Yahushua's death, our own participation in that death, brings us eternal life.
And when we die with him, then we also will live with him, but first we've got to die with him.
If you can get that, if you can make that a part of who you are, there won't be any sin that will have its bound on you. Nothing can put you under its power. You can overcome any addiction, any struggle, any challenge, if you believe by faith, if you really truly believe this word. I have been crucified with Messiah. It is no longer I who live, but Messiah lives in me. Do you believe that, that you no longer live? "And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith and the son of Elohim who loved me and gave himself for me." Can you say that with me? It is no longer I who live, it is no longer I who live, it is no longer I who live. It is Messiah who lives in me. That means the life you now live, you live by faith in the son of Elohim who loved you and gave himself for you. If you can get that in your mind, implant that word D - deep and become a part of your heart of who
you are by faith, you don't consider yourself to
even be alive anymore. It's only Yahushua who's alive in you. Think about that. Yahushua is living in you. Close your eyes and you think that Yahushua is living in me. So what's Yahushua going to do next? What's it going to do next, next time he's tempted? What's he going to do next time he's struggling with faith? What's he going to do and you'll fine when you tap into that kind of faith, you will walk as he did. And you've got to keep your mind focused on that, no matter what the distractions are, what would Yahushua do in this instance, because it's not I who live, it's Yahushua lives in me. And so, I'm supposed to be manifesting what his life is like. What would he be doing in this scenario? What would he do right now, before he's going to bed, what would he be doing? What would be doing in any instance, any moment, any day? What would he be doing? If you don't know, ask Yahweh to show you or ask, "Yahushua, what would you be doing right now?" So we don't consider ourselves to be alive, we consider Yahushua to be alive. It's not we who live, it's Messiah living in us. If that's true, then everything about yourself has died. No self-seeking, now works of the flesh, because it's dead. You can't offend a dead man. Right? Ever see a dead man get angry? Never have. When the flesh is dead, there's no works of the flesh proceeding from us. That's important if we believe that, if something
you receive, not something that you by your own will power have choosed to try to live out. You receive it by faith and you accept it by faith and if you believe something, then the works will come out of that. That's the basis of what Yahushua did. And I wonder how many of us really ponder that? When you go down in baptismal waters that is the death of the old man, the man of sin. The one who was under bondage. The one who had been slaved to sin. And the new man rose up. Now it's Yahushua living in you. And so when you're tempted to do some kind of wrong thing, you can say, "I reject that in the name of Yahushua, because I'm dead to that." The bible tells me that. That was buried with the old man. That's not who I am. I've taken on a new identity. Yahushua living in me, that's my identity, that's who I am. And so you reject that Yahushua has being you're dead to those things, whatever that might be, anything, any sin, you name it. You can reject it, because you believe that you are dead to it, and if you believe you're dead to it,
then you'll stop.
And so, it gives you the power to overcome, by faith, not by your own willpower, but by faith and Yahweh will work when you operate in faith, he will. So, when were approached to those things, you say, "I'm not alive to that not anymore. I'm dead to that and that old man he died. He went down the baptismal waters and off in to the sea of forgetfulness, all my sins were washed away."
So now Yahweh is my righteousness. Only in Yahweh I have righteousness and strength, the strength to overcome temptation, I have the strength, to endure trials and tribulations and tests, and so our baptism is representing that thing that happened, that we believe and we know happened. Just as you believe in the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth, you believe that right? And so, scripture in the book of Genesis, well here we see the book of Galatians. Do you believe this to be true?
If you believe, you will overcome. If you don't believe, you'll struggle to overcome. So, I'm preaching to myself as much as anybody else, don't get me wrong. In case you're wondering, I'm talking to myself. I don't claim to be perfect. I'm preaching to the choir, which is me, okay.
So, baptism is pretty awesome if you really think about it. "In him", Galatians 2:11, "you were also circumcised, with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body to sins of the flesh. Physical circumcision puts off the foreskin. Spiritual circumcision puts off the body to sins of the flesh, the circumcision, the Messiah. Buried with him, in baptism, and baptism must matter, in which you also were raised with him, through faith in the working of Elohim, who raised him from the dead." Beautiful words. So, you'll accept it. It's the working of Elohim. It's what it is, the working of Elohim through what? Through faith. Through faith in the working of Elohim, you were raised. So the same way we believe Yahushua was raised from
the dead, we believe we are also raised.
We have a new life and baptism is representing that very change. The old man drowse, the new man raises up, takes his place, and that man is Yahushua HaMashiach living in you, and that's why you are the body of the Messiah, that's why. So, hallelujah for that. And whatever sin anybody held against you or whatever, from your past life or whatever, it doesn't really matter anymore, 'cause the one who holds the true record books, Yahweh in heaven, doesn't hold it against you.
No sin that you've done wrong. No evil you've ever have committed can be held against you, 'cause Yahushua, he erased the record. You're brand new. It's as if you never sinned. And so baptism is representing that change to those who receive it. So through him, we are made righteous, no matter how wicked we've been, no matter how awful things we've done. One person asked me question one time, I recall. It was through the broadcast one time a number of years ago. And they listed off somebody's sin. They did this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and they said, "Do you think that person could ever receive grace? And so, I answered, I said, "Is their heart still beating, because as long as our heart's beating, we have the opportunity to give our life to Yahushua. And to have our sins washed away, but once it stops, it's too late. So there's grace available as long as our heart's beating, and so when you lay on your pillow and you hear your heart ticking away, you know, there are thousands and thousands of people who don't wake up.
And, that's a lot people that don't wake up the next morning. So, there's no guarantee of tomorrow. Ponder your life and choose Yahushua.
Romans 6:8, "Now if we die with Messiah, we believe we also shall live with him, knowing that Messiah having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over him, but the death that he died, he died to sin once for all, but the life he lives, he lives to Elohim. So though you may die physically and go into the grave and everybody would cry, you know, be sad you'd gone to the grave, that's not if for you. You will be raised with him. Death does not have any dominion over you, but you don't - if you don't receive him, if you don't receive Yahushua, death will have dominion over you, and you will pay for your own sin. Yahushua will not bear that for you. You will pay for your transgression. And so, let's receive him. So we're going to recognize that we ourselves are dead indeed to sin. You reckon yourselves dead indeed to sin. But, alive to Elohim and the Messianic aMashiach, therefore do not let sin reign your mortal body, but you should obey it in its luss and do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin. But, present yourselves to Elohim as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of instruments of righteousness through Elohim, because hey, you are now part of that body Messiah. Ever play and instrument before, like a saxophone or a guitar or something? Well, your body is an instrument and before it was presented as an instrument of unrighteousness, but now it's presented as a member that creates an instrument of righteousness to Elohim. So, now your body can be used for righteous conduct and righteous behavior. "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you're not under law, but under grace. If you were under the Yahweh's law, you would be held to keeping it perfectly and he would look at you and say, "All right. You're not in under grace, I see that. Well, let's see what the law says about your conduct. It looks like you sinned in this time and that time and this time and that time, well it doesn't look like you're going to make it, buddy, so I have to judge you for your own sin, but if you choose to be under grace, then he's going to say "Yes", you've done these things, but you have received the righteousness I offered you, when I laid your sin on the back of Yahushua HaMashiach 'cause he was nailed to the tree for you and you're under grace, enter into the joy of your master. Now, which one's the better path? Well, I'd take number two there, I mean, it's a no-brainer for me. "What then shall we sin, because we're not under law, does that mean because you have under grace now, you can live out how you want?
Here's that word, 'Certainly not. Certainly not." Lea, we've gone over these scriptures the last couple of weeks, and I pound the table, "Absolutely not, 'cause the strongest possible objection in the Greek language right, Do you not know and to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one slave to the new base, you put yourself bank under slavery to sin. So whether it's settling unto death or of obedience leading to righteousness. So, you don't just take this attitude, while I'm under grace, I can live how I want. Absolutely not. It's because you're not under the law, doesn't mean you're above the law either. It doesn't means you're free of transgressions -intentionally. Don't believe this - the ministers out there telling you, "Oh you're free to disobey the law of Yahweh". It's been abolished now. He took the law away, so you wouldn't be regarded as a sinner. No, you didn't take his loan away he took your sin away, the law still stands. So, that's that bottom line. Now Yahushua did not die to abolish to abolish the law, he died to bear you sin, your transgressions of that law. And if he abolished the law when he died, then anyone who died who lived after that, they have nothing to be convicted of, no sin to even be called sin, because there's no law. They have nothing to repent of. So it doesn't make any sense. So, I do believe we should obey the law of Yahweh, we should not sin. Sin is transgression of the law, according to First John 3:4. Okay. So that's what the - what's being represented in baptism. And so if you're looking for peace and you're looking to get out of the slavery to your own flesh,
Yahushua is the answer, in him we have righteousness and strength. Now, that's where, if you're looking for peace, you know, we cannot have peace, unless we're at peace with our Father in heaven. It's a vain search. Unless we find at the end of that search, Yahushua HaMashiach, Yahushua our Master, our Redeemer, through him we have peace. He is the Prince of Peace. And so, we're going to find that peace when we're reconciled to the one who made us. And that reconciliation that we have with him results in us having peace with each other.
"There's no peace", says the scriptures, "for those who are wicked. Only peace will come when we've turned to Yahweh and we let Yahushua bear or sin for us." And so we see in the scriptures, both old and new testAmeints, so called, a great deal of effort has been made to show us the plan of salvation through Yahushua and how baptism is a depiction of what happens, if the mechanics, or the inner workings of what is going on. So that when Yahushua lives in us, we can overcome any addiction, and challenge, and we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. We are more than conquerors, Romans 8:37 and that's an awesome, awesome promise. So, we're going to do what Yahweh calls us to do,
whether it looks like a Jewish commandment or not, we're going to do what Yahweh's law tells us to do. And a lot of people in the Messianic Movement have come to understand that. I say Messianic, I mean those who have embraced both old and new testAmeint as being the standard for righteous living and but in an effort to make baptism less Christian looking and more Jewish looking, it may be an appeal to Judaism and the Jews who are currently not believers, there's something being taught out there known as Mikvah. And Mikvah and main-line Judaism, is when a person goes down. They dip themselves into the water and get immersed in water, and perhaps wash, and then rise up out of the water of their own accord. An example of where this would be done is, in the Book of Leviticus, Chapter 15, verse 19, says, "A woman has a discharge, discharge for her body's blood, she shall be set apart seven days and anybody who touches her will be unclean 'til evening. Everything that she lies on during her impurity, shall be unclean. Also everything that she sits on shall be unclean. Whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes and bathe, bathe in water and be unclean until evening."
