Promises of Yahweh – Part 4
02/01/25 (12/02) Video Broadcast
1. What were the “ten times” that the children of Israel put Yahweh to the test?
2. How is Yahweh’s mercy, grace, longsuffering and compassion related to His name?
3. What is the true meaning of Iniquity?
4. What is the true meaning of Transgression?
5. What is the true meaning of Sin?
6. What is the true meaning of Mercy?
7. What is the true meaning of Grace?
8. What is the true meaning of Longsuffering?
9. What is the true meaning of Goodness?
10. What is the true meaning of Truth?
11. Is there any truth to the notion that we are now in the “age of grace?”
12. How can a prayer of Moshe (Moses) be a wonderful pattern for any of us who struggle with believing that Yahweh is willing to forgive us?
Video Transcript
This is a direct transcript of a teaching that was presented via video. Due to the fact that we often speak differently than we write, the written text may not flow and/or sound strange in some places. There may also be grammatical errors and unintended mistakes. It is encouraged that you to watch the video to complement this written transcript.