And so, you know, the - this is also something that's done after one has marital relations, they're supposed to wash in water. And so, you know, the idea of baptism must come from this practice and the Jews call that Mikvah, bathing in water and are trying to accomplish that. And so, the idea they say, of baptism comes out of this concept of being washed from your uncleanness coming from the law of Yahweh. Well, looking at the word translated bathe, as in bathe in water, it comes from the Hebrew word rakats, rakats. It means to wash, to wash away, to bathe, to wash, wash, wash, wash, that's what it means to wash. Now I don't know about you, but when I take my bath, I don't just dip in the water and walk out. I scrub my body. So, it's something more than just a dipping in water happening here in the Book of Leviticus and other places. And so where are they getting this idea of Mikvah, because rakats, that's not Mikvah. That's a different word all together. Well, in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 7, verse 19, it says, "Yahweh spoke to Moshe straight to Aaron's, take your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their streams, over their rivers, over their ponds, and over all their pools of water, that they may become blood, and there shall be blood throughout all the of land of Egypt, both in buckets of wood and pitchers of stone." And so, that's one example of where the word Mikvah is used and it's actually a noun describing the pools of water. Another example, Leviticus 11:35 through 36, "And everything on which a part of any such carcass falls shall be unclean, whether it's an oven or cooking a stove, it shall be broken down, for they are unclean and shall be unclean to you. Nevertheless, a spring or cistern in which there is, the word's translated plenty, but means collection of water, shall be unclean, shall be clean. Whoever touches such carcass becomes unclean." So, the word Mikvah we have in this particular Lexicon, we see Mikvah here, actually it's translated as hope, outcome, and a collection, a collected mass. It's a second version here that is - because Hebrew words can have multiple meanings. We're talking about collection of threads, here in linen yarn gathering together here pool, plenty. So, it doesn't even really mean going down in water, just says it's a collection, in this case, of water. Another Lexicon it has here, collection and collected mass. And some examples in different scriptures, all of water, "or a company of merchants, a collection of merchants, a drove or multitude of houses. And so, it doesn't really mean, you know, for you to be Mikvahed it's like saying that you're a collection, you got collected or something. It doesn't make any sense. And so what is the Hebrew word for baptism? Well, here's an example, Acts 8:36 says, "Now they - talking about a baptism, and Luke 8 - Acts 8:36 now they, "As they went down the road they came to some water and the eunuch said to Phillip, 'see, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? And the word is baptizo in the Greek. Now if you look to the subtuigent, which the Greek translation of the Old TestAmeint, then we're going go to find this word being used here. We're talking about Naom and the Syrian. "So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordon, according to the saying of the man of Elohim. Is flesh was restored into flesh of a little child and he was clean." Now this is the Hebrew word tobal (ph) and this same word is translated baptism or baptize. It's actually a different verb form of the same word, but the same word in its root, baptizo was how they translated this Hebrew word Tobal, and so when you go back here, this word must also be coming from a Hebrew meaning of, or word Tobal. And so, baptism is Tobal. [LAUGHTER]. And it doesn't sound quite as, I don't know, quite as nice to the ears. I was Tobal the other day. [LAUGHTER]. Mikvah sounds a little bit better maybe. But, it means to dip into, to plunge, so we're talking of full emersion here and so that's the meaning of the word. And actually I have copies of the Hebrew Matthew and wherever they talk about baptism, this is maybe a 500 year old manuscript or 400 or 500 years old, and this Hebrew Matthew actually uses the Hebrew word Tobal whenever it's describing baptism.
All right. So, this idea of the Messianic Movement teaching - and I don't mean to separate myself from Messianic's in the sense I have a lot in common with those who identify Messianic, because I believe in obeying both old and testAmeint commandments and I have a lot of the similarities in my beliefs. But, I'm talking about you know, what's you know, widely taught among those who identify as Messianic, I have a difference here. I don't believe it's accurate. Now the second thing that, I believe is done wrong, is the way they do it. They believe that since the term Mikvah is tied into this bathing aspect that you do what you would normally do in a Mikvah, or rakats, right? You would go down to the water, baptize yourself, dip yourself in the water and stand back up again. That's the idea they have for baptism. And so, basically you squat, you go out there in the water, you squat down, you make sure the water goes over top of your head, and they call that a baptism. Now, if you were somehow unclean, maybe you would do that, hopefully, you also do some bathing, you know, scrub your body some too. You wouldn't, you know, but it means to wash, is all it means. So rakats means to wash. And so that's how they do their baptisms. You know gather a bunch of people around and go out there into the water, and the guy squats in the water, everybody watches, he gets back up again, and he calls it a baptism. And that sounds a little unusual too, and I think that's the correct way, because it's more Hebraic. And so, I have a problem with that, because scripture does not teach that's the way it's done. In Act 8:38, says, "He commanded the chariot to stand still, both Phillip and eunuch went down into the water", they're both in the water, Phillip and the unach went down into the water, "and he baptized him." Now, in the Greek it's like the boy hit the ball,
that's the way it, like there's one person performing the action upon another person. And the same is true in the Aramaic New TestAmeint as well. So he, who's he? He is Phillip, right? There's nobody else around. There's he, Phillip dunked or toballed (ph) him. Who's him? That's the eunuch. Right? So who did the action? Phillip did the action. Does that make sense? So he Phillip baptized, tobal, him, the Ethiopian. Phillip immersed the Ethiopian in water. The Ethiopian did not immerse himself, Phillip did the immersing, that's how it reads. That's the meaning of it. So the idea of going into the water and dropping yourself into the water, is not the way that the early disciples were doing it. The one doing the action was the baptizer, right? In those days came John, the what? The immerser, the one that was toballing everybody, the immerser, immersing everyone. He wouldn't be called the immerser, unless he was immersing people. It doesn't say John, the Watcher of Immersions, it says, John the Immerser, the one doing the action" came preaching in the wilderness the Judaic saying, "Repent, for the King of heaven is at hand." Right? That's what it's - I mean, by just common sense, you know, it doesn't say, you know, John who was watching people get baptized. No, though he was actually doing the action. Okay?
So, it's important that we are baptized and that we're baptized properly, and believe me, if you're baptized wrong, I don't believe somehow you don't have the Holy Spirit or that Yahweh's rejected you or that you're not his child, because you were baptized the wrong way or immersed or a Mikvahed the wrong, whatever, because your heart was in the right place and he accept if we do something wrong. But I would suggest, if you have not been baptized properly, then find some way to get it done correctly, that's my recommendation. And that's based on the scripture.
All right. We can't cleanse ourselves of our own sin, right? Right? We read that earlier, we can't cleanse ourself, so we need Yahushua to do it for us, right? And I think that could be why there is a baptizer, because it's no longer - if I'm baptizing somebody, right, then it's no longer I who live, it's Messiah who lives in me, right? And so if I was to baptize them, it's really Yahushua in me who's baptizing them, because we can't cleanse ourselves of our sin, right? Someone has to do it for us. You know, Yahushua has to do that through me to show that representation correctly that he's the one cleansing me. And so there needs to be a baptizer, and I think there's a spiritual reason for that. Yahushua's the one ultimately doing the action through us, the person, you know I'm just a shell, I'm just a - the instrument he's using to baptize someone and that's how I see it. We can wash your own body, but it takes Yahushua to give you full cleansing. So I think it matters. And so we need to do it the correct way. I mean, why go on doing something incorrectly, once you know the right way to do it, that's how I look at it. And if you weren't done it right, then I'd hope that you would want to go - and you want to make - when you face Yahweh on that final day, you want to go, "Well, yes I was baptized the way you told me to do it to the best of my understanding." So, that's our goal is, to be able to say we've done this command correctly. So, this scripture here, "Repent" - "Everyone to be baptized", means someone's going to do if for you, "be baptized in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach for remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." That's a promise. Now, this promise of the Holy Spirit, I believe after a baptism, that there is to be a time of laying on of hands. There's lots of examples in scripture of that being done, and so that is something that we do. And so, and I also when I do my baptisms, I do "Baptize in the Name of Yahushua, the Messiah." Why do I do that? Why do I say, "In the Name of Yahushua, the Messiah" I am baptizing you" or "I baptize you in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach" is how the full Hebrew way of saying it, and I say it that way, for a reason. Because I believe the name we're baptized in, needs to be correct to the best of our understanding. Now, what about this scripture, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptized, "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"? Well, there's three names right? No, there isn't and I show why. Actually this is a major controversy in Christianity as to, you know, which way do you go, which way do you go? Are you going to do the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you're going to do it in the Name of Jesus? And they're confused, because there appear to be two scriptures contradicting one another. One's saying, you're going to be "Baptized in Yahushua", which is the Son's name, the other one says, "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." So which is it?
The answer is yes, they're both correct. Hum. And I'll explain to you why that is. In Matthew Chapter 1, verse 21, it says, "She shall bring forth a son and you shall call him name, Yahushua, for he will save his people from their sins." Now Yahushua means Yahweh Saves. So, you read that with that understanding, you shall call his name, Yahweh Saves for he will save his people from their sins. How about that? Now it make sense.
You can't get that out of the Name of Jesus. The name Yahushua means, "Yahweh save", and so if we're looking for salvation, it's Yahweh who's going to save us, because he's going to put his righteousness in the Messiah Yahushua and we are going to be saved through him." And actually interestingly, since Yahushua means Yahweh saves, we have the Name of the Father right here, Yahweh within the name of the Son. Actually Yahushua said in John 5:43 it says, "I have
come in my Father's Name and you do not receive me.
If another comes in his own name, Him you will receive." So the name of the Father is literally in Yahushua's name, because the name of the - name of the Yahushua is Yahweh is Salvation or Yahweh saves. So, here's the name of the Father, Yahweh, okay, Yahushua is Yahweh is Salvation, and so we have the Father's name within the Son's name, right? Certainly I reference to it, "In the name of the Holy Spirit", what about that one? John 14:26 says, "The helper of the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my Name", what's his
name, Yahushua, the Father will send the Holy Spirit in my Name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." And so within the name of the Yahushua, we have the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. How 'bout that? Hebrew roots solves the problem, brings unity among the churches, if they're willing to follow it, if they're willing to obey it and do what it says, most people won't, but if they're willing to, it'll bring unity.
Now what about the name Jesus?
Where's Yahushua, where's Yahweh in there? I don't see it. I'm looking. I see G, I don't see Yahushua or Yahweh or anything there. Where's the name of the Father at? You see it there anywhere? I'm looking. How 'bout the name of the son? That's not even the name of the son, that's a - actually the name Jesus isn't even found in the 1611 King James's Version, because there was no letter J in those days. It's actually in the 1611 King James's it has Yesus, it doesn't have Jesus. There's certainly not the Holy Spirit there. So I say, "Hey". Once you know that's an error why continue in it? How 'bout we just go with what his name actually is, because you find Yahweh's name there. If you say Yahweh really slowly, you say Eee-Aah-Oo-Aa. Eee-Aah-Oo-Aa. Eee-Aah-O-Aa, EE-Aah-O-A. You say it fast, it's Yahweh. When you go slowly, EE-Aah-Uu-Ah, so we have Yawhu, Yawhu Shua. Shua means salvation, Yawhu is in reference to Yahweh's name. You hear it? I do use a W there because if I put a U there instead of a W for Yahweh, I think people get confused, they may pronounce it Yahua or something. So, I believe it's accurate, Yahushua simply we have Yahweh, Yahuaa, don't, don't vocalize the H, but the H is only demonstrating that this is an Ah sound, Yahweh. So, Yah - don't do Yahwhoa. That's why I put a W there, so people don't get confused. All right and I put Yahweh. I don't want people to go Yahwhooa, when they read. So the W is simply a double U.
A double U.
Al right. So I'm explaining that because some people asked that question. So, in fact, in our English language, we sometimes substitute the W and U. It sounds the same, like word persuade, sorry I don't have it up there, it's kind of cut off at the bottom, but persuade, P-E-R-S-U-A-D-E and you can put a W in there and get to the same exact pronunciation. So, persuade, persuwade, persuade, it's all just a double U, right? Okay. I'm just explaining that for those who have that question. Now some people believe that when it says, they're going to baptize in the name of Yahushua, but this is actually metonymy. It's a figure of speech consists of one name, the name of one object or a concept for that of another to which it's related, like scepter instead sovereignty or bottle instead of strong drink, or count heads for counting people. So using one word to substitute another. And so there are people that believe that when you say, "I'm going to baptize in the Name of Yahushua", it's actually the name of Yahweh that you're baptizing in, because Yahushua's name one day we see it in Jeremiah 23:5, is Yahweh Tsidkenu. And so when it says, "They baptized in the Name of Yahushua, they were actually baptizing in the Name of Yahweh, because Yahushua's name is Yahweh. And so, if you don't understand that, it's okay, but there are some people who believe that I'm going to address that point. And we actually see quotations, where the disciples, they weren't saying in Yahweh, they were saying it just like it says. For instance, they weren't using a metonymy here when Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I give to you in the name of Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth, rise up and walk." "And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength". It's a direct quotation here. Okay. So they're not saying like a metonymy, we're using one word to give a signal to another word, so I don't buy that - buy into that all. In other places, this is a direct quotation, Act 4:9, "If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth whom you crucified, whom Elohim raised from the dead by him, this man stands before you as whole." And so, they were literally saying, "By the name of Yahushua Messiah", direct quotation. And he goes on to say "This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone, nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
So how is that for the importance of names? Right. I mean, names must matter or you wouldn't have said this. Right. No - I'm not judging and say if you use the name Jesus that he didn't save you or whatever, 'cause Yahweh, as many scriptures as there are to talk about what he expects of us, they're just as many that talk about how merciful he is. Especially, if we don't know any better. So I'm not judging. I'm saying, look at how important it is? It must matter. It must be important. And so I don't want to change it. Don't want to alter it. Now the word Hebrew, in the Hebrew the word name, shame, means both literal name written and spoken name one's character. And so, you're speaking like I say, "I come to the in the name peace", so there's a character of peace, characteristic of peace. Yahushua came both literally in his Father's name and in his Father's character. And in my opinion there's no - we have no business changing that at all. And so, yes I do believe we should be baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah. And so, if you have never been baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah and you want to be baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah, I am willing to do so and I know of other brothers who are willing to do that, and all you've got to do, is just contact me, disciple@lea.com and I will do my best to find someone that will baptize you. And if they're not close to you, hopefully if you're dedicated and you're able to, you'll travel land and sea, if necessary to get baptized. I know one brother, he came all the way from Norway to get baptized. Another person came from Germany to get baptized. I know one woman that came to Australia, from Australia to get baptized. I'm not saying you have to, but if, you know, you have the means, it's a very important decision, we want to do it and do it right. So, now another error I believe that goes out there today, is that well you've got to have a long list a qualifications and then you can get baptized. I know one denomination has a two or three questionnaire. You must fill out before they will be willing to that - to baptize you. And so, you've got to fill out the questionnaire, you've got to be willing to adhere to the doctrines of that particular congregation, and so, unless you adhere to those creeds and doctrines, they're not willing to baptize you.
Now, I don't do that. What I see in scripture and what scripture is requiring, is that you have a heart willing to walk in righteousness, to turn away from unrighteousness, to repent to believe in the Messiah Yahushua, the son of Yahweh, and that's all I require of you, no denomination doctrines, no signatures, no agreements, you want to walk out your repentance and faith in Yahweh, I will explain to you what it means to be baptized as I have in this study today. But, all I want to know, do they believe in Yahushua truly, and I - are they committed and repentant in their actions. And so, then I'll ask them, well do you believe that Yahushua is the son of the living Elohim, that through him, through faith and repentance and baptism in this name, you receive full for remission of sins, and if they say yes, I'll say. "All right. I baptize you in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach and I will put them in the water. I do go backwards, because I think that's the most involuntary position for the individual to go, is backwards. I mean if they go forward, they can kind of control their movements, whereas we want Yahushua to be the one to do it, not themselves. They can't make themselves clean. So, if they go into the water and someone puts them in the water and brings them back up, that's a representation of Yahushua bringing them back up. And so, I do baptize people going backwards. Now, there are some people for medical reasons or something or whatever, that we might try to look at another way of doing it, but they have to - I have to stress that it has to be involuntary on their part. So, it has to do with him, it's not about me, it's
about him. And it doesn't matter, does the person have to be an Elder? Not that I know of. I don't see Phillip wasn't necessarily an Elder, yet he was an evangelist and he did baptize people. And so, who did he baptize? It was man named Simon the Sorcerer, Acts Chapter 8 and verse 9, "There's a certain man named Simon who previously practiced sorcery in the city and
claiming that he was someone great.
To whom they all gave heed, from the least to greater, saying 'This man is the great power of Elohim'. And they heeded him a long time because he had astonished them with is sorceries for a long time. But when they believed Phillip as he preached the things concerning the Kingdom of Elohim and the name of Yahushua Messiah, both men and women were baptized. And Simon himself also believed. And when he was baptized, he continued with Phillip and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done. And when Simon saw that through the laying on the apostle's hands, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying 'Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said to him, your money perished with you because you though that the gift of Elohim could be purchased with money.
You have neither part no portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of Elohim. Repent, therefore of this, your wickedness and pray Elohim, if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you, for I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity. Whoa. This is a man who was allowed to get baptized,
and yet he was poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity. There must not have been a 55 page questionnaire.
He wanted - are you repentant? Are you sincere?" and all the best they could tell you was, --and they baptized him. And his conscience from there is completely up to him. It's what he does. Now, I think he was poisoned by bitterness, 'cause he saw all these men were getting the attention now and we kind of bitter about that. nd so he was bound by that and he wasn't getting the attention anymore. But, he wanted to get the attention, and so he wanted to have this power they had. They thought - he thought it could buy it. And he responded in a very humble way, he says, "Well pray for the things you spoke of will not happen to me." And that was a very humble thing to do. Now, when should someone get baptized?
Should they - how long do you wait? After - you come to believe in Messiah Yahushua and you decide you're going to repent, how much time should transpire before you actually get baptized? Well, let's take a look in the scriptures and see what the early apostles were doing. Acts 9:17, says, "Ananias went his way and entered the house and laying hands on him he said, 'By the psalmist - the master Yashsaic who appeared to you on the road as you came, and sent me that you may receive you sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately there fell from his eye something like scales" and I guess I don't have the rest of that verse. But he immediately was baptized - he got baptized, right away. And so there wasn't any time delay or anything like that. Verse 18 - I'm sorry, that's it - "He rose and was baptized." Sorry I was distracted for a minute there. So he was baptized. Halleujah. Now this is a man that was on the road ready to kill people and blam, met Yahushua, filled with the Spirit, got healed, go baptized, no time to waste. Right? Act 16:31, so they said, "Believe in the Master Yahushua Messiah, and you will be saved you and your household." Then the spoke the word of the Master too, and to all who were in his house, he took them the same hour of the night and watched their stripes, and immediately he and all his family were baptized." Didn't wait around. "When he believed, he got baptized immediately, immediately, he and all his family were baptized." His whole family was. No beating the bush. Next place Acts 22 verse 16, now why are you waiting? "Arise, and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of Yahweh." What you waiting on? Let's get it done. And I have some people listening today who are waiting. Why are you waiting? "Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of Yahweh". If you've repented my brothers and sisters and
you're a believer in Yahushua and you've not been baptized, why are you waiting?
Why do you wait? Why do you tarry? Maybe some of you can't be, you're in another place. Say yeah, well, I don't know if anybody will baptize me in Yahushua's name. Okay, all right, but do what you can do to have it done. And it's important it be done immediately and that's the way they operated in the first century. Now, if you were baptized in the wrong name, you know, maybe you were baptized in the name of Jesus or Father, Son and Holy Spirit or whatever, I'm not saying that you haven't been saved or he doesn't love you, you haven't been accepted or maybe you were Mikvahed instead of not baptized correctly, you just - somehow that had done wrong, self-baptism or whatever, I mean, if I was sprinkled in the name of Yahushua, I would want to go back and do it right. So I can stand before him and say, "All right, I was baptized in your name." So, you know, go back and do it right, that way you can stand before him and say, "Yeah I've been baptized the way you told me to get baptized." Now, what about the age of baptism?
Some say, well you know, you have to, you know, you have to be a certain age, some believe the age is 20. I hope not. I was baptized at the age of 19, but that's the only time I've ever been baptized and I'm now 46 years of age, but what is the age? I believe you're accountable when you know, I mean, you don't have to wait 'til you're 20 to know that murder's wrong and be accountable for that, right. So when you know something's wrong, you're accountable for it. I don't care if you're three or you're 30, if you know it's wrong and you do it anyway, you are accountable for that, for that thing, that wrong. Now, I know that Yahweh chose to have mercy on the children of those who were wicked in the wilderness, I recognize that, and that they were, you know, under authority and they really couldn't make their own decisions and what not. I recognize that and so he had mercy on them, because they were not able to fully do what they felt they wanted to do. But, look what Yahushua said about baptism. John 3:5, he said, "Moshe really I say to you, unless one is born of water, and the spirit, he cannot enter in the kingdom of Elohim.
So, upon hearing this, I say, do what you need to do to get baptized. And I don't care how old you are, I don't care if you're three months or 30 years or whatever, because if you're - if you have children, I do believe in baptizing children. I know that's very controversial, because you know, some people hold to the age of accountability idea, but I say, if you have to born to enter, I
want to make sure my children will enter. You know, I don't want to wait. Everything else, every other act of obedience, I
cause them to do when they're little. I cause them to stop lying. I cause them observe the Sabbath. I cause them to honor their parents. I cause them to do all these things. And so, a baptism is just an act of obedience, one of the firs things that a person would do, then why wait? I'm going to cause them to be baptized. And if they later on, choose to be - to agree with that baptism and fine. Hallelujah. That's my hope, but the evidence for me, is, you know, we have -- the whole family's getting baptized, we see that here in Acts 16, "He and all his family, every single one of them, were all baptized", I presume, there would have been children there as part of his family. So, I don't wait. If someone wants me to baptize their child, I don't care how old they are, I will - I want them to be borne of water and the spirit and I will baptize them. So, that's what I'd do. I know it's controversial. So, it's important. It's important that we get baptized. We want to be borne of the water and the spirit and we want to block out obedience to Yahweh's word. We are the ones who are afar off, all who are afar off. And we want the promise of the Holy Spirit, right. We want Yahweh's spirit to dwell in us. And I know that actually that Yahweh can send a spirit before one's baptized. We see an example of that with Cornelius, "The Holy Spirit came upon him the minute they believed. But, you know, we need, as Moses' sister's in the faith, we need to be baptized. And so, now, the very key things that we need to
understand, as believers, is repentance, and faith
in the Messiah Yahushua, and once we have those things, we understand those things, we can be baptized. Now, you know, someone says, "Well what about children, they can't repent?" You know, yes they can. I know babies maybe can't, but in the sense that they need to be borne of water, I'm not going to hold them back either. I'm going to say, "Let them in." If a little child wants to be baptized, let me ask you a question, it says here, pardon me, if the
son asks for bread from any father among you, will you give him a stone? If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? If he asks for an egg, will you offer him a scorpion? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much will your Heavenly Father give to the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Right. And we also know, Yahushua says, "Let the little children come to me and forbid them not of such is the kingdom of heaven." So I'm going to let the little children come to him. I'm not going to turn them away, say no, you're not old enough. So Yahweh wants to pour out his Holy Spirit upon
you. He wants that Holy Spirit to fill you, the Spirit of Truth. Yahushua says, "If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray to the Father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Truth, and the world cannot receive because it neither sees him or knows him, but you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." Beautiful words by our Master here.
So he's willing to lead you by His Spirit. You need to seek it. You need to walk it. You need to live it. In baptism we're saying, "I'm willing to receive it." Yahushua says, "I have still many things to say to you, but you cannot bare them now", John 16:12, "however when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak of his own authority, wherever he hears, he will speak, he will tell you the things to come. He will glorify me. He will take up what is mine and declare it to you. Hallelujah. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all things I said to you." The Spirit reminds us of the word of Yahweh. The scripture says, "The mercy of Yahweh is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him and his righteousness, his righteousness, to children's children, grandchildren. "To such as keep his covenant to those who remember his commandments to do them."
Psalm 30, verse 4, says, "Sing praises to Yahweh, you his saints and give thanks to his Holy Name for his anger is but for a moment, his grace, his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may last through the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning." Hallelujah. That's the change we were looking for, in the morning, the morning compared in scripture to the resurrection. "When our suffering and weeping in the darkness of this age will cease, and a shout of joy comes and the new age dawns. I say, we live out like changed men now." Let's live out that changed life now.
Where the old man has died and the new man, Yahushua is dwelling in us and by that the Kingdom of Elohim is manifested as we manifest the life of Yahushua. Let's endeavor to make our calling short, allowing Yahushua to live in his fullness, walking as he walked, keeping the Tora as he did, manifesting his life on the earth, as the old man dies and we put on the Messiah Yahushua. Let's do that and let's pray.
Oh Father Yahweh, thank you Father Yahweh, for this concept that you've given us of baptism that's beautiful, beautiful word Father from the scriptures and the promise that you give us. I pray that each and every person within the sound of my voice will, will take this word about the death of the old man and the new man, Yahushua living in us and let that empower them. Empower them to overcomers, to know they are not enslaved to sin, they are set free by the body of Messiah, the body of sin is done away with and a new man, Yahushua, the Messiah living in us
has taken his place. All pictured in baptism. And Father if there any who are needing baptism who cannot be baptized for one reason or another, we pray Father Yahweh you would open up the door for that to take place, it's so important, that we do what your word has said. And those who are willing to make sacrifices and make long trips or whatever they need to do to come and be baptized in Yahushua's name. I pray that you would honor their faith that you remember them, and that you would pour out upon them an extra measure of your Holy Spirit that your name might be glorified above all names.
But truly yours is the Kingdom, the Power and Glory, forever and ever. All praise, honor, and worship belongs to you, Yahweh our Mighty one, Yahweh Elohim, forever and ever in Yahushua's great name, we pray. Amein.
foundational topics and so often times the enemy wants to attack us at the foundation. And if we don't get our foundation right, then a lot of other things can be really, really messed up. So I feel like we need to talk about this on a regular basis. I first shared a study along these lines, oh 45, four or five years ago and I felt the need to readdress this. And - and so, we're going to talk today about the topic of baptism, baptism. Some people call that, especially in Messianic circles, they like to call it Mikva. I'm going to be sharing why that is not a correct - the correct terminology. And the way they do it, is also not correct, according to scripture. But, baptism is an extremely important - that we understand that. For some reason, it's been attacked. I think I know the reason. It's been attacked. The enemy has sought to confuse what it really means. And there are some church denominations that teach it's not necessary, other people say, "Well, since you don't have to do it in order to be saved, you know, why bother doing it at all?" And so, and then we have those who believe different styles of baptisms. Some choose to go forward when they baptize, some choose to go straight down, others choose to fall backwards, others believe that no one's supposed to put their hands on you when you're baptized, but that you just kind of immerse yourself, and they'll be witnesses there. And so, and then there's the confusion over what name you get baptized in. Is it the name of the Messiah or is it Father, Son and the Holy Spirit? There's just all kinds of, you know, a wide variety of ideas. As to, what it really means and how you're supposed to do it and whether or not, it's even necessary for us.
For many centuries, the Catholic Church taught that, you know, you - the baby's born and you sprinkle a baby with water and that's your baptism. When I was a baby, I was sprinkled with water in the Catholic Church and, of course, I don't remember it, it's been a while, but that was their idea of baptism. And then, you know, other denominations rose up after the Catholic Church Reformers came along like Luther and others, and said, "Well wait a minute, it's supposed to be a full immersion, a complete dipping underneath the water that's supposed to take place". And some people felt well, "What does it matter as long as you're baptized?" And, but there's just all kinds of thoughts on what it really means. And so, we're going to talk about the question, Mikvah or, if you want to call it Baptism, which one do you call it? The true meaning and importance of it, and the key thing that we need to understand is, first of all, your heart has to be in the right place. You know, it's not just a, "Oh, well I'll go down". It's not like you're going to go take a bath or something, it's - there's some significance to it in the spiritual realm that we need to understand. Now, baptism in the name of Yahushua, was never commanded specifically in the Torah. And so, this is a new commandment given by our Savior, Yahushua that he wants us to participate in. It was pictured perhaps in the, you know, the children of Israel going through the sea and the cloud and so on, but no one was at - there's nowhere that Moses says, "Go out and get baptized in the name of Yahshua, the Messiah." And so, this is a new commandment that Yahshua, the Messiah, gave us and I do accept new commandments, some people don't believe we should accept new commandments, but I do, if Yahweh was the inspiring force behind scripture, I don't care where he said it, when he said I, how he said it, or through whom he said it, I want to do it. And so, we have the example here of Matthew Chapter 28, Verse 18, Yahshua spoke, came and spoke to them, that's disciples saying, "All authority is given to me in heaven and earth. Go therefore, and make - make disciples of all nations." Now a disciple is one who is taught. The word disciple means, "Taught one." What are they teach - what are they being taught? Okay well, first of all, "We baptize them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." So Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and a lot of people want to do baptism, they'll do Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But then, disciples, the word "disciple's means taught one. What are teaching them? Teaching them to observe, "All things that I have commanded you" and "Though I'm with always, even to the end of the age." And so we read this in the book of Matthew, Chapter 28, Verse 18, now notice he said, "Baptized in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit", but then later in Acts, Chapter 2, verses - we'll start at verse 36, says, "Therefore, all the House of Israel know assuredly that Elohim has made this Yahshua, whom you crucified both Master and Messiah." And when they heard this, they were cut to the heart and sent to Peter in the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
Then Peter said to them, "Repent." Repent means start following the teachings, start obeying the voice of Yahweh. It means turn away from unrighteousness and turn towards righteousness and obedience. Let - and "Let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Yahshua Messiah for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off as many as Yahweh, our Mighty One", will call. If you get this - this promise is to you who are standing there, their children, and all who are afar off. That's - that's tremendous, that's us. Right? "As many as are in the - within the listening sound of my voice", this is a promise to you.
It says, "And to are afar off", and so that's who we are. We are the ones who are far off and something he promises us if we choose repentance and of course, faith in Yahushua HaMashiach, accompanied by baptism. And there's a promise that we're given, what is it? "You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". You shall. It doesn't say you might, it doesn't say I'll think about it, he says, "You shall", as long as you've heard his call, as many as Yahweh, our Mighty One will call. Now it's impossible for you to even have a desire for righteousness, unless Yahweh had called you. But that's awesome promise and considering the hopeless state mankind's in, we need this promise and we see baptism as a major part of that - of receiving that promise, according to scriptures. So I look at this and I ask the question, I mean knowing that he's got this promise and he's got these commandments, why on earth would anybody think, "Ah, you can do it if you want to or decide not to, no big deal. You're not saved by it." Now it - why we ever have such a mentality? I don't understand that mentality. He says, "Do it", and you say, "Well I'm not saved by it, so I don't have to do it." To me that doesn't make any sense. Why would you not do it? In my mind, if Yahweh came to me in a bolt of lightning and said, "Stand on your head ten minutes a day", then I say to him, "No, I'm not going to do it, 'cause I'm not saved by what you say." I mean that's silly. That's ridiculous. I mean if I was to manifest such a rebellious heart, how I can say, "I'm a repentant person?" And I think that's one of the reasons why baptism is given. It kind of cuts to the chase. I mean, you have to do something publicly that you know, some people might view a little bit embarrassing. You have to go out there I in the water and dunk and all that and go through this ritual and I think that's one of the reasons why people resist it sometimes, but I mean, why would we say, eh - don't have to. It'll make no difference when -- when he says to do it and he says when you do it, you get the promises, you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and I don't know, this - I don't get people's mentality. It'd be like a child who said, "Well, Dad I don't have to do what you say, 'cause you won't throw me out, right?" [LAUGHTER] "If I don't take out the trash, will you throw me out?" No. All right then I won't take out the trash. [LAUGHTER] I mean, why have that mentality if you're really his son? I mean, I would hope you don't. So, all right. Verse 40. "And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, 'Be saved from this perverse generation', take out the trash, right.
Get the trash into the river and let it float down the river, "And be saved from this perverse generation, then those who gladly receive his word, were baptized." And that day, about 3,000 souls were add to them. So, there is a, you know, some people who are going to gladly receive his word, and there will be some people who just apparently do not, and I don't know. I want to gladly receive his word, how about you? I hope that you're one of those, who will gladly receive it. So he told them to be safe from this perverse generation, I tell you what, if they were living that perverse generation, yeah, we are also, definitely. So - so if you're looking for salvation, the answer's really quite simple. Turn away. The word repent means to turn, turn away from unrighteousness, turn toward righteousness and become a believer in the Messiah Yahshua, as evidenced by the external confession and display of faith through the act of baptism. There's no really - no way around that scripture, it's very simple, 'cause the truth is, you can't make your own heart clean. Proverbs 20, Verse 9 says "Who can say I've made my heart clean? I'm pure from my sin. Like Ecclesiastes 7:20 says, "There is not a just man on the earth who does good and does not sin." First John 1:8 says, "If we have - say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." Now, because we've sinned, we need to be reconciled to Yahweh. We've all failed him. And the only thing that's going to reconcile us to him, is that we have righteousness dwelling us, wickedness is not going to make it into the kingdom. The wickedness you see on the earth today it will not always be here and praise Yahweh for that. But the evil we see in our own world and in our own hearts, in fact, will not always be here. And so, we need to somehow find a way for us to become righteous, even though, we haven't been. And so the only hope of entering into eternal life is that we are righteous, and we have good news. And the good news is, that there is a righteous kingdom, Yahushua's going to establish on the earth and we are called to enter into that kingdom and he wants to establish that kingdom in us now, as evidenced that we will be willing to be part of that kingdom in the age to come and that kingdom's is going to be a kingdom of righteousness and that's why we need to turn away from unrighteousness and begin our journey of learning what righteousness is and walking that out. And so, how do we being wicked sinners receive righteousness? Did you know that the teachings in the prophets tell us how that's possible? I don't have to read necessarily the narrative of what Yahshua did for us. I can read about what he's going to do for us in the Prophets, and especially in the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah 54, Verse 17 says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper every time which rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn." This is heritage of the servants of Yahweh. You're looking for inheritance. And their righteousness is from who?
Me, says Yahweh. That means our righteousness doesn't come from ourselves, it comes from Yahweh.
And that's our inheritance. So, you know, we can't manufacture our own righteousness. We've got a problem, in that we have already sinned greatly in the eyes of Yahweh. And so, how do we obtain it? How do we get there from here? How do we get Yahweh's righteousness right here in us, so that he will accept us? He says "He's willing to give you that, his righteousness." He's willing to give it to you. He says, "Your righteousness will be from me, so how I happen? It's going to come from a King. Jeremiah 23, verse 5 says, "Behold the days are coming, says Yahweh that I will raise to David a branch of righteousness. A King shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and righteousness on the earth" And so it's from the seed of David, it's going to be a king, it's Jeremiah talking here, well after David's time, and it says, "In his days Judah will be saved."
They'll have salvation. "And Israel will dwell safely". Now this is his name. Who's name? The name of this branch or righteousness, this king. It says, "His name by which he will be called, Yahweh, our righteousness." Yahweh, our righteousness", this is a prophesy. And "This is his name by which he'll be called Yahweh". And the reason Hebrew Yahweh Tsidkenu, Yahweh Tsidkenu, Yahweh our righteousness.
So this king is going to carry his Father's name, Yahweh and he'll be called Yahweh Tsidkenu.
That doesn't mean he's the heavenly Father, but he does, as the Son carry his Father's name. So it is through this king, we're going to call him Yahweh our Righteousness We read just a minute ago "That their righteousness is from me", says Yahweh. And so here's a man who's called Yahweh our Righteousness, because it is through him that Yahweh brought us our righteousness. Does that make sense, through this king, this branch of righteousness that reigns and prospers, we will receive righteousness?
There's other scriptures similar along the line these lines. Isaiah 45:23, "I've sworn myself the word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness and shall not return, that to me every knee shall bow". We probably recognize that from the New TestAmeint, but this actually where it's coming from. "Every tongue shall take an oath, he shall say, surely in Yahweh I have righteousness", only in Yahweh I have righteousness and something else, strength, that means a strength to live and breathe and walk in righteousness. So we're going - you know when Yahweh says he's going to swear an oath, it's time to stand up and pay attention, because he doesn't do that very often, okay. But he says, "I have sworn by myself" - you can't swear by anything greater than himself, and so he swears by himself, this is what's going to happen, "That you're going to take an oath and say, 'In Yahweh I have righteousness" and strength is the only way you can be righteous. "To him men shall come and be - and shall be ashamed, also shall be ashamed to your and sins against him." In Yahweh all the descendants of Isaiah shall be what? Justified. And so here is an Old TestAmeint prophesy in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45, of what we know today from the Book of Romans and other scriptures, "has justification by faith" in the son of Yahweh, through him we have righteousness and every knee will bow, every time we'll confess, only in Yahweh I have righteousness. And this king, the reason why we are able to receive righteousness though him, is because of what Yahweh did in him. Isaiah 53, verse 10, is another prophesy of the coming Messiah. "If it please Yahweh to bruise him, he has put him to grief when you make his soul an offering for sin. He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of Yahweh shall prosper in his hand." Talking about the resurrection, seeing his seed, that means that once through him he was able to give righteousness, the seed of righteousness. One place says in the Book of Hebrews, talking about the Messiah here, "Hear my and the children whom Yahweh has given, given to me", so Yahweh gave him children. And so, whose soul is this that's an offering for sin? The Hebrew word for offering for sin, is Ashan, meaning a guilt offering, and his soul is actually in Asham, a guilt offering. So, he shall prolong his days and we are the result of this very thing. So it says, he, 'Yahweh shall see the labor of his soul and be satisfied", "by his knowledge my righteous servant shall justify it." There's that word again, justify. We just saw this here, "Shall be justified in Yahweh" in Yahweh Tsidkenu we will be justified. Right? "And so, my righteous servant shall justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities", in other words, he shall take our iniquities upon himself. This is all predicted in the prophets. Earlier in verse - this is - I guess I don't have it, but earlier in verse 6 it says, "Yahweh has laid on him the inequity of us all", and so, he bears our iniquities and becomes this offering for sin, spoken of in verse 10, "So that we can be granted righteousness." So that we can be justified, the word justify, means to be declared righteous, that's what the meaning of the word is, to be declared righteous. And so, it's pretty awesome really, when you look in the prophets and you see the very things that we believe to be taught in the prophets. It's really awesome. So another instance here is Isaiah 59, verse 15, "So truth fails and he that departs of evil makes himself then pray, then Yahweh saw it and it displeased him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor, therefore, his own arm brought salvation for him. His own righteousness it sustained him. It sustained him. So, it pleased Yahweh to bruise him, he's satisfied by the labor of the soul of the Messiah and it sustained him. It pleased him, it was sufficient that his own rightness which he placed in the Messiah Yahshua, caused us to be righteous. We need an intercessor. And it was his own arm that did it, his own arm that brought salvation. And so, what's it say in Isaiah 53, we read from just a minute ago, "Who has believed our report", indicating not many people are going to believe this, "And to whom has the what? "Arm of Yahweh been revealed." The Jewish people didn't, didn't see it by and large. "For he shall grow up before them as a tender plant as a root out of dry ground, he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there's no beauty that we should that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and we hid", we, that's Isaiah, that's the Jewish people referenced here, "as it were our faces from him, he was despised and we as in Israel did not esteem him." And they didn't, just like scripture predicted, they did not esteem him. And notice he was necessarily a good looking man. There was no comeliness about him. I wonder if that might be one reason why they rejected him. He didn't look the way they expected. Maybe he just looked like a regular guy, you know and that wasn't good enough for them. But, they rejected him and Yahweh used that to bring salvation to the whole world, when he made his soul an Ashan, an offering for sin, a guilt offering. And so, now this is all predicted that it was going to happen and it did. It happened in the first century. And you know, this Isaiah, we actually have copies of Isaiah that are going back to one to 200 BC.
Physical copies that can be read. You can read it online. It's in the Scroll Museum near Jerusalem and it's - right there it is. You can read the whole thing, if you want to, if you can read Hebrew. But, it's pretty amazing that they predicted what was going to happen and it happened. "You shall became the king, he became the one through whom we would receive Yahweh's righteousness. And that's why Yahushua was said. John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me." And so because of Yahweh and Yahushua's love for us, Yahushua came and gave of himself that we might have life, and we might have righteousness", this is all because of Yahweh's love for us. And then John 3:14 he said, "As Moshe lifted the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the son of man be lifted up." Do you know that the serpent was lifted up on a pole, not a cross, it was an upright stake? "That whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlast- eternal life. For Elohim so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "And so, the son of man was lifted up on the tree and he became that Ashan, that offering, to bring us Yahweh's righteousness. For Elohim did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of Elohim. What's his name? Yahushua, not Jesus, Yahushua. "And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men love darkness, rather than light, because their deeds were evil." So, you condemn yourself by your own choice as to, whether or not you decide that you're going to believe. And I find it interesting that Yahushua's depicted as a serpent in the wilderness. The people looked upon the serpent and they were healed of the viper bites and they were not - they did not die from the snake's bites. And so, I think the picture is that the enemy's going to attack us, but we will be healed and we will prevail, we will not die, if we look to the Messiah Yahushua. Now why would he be pictured as a serpent because on him was laid the iniquity of us all, and so all of our yuck was laid on him. And so, this is beautiful in my opinion. This is the prophesies of the prophets coming to pass. It's one of the many reasons why I believe in the inspiration of scripture. No one could have made this up. This is clearly the scriptures are of divine origin. Because we have physical copies of Isaiah that predate the Messiah's life by some 200 years and yet they just depict his life perfectly and it's really amazing. So Isaiah 53, verse 6, "All we, like sheep have gone astray, everyone to his own way and Yahweh has laid on him the iniquity of us all". Hallelujah for that. We needed that. We needed Yahweh's righteousness. "So Yahushua bore our sin and we bear his righteousness. And Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the law. He's not saying the law itself is a curse, but the law gives a curse to those who are disobedient to it. And so Yahushua redeemed from the curse that the law gave us, which you will die, you are cursed for disobeying the word of Yahweh. And he became the curse for us, because even in the Torah, it says, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree" and Yahushua was hung on a tree, and so he became cursed for us. But the Jews could not phantom that the Messiah would be hanged on a tree. They apparently did not understand the prophesies and at least the ones that didn't accept him, would not receive his prophesies. But, you know, it's through him that we are in - we are allowed to have righteousness and that we are given righteousness, and to me, I just love that. I love how the prophesies point out the Messiah so beautifully. It's just really awesome. So when Paul's talking here in the Book of Romans, he's not just making up his own documents. He's getting it from the Holy Scriptures. Romans 5, verse 17 says, "For if by the one man's offense that is, Adam's, death reigned through the one. How much more, much more of those who receive an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one, Yahushua HaMashiach. Therefore, as though - as through one man's offense, judgment came to all men, that's Adam, resulting in condemnation, even so, through one's man -- one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification to life." Beautiful words here. "So Adam as unrighteous and the second Adam", some people call Yahushua the second Adam, "we are redeemed and we are caused to become righteous." "Through one man's offense we are made unrighteous, we are condemned and one man's righteous act, the free gift came of grace, came to all men resulting in justification to life" The only question is whether we're going to receive it. "For as by one man's disobedience, meaning we're made sinners, so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous." Beautiful. I love it. "Moreover, the law entered that the offense might abound", that means to demonstrate that we have offended Yahweh, he gave us his law, his standard of righteousness and showed us that we have offended him. "But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more". Why because we received the Messiah, Yahushua. "So that as sin reigned in death, even so, grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Yahushua, Messiah, our master. And so we are granted grace through him. The same way sin produced death, his righteous act give us life, and grace will reign over sin." "Where sin abounds, grace will abound much more". But then the question obviously is, does that mean you can sin all you want and you'll be okay". Don't have to worry about it anymore. To which we have the answer in Romans chapter 6, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? Certainly not. Certainly not." This is the strongest possible objection in the Greek language. So how shall we - he asked the question, how can we
even do it? He doesn't fit - he doesn't understand we can do this. "How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" That means we died to sin. "If we die to sin, we can't live it. It doesn't work that way. You can't continue in sin, that grace may abound and live in it." Or do you not know that as many as - as many of us as were baptized" and here's where baptism comes in. "As many as -- of us as were baptized into Messiah Yahushua, were baptized into his death." So we're baptized through his death. Don't you know that? And so you died to sin is what he's saying, because you were baptized into his death. Now, that tells me baptism means something. It's a symbol of the death you have to sin.
So, it has an important meaning for us to recognize. "Therefore, we were buried with him", that means we
were, "buried with him through baptism into death, death to sin, that just as Messiah was raised from the dead, by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in the newness of life", and so when you go down into the water, it is representing the death you have to sin, and therefore, you no longer live in it, and what? "Being renewed to a newness of life, that life is the Messiah Yahushua living in you. For if we have been united together in a likeness of his death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of his resurrection." And so this is what baptism is representing. Our mindset, is the old man is dead and buried, we were buried with Messiah. "We were crucified with him, and we died with him in the grave, as he went into the grave, all of our sin", all of our yuck, went with him "because he bore it, on him was laid the iniquity of us all." And so all our sin and the man of sin and the disgusting thing is the man of sin chose to do, that's all buried with him. And so now how can we claim that we are in him, unless we refuse to continue in willful sin. Now, if somebody slips from time to time, that's a little different than, you know, scripture says, "That the righteous may fall seven times." , but he gets back up again. But the wicked the fall and they lay in it, you know, they just kind of like a pig going back to the mud after he's been washed, just kind of lay there in it and have a good old time and just go on living a life of sin. But, we've decided that we're going to put Yahushua on us, we're going to cause the old man to die, and we're going to walk in the newness of life. Yahushua's alive. He's not dead, he's alive and so we walk in that newness of life, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him. Do we believe that? Do we believe that the old man was crucified with him, that the body of the sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin? hen you receive the Messiah Yahushua, you are not a slave or - you're not addicted to anything. Yahweh says, "You are not a slave. The sin has no power over you at all". If we believe it we'll act on that. If we don't believe it we won't act on it. "For he who has died has been freed from sin." Do we - we are not slaves to sin any longer. We are not under its power.
See the world that does not accept Yahushua, the Messiah, they are slaves and they are captives and they're bound by the, what's pictured in the Exodus as "fair when they're taskmasters and they're still slaves of sin", and they can't stop, only through the Messiah can we stop. And if we consider ourselves as being "those who have died already", then we will act out what we believe and we will not be overcome by sin, because we, who have died, have been freed from its power. And so, Yahushua's death, our own participation in that death, brings us eternal life.
And when we die with him, then we also will live with him, but first we've got to die with him.
If you can get that, if you can make that a part of who you are, there won't be any sin that will have its bound on you. Nothing can put you under its power. You can overcome any addiction, any struggle, any challenge, if you believe by faith, if you really truly believe this word. I have been crucified with Messiah. It is no longer I who live, but Messiah lives in me. Do you believe that, that you no longer live? "And the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith and the son of Elohim who loved me and gave himself for me." Can you say that with me? It is no longer I who live, it is no longer I who live, it is no longer I who live. It is Messiah who lives in me. That means the life you now live, you live by faith in the son of Elohim who loved you and gave himself for you. If you can get that in your mind, implant that word D - deep and become a part of your heart of who
you are by faith, you don't consider yourself to
even be alive anymore. It's only Yahushua who's alive in you. Think about that. Yahushua is living in you. Close your eyes and you think that Yahushua is living in me. So what's Yahushua going to do next? What's it going to do next, next time he's tempted? What's he going to do next time he's struggling with faith? What's he going to do and you'll fine when you tap into that kind of faith, you will walk as he did. And you've got to keep your mind focused on that, no matter what the distractions are, what would Yahushua do in this instance, because it's not I who live, it's Yahushua lives in me. And so, I'm supposed to be manifesting what his life is like. What would he be doing in this scenario? What would he do right now, before he's going to bed, what would he be doing? What would be doing in any instance, any moment, any day? What would he be doing? If you don't know, ask Yahweh to show you or ask, "Yahushua, what would you be doing right now?" So we don't consider ourselves to be alive, we consider Yahushua to be alive. It's not we who live, it's Messiah living in us. If that's true, then everything about yourself has died. No self-seeking, now works of the flesh, because it's dead. You can't offend a dead man. Right? Ever see a dead man get angry? Never have. When the flesh is dead, there's no works of the flesh proceeding from us. That's important if we believe that, if something
you receive, not something that you by your own will power have choosed to try to live out. You receive it by faith and you accept it by faith and if you believe something, then the works will come out of that. That's the basis of what Yahushua did. And I wonder how many of us really ponder that? When you go down in baptismal waters that is the death of the old man, the man of sin. The one who was under bondage. The one who had been slaved to sin. And the new man rose up. Now it's Yahushua living in you. And so when you're tempted to do some kind of wrong thing, you can say, "I reject that in the name of Yahushua, because I'm dead to that." The bible tells me that. That was buried with the old man. That's not who I am. I've taken on a new identity. Yahushua living in me, that's my identity, that's who I am. And so you reject that Yahushua has being you're dead to those things, whatever that might be, anything, any sin, you name it. You can reject it, because you believe that you are dead to it, and if you believe you're dead to it,
then you'll stop.
And so, it gives you the power to overcome, by faith, not by your own willpower, but by faith and Yahweh will work when you operate in faith, he will. So, when were approached to those things, you say, "I'm not alive to that not anymore. I'm dead to that and that old man he died. He went down the baptismal waters and off in to the sea of forgetfulness, all my sins were washed away."
So now Yahweh is my righteousness. Only in Yahweh I have righteousness and strength, the strength to overcome temptation, I have the strength, to endure trials and tribulations and tests, and so our baptism is representing that thing that happened, that we believe and we know happened. Just as you believe in the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth, you believe that right? And so, scripture in the book of Genesis, well here we see the book of Galatians. Do you believe this to be true?
If you believe, you will overcome. If you don't believe, you'll struggle to overcome. So, I'm preaching to myself as much as anybody else, don't get me wrong. In case you're wondering, I'm talking to myself. I don't claim to be perfect. I'm preaching to the choir, which is me, okay.
So, baptism is pretty awesome if you really think about it. "In him", Galatians 2:11, "you were also circumcised, with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body to sins of the flesh. Physical circumcision puts off the foreskin. Spiritual circumcision puts off the body to sins of the flesh, the circumcision, the Messiah. Buried with him, in baptism, and baptism must matter, in which you also were raised with him, through faith in the working of Elohim, who raised him from the dead." Beautiful words. So, you'll accept it. It's the working of Elohim. It's what it is, the working of Elohim through what? Through faith. Through faith in the working of Elohim, you were raised. So the same way we believe Yahushua was raised from
the dead, we believe we are also raised.
We have a new life and baptism is representing that very change. The old man drowse, the new man raises up, takes his place, and that man is Yahushua HaMashiach living in you, and that's why you are the body of the Messiah, that's why. So, hallelujah for that. And whatever sin anybody held against you or whatever, from your past life or whatever, it doesn't really matter anymore, 'cause the one who holds the true record books, Yahweh in heaven, doesn't hold it against you.
No sin that you've done wrong. No evil you've ever have committed can be held against you, 'cause Yahushua, he erased the record. You're brand new. It's as if you never sinned. And so baptism is representing that change to those who receive it. So through him, we are made righteous, no matter how wicked we've been, no matter how awful things we've done. One person asked me question one time, I recall. It was through the broadcast one time a number of years ago. And they listed off somebody's sin. They did this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and they said, "Do you think that person could ever receive grace? And so, I answered, I said, "Is their heart still beating, because as long as our heart's beating, we have the opportunity to give our life to Yahushua. And to have our sins washed away, but once it stops, it's too late. So there's grace available as long as our heart's beating, and so when you lay on your pillow and you hear your heart ticking away, you know, there are thousands and thousands of people who don't wake up.
And, that's a lot people that don't wake up the next morning. So, there's no guarantee of tomorrow. Ponder your life and choose Yahushua.
Romans 6:8, "Now if we die with Messiah, we believe we also shall live with him, knowing that Messiah having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over him, but the death that he died, he died to sin once for all, but the life he lives, he lives to Elohim. So though you may die physically and go into the grave and everybody would cry, you know, be sad you'd gone to the grave, that's not if for you. You will be raised with him. Death does not have any dominion over you, but you don't - if you don't receive him, if you don't receive Yahushua, death will have dominion over you, and you will pay for your own sin. Yahushua will not bear that for you. You will pay for your transgression. And so, let's receive him. So we're going to recognize that we ourselves are dead indeed to sin. You reckon yourselves dead indeed to sin. But, alive to Elohim and the Messianic aMashiach, therefore do not let sin reign your mortal body, but you should obey it in its luss and do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin. But, present yourselves to Elohim as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of instruments of righteousness through Elohim, because hey, you are now part of that body Messiah. Ever play and instrument before, like a saxophone or a guitar or something? Well, your body is an instrument and before it was presented as an instrument of unrighteousness, but now it's presented as a member that creates an instrument of righteousness to Elohim. So, now your body can be used for righteous conduct and righteous behavior. "For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you're not under law, but under grace. If you were under the Yahweh's law, you would be held to keeping it perfectly and he would look at you and say, "All right. You're not in under grace, I see that. Well, let's see what the law says about your conduct. It looks like you sinned in this time and that time and this time and that time, well it doesn't look like you're going to make it, buddy, so I have to judge you for your own sin, but if you choose to be under grace, then he's going to say "Yes", you've done these things, but you have received the righteousness I offered you, when I laid your sin on the back of Yahushua HaMashiach 'cause he was nailed to the tree for you and you're under grace, enter into the joy of your master. Now, which one's the better path? Well, I'd take number two there, I mean, it's a no-brainer for me. "What then shall we sin, because we're not under law, does that mean because you have under grace now, you can live out how you want?
Here's that word, 'Certainly not. Certainly not." Lea, we've gone over these scriptures the last couple of weeks, and I pound the table, "Absolutely not, 'cause the strongest possible objection in the Greek language right, Do you not know and to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one slave to the new base, you put yourself bank under slavery to sin. So whether it's settling unto death or of obedience leading to righteousness. So, you don't just take this attitude, while I'm under grace, I can live how I want. Absolutely not. It's because you're not under the law, doesn't mean you're above the law either. It doesn't means you're free of transgressions -intentionally. Don't believe this - the ministers out there telling you, "Oh you're free to disobey the law of Yahweh". It's been abolished now. He took the law away, so you wouldn't be regarded as a sinner. No, you didn't take his loan away he took your sin away, the law still stands. So, that's that bottom line. Now Yahushua did not die to abolish to abolish the law, he died to bear you sin, your transgressions of that law. And if he abolished the law when he died, then anyone who died who lived after that, they have nothing to be convicted of, no sin to even be called sin, because there's no law. They have nothing to repent of. So it doesn't make any sense. So, I do believe we should obey the law of Yahweh, we should not sin. Sin is transgression of the law, according to First John 3:4. Okay. So that's what the - what's being represented in baptism. And so if you're looking for peace and you're looking to get out of the slavery to your own flesh,
Yahushua is the answer, in him we have righteousness and strength. Now, that's where, if you're looking for peace, you know, we cannot have peace, unless we're at peace with our Father in heaven. It's a vain search. Unless we find at the end of that search, Yahushua HaMashiach, Yahushua our Master, our Redeemer, through him we have peace. He is the Prince of Peace. And so, we're going to find that peace when we're reconciled to the one who made us. And that reconciliation that we have with him results in us having peace with each other.
"There's no peace", says the scriptures, "for those who are wicked. Only peace will come when we've turned to Yahweh and we let Yahushua bear or sin for us." And so we see in the scriptures, both old and new testAmeints, so called, a great deal of effort has been made to show us the plan of salvation through Yahushua and how baptism is a depiction of what happens, if the mechanics, or the inner workings of what is going on. So that when Yahushua lives in us, we can overcome any addiction, and challenge, and we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. We are more than conquerors, Romans 8:37 and that's an awesome, awesome promise. So, we're going to do what Yahweh calls us to do,
whether it looks like a Jewish commandment or not, we're going to do what Yahweh's law tells us to do. And a lot of people in the Messianic Movement have come to understand that. I say Messianic, I mean those who have embraced both old and new testAmeint as being the standard for righteous living and but in an effort to make baptism less Christian looking and more Jewish looking, it may be an appeal to Judaism and the Jews who are currently not believers, there's something being taught out there known as Mikvah. And Mikvah and main-line Judaism, is when a person goes down. They dip themselves into the water and get immersed in water, and perhaps wash, and then rise up out of the water of their own accord. An example of where this would be done is, in the Book of Leviticus, Chapter 15, verse 19, says, "A woman has a discharge, discharge for her body's blood, she shall be set apart seven days and anybody who touches her will be unclean 'til evening. Everything that she lies on during her impurity, shall be unclean. Also everything that she sits on shall be unclean. Whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes and bathe, bathe in water and be unclean until evening."
And so, you know, the - this is also something that's done after one has marital relations, they're supposed to wash in water. And so, you know, the idea of baptism must come from this practice and the Jews call that Mikvah, bathing in water and are trying to accomplish that. And so, the idea they say, of baptism comes out of this concept of being washed from your uncleanness coming from the law of Yahweh. Well, looking at the word translated bathe, as in bathe in water, it comes from the Hebrew word rakats, rakats. It means to wash, to wash away, to bathe, to wash, wash, wash, wash, that's what it means to wash. Now I don't know about you, but when I take my bath, I don't just dip in the water and walk out. I scrub my body. So, it's something more than just a dipping in water happening here in the Book of Leviticus and other places. And so where are they getting this idea of Mikvah, because rakats, that's not Mikvah. That's a different word all together. Well, in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 7, verse 19, it says, "Yahweh spoke to Moshe straight to Aaron's, take your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their streams, over their rivers, over their ponds, and over all their pools of water, that they may become blood, and there shall be blood throughout all the of land of Egypt, both in buckets of wood and pitchers of stone." And so, that's one example of where the word Mikvah is used and it's actually a noun describing the pools of water. Another example, Leviticus 11:35 through 36, "And everything on which a part of any such carcass falls shall be unclean, whether it's an oven or cooking a stove, it shall be broken down, for they are unclean and shall be unclean to you. Nevertheless, a spring or cistern in which there is, the word's translated plenty, but means collection of water, shall be unclean, shall be clean. Whoever touches such carcass becomes unclean." So, the word Mikvah we have in this particular Lexicon, we see Mikvah here, actually it's translated as hope, outcome, and a collection, a collected mass. It's a second version here that is - because Hebrew words can have multiple meanings. We're talking about collection of threads, here in linen yarn gathering together here pool, plenty. So, it doesn't even really mean going down in water, just says it's a collection, in this case, of water. Another Lexicon it has here, collection and collected mass. And some examples in different scriptures, all of water, "or a company of merchants, a collection of merchants, a drove or multitude of houses. And so, it doesn't really mean, you know, for you to be Mikvahed it's like saying that you're a collection, you got collected or something. It doesn't make any sense. And so what is the Hebrew word for baptism? Well, here's an example, Acts 8:36 says, "Now they - talking about a baptism, and Luke 8 - Acts 8:36 now they, "As they went down the road they came to some water and the eunuch said to Phillip, 'see, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? And the word is baptizo in the Greek. Now if you look to the subtuigent, which the Greek translation of the Old TestAmeint, then we're going go to find this word being used here. We're talking about Naom and the Syrian. "So he went down and dipped seven times in the Jordon, according to the saying of the man of Elohim. Is flesh was restored into flesh of a little child and he was clean." Now this is the Hebrew word tobal (ph) and this same word is translated baptism or baptize. It's actually a different verb form of the same word, but the same word in its root, baptizo was how they translated this Hebrew word Tobal, and so when you go back here, this word must also be coming from a Hebrew meaning of, or word Tobal. And so, baptism is Tobal. [LAUGHTER]. And it doesn't sound quite as, I don't know, quite as nice to the ears. I was Tobal the other day. [LAUGHTER]. Mikvah sounds a little bit better maybe. But, it means to dip into, to plunge, so we're talking of full emersion here and so that's the meaning of the word. And actually I have copies of the Hebrew Matthew and wherever they talk about baptism, this is maybe a 500 year old manuscript or 400 or 500 years old, and this Hebrew Matthew actually uses the Hebrew word Tobal whenever it's describing baptism.
All right. So, this idea of the Messianic Movement teaching - and I don't mean to separate myself from Messianic's in the sense I have a lot in common with those who identify Messianic, because I believe in obeying both old and testAmeint commandments and I have a lot of the similarities in my beliefs. But, I'm talking about you know, what's you know, widely taught among those who identify as Messianic, I have a difference here. I don't believe it's accurate. Now the second thing that, I believe is done wrong, is the way they do it. They believe that since the term Mikvah is tied into this bathing aspect that you do what you would normally do in a Mikvah, or rakats, right? You would go down to the water, baptize yourself, dip yourself in the water and stand back up again. That's the idea they have for baptism. And so, basically you squat, you go out there in the water, you squat down, you make sure the water goes over top of your head, and they call that a baptism. Now, if you were somehow unclean, maybe you would do that, hopefully, you also do some bathing, you know, scrub your body some too. You wouldn't, you know, but it means to wash, is all it means. So rakats means to wash. And so that's how they do their baptisms. You know gather a bunch of people around and go out there into the water, and the guy squats in the water, everybody watches, he gets back up again, and he calls it a baptism. And that sounds a little unusual too, and I think that's the correct way, because it's more Hebraic. And so, I have a problem with that, because scripture does not teach that's the way it's done. In Act 8:38, says, "He commanded the chariot to stand still, both Phillip and eunuch went down into the water", they're both in the water, Phillip and the unach went down into the water, "and he baptized him." Now, in the Greek it's like the boy hit the ball,
that's the way it, like there's one person performing the action upon another person. And the same is true in the Aramaic New TestAmeint as well. So he, who's he? He is Phillip, right? There's nobody else around. There's he, Phillip dunked or toballed (ph) him. Who's him? That's the eunuch. Right? So who did the action? Phillip did the action. Does that make sense? So he Phillip baptized, tobal, him, the Ethiopian. Phillip immersed the Ethiopian in water. The Ethiopian did not immerse himself, Phillip did the immersing, that's how it reads. That's the meaning of it. So the idea of going into the water and dropping yourself into the water, is not the way that the early disciples were doing it. The one doing the action was the baptizer, right? In those days came John, the what? The immerser, the one that was toballing everybody, the immerser, immersing everyone. He wouldn't be called the immerser, unless he was immersing people. It doesn't say John, the Watcher of Immersions, it says, John the Immerser, the one doing the action" came preaching in the wilderness the Judaic saying, "Repent, for the King of heaven is at hand." Right? That's what it's - I mean, by just common sense, you know, it doesn't say, you know, John who was watching people get baptized. No, though he was actually doing the action. Okay?
So, it's important that we are baptized and that we're baptized properly, and believe me, if you're baptized wrong, I don't believe somehow you don't have the Holy Spirit or that Yahweh's rejected you or that you're not his child, because you were baptized the wrong way or immersed or a Mikvahed the wrong, whatever, because your heart was in the right place and he accept if we do something wrong. But I would suggest, if you have not been baptized properly, then find some way to get it done correctly, that's my recommendation. And that's based on the scripture.
All right. We can't cleanse ourselves of our own sin, right? Right? We read that earlier, we can't cleanse ourself, so we need Yahushua to do it for us, right? And I think that could be why there is a baptizer, because it's no longer - if I'm baptizing somebody, right, then it's no longer I who live, it's Messiah who lives in me, right? And so if I was to baptize them, it's really Yahushua in me who's baptizing them, because we can't cleanse ourselves of our sin, right? Someone has to do it for us. You know, Yahushua has to do that through me to show that representation correctly that he's the one cleansing me. And so there needs to be a baptizer, and I think there's a spiritual reason for that. Yahushua's the one ultimately doing the action through us, the person, you know I'm just a shell, I'm just a - the instrument he's using to baptize someone and that's how I see it. We can wash your own body, but it takes Yahushua to give you full cleansing. So I think it matters. And so we need to do it the correct way. I mean, why go on doing something incorrectly, once you know the right way to do it, that's how I look at it. And if you weren't done it right, then I'd hope that you would want to go - and you want to make - when you face Yahweh on that final day, you want to go, "Well, yes I was baptized the way you told me to do it to the best of my understanding." So, that's our goal is, to be able to say we've done this command correctly. So, this scripture here, "Repent" - "Everyone to be baptized", means someone's going to do if for you, "be baptized in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach for remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." That's a promise. Now, this promise of the Holy Spirit, I believe after a baptism, that there is to be a time of laying on of hands. There's lots of examples in scripture of that being done, and so that is something that we do. And so, and I also when I do my baptisms, I do "Baptize in the Name of Yahushua, the Messiah." Why do I do that? Why do I say, "In the Name of Yahushua, the Messiah" I am baptizing you" or "I baptize you in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach" is how the full Hebrew way of saying it, and I say it that way, for a reason. Because I believe the name we're baptized in, needs to be correct to the best of our understanding. Now, what about this scripture, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptized, "In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"? Well, there's three names right? No, there isn't and I show why. Actually this is a major controversy in Christianity as to, you know, which way do you go, which way do you go? Are you going to do the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you're going to do it in the Name of Jesus? And they're confused, because there appear to be two scriptures contradicting one another. One's saying, you're going to be "Baptized in Yahushua", which is the Son's name, the other one says, "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." So which is it?
The answer is yes, they're both correct. Hum. And I'll explain to you why that is. In Matthew Chapter 1, verse 21, it says, "She shall bring forth a son and you shall call him name, Yahushua, for he will save his people from their sins." Now Yahushua means Yahweh Saves. So, you read that with that understanding, you shall call his name, Yahweh Saves for he will save his people from their sins. How about that? Now it make sense.
You can't get that out of the Name of Jesus. The name Yahushua means, "Yahweh save", and so if we're looking for salvation, it's Yahweh who's going to save us, because he's going to put his righteousness in the Messiah Yahushua and we are going to be saved through him." And actually interestingly, since Yahushua means Yahweh saves, we have the Name of the Father right here, Yahweh within the name of the Son. Actually Yahushua said in John 5:43 it says, "I have
come in my Father's Name and you do not receive me.
If another comes in his own name, Him you will receive." So the name of the Father is literally in Yahushua's name, because the name of the - name of the Yahushua is Yahweh is Salvation or Yahweh saves. So, here's the name of the Father, Yahweh, okay, Yahushua is Yahweh is Salvation, and so we have the Father's name within the Son's name, right? Certainly I reference to it, "In the name of the Holy Spirit", what about that one? John 14:26 says, "The helper of the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my Name", what's his
name, Yahushua, the Father will send the Holy Spirit in my Name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." And so within the name of the Yahushua, we have the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. How 'bout that? Hebrew roots solves the problem, brings unity among the churches, if they're willing to follow it, if they're willing to obey it and do what it says, most people won't, but if they're willing to, it'll bring unity.
Now what about the name Jesus?
Where's Yahushua, where's Yahweh in there? I don't see it. I'm looking. I see G, I don't see Yahushua or Yahweh or anything there. Where's the name of the Father at? You see it there anywhere? I'm looking. How 'bout the name of the son? That's not even the name of the son, that's a - actually the name Jesus isn't even found in the 1611 King James's Version, because there was no letter J in those days. It's actually in the 1611 King James's it has Yesus, it doesn't have Jesus. There's certainly not the Holy Spirit there. So I say, "Hey". Once you know that's an error why continue in it? How 'bout we just go with what his name actually is, because you find Yahweh's name there. If you say Yahweh really slowly, you say Eee-Aah-Oo-Aa. Eee-Aah-Oo-Aa. Eee-Aah-O-Aa, EE-Aah-O-A. You say it fast, it's Yahweh. When you go slowly, EE-Aah-Uu-Ah, so we have Yawhu, Yawhu Shua. Shua means salvation, Yawhu is in reference to Yahweh's name. You hear it? I do use a W there because if I put a U there instead of a W for Yahweh, I think people get confused, they may pronounce it Yahua or something. So, I believe it's accurate, Yahushua simply we have Yahweh, Yahuaa, don't, don't vocalize the H, but the H is only demonstrating that this is an Ah sound, Yahweh. So, Yah - don't do Yahwhoa. That's why I put a W there, so people don't get confused. All right and I put Yahweh. I don't want people to go Yahwhooa, when they read. So the W is simply a double U.
A double U.
Al right. So I'm explaining that because some people asked that question. So, in fact, in our English language, we sometimes substitute the W and U. It sounds the same, like word persuade, sorry I don't have it up there, it's kind of cut off at the bottom, but persuade, P-E-R-S-U-A-D-E and you can put a W in there and get to the same exact pronunciation. So, persuade, persuwade, persuade, it's all just a double U, right? Okay. I'm just explaining that for those who have that question. Now some people believe that when it says, they're going to baptize in the name of Yahushua, but this is actually metonymy. It's a figure of speech consists of one name, the name of one object or a concept for that of another to which it's related, like scepter instead sovereignty or bottle instead of strong drink, or count heads for counting people. So using one word to substitute another. And so there are people that believe that when you say, "I'm going to baptize in the Name of Yahushua", it's actually the name of Yahweh that you're baptizing in, because Yahushua's name one day we see it in Jeremiah 23:5, is Yahweh Tsidkenu. And so when it says, "They baptized in the Name of Yahushua, they were actually baptizing in the Name of Yahweh, because Yahushua's name is Yahweh. And so, if you don't understand that, it's okay, but there are some people who believe that I'm going to address that point. And we actually see quotations, where the disciples, they weren't saying in Yahweh, they were saying it just like it says. For instance, they weren't using a metonymy here when Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I give to you in the name of Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth, rise up and walk." "And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength". It's a direct quotation here. Okay. So they're not saying like a metonymy, we're using one word to give a signal to another word, so I don't buy that - buy into that all. In other places, this is a direct quotation, Act 4:9, "If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth whom you crucified, whom Elohim raised from the dead by him, this man stands before you as whole." And so, they were literally saying, "By the name of Yahushua Messiah", direct quotation. And he goes on to say "This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone, nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
So how is that for the importance of names? Right. I mean, names must matter or you wouldn't have said this. Right. No - I'm not judging and say if you use the name Jesus that he didn't save you or whatever, 'cause Yahweh, as many scriptures as there are to talk about what he expects of us, they're just as many that talk about how merciful he is. Especially, if we don't know any better. So I'm not judging. I'm saying, look at how important it is? It must matter. It must be important. And so I don't want to change it. Don't want to alter it. Now the word Hebrew, in the Hebrew the word name, shame, means both literal name written and spoken name one's character. And so, you're speaking like I say, "I come to the in the name peace", so there's a character of peace, characteristic of peace. Yahushua came both literally in his Father's name and in his Father's character. And in my opinion there's no - we have no business changing that at all. And so, yes I do believe we should be baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah. And so, if you have never been baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah and you want to be baptized in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah, I am willing to do so and I know of other brothers who are willing to do that, and all you've got to do, is just contact me, disciple@lea.com and I will do my best to find someone that will baptize you. And if they're not close to you, hopefully if you're dedicated and you're able to, you'll travel land and sea, if necessary to get baptized. I know one brother, he came all the way from Norway to get baptized. Another person came from Germany to get baptized. I know one woman that came to Australia, from Australia to get baptized. I'm not saying you have to, but if, you know, you have the means, it's a very important decision, we want to do it and do it right. So, now another error I believe that goes out there today, is that well you've got to have a long list a qualifications and then you can get baptized. I know one denomination has a two or three questionnaire. You must fill out before they will be willing to that - to baptize you. And so, you've got to fill out the questionnaire, you've got to be willing to adhere to the doctrines of that particular congregation, and so, unless you adhere to those creeds and doctrines, they're not willing to baptize you.
Now, I don't do that. What I see in scripture and what scripture is requiring, is that you have a heart willing to walk in righteousness, to turn away from unrighteousness, to repent to believe in the Messiah Yahushua, the son of Yahweh, and that's all I require of you, no denomination doctrines, no signatures, no agreements, you want to walk out your repentance and faith in Yahweh, I will explain to you what it means to be baptized as I have in this study today. But, all I want to know, do they believe in Yahushua truly, and I - are they committed and repentant in their actions. And so, then I'll ask them, well do you believe that Yahushua is the son of the living Elohim, that through him, through faith and repentance and baptism in this name, you receive full for remission of sins, and if they say yes, I'll say. "All right. I baptize you in the name of Yahushua HaMashiach and I will put them in the water. I do go backwards, because I think that's the most involuntary position for the individual to go, is backwards. I mean if they go forward, they can kind of control their movements, whereas we want Yahushua to be the one to do it, not themselves. They can't make themselves clean. So, if they go into the water and someone puts them in the water and brings them back up, that's a representation of Yahushua bringing them back up. And so, I do baptize people going backwards. Now, there are some people for medical reasons or something or whatever, that we might try to look at another way of doing it, but they have to - I have to stress that it has to be involuntary on their part. So, it has to do with him, it's not about me, it's
about him. And it doesn't matter, does the person have to be an Elder? Not that I know of. I don't see Phillip wasn't necessarily an Elder, yet he was an evangelist and he did baptize people. And so, who did he baptize? It was man named Simon the Sorcerer, Acts Chapter 8 and verse 9, "There's a certain man named Simon who previously practiced sorcery in the city and
claiming that he was someone great.
To whom they all gave heed, from the least to greater, saying 'This man is the great power of Elohim'. And they heeded him a long time because he had astonished them with is sorceries for a long time. But when they believed Phillip as he preached the things concerning the Kingdom of Elohim and the name of Yahushua Messiah, both men and women were baptized. And Simon himself also believed. And when he was baptized, he continued with Phillip and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done. And when Simon saw that through the laying on the apostle's hands, the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying 'Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said to him, your money perished with you because you though that the gift of Elohim could be purchased with money.
You have neither part no portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of Elohim. Repent, therefore of this, your wickedness and pray Elohim, if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you, for I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity. Whoa. This is a man who was allowed to get baptized,
and yet he was poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity. There must not have been a 55 page questionnaire.
He wanted - are you repentant? Are you sincere?" and all the best they could tell you was, --and they baptized him. And his conscience from there is completely up to him. It's what he does. Now, I think he was poisoned by bitterness, 'cause he saw all these men were getting the attention now and we kind of bitter about that. nd so he was bound by that and he wasn't getting the attention anymore. But, he wanted to get the attention, and so he wanted to have this power they had. They thought - he thought it could buy it. And he responded in a very humble way, he says, "Well pray for the things you spoke of will not happen to me." And that was a very humble thing to do. Now, when should someone get baptized?
Should they - how long do you wait? After - you come to believe in Messiah Yahushua and you decide you're going to repent, how much time should transpire before you actually get baptized? Well, let's take a look in the scriptures and see what the early apostles were doing. Acts 9:17, says, "Ananias went his way and entered the house and laying hands on him he said, 'By the psalmist - the master Yashsaic who appeared to you on the road as you came, and sent me that you may receive you sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately there fell from his eye something like scales" and I guess I don't have the rest of that verse. But he immediately was baptized - he got baptized, right away. And so there wasn't any time delay or anything like that. Verse 18 - I'm sorry, that's it - "He rose and was baptized." Sorry I was distracted for a minute there. So he was baptized. Halleujah. Now this is a man that was on the road ready to kill people and blam, met Yahushua, filled with the Spirit, got healed, go baptized, no time to waste. Right? Act 16:31, so they said, "Believe in the Master Yahushua Messiah, and you will be saved you and your household." Then the spoke the word of the Master too, and to all who were in his house, he took them the same hour of the night and watched their stripes, and immediately he and all his family were baptized." Didn't wait around. "When he believed, he got baptized immediately, immediately, he and all his family were baptized." His whole family was. No beating the bush. Next place Acts 22 verse 16, now why are you waiting? "Arise, and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of Yahweh." What you waiting on? Let's get it done. And I have some people listening today who are waiting. Why are you waiting? "Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of Yahweh". If you've repented my brothers and sisters and
you're a believer in Yahushua and you've not been baptized, why are you waiting?
Why do you wait? Why do you tarry? Maybe some of you can't be, you're in another place. Say yeah, well, I don't know if anybody will baptize me in Yahushua's name. Okay, all right, but do what you can do to have it done. And it's important it be done immediately and that's the way they operated in the first century. Now, if you were baptized in the wrong name, you know, maybe you were baptized in the name of Jesus or Father, Son and Holy Spirit or whatever, I'm not saying that you haven't been saved or he doesn't love you, you haven't been accepted or maybe you were Mikvahed instead of not baptized correctly, you just - somehow that had done wrong, self-baptism or whatever, I mean, if I was sprinkled in the name of Yahushua, I would want to go back and do it right. So I can stand before him and say, "All right, I was baptized in your name." So, you know, go back and do it right, that way you can stand before him and say, "Yeah I've been baptized the way you told me to get baptized." Now, what about the age of baptism?
Some say, well you know, you have to, you know, you have to be a certain age, some believe the age is 20. I hope not. I was baptized at the age of 19, but that's the only time I've ever been baptized and I'm now 46 years of age, but what is the age? I believe you're accountable when you know, I mean, you don't have to wait 'til you're 20 to know that murder's wrong and be accountable for that, right. So when you know something's wrong, you're accountable for it. I don't care if you're three or you're 30, if you know it's wrong and you do it anyway, you are accountable for that, for that thing, that wrong. Now, I know that Yahweh chose to have mercy on the children of those who were wicked in the wilderness, I recognize that, and that they were, you know, under authority and they really couldn't make their own decisions and what not. I recognize that and so he had mercy on them, because they were not able to fully do what they felt they wanted to do. But, look what Yahushua said about baptism. John 3:5, he said, "Moshe really I say to you, unless one is born of water, and the spirit, he cannot enter in the kingdom of Elohim.
So, upon hearing this, I say, do what you need to do to get baptized. And I don't care how old you are, I don't care if you're three months or 30 years or whatever, because if you're - if you have children, I do believe in baptizing children. I know that's very controversial, because you know, some people hold to the age of accountability idea, but I say, if you have to born to enter, I
want to make sure my children will enter. You know, I don't want to wait. Everything else, every other act of obedience, I
cause them to do when they're little. I cause them to stop lying. I cause them observe the Sabbath. I cause them to honor their parents. I cause them to do all these things. And so, a baptism is just an act of obedience, one of the firs things that a person would do, then why wait? I'm going to cause them to be baptized. And if they later on, choose to be - to agree with that baptism and fine. Hallelujah. That's my hope, but the evidence for me, is, you know, we have -- the whole family's getting baptized, we see that here in Acts 16, "He and all his family, every single one of them, were all baptized", I presume, there would have been children there as part of his family. So, I don't wait. If someone wants me to baptize their child, I don't care how old they are, I will - I want them to be borne of water and the spirit and I will baptize them. So, that's what I'd do. I know it's controversial. So, it's important. It's important that we get baptized. We want to be borne of the water and the spirit and we want to block out obedience to Yahweh's word. We are the ones who are afar off, all who are afar off. And we want the promise of the Holy Spirit, right. We want Yahweh's spirit to dwell in us. And I know that actually that Yahweh can send a spirit before one's baptized. We see an example of that with Cornelius, "The Holy Spirit came upon him the minute they believed. But, you know, we need, as Moses' sister's in the faith, we need to be baptized. And so, now, the very key things that we need to
understand, as believers, is repentance, and faith
in the Messiah Yahushua, and once we have those things, we understand those things, we can be baptized. Now, you know, someone says, "Well what about children, they can't repent?" You know, yes they can. I know babies maybe can't, but in the sense that they need to be borne of water, I'm not going to hold them back either. I'm going to say, "Let them in." If a little child wants to be baptized, let me ask you a question, it says here, pardon me, if the
son asks for bread from any father among you, will you give him a stone? If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? If he asks for an egg, will you offer him a scorpion? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much will your Heavenly Father give to the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Right. And we also know, Yahushua says, "Let the little children come to me and forbid them not of such is the kingdom of heaven." So I'm going to let the little children come to him. I'm not going to turn them away, say no, you're not old enough. So Yahweh wants to pour out his Holy Spirit upon
you. He wants that Holy Spirit to fill you, the Spirit of Truth. Yahushua says, "If you love me keep my commandments and I will pray to the Father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Truth, and the world cannot receive because it neither sees him or knows him, but you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." Beautiful words by our Master here.
So he's willing to lead you by His Spirit. You need to seek it. You need to walk it. You need to live it. In baptism we're saying, "I'm willing to receive it." Yahushua says, "I have still many things to say to you, but you cannot bare them now", John 16:12, "however when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak of his own authority, wherever he hears, he will speak, he will tell you the things to come. He will glorify me. He will take up what is mine and declare it to you. Hallelujah. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all things I said to you." The Spirit reminds us of the word of Yahweh. The scripture says, "The mercy of Yahweh is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him and his righteousness, his righteousness, to children's children, grandchildren. "To such as keep his covenant to those who remember his commandments to do them."
Psalm 30, verse 4, says, "Sing praises to Yahweh, you his saints and give thanks to his Holy Name for his anger is but for a moment, his grace, his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may last through the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning." Hallelujah. That's the change we were looking for, in the morning, the morning compared in scripture to the resurrection. "When our suffering and weeping in the darkness of this age will cease, and a shout of joy comes and the new age dawns. I say, we live out like changed men now." Let's live out that changed life now.
Where the old man has died and the new man, Yahushua is dwelling in us and by that the Kingdom of Elohim is manifested as we manifest the life of Yahushua. Let's endeavor to make our calling short, allowing Yahushua to live in his fullness, walking as he walked, keeping the Tora as he did, manifesting his life on the earth, as the old man dies and we put on the Messiah Yahushua. Let's do that and let's pray.
Oh Father Yahweh, thank you Father Yahweh, for this concept that you've given us of baptism that's beautiful, beautiful word Father from the scriptures and the promise that you give us. I pray that each and every person within the sound of my voice will, will take this word about the death of the old man and the new man, Yahushua living in us and let that empower them. Empower them to overcomers, to know they are not enslaved to sin, they are set free by the body of Messiah, the body of sin is done away with and a new man, Yahushua, the Messiah living in us
has taken his place. All pictured in baptism. And Father if there any who are needing baptism who cannot be baptized for one reason or another, we pray Father Yahweh you would open up the door for that to take place, it's so important, that we do what your word has said. And those who are willing to make sacrifices and make long trips or whatever they need to do to come and be baptized in Yahushua's name. I pray that you would honor their faith that you remember them, and that you would pour out upon them an extra measure of your Holy Spirit that your name might be glorified above all names.
But truly yours is the Kingdom, the Power and Glory, forever and ever. All praise, honor, and worship belongs to you, Yahweh our Mighty one, Yahweh Elohim, forever and ever in Yahushua's great name, we pray. Amein.